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Volume 2: First Entering Xuanmen, Chapter 320: Opening Sky Axe, Emperor Sword, Picture of the Ten Thousand Gods

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    Second watch.  The peaks are dark and the eyebrows are small, and the mountains are like green lotuses.  The clouds are hidden by frost and cold water, and the leaves are falling and withering.  Murong Chui looked up to the sky and roared, his body merged into the dazzling light of the axe, and the dense Qi filled the heaven and earth, revealing his sharp edge.  With a rumble, the sky collapsed and the earth split, the sun and the moon disappeared, leaving only a headless demon god towering into the clouds. His body was naturally wrapped with thunder, and his unyielding will surged upwards, fighting against the heavens and the earth with unparalleled heroism.  "Xingtian dances with relatives, and the strong will is always there."  The unimaginable light shattered the void, collapsed the stars, and killed King Zhou in an instant.  "Mountains and rivers," King Zhou raised his eyelids, stretched out his crystal-clear jade palm, raised his thumb, slightly bent his index finger, pinched the treasure seal of mountains and rivers, and an extremely majestic imperial aura descended, ruling the eight wastelands and six places, leaving me alone.  Who else.  Rumble, the light of the ax collided with the handprints, causing thunder in the sky, and endless flames intertwined, like an angry dragon emerging from the sea, with magnificent waves.  "I don't know whether to live or die," King Zhou's eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and his Qi evolved, condensing into three vertical and horizontal invincible sword Qi, forming three talents, dividing into four images, transforming into five elements, condensing Liuhe, breaking seven stars, performing Bagua, and combining  Nine palaces, in the end, nine and nine are unified, opening up a mixed hole.  The three swords came out at the same time, triggering the unfathomable power of the rules, and the heaven and earth roared together with great momentum.  At this moment, Murong Chui even felt helpless that the world and the earth were enemies and he was at the end of his rope.  "Fight the sky," Under such a situation, Murong Chui did not retreat but advanced, his eyes were bloodshot, showing a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ??blood, and he bravely faced him.  The will of the headless demon is getting stronger with every setback. Even after his head was cut off, he still wields his ax to strike at the sky. His life is endless and the battle continues. Murong Chui inherits his will. The more desperate he is, the more powerful he becomes.  A surprising burst of power.  Boom, the next moment, Murong Chui was knocked back by three swords, and his body fell to the ground. The demonic body that had swallowed the sky and destroyed the earth was trembling.  "Obviously, even though Murong Chui had many adventures and inherited the will of the unyielding demon, he was still not as good as King Zhou who was restoring his own power with the help of the Gate of Saints.  "Ahem," Murong Chui was lying on the ground, with black blood flowing out, but a smile appeared on his brows.  Although he was completely defeated, he successfully prevented King Zhou from devouring the eternal life and longevity in the world behind the Gate of Saints.  "A lot of demons and monsters have come into the Emperor's Treasury this time. I don't believe they are not tempted." Murong Chui used his magic power to recover his injuries while thinking, "Only when the water is mixed can we fish."  "Haha, what a treasure of the Emperor of Heaven." "It can be used to achieve enlightenment." Sure enough, seeing that King Zhou's momentum was frustrated, the two Dongtian people hiding in the dark took action without hesitation.  Qi, ghost Qi, resentment, hatred, dead Qi, etc., countless Yin side Qi condensed into blooming lotus flowers, crystal clear, fragrant and fragrant.  If you look carefully, you will find that countless lotus flowers form an endless thousand-leaf lotus flower. On each petal, there are thousands of lotus platforms, on which various figures sit, reciting scriptures and praising heaven and earth.  .  "Huh?" Emperor Changzhi used the emperor's qi-seeing technique, and he immediately recognized that the two people who took action were the two enlightened Dongzhen people from the dark side of the world of Jinwen.  "It's just that compared to when the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury was not opened, the strength of these two cave gods has increased exponentially. They are already comprehending Yin and Yang and transforming their souls.  "Black water pours into the treasure house, and the luck of the underworld flourishes," Emperor Changzhi clasped his hands in his sleeves, and the stars danced on his fingertips, turning into complicated divination. Earth, fire, feng shui manifested, reflecting the long river of destiny, and murmured,  "I didn't expect that there would be such a change, which would bring good luck to the two of them." "It's really troublesome," Emperor Changzhi frowned. He is the ruler of the positive side of the world of inscriptions and inscriptions. With the increase in luck on the negative side, one after another.  If it disappears, it will inevitably affect his own luck and strength.  "They are looking for death." He Yuwei and He Yuqing looked at each other, waved their slender hands, and fired the Nine Heavens Extinction Divine Thunder at the same time. The rolling thunder exploded, forming one after another, annihilating the void.  "Behead," King Zhou also seemed to be irritated by the accidents that happened one after another. He took a deep breath, and a golden heavenly sword appeared in his palm. It was three feet long. There were tadpole-like ancient inscriptions on the sword's spine, recording the splendid chapters of humanity.  "Boom," the heavenly sword waved, turning the world upside down. In the dark, only the hymn of humanity could be heard, brilliantly.The purple energy of the sky fills the sky, condenses into ten days, and sweeps away the evil spirits.  "No," the golden sword light contained the righteousness of the world, and was unrivaled in its sharpness. The seemingly majestic Nether Thousand-leaf Lotus was suddenly split from the middle.  If it weren¡¯t for the two Dongtians¡¯ good fortune now, they would probably be killed directly by this Heavenly Sword.  "This," Yue Chan'er stood next to Murong Chui, her delicate body still as real as an illusion. She squinted her eyes and looked at the heavenly sword held in King Zhou's hand. Its unstoppable sharpness even made the sky tremble.  A series of shocking cracks.  It was only now that she was shocked to discover that the most terrifying thing about King Zhou was that he was one of the last Holy Emperors of the Holy Dynasty. He had no idea how many secret treasures he had in his hands. It was like a treasury of magic treasures that could be moved.  Such countless treasures gave King Zhou the confidence to turn danger into an impossible situation.  "This is the real Duobao boy," Yue Chan'er glanced at the Heavenly Sword, then at the increasingly primitive Gate of the Saints behind King Zhou, and her thoughts changed in her mind.  In her plan, King Zhou and Changzhi fought to the death, and then she and Murong Chui were able to take advantage of the fire and gain the greatest benefits.  What I didn¡¯t expect was that King Zhou was so cunning that he deceived everyone, and then calmly opened the center of the treasure house and obtained the Gate of Saints.  By taking him by surprise and attacking him unprepared, King Zhou almost broke everyone else's original calculations with this move. This was the case with Yue Chan'er, and the same was true with Emperor Changzhi.  "They are all clowns," King Zhou sat on it, holding a three-foot heavenly sword. As the mysterious power was running, the door of the saints opened again, and the mysterious and mysterious treasure of eternal life and longevity overflowed.  The people we saw were no longer a threat. The most important thing was to seize the time to restore our own strength.  You must know that he also paid a heavy price for using the method of concealing the truth. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off and on.  "Haha, King Zhou, long time no see." While King Zhou was thinking about gains and losses, the faint divine light tore through the void, and thousands of divine curses were beating, some were gold, some were red, some were white, some were black, some were purple.  , either green or gray, the shadows of billions of gods gather into a river, approaching from far away.  "King Chenliu, you damn guy," King Zhou looked at the divine curses all over the sky with a stern look in his eyes. He went straight to the central door to worship the saints, but let the traitor King Chenliu take advantage of the loophole and steal the treasure house.  He took many of the treasures as his own.  Mobile phone users please visit
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