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Text Chapter 432 Heading to Zhongnanhai

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    September 26th.  Because of Japan¡¯s financial crisis, Yang Ye did not stay in Wudang Mountain for too long and headed to the local airport in the afternoon.  On the way, he had a phone call with the Emperor of Japan.  Japan¡¯s current response is to sell off its gold reserves, and the next step may be to sell off its U.S. dollar reserves to allow the yen to recover.  In 2014, Russia also used this trick in response to the depreciation of the ruble.  However, Japan¡¯s U.S. dollar reserves are 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars. If they are sold, it will have a huge impact on the U.S. dollar economic system.  A hundred harms and no benefit.  But if we don¡¯t do this, the Japanese economy will completely collapse. The purchasing power of 10,000 yen is now only 10% of the past, and citizens¡¯ lives are under unprecedented pressure.  Within 1 day, 30 riots occurred in Tokyo, Japan against Toshiba and other traitors.  The prison has long been overcrowded.  The only way to stop this is for all countries to collectively buy yen and bring the yen back to its original level.  But Yang Ye thinks things are not that simple.  To put it bluntly, finance is the economic circulation between countries, people and people, and the circulation between currencies.  There is an interesting phenomenon on the Internet now, that is: comparing the purchasing power of currencies of various countries.  For example, 100 US dollars vs 620 RMB, use the money to buy Coke.  ??When people calculate it, it seems that the US dollar is more cost-effective and has stronger purchasing power, but if it is exchanged for other commodities, then the RMB is much more cost-effective.  This change in price of the same commodity is a reflection of economic circulation.  I don¡¯t know much about finance Yang Ye.  But he knows that if the world economy is compared to a person, then finance is the blood circulating in the human body.  The blood will not decrease easily.  ??If it is lacking here, it is abundant in some places.  Those Japanese entrepreneurs emptied their properties and touched Japan's weak blood vessels.  If you want Japan¡¯s economy to recover, you must give it blood transfusions and buy yen.  But if the yen suddenly rises, it will definitely cause a large number of people to speculate in Japanese foreign exchange!  When the yen reaches a certain level and someone suddenly sells it in a large amount, it will cause a chain reaction.  What ensued became a collective panic.  Countries will also be implicated. ? And the manipulators behind the scenes profit from it.  ¡­¡­¡­ Yanjing, Yanruju.  "Freemasonry? Skull and Boneswho is behind this?" In the living room.  Yang Ye held a financial book in his hand and fell into deep thought.  He told Peter his doubts before and discussed it with government financial experts, but both of them gave almost the same answer: impossible.  China has united other countries to decide to help Japan.  As soon as the news was released, the Japanese yen foreign exchange rate rose.  According to the monitoring of Peter Bank, most of the speculation is carried out by retail investors, and there are also financial companies. The maximum single transaction is no more than ten million, which is all tentative.  It seems that the big man behind the scenes is still waiting and watching, or it may be said that these are all expected by him, and it is not the time to take action yet.  "Husband, it's time to eat!" Wang Yan put a basin of seaweed and egg drop soup on the table.  Father Yang and Mother Yang took their third child to the Liu family. There were not many people in the living room today, only Shiru, Wang Yan and Linxian.  "Oh." Yang Ye folded the page.  Looking at Linxian with a smile, Shiru said: "How is business today?" "Great!" Wang Shiru said while serving rice: "I received 6 more orders in the morning, and now the reservations have been scheduled for the Spring Festival. Linxian's clothing  It¡¯s also selling well.¡± ¡°A few people came to the store to ask about gold. It used to be 234 per gram. How much do you think it is now?¡± ¡°Yang Ye?  Surprised.  "Isn't it?" Wang Yan studied finance in the past. She smiled and said: "Japan recently dumped dozens of tons of gold, which had an impact on the global gold price, but we aunts are not vegetarians." "Overnight, all major gold companies  The gold in the store was sold short, and many people followed suit. Linxian nodded with a smile.  Being with the three girls these days, Shi Linxian gradually adapted to Yang Ye's big family.  For the first time, she felt: It turns out that the original wife and the mistress can be so harmonious.  "Sir, have you been reading all morning?" "Well, there are some things that I can't figure out, and I want to find some answers." Yang Ye smiled slightly and stood up to help her and the second daughter make soup.  "That's how he is By the way, husband, what kind of nonsense can make you stop thinking about food and drink, and not even look at our three beauties?" Shiru said while eating.  "It's the gold price you just mentioned." Yang Ye said: "I think Japan's financial crisis may be just the beginning, and it's not a good sign for gold prices to fluctuate so much.  " "By the way, second brother, let me ask you a question, what is finance?  " "Husband, do you want to hear something simpler or something more complicated?  Wang Yan put down the spoon and said: "To put it simply, finance is the future of the economy. The money you earn from finance is when you exchange today's money for tomorrow's money."  Yang Ye nodded and said, "What if someone takes away tomorrow's money?"  " "That will cause a butterfly effect" Wang Yan smiled and said: "Why do you, a great scientist, start thinking about the financial world?  If you really want to learn finance, I will teach you the simplest way: watch the tide.  " "The ebb and flow of sea water is like the rise and fall of the stock market. Everything has its own rules.  A butterfly flapping its wings in Asia can cause a hurricane in the United States.  "    "oh?  " Hearing this, Yang Ye seemed to hear the sound of roaring waves. The ocean turned into a 'digital wave' in his mind, lapping on the rocks. Water vapor composed of Arabic numerals entered the atmosphere from the Gulf of Japan and then injected by countries around the world.  Funds are surrounding Japan, brewing into a storm bit by bit At this time, everyone is still in the calm eye of the storm, not knowing what will happen next! "Husband?  " "Huh" After coming back to his senses, the digital storm in Yang Ye's mind suddenly dissipated! "It's okay, let's eat.  By the way, don't touch any financial products recently, and sell those you have bought as soon as possible.  " "My friends and I bought some gold, do we want to sell it?  "Shi Linxian asked. "Sell it.  "Yang Ye said decisively. "Okay.  Linxian nodded. Wang Yan asked attentively: "What happened to my husband?"  " Yang Ye picked up his rice bowl and ate while saying: "I feel like someone is eyeing this Japanese financial crisis. Don't touch any products that have anything to do with finance.  " "I'll go to Zhongnanhai after dinner. If I don't come back, I'll call you.  "" He had a hasty lunch. Yang Ye did not stay at home longer. "According to the idea in his mind, if a financial crisis occurs, it will land in China first. If there is no preparation in advance, the development of the past 60 years will be in vain."  On the way to Zhongnanhai, Yang Ye had a phone call with 1900 in the Western Hemisphere. Last night, he asked 1900 to check the current situation of those Japanese families and their recent actions. 1900 told Yang Ye: Currently, those Japanese families have transferred their assets to.  Europe and the United States have contacted the United Kingdom many times before and after the incident. The contact person is: Sabella. Among Sabella's many contacts, there are many members of European families and some financial organizations in the United States, as well as members of the Freemasonry and Skull and Bones.  It¡¯s very complicated. It looks like it¡¯s deliberately confusing the situation. It may also be a big network. The robots sent by 1900 have arrived in the UK and are conducting real-life surveillance. ¡°It¡¯s not simple¡± Yang Ye asked.  : ¡°How is the surveillance over Nick?  Has he been up to anything lately?  " "He seems to have discovered my people. He has become more and more cautious recently. He had contact with the Rothschild family in Europe a month ago.  On the surface, it looks like they are discussing business.  "1900 said. "Rothschild" Yang Ye thought: "He has become cautious, which probably means that he already knows our actions, so let's strengthen monitoring.  He also sent me a list of Rothschild family members he had met.  " "Yes sir.  "1900 nodded. "Haha, don't be so stiff, you have to learn to smile.  " After talking about business, Yang Ye made a cup of coffee and said with a smile: "How are you and Mo Qian lately?  Did the couple quarrel?  " "No sir.  " 1900 said with a natural smile: "She recently adopted an Asian baby and is very happy every day.  "    "oh?  What's the child's name?  I really want to go check it out when I have time.  " With that said, Yang Ye chatted with 1900 about trivial life matters with great interest. The car arrived at Zhongnanhai half an hour later.  Zhongnanhai. " Sit down.  " Seeing Yang Ye walking into the living room. The general secretary personally brought two cups of Biluochun and said: "I said you, a great scientist, don't take a good vacation for yourself, why do you suddenly get involved in financial and economic matters?  " "It just so happens that our financial master is also here.  He also wants to hear your opinion.  " "Hello Mr. Yang, my name is Liao Nanyu.  ¡±  Liao Nanyu is a young talent in China's financial sector and one of the people listed in Time Magazine. He studied abroad at Harvard University in the United States 10 years ago and majored in finance.  When he was in school, he used his spare time to earn more than 20 million US dollars from gold, stocks, and foreign exchange.  But his principal is only $100.  After graduation, he accepted an invitation from a financial company on Wall Street.  Be their financial advisor.  A year later, he returned to China and joined the China Rainbow Fund. He planned the famous Yu Bao.  In 2015, Liao Nanyu left Tianhong to exclusively establish ¡®Yuhua Financial Consulting Company¡¯, and gathered a group of top domestic and international financial experts and high-end elites.  Most of the top 500 domestic companies have business cooperation with them, and state-owned enterprises such as the Central Bank and ICBC are also their customers.  ¡°This time there is an economic crisis in Japan, and the top government officials still attach great importance to it.  "Hello, Mr. Liao." Yang Ye shook hands with him and said, "Excuse me, sir, what will happen if countries buy Japanese yen in foreign exchange?" "Of course the Japanese yen will rise, and others will fall." Liao Nanyu said.  "What if the price keeps rising?" "How could it be?" Liao Nanyu smiled and said: "As long as the big investors take out a little bit, those retail investors will immediately follow suit." "I mean what if." With that, Yang Ye took a sip of tea and continued.  : "Let's assume again that if the yen rises to an unexpected height, and someone suddenly sells gold, causing the price of gold to plummet, what would you do?" "Naturally, sell the yen and buy gold" Having said that,  Liao Nanyu's smile suddenly solidified: "Then the dollar will fall, the renminbi will rise, the pressure on world employment will increase, export products will enter the domestic market to compete, there will be excess domestic demand, pressure on employment, rising unemployment, and a real estate bubble" "But,  Who has so much gold reserves to make a living? "(To be continued)
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