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Text Chapter 430 Mutants after the Civil War

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    Concession, New Mexico, United States.  After the civil war, the mutant countries are gradually stabilizing. The only thing that makes them feel uneasy is that Mr. Lan and his assistant have not been found yet.  This president who only served for two years is not only a mutant, but also an extremely dangerous biological scientist.  After the war, the search for them by human countries has never stopped.  The entry of the human coalition also caused bloodshed between mutant civilians and human soldiers.  According to the contract drawn up before the coalition forces entered the new country (mutants): Human beings have the right to intervene and assist the new mutant government in maintaining social stability, the right to participate in the hunt for Mr. Lan, and the right to isolate and investigate any suspects.  With these three items, the Union Army began to implement the highest standards after entering. Any mutant who is suspected must be investigated.  All acts of resistance and aggression will be met with ruthless counterattack by human soldiers!  There is no morality at this moment, only conflict and hatred between the two races.  From the perspective of human society, mutants are unfamiliar wild wolves.  Human beings helped them build their country and help them develop, but they used humans to conduct cruel experiments.  From the perspective of mutants, humans have not treated them fairly at all!  In just two months, a total of 210 "mutants were killed or forced to undergo investigation" occurred in various places, two of which were small-scale massacres.  The cause of the incident is: Union soldiers passed by a local town.  The next day, the three soldiers were nowhere to be found, so the Union Army team launched a search in the town, and was later resisted by two of the mutants.  Afterwards a conflict occurred.  Four soldiers died trying to escape.  Two hours later, more Union Army teams arrived and surrounded everyone in the town!  Just when the situation was tense, local residents once again provoked each other with the coalition soldiers, and eventually a massacre occurred.  The three missing soldiers have not yet been found.   After this incident broke out, there was a huge controversy in the human and mutant societies. In order to commend the human soldiers who died on the battlefield, the Union Army specially awarded the "Human Union Army Medal of Valor" to the deceased, and the families of the deceased received large pensions.  .  The new mutant president Xuan Hai questioned the United Nations on the 30th of last month.  And asked the United Nations to withdraw the 'butcher's reward', but was severely rejected by humans.  Therefore, mutants hate humans even more.  This leads to more bloodshed.  The Presidential Palace of the New Republic.  In the office, Xuan Hai looked at the ¡®Anti-Humanity Parade¡¯ outside the window with confusion. Mutants have been killed continuously in the past few days, making the relationship between humans and mutants even worse.  More than 70% of mutants are demanding: drive away the human coalition.  Now Xuan Hai began to feel that it was a mistake not to kill Mr. Lan.  "Mr. President, the coalition sent a request: They hope that we can hand over the murderer who killed the human soldiers three days ago." The Secretary of State came in.  "Request? Hope?" Xuan Hai raised the corners of his mouth and sneered. He knew that humans would never use such honorifics to them.  After thinking for a moment, Xuan Hai swallowed up his unwillingness and anger and said: "Leave the naga to them." "Sir." The Secretary of State wanted to say something, but Xuan Hai stood up and interrupted: "You should know the consequences of not handing it over.  , help their families arrange funeral arrangements. " "I'm tired, you and Wei will decide the rest. " " Evening, Haidi City Underground Prison.  This prison was originally an abandoned underground waterway and is now used to imprison Mr. Lan, Sun Chang and their experimental team.  After the civil war broke out, Mr. Lan knew that he could not escape human pursuit.  He took the initiative to contact Xuan Hai at the risk of being killed, and used the excuse that the experiment was about to succeed, hoping that Xuan Hai could give him a one-year reprieve.  Finally, in Mr. Lan¡¯s vivid performance.  Xuanhai promised to give him a suspended sentence, but only for two months.  Regardless of whether the experiment succeeds or not in two months, he will hand over Mr. Lan to the hands of the human coalition.  Xuan Hai is a contradictory person. On the one hand, he hopes that humans and mutants can coexist peacefully, and on the other hand, he hopes that mutants will become stronger.  Mr. Lan¡¯s experiment seems evil, but if it succeeds, wouldn¡¯t it be a help to mutants?  Xuanhai knows very well: Wisdom is the most powerful weapon.     prison.  "Look. Our president is here! Set off the fireworks, boom!" Lan XianAt this time, I was like a perverted scientist in a movie.  He has terrible messy hair, gray skin, and a disgusting, flat smile.  Around the prison, three mutants wearing white coats were lying. They were both "experimental subjects" and imprisoned experimental members.  Now Mr. Lan has begun experiments on mutants.  The brain cells of the three experimental subjects are gradually developing, but due to the chaos of their brain nerves and central system, they have become madmen and can only giggle every day.  "Hehe, set off fireworks, set off fireworks, bang bang bang" "That's enough of you!"  "Wow." Mr. Lan grinned weirdly, crossed his ten pale fingers, bowed to Xuan Hai and said: "Great King of Mutants, your power is getting stronger and stronger, but you don't look like you.  Not happy. Hahaha" Faced with his smile, Xuan Hai said with a blank expression, "You don't have to act, I know there is no way you can succeed." "Please!"  Mr. Lan immediately knelt down, folded his hands and prayed: "Great Mr. King, please give me a little more time, I will succeed soon!" "Look, look, Sun quickly bring the report to my king. I swear  , after the vaccine injection, our brain cells begin to develop themselves effectively, but it will cause a little bit of damage to the brain nerves" As he spoke, Mr. Lan showed a mouth full of yellow teeth and pinched his fingers.  Sun Chang took the experimental record and handed it to Xuan Hai.  Xuan Hai flipped through the pages a few times and pondered: "How much longer do you need?" "One month. No, no, two weeks, give me another two weeks. I will let you see a miracle on me! Please, Mr. King  ." Mr. Lan prayed.  "I think you are crazy now!" Xuan Hai grabbed Mr. Lan's collar with one hand and said angrily: "For you bastards, we lost 20,000 lives, and now the human society is full of hatred towards us!" "You are actually now  And you told me to wait!¡± Bang!  As he said that, Xuan Hai threw Mr. Lan against the wall like a pillow!  "Listen to me, I only give you one week! No matter how the experiment progresses after one week, I will hand you over to humans!" "Hehehe" Mr. Lan vomited blood and laughed strangely.  The laughter was particularly harsh in Xuan Hai's ears.  "What are you laughing at!" Xuan Hai stepped forward angrily.  Soldiers all around began to load their guns.  "Wow, cool." Mr. Lan curled his lips nonchalantly.  Looking at Xuan Hai, he said: "Have you finally realized how we feel now? Your Majesty." "Defeat me, will humans do you any good?" "I tell you! From the moment our new human race is born, it is impossible to compete with humans.  In peaceful coexistence, human beings are extremely selfish beings. I believe you have realized this deeply in the past few days, haven't you?" Mr. Lan's expression changed: "Have you heard the story of 'The Wolf Cried'?  "Once you become a liar, you will always be a liar. No one will believe you!" "You think it's okay to hand me over to humans? As far as humans are concerned, we will no longer trouble you."  It¡¯s a mistake! This is not a competition between homosexuals and black people, but a competition between two intelligent races!¡± ¡°I dare say that as soon as you hand me over, they will suspect that you have obtained the ¡®experimental results¡¯, and by then human society will  Fear: Oh my god. The mutants are starting to get smart. Oh my god. Oh my god" "Hahahaha" Snap!  A hard slap in the face!  "Shut up!" After being beaten, Mr. Lan grabbed Xuan Hai's arms like crazy and shouted: "Wake up, man, we have no way out, you know? Do you know?!" "Humans have controlled our economy.  They control everything about us. If we don¡¯t resist, the only thing waiting for us is extinction! You will be put in a cage like a monkey!¡± ¡°Xuan, I know that everything you do is for us new humans,  I won¡¯t blame you. But you should never forget to fight! One day you will understand!¡± ¡°That¡¯s enough!¡±    Haidi City Metro No. 2.  After getting out of prison.  Xuan Hai felt his head heavy, and the inner conflicts almost tore him apart.    "Mr. President." "It doesn't matter, you go back first, I want to take a walk alone." Xuan Haiqing retreated from the security personnel and looked at the passengers looking around.  Because most people gathered in major streets to participate in game activities, not many people came to take the subway.  After the bodyguards left, a middle-aged man stepped forward and introduced himself: "Hello, Mr. President, it's an honor to see you here." "Hello, Mr. Clark." Xuan Hai smiled and shook hands with him.  At this time, an old woman walked up to him and said, "You are a coward!" After saying that, she turned around and left.  Hearing this, Xuan Hai smiled heartbrokenly and helplessly, and Clerk comforted him: "This is just her personal opinion. I think your handling method is the most calm and appropriate. We are not qualified to negotiate terms with humans yet."  "Thank you." Xuan Hai felt a little more comfortable. He looked at Clerk and said, "Sir, have you ever wondered: Are you a human or a new human?" Clerk smiled wisely: "Humans are just human beings.  Collective code, apart from physical form, what is the difference between us and humans? " "I was a cancer patient in the United States, and my life was extended when I came here. Do you understand what I mean?"  "Thank you." Xuan Hai nodded with a smile, and the doubts in his heart were cleared.  He hesitated and took out a secret mobile phone, which was a gift he gave to Xuan Hai when he met Nick.  After the Mutant Civil War, the country¡¯s communication systems were all monitored by the United States, including him, the president.  But this mobile phone can protect his calls with Nick from being monitored.  ¡­(To be continued)
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