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Volume Six: War?  universe?  fleet?  Chapter 19: The Battle at the End of Space War (5)

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    Sometimes, no matter it is the God of the West or the gods of the East, no one will show up to help their people. When the strength is the same, war is about tactics, courage, and luck. If the strength is different, fighting  What matters is strategy, tactics and courage. Of course, there is still luck. If the difference in strength is too large, then there is no other possible situation except luck.  China has overestimated the technology of the United States. Because of the fog of technology in the United States, China believes that the technology of the United States must be more than this, because China has enough evidence to show that the United States does have alien technology. However, until the war has begun, China has overestimated the technology of the United States.  , the United States' last resort is still missiles, which makes people on the left and right feel both lucky and disappointed.  Fortunately, the United States does not have the ability to use this last weapon. Otherwise, no one knows what the final direction of this battle will be, even if China now has such a powerful warship in its hands.  Turning his eyes back to space, a huge warship slowly appeared on the Kunlun. With the launch of laser cannons, all American missiles were intercepted in front of the Kunlun. The gorgeous lasers shined in space, almost as much as the Kunlun.  Blending into the dark background of the entire universe, the body of the Shenyu, which is close to 200 meters tall, appears in the eyes of Americans with a majestic momentum in the luster of the blue earth.  It has also appeared in the eyes of the Chinese people, because this is the first time that the Shenyu has appeared in front of the world.  The picture was transmitted to the ground. The commander of the US command center was dumbfounded and stood up unnaturally. Everyone was stunned. Suddenly, he realized that the troops in space were very dangerous. If  They said they still had the confidence to resist the 80-meter-long Kunlun, but facing this behemoth, they had no idea. Even the three Angel Lights could not destroy such a behemoth. Moreover, the firepower just now was  The Kunlun's force was so powerful that everyone lost the courage to fight against him.  The commander issued an order to the sky: "Surrender." These words quickly flew into space along with the radio waves.  Everyone looked at the commander. The commander sat down in despair. After a long time, he said: "China has risen." China has been rising. This ancient and civilized country is full of vitality, just like  As the ancients said, this is the general trend and no one can stop it!  "The U.S. Space Force was defeated and surrendered" The phrase "China is sleeping" spread around the world, and everyone was stunned.  It is simply an unbelievable situation. The United States, a traditional aerospace power, until now, no one can know where their real technological bottom line is. Who can beat them in this aspect? In the past, the most promising one was the Soviet Union, but that  The huge regime fell apart, leaving behind an empty shell of Russia. With the help of Soviet technology, although it was still a powerful country, it could not confront the United States, so they relied on the power of China to jointly fight against this country.  The most likely and most powerful enemy.  Some people have tried, but they have failed.  Until now, until now, no one could know who could fight against the United States. Now, everyone finally sees the winner.  Human civilization always needs to be created. The United States used its own unique vision and methods to successfully rise during World War II. Now China uses its own technological advantages to drive down the status of the United States step by step, and finally reaches the top in one fell swoop with the help of American coercion!  This is a result that no one expected.  At the same time that the Space Force announced its surrender, the US surface ships also announced a truce. Until now, all fighting has stopped, and the rest is diplomatic.  Of course, everyone is curious, how did China succeed in the war here?  No one was optimistic about China before the war began. However, China won the final victory. So what was the secret of victory?  Everyone is waiting for the government to come out and explain.  Of course, the same is true for the United States. Although they have seen the Shenyu, they don't know how China produced such a huge ship. What are her specific data?  The United States is also eager to know that now, everyone has tacitly stopped fighting, but there is no sign of wanting to negotiate. The Americans are waiting for China's sincerity.  It seems incredible that the Americans are waiting for China's sincerity, but this is indeed the case. The United States is evaluating the power of the Chinese Shenyu, and this attitude makes China's leaders understand that the United States still has things it can fight against, such as the legendary  Alien spaceship.  They are waiting for the data of the Chinese spacecraft, just to confirm whether their spacecraft can compete with China. This attitude is also a tacit understanding for China. After a simple meeting, China decided to make the Shenyu public.  When the news of victory came to the Chinese people, everyone was very excited. Their most simple wish was that China could become a powerful country in the world. Now this wish is so close to being realized. However, everyone has a sense of unease.  It feels like, because everyone doesn¡¯t know what China relies on to defeat the United States., if it is the Kunlun, everyone can see that the United States is not incapable of confrontation. If it is really the Kunlun, China's position will definitely not be stable.  This short-lived victory does not satisfy everyone, because everyone knows that the United States will definitely want to knock China off its current status.  People cannot accept being knocked back from the top again to their previous positions. This is human nature.  This time, it is not only because of the needs of the United States, but also to increase the confidence of the Chinese people and to increase China¡¯s deterrent power in the world.  CCTV 1, CCTV 4 and other related channels will jointly broadcast the results of China's battle, equipment and silently dedicated soldiers.  All countries in the world are waiting for this broadcast. After waiting for two days, this program called China's Divine Realm is finally broadcast. The first to appear is the aerospace plane launched by the Kunlun and the girl. This has already  It¡¯s a clich¨¦, everyone knows these things, but as time goes by, the Shenyu slowly begins to be leaked, and everyone understands that this mysterious space ship that is about to emerge but has not yet emerged is the real main force.  In the four-hour documentary, the first half focused on the girl's achievements in future technology, and a lot of publicity was given to the girl. The girl's popularity was once again gathered and strengthened.  Then, a huge factory appeared in front of people in the background, various machinery appeared in front of people's eyes, and a large number of future technology instruments appeared in front of people's eyes. Then, an expansion film appeared, in which the former leader inspected the Kunlun.  After production, I asked, can we make a larger real spaceship?  After demonstration, experts believed that it was possible, so under the auspices of the current leader, a huge production plant appeared. With the laying of the keel, the ship was taking shape day by day. In order to ensure the safety of the ship, the use of the keel  It is a two-piece, three-layer structure, consisting of six keels. With the help of the new nano-forming machine, the keel stones are laid directly on site, and are directly made bit by bit by the nano-forming machine. There are also other parts in other parts.  The molding machines are completed simultaneously.  Most are done in factories in China working with Future Technologies.  It introduces the laser weapon series of Girls' Future Technology, and truly shows the development results of two energy weapon series: instantaneous gun and laser weapon. This is the first time that China is proud to announce that this weapon has the energy independently developed by China.  arms.  And introduced the role that these weapons can play in future wars. For example, laser weapons are mostly used in space combat, because there is no air in space and will not be refracted by water molecules, thus maintaining maximum energy concentration. The instantaneous electric gun series  Mainly used for ground combat, it has good damage value to electronic products, can enable humans, and can be used in human special operations.  Afterwards, they began to introduce the production of the Shenyu, until it left the factory, and recalled Jiang Feike for liftoff. The slow liftoff of the nearly 200-meter ship gave people a strong sense of stimulation. No one could not be excited. I originally thought  A ship in the sea of ??such a size, such as an aircraft carrier, is enough to make people extremely excited, but when this behemoth soared slowly, everyone was conquered.  Now, China has announced that it will equip one to two such space warships again in the next five to ten years, bringing China's cohesion to a higher level again. After the return of overseas Chinese in the past two years, this news has The epidemic has once again ushered in an upsurge of overseas Chinese returning to the country.  The Chinese government then announced that it will equip two aircraft carriers again in the future, and then it will fully switch to building spacecraft. The production of ground ships will stop, and all the military will transform into space forces, which will be launched one after another.  Based on the current spacecraft, troop carriers, small combat team spacecraft, and multi-purpose spacecraft are added to ensure survival in multiple environments.  Finally, the detailed data of Shenyu and Kunlun are listed. Of course, only some data that can be known are listed, and the others are not known.  The appearance of the space ship this time allowed the whole world to see China's current power, and everyone was speechless.  Soon, the United States issued a statement, saying that this war was entirely a misunderstanding caused by the United States being misled by certain countries. In fact, the American people are very eager to achieve peace. The statement pointed out that due to the small actions of some countries,  Constantly, it is necessary for them to comply with the various legal treaty situations during World War II and hope to monitor them together with China.  When everyone saw it, well, this American really turned his back and sold the island country.  And everyone discovered that the United States and China had a fight without declaring war. It must be said that they are all cunning!  The island country is miserable, China is still hostile to it!
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