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Volume 5: First Dust Chapter 309: The Battle of the Nine Domains (1)

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    The northern continent is just one area of ??heaven and earth, and there are nine areas in total. If one area is attacked, it will not be easy for Jun Wuming to conquer it even if he is so powerful. It will take hundreds of years just to transport troops.  But this problem no longer exists after conquering the star field.  After Jun Wuming unified the northern continent, a strong person from the star field came to the door.  After learning that the Master Ziwei Star was born on the Star Territory, Jun Wuming was shocked and immediately commanded and dispatched two God Emperors. Using the Taiyuan Heaven Realm as a jump, he gathered about thirty powerful God Kings and tens of millions of soldiers to land in the Star Territory.  .  The strong men of the Wuji Hall of Stars simply could not imagine that Jun Wuming, the Lord of the Big Dipper, would preemptively dispatch such a powerful force to attack.  Overnight, all the Stars Wuji Palace were destroyed. Even the Ziwei Star Lord was refined alive by Taoist Taiyuan who led millions of star soldiers to connect the Stars Wuji Mountain before he could escape from the Stars Wuji Mountain.  Beidou went retrograde to kill Ziwei and refined Ziwei Star Master. Taoist Taiyuan seemed to have found his own opportunity. A sudden burst of luck rushed down and he was promoted to the Starry Sky God Emperor on the spot.  That day, the stars were shining brightly, and the 365 main stars shone brightly. The power of the Big Dipper moved sideways, covering the crape myrtle star and becoming the master of the sky.  At the same time, the fighting stars around the seven stars each glowed with a light that had never been emitted before. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of the sky, countless star soldiers and star generals under Taiyuan Taoist's command broke through. For a time, their momentum was so great that they had the power to cover the star field.  The supreme leaders of the Star Alliance did not expect that they would reject the tiger at the front door and welcome the wolf at the back.  And this time Taiyuan Taoist is far more powerful than Zhongxing Wuji Palace.  It has only been ten years, and the general trend in the Star Territory has changed in more than ten years.  Taiyuan Taoist will put all his focus on the Star Territory, and the Star Soldiers under his command will rise from the mainland and enter the Star Territory Continent.  In just ten years, countless large and small forces on the Star Territory Continent were swept away by Taiyuan Taoists.  He is in charge of the stars in the sky. In the Star Continent, the most realm of heaven and earth, no one can resist his power. Coupled with the millions of star soldiers and generals under his command, the stars are everywhere.  "It's just that although it has conquered many major forces openly, and even the Star Alliance has surrendered on the surface, it still takes a long time to subtly subdue them and absorb them into its own strength.  With the star field as a springboard, the portal can be moved according to the star field set up by Taoist Taiyuan. As long as the starlight shines, the army can be easily teleported.  " However, Jun Wuming did not start attacking other continents immediately. Instead, after a hundred years of cultivation and recuperation, he completely digested the northern continent and the Star Territory Continent, and then ignited the war on other continents.  However, he did not immediately attack the closer Dongsheng Region. Dongsheng Region was an extremely high-ranking region among the nine regions. It was not in Jun Wuming's interests to attack the hard nut at the first time.  In addition to the Dongsheng Shenzhou where the Dongsheng Region is located, the Northern Continent where the Beiming Region is located, and the Star Region Continent where the Star Region is located, the Nine Regions of Heaven and Earth also include Xiniu Hezhou where the West He Region is located, and Nanzhanzhou where the Southern Region is located.  In addition, there is the Storm Continent floating on the four oceans of storms, the Endless Continent on the Endless Sea, the Silence Continent on the Ming Sea, and the Gods and Demons Continent at the westernmost end.  Jun Wuming first chose the Storm Continent and the Endless Continent. These two continents are slightly smaller than the Northern Continent. The most important thing is that the outer seas of these two continents are within the Dragon Clan's sphere of influence, and their power is also the weakest.  The attack on these two continents was extremely smooth. Due to the cooperation of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas and the growing strength of Jun Wuming's seven legions, it only took Jun Wuming about five hundred years to conquer these two continents.  With the defeat of these two continents, several more clones were promoted to God Emperor, especially Emperor Xuanyin.  With the war, more and more dead creatures on several continents flooded into Emperor Xuanyin's ghost kingdom, causing the power of the ghost clan to greatly increase, and Emperor Xuanyin's cultivation also improved further, truly condensing the rules of reincarnation, and truly condensing the rules of reincarnation.  He only took charge of the underworld, and the ten ghost commanders under his command also made rapid progress, and were known as the ten kings of Yama.  The number of ghost soldiers has increased several times in the past five hundred years. Except for those who died in the battle, the original batch of ghost soldiers and ghosts have all been promoted to ghosts and gods, along with some new ghosts and gods born in the underworld.  The number of ghosts and gods under Emperor Xuanyin has reached hundreds. The next person who was promoted to the Divine Emperor was the Netherworld Taoist. The war on the continent was really blazing and the blood flowed into the river. For this Taoist who practiced the rules of the blood river, it was simply a miracle.  A gluttonous feast, almost immediately after Emperor Xuanyin was promoted to God Emperor, he was also officially promoted to God Emperor.  This is not the fastest progress. The one who has made the fastest progress is Cain of the Blood God Legion. This ancestor of the blood clan absorbed blood crazily during the war, making the blood clan grow stronger and stronger like a snowball, becoming a branch of Jun Wuming's command.  An extremely terrifying legion.  The blood clan placeHowever, no chickens or dogs were left behind, and they became known as the Blood Demon Legion.  After conquering two continents, Jun Wuming rested for a hundred years and then set his sights on the Continent of Annihilation.  Minghai is a sea of ??death and silence, where death and silence linger all year round, which is extremely suitable for the survival of races with netherworld attributes.  When Jun Wuming was preparing to attack this continent, Emperor Xuanyin asked Ying to ask Jun Wuming to give this continent to the ghost tribe.  Regarding this, Jun Wuming thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, and then Emperor Xuanyin embarked on a journey to conquer the Continent of Nirvana through the teleportation array.  And the Emperor of Light, a hundred years after the Taoist Netherworld was promoted to the God Emperor, was also promoted to the God Emperor with the blessing of endless faith, and the number of angels under his command reached a terrifying 50 million.  In recent years, the Angel Legion under the Emperor Guangming has grown extremely fast. The power of light itself is good at bewitching. In addition, the Emperor Guangming has developed a series of transformation and healing magic techniques specifically used for preaching.  In terms of the number of believers, Jun Wuming has the most followers among the clones, and the power of faith gathers the fastest.  When he saw Emperor Xuanyin Qian heading to the Continent of Annihilation, Emperor Guangming also requested to attack the Continent of Gods and Demons.  The continent of gods and demons is a country of faith, and the prevailing power system in it is magic and fighting spirit, which is similar to the West in the myth of Jun Wuming's previous life.  After seeing the endless reincarnations of angels under the Emperor of Light, Jun Wuming also agreed to his request. With the help of the angel legion, especially the Seraph Archangel that had been increased to twelve, Jun Wuming believed that with the ability of the Emperor of Light, not only could  It will disappoint him.  Just after Emperor Guangming and Emperor Xuanyin set off for the mainland, that is, in the first thousand years of Jun Wuming¡¯s campaign in the Nine Domains, an earth-shattering event happened in the southern border of the Northern Territory
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