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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 315 Earth OnLine (10)

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    When Ling Chen dealt with reforms and strengthened his own power, he certainly did not forget to improve his own strength. The body itself had nothing to improve. No matter how much it was strengthened, it was just a shell of flesh and blood. Neither his world nor this original world could.  More than steel.  Only the power of spirit, the great power hidden deep in the bottom of matter, can truly belong to him. In his memory, when the power of one person is at its strongest, that is, in the world he once experienced, in the Age of Heroes, he  Transforming into a divine dragon, doing whatever he wants - horizontally and vertically, is the ultimate expression of one's personal power.  But there are very few worlds like that. In most worlds, spiritual power cannot be used freely. They are restricted by both the world and the ship of civilization, and they all need to rely on the power of everyone.  Originally, all those with authority, including him, could not use power freely. They relied on the authority of the Civilization Boat to mobilize spiritual power and perform various magic and miracles by changing matter.  Now that he has come to the original world, the Civilization Boat seems to have some kind of plan and taught him how to accumulate spiritual power. But so far, Lingchen can only use it in the City of Dawn, using the Civilization Boat to attack the Dawn City server.  transformation to use his spiritual power.  As for completely escaping from the scope of the ship of civilization and truly using spiritual power, he looked back on his past experiences and it seems that he has never left the ship of civilization once. Although he used spiritual power many times in the previous world, he did not escape from the ship of civilization.  scope.  Now in the original world, whether it is to introduce people's spiritual consciousness into the City of Dawn, or to strip away other people's memories in the City of Dawn.  None of them have escaped the scope of the ship of civilization.  After coming to the original world.  More than thirty years have passed.  He is trying to truly master spiritual power all the time, but there has been no real progress. Even if the Civilization Ship helped him transform the City of Dawn server into the form of a ring, he was freed from energy constraints and could simply rely on the collection and accumulation of spiritual power.  , can form a virtual world of its own.  On the one hand, Ling Chen controlled the reform remotely, and on the other hand, he focused his main energy on in-depth research on the City of Dawn.  Finally, in recent times, with the strength of the soul itself, opportunities have finally begun to be discovered.  It turns out that the Civilization Boat asked him to temper his soul before, telling him that the soul is the container of spiritual power, and it needs to continue to be tempered until it can resist the material rules of this original world, then it can discover the existence of spiritual power and collect them.  Now Ling Chen is using the City of Dawn to collect spiritual power and then temper his soul until these decades have passed.  Relying on the trickle of water and accumulating day by day.  He finally touched the threshold.  On this day, Ling Chen was in the City of Dawn, immersing his soul consciousness in the ocean of gathered spiritual power. This was a situation simulated by the server, and he did not know what form the spiritual power would take after it was gathered.  This is his daily homework. Every day, the City of Dawn absorbs the spiritual power from the players who enter the Taixu Illusion Realm. Over time, after excluding daily consumption, the accumulated energy gathers into this piece of spiritual power.  ocean.  According to Ling Chen¡¯s estimation, this ocean is at least equivalent to the hundreds of millions of spiritual power units of the original civilization. This is the result of decades of accumulation.  Of course, Ling Chen's own soul couldn't hold such a large number at all. He estimated that he could hold at most several thousand units of spiritual power, and he could control up to a million units at a time. With the help of the discoverer's authority, he had used the power of civilization to control at most.  Boat calls are similar.  It took decades of hard work for him to reach his original heights. It can be seen that accumulation is slow based on his own efforts alone.  Naturally, all these powers belong to him, and he can deploy them freely, but now they can only be used in the City of Dawn, or in other words, through the City of Dawn.  There are hundreds of millions of spiritual power units in the sky, but they cannot push a stone or break a grass seedling.  Ling Chen's way of tempering his soul every day is very simple, which is to constantly rely on the ocean of spiritual power to wash away his soul, slowly enhance the resistance of the soul, and at the same time remove impurities in it to purify the soul and improve it.  Soul quality.  According to his own appraisal of himself, compared to when he first came to this original world, his spiritual potential has doubled on the current basis. Counting the initial absorption of another self's soul fragment, he has reached  Doubled soul strength, now his soul strength has reached six times the original natural soul strength.  Today, when he finished his homework again and returned to the real world, he opened his eyes and suddenly found that the whole world had changed.  "This, this is" Despite his toughness of mind, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.  When he felt thirsty and picked up a cup, he lowered his head and saw that he could see infinitely without the help of light particles.From the reflection of particles, from the smooth surface, he saw the existence of "molecules" and "atoms", and then deeper "electrons", "protons", "quarks", and finally "strings".  "String" is a short segment of "energy line" occupying two-dimensional space and time. It makes up all the basic particles and plays the most behind-the-scenes controller in the history of human science, determining the rise and fall of each theory.  When you see the essence, you have the power.  Ling Chen felt something in his heart, and the inspiration came so suddenly. As soon as he thought about it, he saw that the short section of string he "saw" was twisted, and the original nature of a related basic particle was changed.  The change of just one particle can only cause changes in the microscopic world, and it is quickly neutralized by the endless elementary particles around it.  But Ling Chen continued to operate. He mobilized his mental power instantly and saw that countless basic particles were changed instantly.  Finally, relevant changes occurred in the macroscopic world. The surface of the cup seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, shining brightly. No, it should be said that the cup and gold were accompanied by each other, because they were tightly combined from the basic particles.  On.  "Finally, we've come this far," he couldn't help but moisten his eyes. All the sacrifices and persistence in the past have meaning at this moment. The door to the greatest mystery of natural creation has been opened to him. He will truly master the world on his own.  The power of material technology.  ¡­ When Ling Chen moved the strings of matter with his spiritual power in the real world, in the endless void, the Lord of Desire Realm had already sensed all this.  "As expected of the body I chose, it actually began to grasp the nature of reality and reality on its own. One of the countless imaginary hypotheses of human beings has finally come true." He sighed, and then spoke to the Buddha in front of him who had always closed his eyes.  .  "World Honored One, finally some mortals have begun to find out the changes between reality and reality in the source of reality. Although our power is boundless, we are all evolved by the thoughts of mortals and cannot create or update. Only these mortals in the real world can continue to evolve.  "Explore forward" "Well, it is indeed rare to understand the change of reality and reality, but when he reaches the end, he realizes that everything has become empty. No matter the universe comes and goes, it is ultimately nothing," the Buddha said, with regret in his tone.  .  The Lord of the Realm of Desire is also helpless. He and the Buddha are two extreme opposites formed by human thoughts in the depths of space. One is full of desires, including all human desires, and has fallen into evil. The other is extremely empty.  Nothing can move his heart without thinking, but it contains the great compassion and great will of human thoughts. The only one he can speak to is the Buddha. There are countless species in other voids, but they are not human thoughts.  The transformation is not something that can be communicated with.  "World Honored One, your wisdom is profound and contains the highest wisdom of billions of sentient beings. Is it true that everything is empty in the end as you said?" said the Lord of Desire Realm.  "I have already said that what we are thinking now are all the illusions of the thoughts of billions of sentient beings. My insistence that all things return to emptiness is just a terrifying thought deep in the thoughts of billions of sentient beings, because no one can live forever.  "No one knows what the world will be like after death. All things will eventually become empty. This is their deepest thought now." "If this person can reach the end, will the World Honored One also change his mind?" said the Lord of Desire Realm.  "Of course." Buddha replied.  "The World Honored One once told me that if I want to be reborn in the real world, I must find a body to carry my boundless desires. I have chosen this person. I wonder how the World Honored One will treat me?" the Lord of Desire Realm will ask.  His words naturally have his purpose. If Ling Chen's behavior was not enough to touch the Buddha before, now the other party's behavior has reached the point where it can change the Buddha's thoughts. He cannot guarantee that the other party will continue to tolerate him.  "Of course I want to stop you." "As expected, then we have to fight again," the Lord of Desire Realm said.  (To be continued)
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