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Volume Six: War?  universe?  fleet?  Chapter 24: Island Country

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    After such a long blockade, the people of the island country have long been fed up with this blockade. In their view, it is all the country¡¯s fault. Why should they provoke China, especially the former prime minister, who has made the people angry? From here, you can  It can be seen how amazing the influence of public opinion is. From the beginning, everyone hated China to now everyone thinks that they were deceived by the country in the past. What is wrong with China?  Shouldn't we be punished if we make a mistake?  Of course, the existence of these arguments is the result of the current Prime Minister's side-effects.  This prime minister has certain talents. Before he took office, he observed that island countries are actually very dangerous. China cannot take action against island countries because of the United States. However, this does not mean that China cannot take action. Once China is strong and the United States is weak,  The island country must be a victim, and this war officially verified his idea, but the cost of this verification was too huge. Although China did not attack the island country's mainland, it blocked the island country's waterways, leaving the island country in a state of isolation.  As we all know, the island country is a country that relies heavily on external resources. As a result, the island country is very poor in resources and now implements a distribution system.  Of course, China has not killed everyone. Some basic food needs are still allowed, but it can only be enough to eat. For the rest, what do you expect?  As China is in a state of war with the island country, it has done its utmost to be benevolent and righteous, and no one can say anything.  The prime minister of the island country has shaped China into a strong and friendly country through a little bit of public opinion. The proof of this is that when China is at war with the island country, it can still let the island country enter some supplies and ensure that the people of the island country will not starve to death.  Of course, if you ask why China doesn¡¯t completely open up, please, it¡¯s not easy for people to do this.  Of course, there are also fanatical right-wingers who try to persuade people not to believe in China's goodwill, but things do not change with them. More and more ordinary people accept that China is an extremely friendly country. This is the market for right-wingers.  It started getting smaller and smaller, which flustered these right-wingers and they didn't understand why.  So they chose an extreme method, hoping to arouse the "bloodiness" of the people, and chose to commit suicide in front of the Yasukuni Shrine. However, all this was in vain. For the people of the island nation, ending this bizarre war and living a better life  A normal life is their most urgent hope.  Therefore, the so-called awakening of these people is simply wishful thinking. Others have no feelings at all, or even have some contempt.  Some young people believe that these right-wingers deserve death. China is so powerful and friendly, how can island countries go against it?  The ideas of the people on the island are very extreme, either here or here. There are few rational people, but these people have little influence. As the new prime minister, he is one of the rational people. He understands  , there is no benefit in confronting China now, and since China is so close to the pot, it will naturally be suppressed by China geographically. If it is not sure, it is better for island countries not to antagonize China.  Especially now when China is the most powerful, it is even more impossible.  However, the former islanders were very hostile to China under the propaganda of right-wing elements. How to implement their ideas has become what this prime minister must do. The best way is to improve China's image.  , changing China's image among the people is not difficult for him as prime minister. The difficulty lies in the right-wing elements now in power. They will inevitably become obstacles. In order to cut through the mess quickly, this prime minister used very crude methods.  The method was to take down these people in an extremely unreasonable manner and replace them with his own henchmen. The defeat of the navy greatly reduced the influence of the right-wing elements, which also prevented his plan from being greatly hindered.  Of course, the consequence of this would be to greatly damage his image, but in this special period, who cares about his image?  What people care about is whether they have enough to eat, so taking advantage of this special moment, the prime minister holds the power tightly in his hands.  Then, step by step, China began to reverse China's image in the island country.  China¡¯s image in the island country was surprisingly easy to turn around. After careful investigation, the prime minister was speechless.  In fact, we only need to tell the people some historical truths, tell the people the true strength of China now and other aspects. After losing the protection of the United States, the islanders suddenly found that their neighbors, China is a very powerful country, enough  Shock the world.  This psychological gap turned into a kind of belief, especially when they understood that China was rising strongly under the encirclement and interception of Western countries. Their worship of the strong irreversibly regarded China as a very powerful country, and then they believed in extreme  , as long as China is willing, the world belongs to them. If they can have good relations with such a country, it will be a very beneficial thing for the island country. This kind of thinking quickly occupied the minds of all island people, except of course, except for right-wingers.  The result is that the people of the island country hope that the Prime Minister can quickly submit to China. Is it normal to submit to China?  Even the United States is convincedIt¡¯s over!  The Prime Minister saw that the results of his efforts were in line with the results he wanted, but this result made him very uncomfortable. As a sober island nation, he knew that this step was inevitable, but once the powerful China was shaped,  Image, then if you want to change it in the future, a more powerful country will inevitably emerge and defeat China, so that the people of the island country will no longer worship China. But thinking about it this way, the prime minister feels even more uncomfortable. Can the island country only rely on the strong?  When will the people of the island country stop worshiping the strong so much?  This can only be achieved when the island country becomes truly powerful, otherwise it is better not to think about it.  After a series of manipulations, the will of the people of the island country finally moved in the direction expected by the Prime Minister. Now, thinking that the time has come for China to surrender, the Prime Minister of the island country issued a statement stating that the island country is willing to accept all China's conditions and hopes to end this  This is a meaningless battle that will hurt the feelings of both countries.  China was also very happy to see the island country surrendering, and immediately stated its position: China and the island country have been friendly countries separated by a strip of water since ancient times. Although the island country has taken the wrong path in recent years and hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, it can now recognize its own  Wrong, this makes China very happy, but I hope that the island country can show its sincerity, and also hope that the island country is not a last resort to ease China¡¯s blockade. Before the island country shows its sincerity, China is  We will not give up the blockade of island countries and hope that the island countries can understand China¡¯s position.  Seeing the hope of China withdrawing its troops, the people of the island countries have expressed their sincerity to let China withdraw its troops as soon as possible. These sincerities include restoring the problems in the history textbooks, sealing the Yasukuni Shrine and prohibiting worship, acknowledging the island's problems, apologizing to China, etc.  .  These problems have been around for a long time, but the island countries refused to admit or repent before, which made China very itchy. But now, they have finally bowed their heads.  The island country bowed its head, which made the Chinese people rejoice. They watched the island country's new prime minister solemnly explain these issues to the world's media, and showed the evidence that was sealed during World War II. This evidence was brought back by some soldiers of the island country's army during World War II.  Yes, the military claimed that these evidences would endanger the country and sealed them all as data for future research. Now that these evidences are in front of everyone, the image of the island nation collapsed instantly.  These reporters obviously did not expect that the truth of the matter was like this.  With the apology from the prime minister of the island country, China announced its troop withdrawal. However, the matter did not end here. Western countries explained the crimes of the island country to people with appalling and anti-human crimes. People from Western countries who saw these news said  My friends and I were shocked, how could this be possible?  Is this kind of inhumane behavior really something that one person can do?  Especially the evidence of the massacre made everyone shiver when they saw it. This evidence bloody revealed the premeditated murder of Chinese people by the island nation's army. Western countries called it an inhumane massacre, as if they were still in the barbaric era.  Everything reveals why China hates island countries so much. In comparison, when we passed by, China's Premier Zhou even exempted them from war reparations. What kind of moral sentiment is this?  The islanders have become the spokespersons of repaying kindness with hatred.  Now if I say that I have an island company under my control, I always feel that he is targeting me. Many people call the police because of this. In the end, it is proved that this is their own delusion, but it can also be seen how much impact this incident has on the island people.  .  But for the people of the island country, China withdrew its troops and the island country declared defeat. However, China also expressed its magnanimity. Defeat is enough. We don¡¯t want surrender agreements and the like. But we hope that the island country can remember this lesson. No.  Make similar mistakes again.  The prime minister of the island country said that this type of mistakes will never happen again, and attributed these mistakes to the right-wingers, saying that this was their mistake. They induced and kidnapped the will of the island country people to serve their interests. Now this batch of  The people have been found out, and they have no chance to make trouble. In the future, the relationship between the two countries will inevitably reach a higher level.  This matter is over now. Of course, China will not take advantage of the island countries. After squeezing them hard and determining that they cannot return to the ranks of powerful countries even if they destroy several generations of girls, China will no longer care about the island countries.  However, after this incident, several small countries in the south suddenly became peaceful, and no more ships crossing the border were seen, as if those ships before were all phantoms.  In this regard, China did not say anything. As long as they do not make the same mistakes in the future, China will not do anything to them again. However, China's bottom line has begun to improve. As for whether anyone will give it a try, that depends on  What are these people thinking?
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