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Mingjiang River Basin Chapter 135: Blue Water Peak

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    Hong Jun recovered from the dizziness again. When he saw the situation around him clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.  The peaks are isolated and shrouded in clouds and mist.  He found that he was standing on the top of a lonely peak of unknown height. His eyes were covered by large clouds and fog, making it difficult to see the scene in the distance.  Lowering his head and taking a closer look, he saw that there was indeed a teleportation formation under his feet. It was about ten feet in diameter, and the hard rock ground was covered with complicated formation patterns. Because he had just teleported over, the light of the formation gradually weakened, and recovered after a few breaths.  calm.  "What is this place?" Hong Jun was confused. He knew that the ancestor of Heiming would be chasing after him, so he teleported four times in a row, each time farther than the last.  There are several destination options for each teleportation, ranging from five or six to two or three. In order to rush for time, Hong Jun chooses randomly without looking at the direction or distance. Everywhere he goes, he drops enough  The spiritual stone was teleported again, without even taking a serious look at the situation near the teleportation array.  The first three transmissions went very smoothly, but after the fourth transmission, the result was here.  "Blue Water Pill Peak!" Hong Jun remembered the name of the place he saw when he chose the destination before teleportation. He raised his perception to the limit and searched intently. He did not find any trace of the monks. He could only vaguely hear the sound of water coming from the foot of the mountain.  .  Walking to the edge of the cliff outside the teleportation array, Hong Jun looked down and found that this solitary peak was about 300 feet high. Most of the mountain was exposed rock mass. The whole mountain seemed to be a huge rock. I don¡¯t know what the experience was.  After millions of years of wind and sun, water and rain erosion, the mountain surface is a mixture of black and green. The surface of the mountain is covered with a layer of lush vegetation. The slope is gentle on three sides, and the remaining side is almost perpendicular to the ground, as steep as a cliff.  At the foot of the mountain on one side of the cliff is a green stream, which does not look deep but has gurgling water.  There is no end in sight and no one knows where it leads.  Hong Jun returned to the teleportation array, lowered his head to study for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly.  Although he didn¡¯t understand the formation at all, he could still tell that this was obviously a one-way teleportation formation that could only be teleported over.  But it couldn't be teleported back, there wasn't even a monk guarding it, and there was no option to teleport elsewhere like the teleportation array we had experienced before.  "Is it possible that the Ancestor Heiming is chasing after him?" Hong Jun's heart tightened and he turned around to look around. This place was empty and unobstructed for the Zifu period monks, but to him it was a desperate place.  With the speed of the Zifu period monks, they could easily catch up within a hundred miles.  "There have been so many teleportations before, and each time there are different options. Ancestor Heiming shouldn't be so powerful. He can even guess where I will teleport to, right?" Hong Jun thought quickly: "Ancestor Heiming is the only one.  The best way is to roughly judge my teleportation distance by how much spiritual stones are consumed each time. However, there are many places where the teleportation distance is the same. He cannot guess it every time, and he has to search for it one by one.  It is possible to teleport here. " "Every time he teleports, the chance of Hei Ming finding me drops to one or two percent. After three times, the possibility of him chasing me directly is less than one percent." "  "One, but it's not completely impossible to happen" Hong Jun breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't completely rest assured.  In short, it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he immediately released the willow shuttle and flew away, choosing a random direction to leave.  While flying away at full speed, Hong Jun silently used the Taixu Shapeshifting Technique. In a few breaths, he changed his appearance and turned into a young monk in his thirties, with an unattractive appearance.  After putting on a green shirt, his cultivation aura dropped to about the fourth level, which was comparable to his true strength, not much different.  "It should be safe now." Hong Jun said secretly.  At this time, he flew out of the range shrouded in clouds and mist, and his eyes suddenly opened up, with green mountains and green waters displayed in front of him.  Above the boundless green water, strange peaks and solitary mountains stand. Most of these peaks are made of rocks, high or low, and most of them are no more than a thousand feet high. The mountains are strangely shaped and covered with flowers, plants and trees.  Surrounded by green water at the foot of the mountain, it is a beautiful scenery with clear water and beautiful mountains.  Some of these strange peaks are very close, almost connected together, while others are miles apart. If you don't know how to fly, if you want to get from one mountain to another, you can only swim across the crystal clear stream.  Countless birds and beasts live in this landscape, flying in the sky and swimming in the water. Among them are many powerful monsters. They are either basking in the sun on the beach by the stream or sleeping in nests in the mountains.  , carefree, like a fairyland on earth.  When some birds saw Hong Jun flying by, they would curiously catch up and watch, not afraid of him at all.  Hong Jun flew hundreds of miles in one breath. Everywhere he saw was this landscape of strange peaks and green water. He couldn't help but fly to a high place and look far into the distance. Within his field of vision, there were endless blue waves and green peaks.?It seems endless.  ¡°Bishui Danfeng is indeed worthy of its reputation!¡± Hong Jun exclaimed sincerely.  However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will feel bored after looking at it for a long time. After Hong Jun flew thousands of miles, he found that all he could see was still green mountains and green waters, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.  If it weren't for his photographic memory, looking at the similar scenes in front of him, he would wonder if he was lost and kept wandering in the same place.  Hong Jun looked up at the sky and saw that it was almost evening. He checked the direction and continued flying forward.  After the sun set, darkness shrouded Hong Jun. He flew across the sky at high speed and flew hundreds of miles. When he was bored, he found a stone peak more than 2,000 feet high appearing in front of him. It looked like a crawling head in the dark night.  The giant beast on earth!  It was rare to see such a towering mountain peak among the clear water peaks. He accelerated his approach and soon saw a fire gathering at the foot of the mountain, and faint voices could be heard coming from the wind.  "Finally there is a human habitation!" Hong Jun was slightly happy, but he did not act impulsively. Instead, he concealed himself and slowed down and approached the foot of the mountain.  He could see at night, and after observing from a few hundred feet away, he found that this was a mortal village built on a mountain, with water on three sides, and a population of no more than 10,000. There were many bamboo rafts parked outside the village. It was obvious that these mortals relied on fishing and hunting to make a living.  born. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off????  "Ask these people, maybe you can find out something useful." Hong Jun removed the invisibility charm, activated the willow shuttle, deliberately brightened the shuttle's light, and turned it into a green stream of light and flew towards the village.  As soon as he appeared, a series of screams rang out in the village, and then started boiling like boiling water, and everyone in the village was alarmed.  Flying over the mountain village, Hong Jun put away his shuttle and stood in the air, overlooking the entire mountain village from a high position.  Under his feet was an open space paved with pebbles. It didn't take long before it was crowded with hundreds of bold mortals, men and women. Some were kneeling on the ground, looking up at Hong Jun in awe, and mumbling something.  , some raised their heads and looked directly at Hong Jun, with both fear and excitement in their eyes.  Hong Jun frowned slightly, realizing that he didn't understand the language.  ??The language spoken by these humans should be a local dialect, which is completely different from the language of the humans in the Mingjiang River Basin. There is not a single word similar to it.  At this time, an old man, surrounded by a group of young and strong men, lined up the crowd and walked to the front.  Hong Jun saw that his clothes were better than others and he was sixty or seventy years old. The humans around him all bowed respectfully when they saw him. He must have been the leader of the village or someone like Mr. Su.  The old man raised his hand to silence everyone, then bowed three times and kowtowed to Hong Jun, and said a word of respect.  He still spoke in dialect, and Hong Jun shook his head to express that he didn't understand.  He said in the human language of the Mingjiang River Basin: "Can you understand what I said?" The old man looked confused, obviously not understanding what Hong Jun said at all.  Hong Jun had a headache and was about to leave when he saw the old man suddenly dancing and gesticulating, sometimes patting his chest to represent himself, sometimes pointing to Hong Jun, and sometimes pointing to the horizon, mumbling words to cooperate.  It seemed to be conveying some message to Hong Jun.  "Huh?" Hong Jun vaguely guessed what the old man meant.  The old man saw that Hong Jun's eyes were always on him, and he immediately worked harder. When he finished the second time, Hong Jun had roughly understood what he wanted to say.  What the old man means is that he has lived here for decades, and every year he can see immortals like Hong Jun passing by in the sky, all from west to east. Occasionally, a few come down to the village to ask questions. He always uses gestures.  Answer and let the immortal who asked for directions fly eastward.  "From west to east." Hong Jun nodded, feeling enlightened, and said to himself: "I chose a random direction before, and it was to the east. It seems that my luck is pretty good. I should be able to meet other monks if I go east."  Hong Jun got the answer and without any further delay, he took out a bottle of grass elixir that could heal wounds and remove poison and threw it to the old man. Regardless of the old man's ecstatic thanks, he flew straight up into the sky and headed east.  In the next two days, Hong Jun traveled eastward and discovered several places where mortals lived. They all built strongholds at the base of extremely high mountain peaks and made a living by fishing and hunting.  Compared with the Mingjiang River Basin, the number of mortals here is so small that it is almost negligible. Since there is no land, we can only paddle slowly on the water. The distance between each village is often hundreds or thousands of miles, so there are very few villages between them.  connect.  Each village can support itself by relying on the surrounding mountains and rivers, and there is no need to communicate with each other for business. Each village is an independent society, develops different languages, and does not have the conditions to form a larger country.    ¡°With such a rare human race and a weak population base, it¡¯s no wonder that even monks are hard to meet. It¡¯s a pity that we have such beautiful mountains and rivers.¡± Hong Jun guessed in his mind, ¡°If there is a sect in this clear water peak, it will definitely recruit disciples.  It¡¯s very difficult. We have to look for it in other populated places.¡± While thinking about it, Hong Jun¡¯s eyes flashed and he immediately turned around to see a ray of red light crossing the sky on the right to see its direction.  , should be coming from the south and going east.
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