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    No. 1577, Anna Metropolitan Area.  ", this is what happened. I was able to escape, thanks to Sanbao's help all the way." After talking about the escape, Yang Ye looked at Liu Huan and said with a smile: "But you surprised me." "What's the surprise?  ?" Liu Huan Leng said.  "In the past, you only knew how to eat. When did you become a chef now?" As he spoke, Yang Ye turned his attention to the apron he was wearing, and then looked at Xu Jiao aside.  "Brothers and sisters are just capable. They have unknowingly trained my brother to become a good husband who shoulders the responsibilities of the family and cares for his wife and children." "HahaBrother Ye, it's better not to praise him." Xu Jiao covered her mouth and smiled.  Said: "If I hadn't made an agreement yesterday, he would have only taken care of us mother and son once, and cooked dinner for you to see." "Hehe." Huanzi took off his apron with a silly smile: "You can't say that.  That being said, I will come back to accompany you as soon as I have time, and it is right for me to praise you. " "Go and be good if you get the advantage." Xu Jiao pushed him, feeling very sweet.  Liu Huan kissed her on the face and said, "By the way, Brother Ye, do your sister-in-law and others know about your escape? Your sister-in-law has been worried to death for the past few months since you were imprisoned. Sister Lingyu is also hospitalized?" "  Hospitalized?" Yang Ye asked concernedly: "What happened? How is the child?" Liu Huan sighed and shook his head: "The child is gone now. Sister Lingyu fainted and fell down the stairs  " With that said, Liu Huan saw Yang Ye's complex expression and changed the subject: "Do you want to contact your sister-in-law and others now?" "No, I have already told your sister-in-law." Yang Ye suppressed his mood and said, "I will.  I came here to secretly investigate the person behind it. " "Brother Ye means: Someone organized the kidnapping with those Martians?" Liu Huan immediately became excited, and Yang Ye roughly explained his guess.  "There is no smoke without fire. The technological level of the Martians is generally weaker than that of us humans, but they are already very advanced in weapons manufacturing and aircraft. I have even never seen some of the technology. This shows that someone is funding them behind the scenes." "They imprisoned me and two people.  During the year, it may be a taboo for other countries to gain time for their own development. "Who is Brother Ye guessing?" Liu Huan immediately thought of his partner Zhang Dazhuang.  After seeing it, Zhang Dazhuang was the replica of the psychotic Yang Ye, so he wouldn¡¯t be surprised if it was him who made Liu Huan.  "There is no whereabouts yet, so I have to check." Yang Ye suddenly remembered that everyone on the street was wearing a mask, and asked: "Has there been any influenza virus on the earth recently?" "Yeah. It's a very powerful virus.  Experts from all over the world are unable to do anything about him, and many laboratory scientists are also infected," Liu Huan said.  "So serious?" Yang Ye thought and asked about the virus in detail.  ¡­¡­Since the outbreak of the virus, the number of deaths and infections in Malaysia has exceeded 160,000.  The virus has also mutated 19 times during this time.  its speed.  Faster than China software version update speed.  Now, Penang, Malaysia has completely become a no-man¡¯s land, half of the industry and finance are paralyzed, and riots are common.  And the United Nations can only do its best with personnel.  According to the recent World Health Organization report, the virus has various infection routes, mainly causing damage to human genes and defeating the human immune system.  ¡°All animals may be virus carriers, so after the incident, all poultry, birds and animals in Malaysia were exterminated, and what worried them most was the rat infestation.  When mice are infected with the virus, their nerves will fall into chaos, like a manic mental patient attacking moving creatures everywhere.  After lunch, Yang Ye borrowed Huanzi¡¯s laptop at home and entered the global health organization to view the latest structure of the virus and their virus experiment process.  In the evening, Yang Ye sorted out ten possibilities and ten responses based on the changes and characteristics of the virus, and anonymously sent them to Qian Xiaoyu's private mailbox.  According to Yang Ye¡¯s guess, the virus may become an ¡®air plankton¡¯ in the next evolution.  That's when the real global threat becomes real.  Once these viral organisms rise into the atmosphere with airflow, they will sweep across the world under changes in storm airflow and become a real invisible killer.  In this regard, Yang Ye¡¯s suggestion is to cremate the corpse, try to fight the virus with poison, and kill it with another virus.  ¡°Evolving too fast is the virus¡¯s strength and will also become its weakness.  All living things develop towards the goal of reproduction.To reproduce, one must overcome the environment. Human beings have created harsh environments for viruses time and time again, which is actually forcing them to evolve.  It¡¯s like the magnetic poles are flipping now.  Under the pressure of the earth, the development of mankind in the past two years has surpassed the development of the past 30 years. If the magnetic pole reversal did not occur, mankind might still stay in 2014.  By the same token, if you don¡¯t attack the virus during this period and give them the illusion that the disaster has passed, the virus¡¯ response will slow down and then suddenly produce a targeted ¡®antivirus¡¯, which will be a disaster for them.  ¡­ After receiving Yang Ye¡¯s suggestion, Xiaoyu felt like a sudden enlightenment. Various response plans flooded into his brain, and he immediately contacted the World Health Organization.  At 9 a.m. Beijing time, the World Health Organization informed the United Nations that it would stop disinfecting the airspace over Malaysia and conduct observation of the virus.  On the other hand, the World Virus Research Organization, headed by Xiaoyu, has also begun to turn to research on other viruses in order to find ways to restrain them.  On the morning of the 26th, Yang Ye left California, traveled across Arizona and New Mexico, and arrived in Houston, Texas.  Houston is the largest city in Texas and the largest economic and manufacturing center in Yan'an, the surrounding bay. It is known as the "center of the universe".  The most famous Apollo lunar exploration spacecraft in the United States flew to the moon at the Houston Aerospace Center. ?? 70 kilometers outside the southern suburbs of the city, there is a robot production center owned by 1900 Company. 60% of the internal employees are robots themselves.  40% are human engineers, which is also set at the request of the Texas government.  Recently, as robots become more and more intelligent, the American Labor Association is afraid that humans will lose jobs in the competition, so it applied to the U.S. Congress for the "Human Employee Protection Act", one of which is that 40% of workers in a factory must be human beings.  In addition, they asked 1900 Company to reduce the production of ¡®work-type¡¯ robots, but 1900 refused.  At present, parts of the Human Employee Protection Act have been passed and are being implemented in all continents.  In fact, the biggest purpose of building a robot manufacturing base in Texas in 1900 was to facilitate monitoring of Nick's movements.  And Nick seems to have noticed this, and he asked his companies to refuse to use 1900 products.  and plans to produce its own biological robots.  Participate in market competition. ?¡­ ?The secret laboratory underground of the factory.  This laboratory is not large, about 500 square meters, and its staff are all simulation robots with independent thinking.  "Are you Eminem? Nice to see you." "I'm happy to see you too, sir." "Sir, let's go over there and talk." 1900 invited Yang Ye to the rest area.  Although these robots can work uninterrupted.  But 1900 treats them as normal humans, and their work and treatment are the same as human engineers.  "Sir, we found Nick's residence. It's probably here." 1900 turned on the holographic projection and pointed to a certain location in the cowboy town.  "87% of his activities are within this scope, and 13% are substitute activities." "Yes." Yang Ye nodded: "Any movement recently?" "His communications are very short-lived and we cannot crack them in a short time. According to our investigation  , He has contacted New Zealand President Xuan Hai?" Yang Ye frowned: "Is this virus outbreak jointly planned by him and Nick?" "The evacuation of the coalition forces a war between humans and Martians.  What status will the mutants be in?" With all kinds of questions, Yang Ye fell into thinking.  After a moment, he looked at 1900 and asked a digression: "1900, what kind of race do you think we humans are? Can we trust mutants?" 1900 thought: "Sorry sir, I can't understand humans yet. But sir  Didn't he say: How he treats you depends on how you treat him. ""Haha, you mean to compare your feelings?" After saying that, Yang Ye suddenly felt a sense of relief in his brain, as if something suddenly clicked.  "You're right I was too nervous in the past. Whether it's mutants, us humans, or Martians, they might not be that bad." "In the end, mutants are also us humans, and the virus has changed them  "But it can't change their minds. In their hearts, they still regard themselves as human beings." "If we give them enough care to resolve each other's fears and gain more mutual trust and understanding" "Thank you, 1900."  As he spoke, Yang Ye's eyes flashed brightly.With the light, the brain cells are awakening like bright stars.  "Our goal should not be the earth! Regardless of earthlings, mutants, or Martians, our sights should be on the vast ocean of stars. In the past, my sights were really narrow" "It's time! It's time to end the era of earth civilization.  , Entering the era of civilization in the solar system!" Yang Ye patted 1900 on the shoulder excitedly, and his brain instantly broke through the 40% barrier. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? instantly.  Whether they are biological life or mechanical life, they are all drawn into an extremely bright space world!  Surrounded by endless nebulae, the solar system rotates in the galaxy.  Gradually, the solar system slowly shrinks and enters the Milky Way. The Milky Way turns into a group of nebulae and countless surrounding nebulae to form a super universe Compared with these, whether it is human civilization, Martians, mutants, or mechanical life, they are too small, and the destruction of planets and galaxies will not be possible.  Just at your fingertips.  To pursue the immortality of civilization, all civilizations must unite and evolve together!  Just like the United Nations, since the United Nations can be formed, why not the Interstellar Universe Alliance.  Wow, the signal in the laboratory was restored, Sambo, 1900 and the robots all looked at Yang Ye with reverence.  Yang Ye opened his arms and made a closing ceremony to everyone, strode out of the laboratory and said: "1900, let's go to Sanbao to see Xuanhai. Oh, by the way, the New Year is coming soon, let's give everyone a good holiday." "Yes.  Sir. Yes, father"?¡­(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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