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Volume 1: First Arrival, Chapter 720: Rebirth (Finale)

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    This sword light actually didn't look sharp, or even dazzling, but it was so unexpected that no one could take their eyes away.  It seems that in that sword light, there is a secret between life and death that has been explored but never discovered.  But no one can see clearly what the secret contained in the sword light looks like.  They just know that that inconspicuous sword light has a power that no one can resist and can even kill them without any resistance.  Even though they knew that the sword light was so dangerous, they still couldn't look away.  It was a rules-based attraction that no one could escape.  Even if it is the true will of God, it is the same.  He clearly knew that this sword would pose a huge threat to him, but he just couldn't take his eyes away and couldn't struggle to avoid it.  His body seemed to be attracted by the sword light, making him unable to make any movement.  What was revealed in the sword light was extremely attractive to him. It seemed that there was a secret in the sword light that could make him immortal!  But he also knew that the sword light contained danger that could destroy him.  The will of the true god is all the will of the evil god outside the territory What remains in the original body is only a little bit of consciousness to maintain the survival of that body.  He hid his body so well that it was almost impossible for him to be discovered by other creatures passing by And his nearest neighbor, Haidlin, even used himself as a ¡ò¡Ö, w¡ú.  Even if you only have a little consciousness, your body still has powerful power.  Haidlin's awareness of putting all his strength into pregnancy was simply incomparable to him.  Therefore, he can safely put most of his consciousness on this incarnation But it is precisely because of this.  If this incarnation is destroyed here.  The damage caused to him was also devastating.     but.  His greed for this world made him take risks and make the decision he made now.  In his calculations, this plan is foolproof and will surely devour the world!  "It's a pity that his plan had an accident, and it was Ji Ran.  Facing this strong sword light that might destroy him forever, True God Will's heart was filled with fear.  He struggled desperately.  Let your mind move away from the sword light, and move your position to avoid the sword light.  He desperately activated all the laws he possessed and formed magical barriers one after another around his body.  These barriers are enough to resist the most powerful attacks in the world. Even in the crater of a volcanic eruption, it is impossible to destroy any of these magical barriers.  Even if a heaven-level expert wants to break these magic barriers, it will take a lot of time and effort.  Although the use of these barriers will cause the true god's will to lose a considerable amount of power, now, he can't control that much.  As long as you can resist this attack, you can use more powerful attacks.  Eliminate the opponent in front of you who poses the greatest threat to you!  When the time comes, even if your strength is temporarily damaged.  He had to dodge temporarily, but it was much better than being killed directly.  As long as he hides for a little while, he can quickly regain his strength.  If he comes to devour this world again, no one can stop him Ji Ran's sword light fell on those magic barriers.  A series of strange cracking sounds sounded, and the magic barriers were destroyed one after another.  However, the speed at which the magic barrier is destroyed is gradually decreasing.  Judging from the decreasing speed, when the last few layers of magic barriers are reached, the forward momentum of the sword light will stop!  The face of True God Will immediately showed the light of hope.  As expected, although the boy's power was weird, it was not strong enough!  ¡°I will definitely be able to dodge this blow, and then I will gather all my strength to kill the kid in front of me!  However, at this moment, two invisible forces suddenly wrapped around his remaining magic barriers.  That was a power that he was extremely familiar with, a power that he had been worried about thousands of years ago.  The law of swallowing!  That kind of innate ability of a demonic wolf!  The laws in the remaining magic barriers suddenly became chaotic, and then they were separated by the two invisible energies and disappeared suddenly.  The energy in the magic barrier suddenly became extremely scattered, and it no longer had the previous defensive power.  So, Ji Ran's sword light struck down without any hindrance.  The True God¡¯s Will wanted to dodge, but his whole body seemed to be restrained and he couldn¡¯t move at all.  He wanted to defend, but those magic barriers could no longer provide any defense Then, the sword light directly hit the body of True God Will. ????????????????????????????????Still.  Everything stopped for a moment, even the doomsday scenes with lightning and thunder nearby became quiet for a while.  The sword light suddenly penetrated the body of True God Will, and then disappeared like that.  Time returns to normal again but only for four weeks.  The True God's Will, who had withstood the sword light, stood there dumbfounded, motionless.  Everyone looked nervously at the true will of God.  Their intuition told them that this sword would determine the fate of this world!  Because Ji Ran, who had swung the sword, was now pale and his body was shaky.  Only his eyes were still bright, and his hand holding the sword was still steady.  The True God Will stood stunned for a long time, then suddenly let out a roar.  "I will not die! I will exist forever! I am immortal. The so-called reincarnation will never come to me!" As he spoke, his body suddenly appeared and bulged from various places.  .  These bulges kept changing positions, as if something was struggling to come out of his body!  The expression of True God¡¯s Will is ferocious, and he is obviously fighting against the Law of Inheritance and the Law of Reincarnation!  "Nothing in this world can escape reincarnation. Living things will eventually die and use their bodies to turn into energy to nurture other creatures in this world. Even inanimate things will also change over time.  And slowly decaying, it will eventually turn into another substance. Death is not the end. It is the beginning of something new. "Ji Ran looked at the true will of God.  The words spoken in his mouth are gradually destroying the resistance to the will of the true God.  "Even the endless void needs to go through such reincarnation. You said you are immortal? In fact, your life is not as long as you said, right? There are countless beings in the endless void who are more powerful than you.  , they cannot avoid the fate of death! What they leave behind will gradually evolve into something else This is reincarnation, going around and over, never ending! " The protrusion of the true god's will.  Suddenly it exploded.  Waves of energy and laws are flowing out of his body.  "Iwill notdieI willdevourdevoureverything" A series of intermittent sounds are still spitting out from the mouth of the true god's will.  But everyone can see that this is already a desperate struggle.  That sword light triggered the reincarnation of all the laws and energy in the True God's will.  They dissipated and gradually merged into the surrounding world.  The huge energy can be felt by those at the golden level. This is the energy and laws that the incarnations and avatars of the true gods plundered from this world, and are now returning to their original master's world.  "Everything in the world will return to nothingness, but new things will be born to fill this world. The same goes for you This world is your final destination!" Ji Ran gritted his teeth.  He raised his hand again.  The bright sword light flashed away and directly cut through the body of True God Will.  From the wound scratched by the sword light.  The body of True God Will is slowly decomposing.  Countless tiny particles floated out from the body of the True God's Will, causing his wounds to get bigger and bigger, and his body to gradually disappear.  "I am immortal I will definitely come back again" The eyes of True God Will were distracted, but they still stared at Ji Ran.  "You have no chance. Your will will be turned into the nourishment that nourishes this world and atones for the sins you have committed! And your body" Ji Ran raised his head and looked at the sky.  "There must be others, let's deal with it properly." The eyes of True God's Will stared closely at Ji Ran, their eyes full of resentment and despair.  At the last moment, he stretched out his hands, as if intending to catch Ji Ran.  It's a pity that he can't complete this originally very simple action.  His body turned into a large aggregate of laws and energy in the next moment.  Then, it kept drifting towards the surroundings, greatly improving the energy level of the western plateau.  All the doomsday scenes disappeared, and the sky revealed its true appearance again.  On the messy ground below, various seedlings are gradually sprouting.  The power emitted by the True God's will was immediately absorbed by this severely damaged land.  A smile appeared on Ji Ran's face in mid-air, and then his body swayed and fell down from mid-air.  Apparently, firing two swords in succession made him exhausted.  However, in the next moment, several figures rushed forward and caught Ji Ran  Lying in Irene's arms, Ji Ran opened his eyes slightly.  "Wesucceeded" Erin looked at Ji Ran and nodded.  "Yes, we succeeded. We saved the world and eliminated the extraterritorial evil god." Others also turned their excited eyes to Ji Ran, not just Leslydia and the others, but even the Demon Wolf couple and other gold  The same goes for levels.  "That's good we can finally take a rest." After breathing out a relaxed breath, Ji Ran closed his eyes and fell asleep.  Everything around him became brighter, as if the world had been reborn.  Outside this world, in the endless void.  A huge meteorite suddenly approached the planet Haidlin.  As it approached, the meteorite continued to disintegrate, revealing the huge body inside, which was about the size of a planet.  The body is also constantly decomposing even though it is constantly struggling and roaring.  But the body that had lost most of its will seemed so powerless to resist.  The material released after decomposition is continuously poured into the planet Haidlin.  It looks like a fusiona one-sided fusion.  ¡°Perhaps it won¡¯t be long before this huge body will become part of Haidlin¡¯s world.  Ultimately, it nurtures all kinds of creatures living in that world.  The damage caused by the True God Order to this world.  It will be made up for in this way.  A month has passed.  That shocking battle had already come to an end.  The western plateau became a mess, and nine-tenths of the number of orcs disappeared.  Most of the remaining orcs are a race of orcs close to humans.  In the future, life for these orc tribes may be even more difficult than before.  But the western plateau is now teeming with life.  The power released after the true god's will is dissolved will breed more resources for the western plateau.  Maybe after some time, the orc tribe will become more prosperous.  And other intelligent races.  This place will no longer be considered a barren land.  They will provide more assistance and development here, so that the orcs will gradually get rid of their ignorance, get closer to other intelligent races, and become less fierce and warlike.  Of course, that will be a long time coming.  In the settlements of other intelligent races, although civilians have also heard about the True God Order, they also know that various countries have sent armies to the western plateau to save the world but they are really too far away.  It¡¯s just that the families of those dead soldiers will mourn for a while, while others will still live the same peaceful life as before.  There were no grand celebrations.  Most people are still the same as before and don't realize it.  The end of the world had just passed them by.  Of course, this is actually the goal of those who go to the western plateau and risk their lives to fight.  Ordinary people, let them live ordinary lives Isn't it the peace of this world that they risk their lives to protect?  Among these people, Ji Ran and others are also included.  After this battle, Ji Ran and others have entered the sight of all forces.  Especially the savior who saved the world no one doesn't want him to be drawn into his own camp.  But they now also know that such a strong guy who can single-handedly solve the calamity is no longer something they can easily recruit.  But this does not affect their kindness to Ji Ran and others They can't recruit them, but at least they don't make enemies, right?  After solving this series of things, more than a month has passed.  Ji Ran's injuries were almost completely healed.  He was just exhausted, not too damaged, and he recovered faster.  The same goes for everyone else. No one has any fatal injuries, so it won't be a big problem.  They still live in a small building in Perththat place is already their home.  Everyone's life seems to be the same as usual, but there seems to be something different in the subtleties.  For example, Lydia has graduated from Sky Blue Wind and now sticks to Ji Ran¡¯s side all day long; for example, Irene often takes off her mask, but most of the time she is in front of Ji Ran.  For another example, Alice now occasionally exposes her ears and tail, wagging next to Ji Ran.  By the way, Alice¡¯s parents also moved to Perth and bought a courtyard not far from Ji Ran¡¯s small building.  Their reason is, "Take good care of your daughter and don't let anyone abduct her easily." But everyone can see that this is an excuse. Their daughter has probably been abducted successfully   Ji Ran¡¯s friends who he knew before often come to visit them, such as Anya, Professor Sergei and so on.  Of course, every time I come, I will have a meal and then leave satisfied.  Life has become extremely calm, but it makes everyone feel comfortable.  Although in the near future, they may not want to be lonely and go out for adventure again, but before that, they will definitely have to enjoy a peaceful life for a period of time.  "Brother Ji Ran, are we in control of our own destiny now?" It was Lidya who asked this question.  After she settled the matter with the True God Order, she returned home once and let her parents and brothers enjoy the joy with her.  Then, she came back here After so many years, this place became more like her home.  "So In a sense, we have been given a new life. Just like this world, it has become stronger and more beautiful. No one can affect our destiny anymore We have truly mastered ourselves.  Freedom." Ji Ran looked at Lidya with a smile on his face.  " Sometimes I think you are too optimistic. Do you think there is really no existence in this world that can surpass you? Even if a True God Order is solved, do you know if other similar organizations will appear here?  The world? Even in this world, not everyone is kind to you" Erin was on the side, without a mask on her face, and her delicate and perfect face was exposed to everyone around her.  Her face was still expressionless, but the words in her mouth were as vicious as ever.  But everyone else had a smile on their face because they were used to it.  "It doesn't matter, Alice will help Ji Ran when the time comes!" Alice raised her hand high on the side, and the pair of dog ears on her head and the tail behind her were wagging, as if she was trying to win the favor of her master.  Pets in general.  Ji Ran smiled and touched Alice's head, letting her narrow her eyes and lean against him.  He looked at Erin, the smile on his face not disappearing at all.  "How boring would it be if there were no challenges in the world? What I mean by controlling our destiny is that we can use our own will to do things we think are right. If someone intends to affect my life, then I will  You have to fight hard Isn't this kind of challenge also a kind of fun?" Lidya nodded while listening to Ji Ran's words, while Irene snorted angrily.  "You have a point no matter what But it doesn't matter. No matter what, I can't escape my fate Or, in order to control your own destiny, you would rather let me leave?" She looked at Ji  However, with one glance, his eyes rarely revealed endless meaning.  Ji Ran's heart skipped a beat, and just as he was about to speak, Baker's voice suddenly came from downstairs.  "Hey, hey, it's almost dinner time. What are we going to eat tonight?" This sentence was undoubtedly shouted to Ji Ran, and it also interrupted what Ji Ran was about to say.  He patted Lydia's hand, stroked Alice's head, and then stood up.  "Okay, I'm going to prepare dinner. What do you want to eat? Maybe hot pot? The weather is a bit cold now, and the hot pot is really good" As he said that, he left with the three girls.  room and headed downstairs.  ¡°Isn¡¯t a peaceful life also a new life for me?  Death and rebirth, reincarnation is endless.  I have experienced a new reincarnation in this world, so let¡¯s continue and live a more exciting life.  ____________________________________________ It¡¯s finally over, and I have mixed feelings in my heart.  Take a rest and write a postscript tomorrow.  
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