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Text Chapter 628 Nourishing Tianchi Snow Lotus!

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    Immediately, the man looked at the King of Kai and his whole body trembled. He hurriedly shut up, turned around and stretched out his hands to grab the two people closest to him. When this scene appeared, how could the others dare not follow suit and hold hands one after another?  , within a few dozen seconds, a team of nearly 150 people stood hand in hand in the hall!  Ling Tian'ao didn't waste any time. Time was very precious to him now. He walked off the high platform and ignored everyone's gaze. He reached out and put his hands on two of them, immediately carrying more than 130 people with him.  People entered the system, and this time Ling'er was busy enough. Ling Tianao smiled at Ling'er and directly asked Ling'er to send him to the plane with the huge time difference that she said!  Soon, Ling Tianao landed on a deserted ground. The wind was howling, the loess was everywhere, and the ground was in a mess. And the most important thing was that Ling Tianao felt that the gravity here seemed to be much lighter. His whole body felt light and fluttering with one step.  Being able to walk four to five meters away was quite novel for Ling Tianao, but he didn't waste any more time.  Taking out the Tianchi Snow Lotus, he unfolded the phantom clones. Five clones appeared at the same time, surrounding the Tianchi Snow Lotus and releasing five attributes. They were all the different attributes of the five-color origin stone. The power was very powerful, and Ling Tianao could not do anything at all this time.  Without the slightest mercy, all kinds of energy rushed towards Chi Xuelian that day, and the colorful rays of light continued to be sent out. After several hours, Chi Xuelian began to turn red that day, and what happened next  As time passes, Tianchi Snow Lotus slowly turns red faster and faster!  When Tianchi Snow Lotus turned completely red, Ling Tianao stopped attacking, but his brows furrowed as he looked at the blood-red Tianchi Snow Lotus!  When he injected attacks into Tianchi Snow Lotus just now, he found that Tianchi Snow Lotus was like a stone. Each attack would cause a small amount of damage to him, and as the attacks increased, more and more damage would be done to him.  The damage suffered by the stone becomes stronger and stronger, so when the damage is accumulated to the point that the stone cannot bear it, it will explode.  At this time, the Tianchi Snow Lotus turned red, as if the stone was about to burst. In other words, this was a strong man, and every attack would cause a little damage to him.  Then when he can't bear it anymore, he will die. At this time, Tianchi Snow Lotus is just like that strong man. It has reached a critical moment of life and death. If he continues to attack, he will die!  That¡¯s right, the Tianchi Snow Lotus gave Ling Tianao the feeling of being alive.  At this time, he had reached a critical moment, and if he attacked again, he would die, so Ling Tianao tried to release a trace of Yuan Power to enter the Tianchi Snow Lotus to check!  As expected, as Ling Tianao expected, he felt a faint breath of life inside Chi Xuelian that day. However, as time passed, this vitality was increasing rapidly.  This enhanced speed was faster than any recovery speed he had ever seen, which surprised Ling Tianao!  Suddenly, he remembered what Ling'er said. Ling'er once said that if after refining Tianchi Snow Lotus, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as it is not fatal, he will recover in a short time, then this rapid recovery of the injury will not be possible.  Could it be related to the function of Tianchi Snow Lotus?  "In addition, since the Tianchi Snow Lotus is alive.  So if he is injured at this time, a very serious injury, can he use his life force to heal his injuries? If possible, he can speed up the speed of refining his strength. Wouldn't this greatly shorten his growth time?  Already?  Wanting to understand this, Ling Tianao was overjoyed. Without stopping at all, his life force began to pour in, hoping to make Tianchi Snow Lotus recover quickly.  However, he was not too impulsive, but controlled the intensity, fearing that the intensity would be too great and cut off the life breath inside the Tianchi Snow Lotus. In that case, it would be troublesome!  Thinking like this, Ling Tianao¡¯s vitality has entered the Tianchi Snow Lotus.  Suddenly, Ling Tianao laughed. He felt Tianchi Snow Lotus's desire for vitality and desire for quick recovery. Feeling this aura, Ling Tianao no longer hesitated at all, and there was no longer any trace of vitality.  With the mastery, it quickly flows into the Tianchi Snow Lotus!  Soon Ling Tian'ao felt that Tianchi Xuelian's recovery speed was accelerating. Once he saw that it was effective, Ling Tian'ao no longer hesitated. The five clones around him immediately surrounded him and released their life force. In an instant, Chi Xuelian recovered with the speed of Tianchi Xuelian.  The fastest speed began to recover, dozens or even hundreds of times faster than the speed just now!  With the continuous injection of life force, the red color of Chi Xuelian that day was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, faster and faster. This scene surprised Ling Tianao. He did not expect that his unintentional idea actually got it.  It proves that if this method is feasible, he can increase the growth of Tianchi Snow Lotus faster if he continues to do so!  Thinking about it this way, Ling Tianao became even more powerful, completely ignoring the recovery speed of his body's energy, and he didn't even notice that here heThe speed of energy recovery has also been slowed down dozens of times!  After several hours of this, Ling Tianao discovered that less than one-third of the Yuan Power in his body was left, and his vitality had also been consumed too much. After noticing this, Ling Tianao even more  He was shocked, and the output of life force in his hand did not decrease at all. He immediately summoned Ling'er, told him the situation here and his own situation, and then asked Ling'er to get a lot of pills to help Ling Tianao quickly restore his energy!  While recovering his energy, Ling Tianao was still thinking about how to use his vitality and attack power to make Tianchi Xuelian grow quickly; if he wanted to grow quickly, he would have to be hurt faster, but Ling Tianao was already  The five elements of energy attack at the same time, and the attack power is already the highest. How can we continue to increase the attack power?  Tianchi Snow Lotus has a way to recover quickly, that is, vitality. The recovery speed is very fast, but the attack power wait!  Vitality can be used for recovery, so the most powerful thing that can destroy life force is death energy. Death energy has the strongest attack power against living things!  Thinking of the death energy, Ling Tianao suddenly became enlightened and his eyes brightened a lot. If he attacked with the death energy, he would get twice the result with half the effort. When the time comes, he will use his life force to speed up the refining. In that case, the speed will increase a lot. In this way, this  Fifty years seems like enough time!  Thinking like this, Li Hao swallowed the elixir faster. He wanted to try his idea immediately to see if it could be used. If it could, then maybe it wouldn't take fifty years for him to refine the Tianchi Snow Lotus!  It took half an hour for Ling Tian'ao to recover 10% of his Yuan Power. This was mainly because the other five clones were still consuming a lot of Yuan Power, and its own Yuan Power was indeed too huge, so it was not easy to recover.  !  After the restoration of Yuanli was completed, Ling Tianao did not waste time. He felt the breath of Tianchi Snow Lotus, and then walked quickly to the Tianchi Snow Lotus. At this time, Tianchi Snow Lotus had turned red again. Ling Tianao collected all the clones and first  A large amount of life force poured in, allowing Tianchi Snow Lotus to speed up its recovery. Half an hour later, the color was no longer so red, and Ling Tian'ao slowly began to try to inject the death energy. The death energy had just been injected, and Ling Tian'ao couldn't see.  What came out, but what is certain is that this death energy did not have any wrong influence on Tianchi Snow Lotus. Then Ling Tianao increased the injection of death energy, and soon Tianchi Snow Lotus began to turn red again, and at this time  Ling Tianao increased his strength again, injecting death energy with almost all his strength. As a result, Chi Xuelian turned red even faster that day. Seeing this, Ling Tianao knew it was useful, but another thought rose in his heart.  idea!  That is to inject death energy and life force at the same time, attacking and healing at the same time, just like his own body, death is reborn, and death is reborn. In this back and forth cycle, his body will be stronger and stronger. If Tianchi Snow Lotus can do this,  Then wouldn't he grow faster?  Thinking of this, Ling Tianao didn¡¯t waste too much time. The life force began to flow out and poured directly into Chi Xuelian that day. In an instant, Ling Tianao felt that familiar feeling!
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