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Volume 2: The Beginning of Fame Chapter 71: Qualification Battle Departure

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    "Oh? Am I qualified enough? You can come and give it a try! But the premise is are you qualified?" Looking at Wang Changen in front of him, Ding Yang finally showed a sneer on his face. The arrogance of the person in front of him was originally also for him.  It didn't have any relationship, but he would not swallow his anger just because he got into trouble with a woman who had nothing to do with him in the first place.  "Seeking death!" With an angry shout, the jade table in front of Wang Changen was completely shattered by the general force coming out of his body at this moment. The general force rolled back towards Ding Yang and covered it directly, and fell in mid-air.  It was condensed into a red divine flame, but these flames seemed to be very subtle. Every flame was completely transformed into a flaming sword energy, and it slashed directly at Ding Yang.  "Boom!" That's fire and it's also a sword!  Even the sword energy has completely turned into flames. It can be said that the change of the sword energy has reached the point of the incarnation of creation, and has begun to merge with the fire of the five elements. Once such a sword technique is released, the jade boat will be restored, but the jade boat will be restored.  The large lake of spiritual liquid below the boat immediately began to surge. Countless spiritual liquids were absorbed by this piece, and the sword energy condensed and almost became a solid substance.  Seeing such a sword, Ding Yang was even more surprised. He didn't even move, he just stood on the ground, but his face was full of chuckles and a strange expectation!  "tmd! You dare to touch my friend Zhao Kun!" Seeing Wang Changen attack Ding Yang directly because of just one word, Zhao Kun's right fist burst out with astonishing energy, and he was about to take action immediately, but at this moment, Han Manman was also  But suddenly the ribbon was swung in front of him, and he said with a cold expression: "Zhao Kun, the one who wants to fight is also my opponent, what's the matter? Just now, he was cheering on the side and now he is going to help? Haha This kid today  It must be done here!" Han Manman looks like a cold beauty.  But her heart was as cold as her face, and even contained a lot of insidiousness. This was why she forced Zhao Kun so much. Also because of Ding Yang's words just now, she was very willing to see Ding Yang die in Wang Chang'en.  hands.  The matter of quotas or not is not something that everyone needs to consider at this moment.  "You" Seeing Han Manman appear in front of him, Zhao Kun suddenly felt as if he was going to die, but he had to abide by the inner demon's oath he discovered back then, but then his eyes were shocked by the scene in front of him.  .  "Bang!" Just when the divine flame had arrived in front of Ding Yang, a terrifying change suddenly occurred. The horror of this change was not how powerful it was, but the sudden appearance of the divine flame.  It's like the energy is unstable.  He was defeated directly in front of Ding Yang. After that, countless sword energies were poured into Ding Yang's body under a suction force before they even had time to dissipate.  His face was surprisingly plain, but the slight curling of the corner of his mouth made Ding Yang's face full of mockery: "Is this the strength of the number one preparatory disciple in the fourth sect? How many spiritual crystals did you buy for this title? I  If you pay double, you can sell it to me. How about it? You should be able to make a lot of money, right?" "" Everything happened too quickly when the divine flame disappeared and was absorbed by Ding Yang.  The extremely powerful attack disappeared in this strange form. Everyone was shocked by this strange scene, but they didn't want to hear such a sentence immediately. For a moment, even Xu Qing, who was so gentle, suddenly couldn't hold back.  He laughed out loud.  "This what kind of skill is this? It can absorb my lava sword energy. Could it be a skill from other temples? 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