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Chapter 7: Space Fleet Chapter 7: Disclosure

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    In fact, the resources used by the expedition team are no less than the total resources of the earth. You must know that their technology has not reached the level of being able to use very few resources to reach the earth that is far away from the light-years away. Therefore, their  Supplies, ship production, and everything else require a lot of resources. From this point of view, there is no benefit for them to come to the earth, and what they really like may be the earth itself.  In itself, just like what the girl saw, the other party's environment was really bad.  Of course, Jingwei actually concealed something, that is, Jingwei discovered that the last three ships of the opponent were transport ships, not supplies, but some nobles. Yes, these nobles seemed to be very confident in their fleet.  , think that the earth is defenseless, are they impatient to immigrate?  From this point of view, their environment is really bad.  No matter what their environment is, leaders have been in the conference room for two days, and everyone is discussing, what should we do in a situation like this?  It is necessary to use the world's resources to fight against the opponent, but the reality is that China does not have the ability to fully integrate the world's resources. It is even said that China cannot use the powerful means of the United States.  After two days of meetings, the outside world has also begun to pay attention to this meeting in China, because except for a few meetings, other meetings cannot be so long. Obviously, this is a big event that people are not aware of, otherwise it would not be possible.  There is a phenomenon that meetings in China last for such a long time.  The outside world began to speculate on why China took so long this time, and the meeting on China's side finally ended.  After the meeting, China immediately requested a United Nations meeting, saying that there would be a piece of information related to the security of the entire planet that needed to be discussed with the permanent members.  Today's China is no longer the China it was many years ago. If China asks for a meeting, let's hold it. It just so happens that China is now vigorously developing the moon and building a space port. With a series of actions, people in other countries want to know what China is.  What are you doing.  In fact, without this meeting, the United States would have been unable to bear it. They knew about the buildings on the back of the moon, but after the probe vehicle they sent was destroyed, they had no effective countermeasures, so they could only be honest.  Wait, but after China has been on the moon for so long, it must have made a discovery. The United States wants to know what this discovery is.  This discovery?  Naturally, China would not talk about this discovery, but the information China brought was something that no other country in the world had expected.  This data is shocking. A huge fleet is heading towards the earth. This was discovered through the latest telescope satellite.  Of course, China has not explained the working principle of telescope satellites. The theory behind it can actually find targets in front of light. This surprises everyone as China's scientific and technological development is really changing with each passing day.  But now is not the time to pay attention to this. What we need to pay attention to now is that aliens are coming, and they have mastered the ability similar to space jumping, and can appear in front of everyone in forty years or even less.  No one can be sure whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions. Of course, China knows that the other party comes with malicious intentions, but specific evidence cannot be produced, and even if it is produced, no one will believe it.  Now whether aliens are coming to the earth or not, it will be a test for the earth. China¡¯s final conclusion is: the opponent¡¯s fleet is huge. Judging from the current situation of various countries, no one can resist it. The best  The way is to integrate resources from all over the world, and finally produce spaceships with all their strength, maybe there will be a battle.  Leaders of several Western countries are very unhappy because since the Industrial Revolution, the world's science and technology center has been in the West, and this time it should be led by Western countries. Moreover, although China's current science and technology is developed, its scientific and technological background cannot match that of the West.  Compared with the old powerful countries, I believe that after pooling the world's resources, any country can develop its own country very well. When the time comes, it will definitely have the strength to fight against the other party. Although China sneers at this, it cannot say clearly that now  Their technology has lagged too far behind. Even if they pool all the resources in the world, they still don't have the strength to fight against each other.  However, in this world where sending people has the advantage, China's power cannot change anything. Of course, China has long expected this. Just after the first day of the meeting, China announced that it would withdraw from the meeting indefinitely.  This move surprised all parties, because according to its previous nature, China would never do this. Now, not only did China do it, but it did it extremely well. It did what it said it would do. China announced its withdrawal from the meeting and left the next day.  , this has left many people scratching their heads. Originally, everyone thought that China was just paying lip service, and as long as it gave a step, China would come back, but now it seems that they were wrong.  In fact, although they shouted very fiercely, they had to admit China's achievements in spacecraft. When they saw this information again, they knew what China meant. They integrated global resources through the United Nations, and then established  strong?Fleet.  Against each other, however, things are not that simple. The interests must be seen. In things like this, whoever dominates the manufacturing and intellectual rights of these spaceships will inevitably become a veritable big brother and leader in the future.  This is inevitable. If this is the case, who can give up such a thing?  Moreover, China is a natural target for Western countries to exclude foreigners in terms of skin color and national character. For this reason, they tacitly want to squeeze China out, but they must also use China's achievements in spaceships to achieve their own goals.  In other words, they want to play the trick of being a wolf with nothing to lose. They want to become the big brother and also need China's advanced technology.  China has long expected such ambitions. In the past, it had no strength. Now that it has strength, it will no longer be controlled by others. But does China have the ability to integrate all the world's resources? To this end, China has played the second largest game.  When commenting, this period of history was called the most childish preparation for a cosmic war.  This is a battle for the fate of the embassy earth. China has always known that when there is no way to declare to the outside world, Chinese leaders are under tremendous pressure. However, these pressures will be leaked out, and new pressures will come.  Of course, in the eyes of China's leaders, it's worth it.  On March 5, 2018, China suddenly held a press conference.  Reporters from all over the world have come. Of course, these are all reporters based in China. Since they just left the meeting yesterday, China is the center of the topic. After arriving, they are all looking forward to what China has to say.  When the meeting started, we went straight to the topic.  Spokesperson: "Just the other week, our latest Clairvoyance telescope finally approached the orbit of Pluto after half a year of operation, and here we made an amazing discovery. About 2 degrees north of Beta Libra, we  I saw this." As the projection equipment started to operate, everyone saw a triangular prism-shaped spaceship. What is this?  everyone asked in surprise.  "About 20 light-years away from the Earth, there is a huge fleet heading towards the Earth. We don't know where their destination is, whether they are passing by or whether they end up on the Earth. Will they discover the Earth? Will they detect the Earth?  We know nothing about the harm caused to the earth, but what we do know is that we must guard against them and not deny that they may come with peace. However, our security should not be left to unknown beings, and for this reason our country hopes to convene.  The United Nations conference hopes to come up with a solution, but what is disappointing is that the United Nations conference is just arguing with each other, which is a waste of time. And precisely, what we lack is time. For this reason, we chose to withdraw from the meeting and hope that  Use your own methods to ensure the safety of the earth. ""The other party will come to the earth in forty years or less. We plan to establish the first layer of defense in the asteroid belt, mainly for the placement of planetary defense weapons, Mars.  Development is about to begin. At that time, we will use this planet to carry out a second line of defense. Between the defense lines, we will use a large number of warships to supplement combat power. The third layer of defense will be composed of the moon base and the Thai airport. The fourth layer will be composed of the moon base and the Thai airport.  The line of defense will be the earth itself. In fact, when the lunar defense line is breached, human life and death will no longer be decided by ourselves. ""Rather than a huge plan, what we need more is talent, a lot of talent, no matter what the plan is.  , a large population is needed to implement these plans, and there are channels that can be opened up everywhere in the universe. In other words, our defense line is three-dimensional, which means that we need a large amount of defense. For this reason, on behalf of China, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to  The whole world is calling for you to join us for the future of the earth. No matter what industry you are in, as long as you have a brave heart, we sincerely ask you to come and contribute to the future of the earth.¡± The words of the Chinese spokesperson followed the radio waves.  It was spread to the whole world, and together with this information about China, it was put on the Internet. Of course, not only these contents were put up, but also the Dayu ship under construction in China, which was China's latest main force.  The ship is about 230 meters long. It uses dual engines and nuclear fusion as the power core. The entire ship requires nearly a hundred people to control it. This ship is a true long-distance ship, capable of ultra-long-distance space travel.  Due to the upgrade of engine technology (information provided by Jingwei), this spacecraft has more satisfactory power control. It has abandoned the huge nuclear fusion control circuit and can effectively control the power of nuclear fusion through engines and other structures.  aspect output.  This is a spaceship that does not carry space fighters. The main reason is that it is an attack aircraft, which means that it is very offensive.  She will definitely be equipped with other auxiliary ships in the future.  In addition, China has also issued conceptual drawings of other bases, which are expected to be completed in ten to twenty years.  This caused an uproar around the world. Many politicians in Western countries shouted that China was crazy. However, ordinary people felt that China was very honest.
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