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Chapter 7: Space Fleet Chapter 16: Quantum Communication

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    "Let the Second Fleet take over from the First Fleet. The losses of the First Fleet are too serious." The generals of the Space Defense Command Center made such an arrangement, but the problem was the arrangement for Luo Gengnian.  As a fleet commander, and it was the first time he participated in such a fleet battle, it can be said that his command was steady, calm, and had the qualities a commander should have, but this cannot cover up his handling of the final pursuit.  He made a mistake. It is said that you should not pursue the enemy when you are weak, but the final result was that he did not stop the fanatical warriors from attacking, resulting in heavy losses for the pilots of the space fighter. This was an unforgivable mistake.  "I suggest that he be placed in the Lunar Defense Fleet." Someone finally spoke in the silent room, but with this opening, everyone felt that this punishment was a bit too severe.  The Lunar Defense Fleet, which seems to have a very lofty name, is actually just a second-line fleet. The commander of the first-line fleet is replaced by the commander of the second-line fleet. This kind of punishment cannot be said to be not severe, but it is a bit excessive.  "Isn't it a little heavy?" Everyone turned around and saw that it was someone from the Luo family. Everyone was stunned. Shouldn't they be protecting their own people at this time?  Luo Guozhu shook his head and said, "If jade is not polished, it will not become a weapon. If you give him some training, I believe he can become a weapon." Since the Luo family said so, let's do it, so everyone nodded and agreed.  Now everyone is beginning to think about the attack of these aliens. If the enemy fails this time, they will inevitably make a comeback.  Now it seems that the asteroid belt cannot stop the opponent very well, so now we can only rely on the alliance's defense line.  There are three lines of defense. Now the first line of defense is incomplete. But fortunately, they retreated first. Now it depends on the situation of the next battle. But now everyone is not very worried. After all, it seems that it is not impossible to hold the line of defense now.  Yes, after all, the other side does not have much supplies, and the earth will definitely win by then.  The fleets confronting each other in the universe have been replaced by the Second Fleet, headed by the Galaxy. If the First Fleet is the first line of defense, then the Second Fleet is the absolute elite.  Due to the promotion of Kamigawa Kung Fu, people's lifespan has been enhanced, and the number of years of human service has been greatly increased. Even as time goes by, human soldiers have become more and more elite, and the Second Fleet has served as a soldier for more than five years.  Only the above soldiers are eligible to join the army.  The current system is different from the original. The current system is that if you are confident and meet the standards, you can pursue advancement, pass the only assessment every year, fight your way out of thousands of troops, and become the second fleet.  In comparison, the Second Fleet has stronger combat effectiveness. Of course, the technology used by the ships is also more advanced.  The flagship of the Second Fleet, Galaxy.  Jiang Feike was standing in the strategic and tactical simulation center watching his staff's various simulated battlefield combat plans.  However, after watching several times in a row, Jiang Feike was not satisfied. The reason was very simple. These combat plans were too conservative. But think about it, this is normal. After all, it is the first time to fight against an unknown civilization. What will happen to the opponent?  No one can tell what the trump card is. Although Earth's technology has advanced at an astonishing speed, it has to be said that after the first battle, the opponent's combat effectiveness and technological strength were stronger than Earth's. After all, in comparison,  The foundation of the earth is still too low.  However, what is different from what others think is that Jiang Feike's sense of crisis is even stronger because he knows that this battle is actually very hasty and the other party is 5 years earlier than originally expected. This is very necessary. With this period  It will take time for the earth to prepare.  However, the other party advanced the plan so that a super planetary battleship that was expected to enter service in three years could not be put into service. After all, the manufacturing of such a battleship is not something that can be done well if you want to.  Such warships cannot be put into military service casually. This is a huge irresponsibility for the military.  And everyone has high hopes for it, so it¡¯s impossible to take it lightly.  But from this point of view, the earth does not have the foundation to deal with crises. There is no way to do this. In just over thirty years, it is already very good to be able to build a 380-meter-long battleship.  Of course, Jiang Feike's sense of crisis came from this. Originally, the opponent came on an expedition, and there would inevitably be supply problems. However, no one thought of a question, that is, to what extent has the opponent's warp force jump developed?  Judging from their current technology, who can tell how long they can last?  What if we can support the opponent until reinforcements arrive?  At that time, the earth could not resist, so what he thought was not confrontation, but direct defeat.  "Captain. We found the other party's communication method." Jiang Feike took a look and found out that he was from the Combat Analysis and Intelligence Section. He nodded and asked, "How is it?" "The other party used a two-word point-to-point call. This is a  It's a very high-end technology, and this kind of communication is the most suitable for space communication." After hearing this, Jiang Feike asked, "I know this. Is this the method they use?" Can we get involved?  After thinking for a while, he said: "You can give it a try, we are??There are several quantum communication stations, you can try to see if you can get in.  But what is gratifying is that the other party did not expect that we could detect their communication status, so the communication fluctuated greatly, which proves that they did not encrypt, and even increased the energy of quantum communication for the sake of clear communication. From the side, they  I have not fully mastered this communication technology.  "However, what Jiang Feike is concerned about is not this, but the effectiveness of quantum communication. In the latest issue of "Nature" magazine published on August 14, 2008, five scientists from Switzerland announced their latest research results.  Swiss scientists said that atoms, electrons and all other microscopic substances in the universe may exhibit extremely strange behaviors, and their behavioral laws may be completely contrary to the traditional scientific laws in our daily lives. For example, objects can exist in two places at the same time.  Or multiple places; can rotate in opposite directions at the same time. This phenomenon may only be explained by quantum physics. Quantum physics believes that there may be a certain connection between anything.  Events on the object may also affect other objects at the same time. This phenomenon is called "quantum entanglement", no matter how far away the objects are, the relationship of "quantum entanglement" also exists. Einstein firmly opposed "quantum entanglement".  Entanglement" theory, even jokingly called it "distant ghostly behavior". According to the description of quantum mechanics theory, two entangled particles can "perceive" and affect each other's state no matter how far apart they are. For decades,  Physicists are trying to verify whether this magical property is real and what determines it. In fact, we can use visual explanations to explain this phenomenon. Entangled objects release some kind of unknown particles or other forms of high-speed signals.  , thereby affecting its partners. Previously, experiments have confirmed the existence of certain hidden signals in the field of traditional physics, thus dispelling people's doubts about such hidden signals. However, there is still a strange possibility that has not been discovered.  To confirm, the transmission rate of this unknown signal may be higher than the speed of light. To confirm this possibility, Swiss scientists began to conduct experimental studies on a pair of entangled photons. First, the researchers separated the photon pair;  The photons then pass through specially designed detectors along the way, so the researchers can determine their origin and destination at any time.  "Color." Eventually, the receiving station confirmed that after each pair of entangled photons was sent to the receiving station separately, there was still an entangled relationship between the two photons, and scientists could predict the characteristics of the other photon.  In the experiment, it only takes one quadrillionth of a second for any hidden signal to be transmitted from one receiving station to another. This transmission rate ensures that the receiving station can accurately detect the transmission of any unknown signal.  The speed is at least 10,000 times the speed of light. Compared with the light wave communication commonly used on the earth today, it is tens of millions of times better. Although this kind of communication can make communication almost barrier-free, the problem is that this kind of communication requires professional personnel.  The central equipment is not very far away. Once out of the asteroid belt, there is likely to be no communication. This is why the First Fleet is deployed in the asteroid belt. Of course, this communication method is naturally the best communication method in space.  , it can allow spacecrafts that are tens of thousands of light-years away to have real-time conversations that are imperceptible in a very short period of time.  This advantage allowed China to start research early. In the past few years, this technology could finally achieve a certain degree of controllability and has been placed in the Second Fleet for testing and experiments.  Jiang Feike is worried about this kind of effectiveness. When the other party sees that the earth is difficult to chew, will it ask for reinforcements?  This is certain. In addition, if the opponent's warp jumping ability improves, then it is very likely that reinforcements from the opponent will be delayed and the earth will be completely defeated.  Jiang Feike thought of this and ordered: "Let the quantum communication experts come to my place." Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Feike began to quickly browse these combat reports.  He browsed through them one by one, but all he got was disappointment. Just when Jiang Feike was about to give up, he suddenly saw an interesting battle plan and stopped.  After careful inspection, the quantum communication expert arrived at this time, and Jiang Feike could only come back to talk to him first.
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