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The Murderous Case in the Mist Chapter 37 The Terrible Power

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    Of course, this premise is that Tianhu's bloodline is successfully awakened.  The first time my master approached Uncle Xin, the conversation did not go well.  Even if Uncle Xin had various speculations, there was no way he could believe that his daughter was Tianhu just based on the words of a stranger.  According to Uncle Xin's original words, some of this is a matter of luck. Just like bad things, even if you have been shaken deep in your heart, how can you believe it so easily if you don't see the facts?  However, the second time it was Uncle Xin who took the initiative to find my master, because the master allowed him to see the facts and proved that Xin Yi was Tianhu.  "In this world, there really is no such thing as luck. And some things feel like winning the lottery. You are unwilling to believe it or accept it happening to you. But there is a saying that is good, no matter the probability of it happening  It's one in a million or one in ten million, but once it happens, it's 100%. Your master gave me a piece of fox skin, and then he was 100% sure that Xin Yi was the Tianhu.  "When Uncle Xin talked about this matter, his tone was still full of incomprehensible regret.  It¡¯s like, if he hadn¡¯t met my master back then, Xin Yi wouldn¡¯t be the same as Tianhu.  In fact, there are so many what-ifs?  Many things may seem like coincidences, but in fact they may have been determined in the course of destiny a long time ago.  That fox skin was undoubtedly the one that Uncle Xin personally handed to me many years later. It was also one of the last two things left behind after Wanwan died thousands of years ago.  Logically speaking, the previous generation of Tianhu would usually only leave behind inheritance beads and nothing else.  But Wan Wan is different. Her vitality is actually not exhausted. If she wants, she has a chance to survive.  But her heart had already died with Nie Yan's death. Her heart was dead, and naturally she had no will to live. Her death was caused by dragging her seriously injured self to death in Nie Yan's tomb.  Therefore, the remaining vitality condensed into the final strength and remained on the fur.  And the power of Tianhu is so mysterious that this fur is naturally preserved.  [°®¡üÈ¥¡÷С¡ý˵¡÷Íøwww.] Uncle Xin was telling me in detail why there was that piece of fox skin, but my heart was filled with a strange sourness, filling my entire chest.  ¡°Actually, I am Nie Yan, but I am not Nie Yan. I inherited his memory and abilities, but I am a new kind of person.  When I recall my life when I was born as Nie Yan, I always have a sense of detachment like a bystander. I feel sad for Nie Yan and Wanwan, but at the same time I believe that in the end, the dust that belongs to Wanwan and Nie Yan will fall.  Certainly.  But this matter is not completely divorced, because both I and Xin Yi have inherited a certain emotion, which is why we love each other in this life.  This feeling is brand new, not repeated, but it is a continuation.  When Uncle Xin talks about fox skin, I naturally feel sad and sad. I feel sad because the relationship I had was so sad. What makes me sad is what kind of ending Xin Yi and I will face in the end?  I was afraid that the ending would be even worse than that of Wanwan and Nie Yan. This emotion instantly overflowed in my heart, making me clenched my fists in discomfort.  Uncle Xin naturally doesn¡¯t know these emotions of mine. He doesn¡¯t know the details of the past, so naturally he can¡¯t think of anything, so he just keeps talking to himself.  "You won't feel anything strange about this fox skin when you get it. But as long as it belongs to the Fox Clan, you can feel the difference the moment you touch it. After all, part of the power of the Sky Fox is condensed on it. The Fox Clan  There will be a subtle resonance, and then you will know that this is definitely the fur of Tianhu. You may be confused when I say it. After all, you are not of the blood of the fox clan and cannot feel the mystery. In short, your master just handed it over.  He told me that this was the fur left by Tianhu, and I believed it the moment I got it. There is no one who has that ability." After saying this, Uncle Xin seemed very emotional.  At this time, I sorted out my emotions and asked casually: "Okay, since it is definitely the fur of Tianhu, so what? Does this prove that Xinyi is Tianhu?" "Of course.  ! If Xin Yi is Tian Hu, as long as he comes into contact with this fur, his bloodline will definitely have a completely different resonance from ours, and even some special things will happen. In fact, for the sake of safety, your master is leaving it to me.  While removing the skin, he also handed over a formation talisman that he carved himself, which can mask the blood fluctuations. He told me that if my daughter has any strange reaction, I can use this in time to block it for a short time.  Then let me put the fox skin into the box he gave me as soon as possible, and Xin Yi's blood reaction will disappear." Uncle Xin frowned slightly when he said this, as if he still doesn't want to believe Xin Yi and Tianhu.  Skin sensation.  But after all, this is unavoidable. When my teacherWhen these things were given to him, he actually believed 80% of them in his heart, but how could he be willing to do so without seeing the final facts?  That night, Uncle Xin couldn't sleep. He waited until late at night, when his wife was already asleep and Xin Yi was also asleep in the crib, before he got up.  He took the box that Master gave him and carefully walked to Xin Yi's bed. Under the moonlight, his daughter's sleeping face was so cute and innocent. This kind of cuteness and innocence made Uncle Xin almost not open the box.  Courage, just because he is afraid that he will face unbearable consequences as soon as he opens it.  But this matter was not something he could choose. After gently touching his daughter's face, Uncle Xin opened the box.  The moment he opened the box, Xin Yi, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes. And in the next second, the fox fur in the box seemed to sense Xin Yi's response, and immediately a force surged out.  This decisive attitude was immediately projected onto Xin Yi.  Then, Uncle Xin immediately saw the evidence!  The evidence is Xin Yi's eyes. Originally, a child of such a young age should have a pair of bright and pure eyes. But when the power of Tianhu appeared, these eyes changed. The bright black eyes immediately seemed to have layers of microscopic eyes.  The light, if you look closely, is as blurry as a kaleidoscope, but also as deep as a dark pool, impossible to see through.  At that moment, Uncle Xin's eyes seemed to be fixed, and they seemed to contain everything he wanted to see, but could not see anything.  At the same time as his eyes changed, Xin Yi suddenly smiled "weirdly". This smile made Uncle Xin immediately become stupid. Looking at Xin Yi's eyes, it seemed that he had seen a beauty that he could not describe.  This beauty is everything.  "It's really indescribable, just like what you think in your mind, you can see it in your eyes. But it's more complete, like a world you long for! This is the ability of Tianhu, the real charm! Do you understand? The real charm  It's not like people think in novels, vixens can seduce people and achieve a romantic affair, that's too limited. What is the real charm? It's a kind of belief, yes, the charm that makes you believe with all your heart." Uncle Xin said with great effort.  I describe that feeling.  I was shocked to hear that, what does the word faith mean?  If there is anything in the world that can make people forget the fear of death, the only thing is faith!  That is something that is engraved in the soul and bones and cannot be erased.  Love may become faith, family and friendship may become faith, protection may become faith, and many, many things can become faith.  However, that can only become faith. To really reach the stage of faith, I don¡¯t know how deep the firmness needs to be engraved into people¡¯s hearts before soul power is possible.  This kind of determination is never easy, it takes time to settle, and is even accompanied by endless pain, but Tianhu can do it easily. If Tianhu is willing, her ability is simply terrifying and unimaginable.  This is the first time that I have truly faced Tianhu's ability and understood it deeply. I want to hide it, but I can't hide the shock in my eyes.  And Uncle Xin also smiled bitterly: "So, do you understand how scary the Sky Fox is? So, in my fox clan, whether it is a nine-tailed fox or a Sky Demon, there is always success. Only the Sky Fox, from that era onwards,  No Sky Fox is a truly accomplished Sky Fox. Do you know what I mean? A Sky Fox who has gone through three tribulations of Sky Fox and has the full capabilities of a Sky Fox! I mean, don¡¯t say that!  With these abilities, even those who have truly stepped into the threshold of Tianhu, I swallowed bitterly, Tianhu is already rare, and it has to go through three tribulations!  I have also heard that some Celestial Fox disciples with bloodline cannot even awaken for the first time.  Uncle Xin said: "Go a little further. The sky fox from thousands of years ago, that is, the previous generation of sky fox before Xin Yi, originally had hope. Otherwise, she would not be able to condense such a fox skin! Again!  Give her a hundred years, maybe she can really become a Sky Fox. "It's a pity." Uncle Xin didn't go on. Even if he didn't know the details of that past, the demon clan still knew something about it.  "The next generation of Tianhu couldn't wait that long originally. Unfortunately, the catastrophe of the Ming Dynasty made Xinyi's generation of Tianhu wait for a full thousand years. And these are not within the scope of our discussion. I just want to say that at that moment  I still can't forget the shock. I actually felt in awe of my daughter, a child who is still so young." Uncle Xin sighed.  Then he continued to talk about what happened that night. At that moment, it could be said that the power generated by the Tianhu bloodline had confused Uncle Xin. If this power continued, he might continue to be confused and follow Xin Yi.  Mind does everything.  But since Xin Yi was young, at that moment it was just the instinct of his blood that burst out with power, not herproactive behavior.  Secondly, although this power is terrifying, it is still very immature and weak.  The next second, Uncle Xin's blood boiled, and he had a strong blood reaction, which made him wake up suddenly.  b> said: Yesterday I wanted to get up and update, but I was really tired and fell asleep.  There were a lot of things to do today, and I was afraid that I wouldn't get up in time, so I deliberately delayed my time and updated today's things first while eating.
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