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Part One: Academy Apocalypse Chapter 1577: The Prophet and the Diviner

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    ¡°If one day, a person tells Feng Yuchen that he (she) can predict, then he will definitely think that this guy is a magician or a half-baked witch.

    But is the world he lives in an ordinary world?


    So even if there is a prophet, it is not inevitable.

    "Is that so? Did Miss Niong's prophecy allow you to be where you are today? So the real asset is her. With her around, you can continue to accumulate wealth."

    Feng Yuchen couldn't help but stroke his chin thoughtfully and looked at Niong who was playing with the collection. She was really a sad girl. She may want to have a unique life, but she can only exist as a vase.  .

    People with power may not necessarily become powerful beings.

    Those who possess power will also be bound by this power. As long as this power does not disappear, they will be bound to this nightmare world forever.

    "That's right, so I ask you both to protect Niong"

    Let Nosla clasped his hands together. If it weren't for a spy sneaking in, he wouldn't have let Niong go out.

    "Then Miss Niong can't predict herself, so she wants us to protect her, right?" Feng Yuchen tapped her fingers on the table ¡Ö¡×, w¨Jww., analyzing the current situation.

    "Hui is unique, yes, Ni Weng cannot make prophecies for himself, so he needs protection." Wright nodded, feeling more and more that Feng Yuchen was a bit powerful.

    "Before I came here, I heard that a [divorcer] appeared, and the content of the divination was quite accurate. It was almost as good as Miss Niong. So [Ten Old Man] is speculating. Maybe it's [  The organization that the fortune teller belongs to is taking action, and another force has appeared in the gang, which is quickly swallowing up the gang's power."

    At this time, Busujima Saeko took out a scroll and placed it on the table.

    "Soothsayer!! Why haven't I heard of it?"

    Wright was immediately surprised.

    Niong also put down his collection and sat over: "What, a person with the same ability as me has appeared. Dad, let me see"

    This world is like this. If you are the only one special, you will definitely live a carefree life.  When a second person as special as you appears, various emotions will arise, including jealousy, hatred, joy, or pleasure

    "It seems that this is not an ordinary guard job, it is a contest between a prophet and a fortune teller"

    Feng Yuchen feels that things are getting more and more complicated. What kind of changes will happen?

    "Isn't prophecy just divination?" Wright said with some confusion.

    "Yeah, I always thought that my ability was divination." Ni Weng was attracted by Feng Yuchen's words and immediately looked into his dark and charming eyes.

    "No, it's different"

    Feng Yuchen said thoughtfully, "First of all, let's distinguish from the definition. Prophecy is the prediction of future events; divination. It is a person who inquires about things he wants to know from non-human spirits based on the trends and changes in external things.  The difference between it and prophecy is that the fortune teller usually gives ambiguous answers, leaving the fortune teller to find a reasonable explanation.

    There are many methods of divination, such as fortune telling, chicken divination, bird divination, bird divination, water divination, star divination, card divination, spiritual divination, etc. One of the more famous ones is astrology, which can also be called astrology.  , is a systematic divination that uses the relative position and relative movement of celestial bodies to explain or predict people's fate and behavior.

    Ms. Niong¡¯s prophecy must have directly given the result. I think that even if you try to make changes, the result will not be changed. It is somewhat mandatory and accurate.

    So divination is different. It gives an ambiguous prediction. This prediction will have several branches. If you follow a certain direction, there will be a certain result.

    Do you understand now?  "

    "How do you know so much, sweet little brother?"

    Ni Weng suddenly looked at Feng Yuchen in surprise. Could it be that he was also a prophet?

    "I just read some books when I was bored (when I was in middle school). Although I didn't believe that there were prophets and diviners at that time, I only learned some basic information"

    Feng Yuchen has read prophecy books such as "Tui Bei Tu" (not evil at all, it's true) and "Century", so he has some understanding of it. There are many roads, different paths lead to the same goal, and the truth is the same. After all, "Hunter"  The author is an earthling, soThe standards of behavior and thought are also created in accordance with the concept of the earth.

    "Wouldn't that mean that the other party has divined a way to deal with Niong, and may also know our purpose?"

    Wright said with some surprise.


    Feng Yuchen stretched out his index finger and shook it, and said: "Attention, Mr. Wright has not heard what I said clearly. Divination is not a prophecy. Although it is similar to the function of prophecy, no results will occur before the predicted route of divination has begun.  , so under ambiguous conditions, the other party will not be aware of our existence. Only after we start taking action can the divination continue.

    Let me give you an analogy. If the divination results are 1 and 2, then if you follow 1, you may get 3 and 4 results. If this cycle continues, this is the true meaning of divination. Divination can be changed artificially.  The future will be more active than predictions.

    Therefore, whether we take action or not, the other party will act. We are already in the game. Now assuming that the other party divines Miss Niong¡¯s actions, there may be two situations, one is at home, and the other is out. Understand  Come on, does Mr. Wright feel safer at home or out?  "

    Wright was not an idiot, and gradually understood what Feng Yuchen said, and said: "So, if you are at home, the other party has already laid out the plan and is just waiting for the result to happen, so Niong may have been calculated, but if you go out,  All the opponent's plans will fail, so if you go out, it will depend on who is stronger. "

    "Another point is that the diviner needs to know some information about the person being divined, such as name, date of birth, blood type, etc., in order to be able to predict more clearly. But at home, there is a possibility that Miss Nyon will be caught by the other party.  If you go out, you can attract the other party's fortune teller"

    Busujima Saeko who was beside Feng Yuchen also made an analysis.

    ¡°That¡¯s right, my prophecy requires you to know the person¡¯s name, date of birth, and blood type. Only when the conditions are met can you predict someone¡¯s future¡± Niong agreed
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