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Text Chapter 645 If others can do it, you can do it too!

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    The origin of the universe, the origin fruit, the origin pearl!  There must be a certain relationship between these three people, but Ling Tianao cannot understand or figure out the relationship between these three people at this time. The only thing he can think of is that there is definitely an inseparable relationship between these three people.  key!  "Ling'er, is the Origin Bead the key to controlling a certain plane? And the Origin Bead has an absolute relationship with the origin of the universe and the Origin Fruit?" Ling Tianao couldn't figure it out, so he could only ask Ling'er.  "Master, this Ling'er can't answer. The only thing I know is that the origin of the universe is the key to controlling this universe. The origin bead is the key to controlling every single plane. As for the origin fruit, it is the key to connect the origin of the universe and the origin bead! But  What is the connection between the three, Ling'er can't answer!" After hearing Ling Tian'ao's words, Ling'er still answered seriously and responsibly.  After hearing this, Ling Tianao frowned deeply. He knew a lot about the system, and could even be said to be omniscient and omnipotent, but once it came to the world of the domain, the origin of the universe, and other key issues  , the system doesn¡¯t know. Are these things related to the Tian Taoist who created the system? Because these things were things that Taoist Tian did not come into contact with that day, so he didn¡¯t know about them, so they were not input into the system, so the system  Don¡¯t know either!  But according to what the system just said, as long as you conquer the world of domains, you can have control of the system. But what exactly is in this world of domains? I'm afraid Ling'er doesn't know that he is the only one who opened the world of domains.  after.  Only after entering the world of domain can you know what exactly exists in this world of domain!  "Ling'er, you used to know in advance the enemies you were about to face in the next world. Why don't you know about this world?" Thinking about it, Ling Tianao still felt strange, so he turned to look at Ling'er.  "Master, Ling'er knows nothing about the world of domains. Ling'er knows about other worlds because they were set by a Taoist that day. I can check them through the settings, but this world of domains has no settings at all. So.  It is also impossible to query. But Ling'er can tell the master seriously that the world of domain is very dangerous. The system has repeatedly reminded the host not to enter the world of domain before he has absolute strength. This is enough to see how dangerous the world of domain is!  It¡¯s still the same thing. When the master is not strong enough, you must not enter the world of the domain, even if the world of the domain has been opened!¡± Ling¡¯er could tell that Ling Tianao really wanted to open the world of the domain.  Even entering the world of domains, so Ling'er reminded him seriously.  "But Ling'er, this domain world has blocked so many things, blocked the right to control the system, blocked the right to control thousands of planes, this is equivalent to limiting a lot of my strength. If I can enter the domain  Before entering the world, I have the right to control all planes, so I will have more confidence after entering the world of domains! "The right to control all planes that Ling Tian'ao talks about here is not the ability to control resources as it is now, but the right to control resources.  Being able to truly control the plane, just like the control of the origin of the universe, the right to control not only the resources, but also the right of life and death, the right to let him live and he will live, and the right to let him die and he will die!  What is needed is the same ability as the origin of the universe, and Ling Tian'ao believes that the system has the ability to do it. Maybe Ling Tian'ao didn't believe that the system has such a strong strength before, but at this time, Ling Tian'ao has enough reasons to believe it!  The power of the world in the first domain and the things introduced by the second Ling'er are all related to the origin of the universe, and the system was originally set up to break through the origin of the universe. If there is no confidence, it will not cause the origin of the universe.  The destruction of the origin is just like when a person's strength is not strong enough, the origin of the universe will not pay attention to you at all, let alone launch a catastrophe for you. Therefore, since it can let the origin of the universe launch a tribulation to destroy you, then  It proves that your strength is enough to threaten him, or even surpass him, and you will attract his attention!  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT off, the Tian Dao people created the plane conquest system, which attracted the attention of the origin of the universe, so they launched a catastrophe to destroy him, so it also proved the power of this system!  Therefore, Ling Tianao believes in the ability of this system at this time, and even more believes in Ling'er's words. The system can break through the origin of the universe and can completely control thousands of planes. The most important thing is also a must.  That is, he needs to conquer the world of domains, and the world of domains is completely unknown. Not even Ling'er knows about it, and there is no record of it in the system!  This makes Ling Tianao very distressed. The system only warns you not to easily open the world of domains before you have absolute strength. So what is this absolute strength?  True immortal?  Immortal?  Tai Chi Immortal?  Tai Chi sage?  This absolute strength is too general,I can't let myself determine whether I have the strength to enter the world of domain!  However, Ling Tianao was not going to continue to waste time on this. Since he couldn't figure it out and no one could answer it, he went to see what kind of sacred existence this world of domains was. If he wanted to open the world of domains, he would  It's very simple, that is, by conquering the remaining less than thirty worlds of cultivation, you can open the world of domains, and you can enter the world of domains!  But a problem has arisen, that is, it is very simple for him to conquer the world of cultivation now, but he wants to expand his strength, and the fastest and most convenient way to expand his strength is to directly win the First Immortal World, and the First Immortal World  Now in the All Saints Continent, and this All Saints Continent happens to be in the remaining thirty worlds of cultivation, so Ling Tianao cannot use the previous method to conquer this All Saints Continent, he must get the first Immortal World  After taking control, go and conquer the Halloween Continent!  Although he was eager to enter the world of domains, he had to stop. There were too many things that he needed to deal with and prepare for. He had to be prepared to enter the world of domains, and he had to be prepared to resist the catastrophe.  Anyway, he must be prepared for everything!  "Ling'er, I remember you said before that I can't bring vassals into the world of domain, right?" Suddenly, a very important question came to mind, and Ling Tianao asked!  "In principle, it can be said, but if the host insists on bringing the vassal into the world of the domain, it is also okay. After all, this system is to serve the host. But there is one thing. If the host brings the vassal into the world of the domain, if it is successfully conquered, then the vassal will  It still exists and will become very powerful. On the contrary, if the host fails to conquer, the vassal brought in will be dead and there will be no possibility of rebirth." Ling'er became calmer after hearing Ling Tian'ao's words!  nod.  However, after hearing this, Ling Tianao became uneasy. If he could not conquer, he would be dead!  He was no longer calm at this moment. He didn¡¯t understand how powerful the world of this domain was, so the vassal he brought in if he wanted to conquer it must be the most powerful vassal. It would be okay if he conquered it, as Ling¡¯er said  The improvement of vassals is also great, but if they fail, these vassals will die. The ones brought in are the strongest vassals, so Ling Tianao is naturally reluctant to let them die!  So this problem is an infinite loop, and he has to give up a little bit, but if there comes a day when he needs to make this difficult decision, he will definitely choose to enter alone instead of being a vassal. After all, this is a gamble on his life.  , Ling Tianao is not afraid of risking his life, because if he does not conquer the system, he will have nothing!  And along the way, he didn't know how many times he was gambling on his life. If he didn't work hard, he might not be able to get where he is now, so this is what he is least afraid of!  Smiling slightly, Ling Tianao suddenly felt a lot more cheerful. At least in his opinion, many things had been understood. The catastrophe didn't seem so terrible anymore. Chi Xuelian might be able to withstand the catastrophe on the first day.  Second, this system can withstand natural disasters, so in this way, he is not so afraid of natural disasters!  When he first came into contact with the Heavenly Tribulation, he got the news that the Heavenly Tribulation was irresistible, extremely powerful, and even the most powerful existence in the universe. However, as he gradually became stronger and came into contact with him, he discovered the origin of the universe.  It's not that powerful. Since there are other things that can break through, then he can also break through. Ling Tian'ao has always adhered to the saying: If others can do it, he can do it too!  (To be continued)
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