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Spaceship Ruins Chapter 288 Dispute (Part 1)

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    "This kind of surgery is very difficult and has a great impact. I'm afraid our hospital cannot openly cooperate with your group, but we can promise that once there is a suitable surgical candidate, we will provide you with the information. Of course, this  It is free of charge. We can also ask the clinician to explain a little bit to the patient. After all, although this kind of surgery goes against general ethics, it is also an effective cure. As long as the patient and family members agree to the surgery, you can do it.  "They transferred them to another hospital." After the director of Sanhe Hospital heard this, he, as an insider, certainly understood what brain replacement surgery meant, and he was also secretly shocked by the courage of this medical group.  .  .  In the last century, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, scientists from the two countries competed with each other to challenge this difficult operation. Later, they fell silent due to the pressure of public opinion. Unexpectedly, this company has begun to explore again, and from the other side's  From the description, it is obvious that the other party's technology has now reached a new level.  ¡°However, he knew very well how deep the water was. Although the state did not explicitly prohibit it, it was suspected of directly murdering patients. Even if he could exploit loopholes in current domestic laws, it would still be extremely risky.  Not to mention anything else, once the patient's family as the recipient regrets and files a claim, it will be a struggle. He doesn't know how the other party will settle it. Anyway, he himself is often troubled by the disputes caused by normal operations, so how can he dare to put his foot in it?  In this troubled water.  For the sake of the special medicine provided by the other party, he thought it would be better to say a few more words to avoid the other party taking detours.  "Mr. Mu, you should pay more attention to the patient's family. If you are provoked by some people, it may bring unnecessary losses to your company. You know, there are many people who do not accept the agreements signed.  After all, you are running a company and have higher requirements on reputation." "We will naturally pay attention to this. Thank you, Dean Zheng, for your kind reminder. I wish us happy cooperation in the future." The two talked about some other topics, and Mu Xin left.  .  He still has many hospitals to negotiate.  Dean Zheng looked at the other party's leaving figure, shook his head, and sighed. Of course he could see the great value of this kind of surgery, but this is the way this era is. If you want to do something practical, you always have to take risks.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­ When Muxin kept contacting the new hospital to get more samples for experiments, some disputes slowly emerged as Director Zheng expected.  The first person to successfully perform a brain transplant experiment.  The patient named He survived, but he occupied the body of the original patient named Zhao.  After several months of recovery, he has slowly moved around and no longer suffers from the pain he suffered day and night. This is the greatest news for him.  However, some people are satisfied and some are not.  Regarding the issue of his true identity, the two families have never reached an agreement. From a legal sense, Mr. He¡¯s social identity should be Mr. Zhao. After all, his ID card and DNA can only be Mr. Zhao.  However, his own consciousness and memory clearly remembered that his surname should be He. However, after he was discharged from the hospital, when he returned to the He family, most of the relatives of the He family did not dare to recognize him and cut off all contact with their family.  His biological son doesn't think this man is his father. After all, his son is only 6 years old. He has not read a lot of science fiction and time-travel novels, and he has not yet accepted the fact that his father has changed his body.  ¡°If his son were older and had been exposed to Internet literature, he would be more likely to accept the consequences of this kind of science fiction surgery, but that¡¯s not the case now.  As expected, the two families fell into a strange social and ethical circle at first. Although Mr. He's health improved, other problems became more serious.  Of course Mr. He insists that his surname is He, but now he is faced with the fact that his original social relations no longer recognize him. Only his wife can still rely on the familiarity and memory of words to identify him as her husband, and even his old father  , and did not dare to recognize that this was his son. In fact, he almost scared the old man to death.  This kind of surgery can still challenge the psychological bottom line of many people.  Relatively speaking, Mr. Zhao's family quickly got out of this vicious cycle and no longer persisted. In fact, Mr. Zhao was dead, and they slowly accepted this fact. After all, the terminal malignant brain tumor had long been incurable.  Now, someone has helped them clear their medical expenses, which has solved a big problem for them. They no longer care about who Mr. He thinks he is.  But Mr. He cannot return to his original social relationship. It is fine to say that he still has a few years of good life. However, after several examinations by doctors, he found that the prognosis is quite good. As long as he keeps up with diet and exercise, although there will be  Some minor sequelae appear, but generally they can survive like normal people. The only thing that needs attention is that it is necessary to regularly check whether there are any remaining tumors in the brain. After all,??It turns out that Mr. Zhao had a malignant tumor in his skull. Although a comprehensive brain tissue resection was performed to remove the malignant tumor together with the normal tissue, we must always pay attention to whether there are any remaining cancer cells or metastasis.  In addition, other rejection reactions are almost non-existent. The brain is not within the jurisdiction of the human immune rejection system. For example, corneal transplant surgery is because the eyes are close to the brain, so rejection reactions are very rare. The success rate of the surgery is basically 10%.  Very high.  "No, I have to have plastic surgery." Mr. He discussed it with his wife. This is the most reliable method at present. Otherwise, unless he doesn't want his son, the old man, and the original social relationship,  Start from elsewhere, but how to solve his identity? The original ID card is definitely useless, and the Zhao family will not allow him to use Mr. Zhao's ID card. After all, Mr. Zhao still has some property.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­ ¡°What kind of plastic surgery?¡± This was the request that the doctors at Shenkang Hospital heard. They quickly shook their heads and refused. It was a joke. This body had just undergone such a major operation and was still in the recovery period. The cardiopulmonary function had recovered.  It's not good yet, so how can I have another surgery?  "It's impossible in the short term. It will take at least two to three years, with the recovery of neurological function and the gradual improvement of the body, before we can consider it, and it is best not to do it. This body is not suitable for more surgeries.  Otherwise, the originally good prognosis will lead to bad results due to complications caused by plastic surgery.¡± Although Mr. He was not satisfied with the doctor¡¯s reply, he also understood that the doctors had tried their best, and he was not ungrateful after all.  Man, he still remembers the pain in his body deeply. Now he thinks about the pain that can be relieved, but there is a price.  "Then I am really a new student, okay, but what should I do with my identity? I am now the face of Mr. Zhao, and the original ID card cannot be used. Doctor, can you please provide a certificate to medically certify me?  Or is your surname He?" He thought about this problem again, and he had no way to solve it himself.  "This is also very difficult. To be honest, the state does not rely on your memory and consciousness to determine a person's identity, but on actual evidence such as fingerprints, DNA, and appearance. So even if you go to public agencies now, they will  I will only treat you as Mr. Zhao. I think your best way out is to discuss with the original Mr. Zhao¡¯s family and ask for his ID card. Of course, you must first sign a property transfer agreement and give up the original Mr. Zhao.  Real estate and other valuable assets, and then move them away from their household registration, and use the other person¡¯s ID card to live again. This is the best advice we can give you.¡± This doctor has also been trained, and of course it is not a temporary answer.  , in fact, before the operation, we considered how to adjust the patient's identity after he recovered well.  "Hey, this is indeed the only way, but I hope the doctor can help persuade me." Upon hearing this, Mr. He realized that this was indeed the only way.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ But not all samples are as reasonable as Mr. He. There are always some people who want to take advantage of the loopholes.  This experimental sample No. 045 is such a person. He was originally a high-level paraplegic due to a car accident. He was completely paralyzed from the neck down. He has been lying in the hospital for half a year. Moreover, his family has ignored him and has not paid the medical bills he owes.  Ling Chen needs such experimental samples, so the hospital is naturally willing to quickly transfer the burden. No one will bear his medical expenses, and since he cannot be discharged from the hospital, it is difficult for the hospital to just throw them away.  And his receptor was also a person who was involved in a car accident, but this person was fine but suffered a heavy blow on the head. He was sent to Dongfang Shenkang Hospital for rescue at that time. He soon became brain dead, but his heartbeat and breathing were still alive.  In maintenance.  The hospital spent a lot of effort to get the family to agree to the brain transplant, and the operation was quite successful.  However, this No. 045 played a trick. He actually pretended to be the brain-dead patient, took out millions from the other party's home, sold a house, and then ran away. When the police found him,  He had squandered all the money on food, drink, prostitution and gambling in just six months.  But according to the law, the crime cannot be punished. Now that¡¯s better, the family immediately took the hospital to court.  (To be continued)
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