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    "Woooooooo" A Black Hawk helicopter flew over the sea and headed quickly towards the target.  On the seats in the cabin, two men in field uniforms looked down at the tablet computers in their hands. Not long after, someone whispered: "Here we come." A white light flashed, and in the distant sea and sky, there seemed to be  A sun fell above the sea. Thousands of dazzling rays of light arrived in an instant. The helicopter suddenly passed by. There was white light all around, and nothing could be seen clearly.  It wasn¡¯t until a few seconds later that the dazzling white light slowly faded away, and the two of them opened their eyes again and cast their sights into the distance outside the porthole.  "The test was successful!" One of them said with a hint of joy in his tone.  "Yeah, it finally worked." In the half month since muto landed in Australia on a large scale, starting from Southeast Asia, muto has sporadically occupied most of Indonesia and Malaysia, and in South America, Brazil and other countries have almost 70%  The above areas fell, tens of thousands of tons of ammunition were poured out, and countless Muto were killed, but they were unable to stop its tsunami-like advance.  Faced with the severe situation, the United Nations unanimously passed a vote on the use of nuclear weapons, allowing nuclear weapons to be used directly.  But in just two weeks, the United States launched a total of 45 hydrogen bombs, with a total yield of 38.7 million tons, killing countless Muto.  Subsequently, a large amount of radioactive material was detected on the coast of the United States thousands of kilometers away. The caught tuna, swordfish, and Spanish mackerel all contained high concentrations of radioactive material.  Not to mention areas that have been bombarded with repeated use of nuclear weapons.  Taking Salvador, Brazil as an example, the US military has launched seven nuclear bombs to prevent MUTO from advancing.  There were both air explosions and ground-penetrating nuclear explosions. After the seven nuclear bombs exploded, all living things ceased to exist.  No matter where you hide, you won't survive.  According to the scientific committee, it will take about 120-150 years to return the radiation hundreds of kilometers around El Salvador to normal. In other words, this vast land will be uninhabitable for at least 120 years.  The impact goes beyond that, with a large number of nuclear explosions on the sea surface.  Radioactive materials will be carried around the world along with ocean currents, which will have a huge impact on the entire earth.  The harm to the future of mankind from the large-scale use of nuclear weapons is obvious and no one will notice it.  However, at this moment of human survival and extinction, if we want everyone to worry about its future, it is better to think about how to overcome the current difficulties.  Fortunately According to the relevant technical information provided by Andres, China, the United States and Russia will obtain relevant technologies to improve proton accelerators, thereby gaining the ability to produce antimatter on a large scale.  As a result, the three major countries have cooperated one after another.  It fully promoted an organizational plan larger than the Manhattan Project, gathering the best engineers and nuclear scientists from the three countries, as well as 3,578 companies and factories to join in providing equipment and parts, and mobilizing more than 2.1 million people to participate in this engineering plan.  It can be said to be the largest engineering project in human history!  It only took half a month for the European Proton Accelerator to successfully produce 20 grams of antimatter!  The correctness of the technology was verified.  The test just now was the explosive effect of 20 grams of antimatter.  "Compared with the mushroom cloud after the explosion of a nuclear bomb, the explosion of antimatter is more pure and beautiful, extremely beautifulthe best thing is.  No radioactive material will be left behind after the explosion, and no harmful radiation pollution will be caused to the surrounding environment.  This way.  As long as the one-time yield is not too large (to avoid causing geological shocks and atmospheric dust), it can be used on a large scale as a conventional weapon. You can fire one round after another without worrying about the subsequent sequelae.  With the global concentrated mobilization of forces, in just half a month, China, Japan, Russia, the United States and other countries will be affected by the epidemic.  They can produce antimatter on a large scale, and then there will be no need to worry about these monsters.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ At the moment when the antimatter explosion was successful, the images captured remotely by the drone immediately made everyone in the conference room cheer.  In this luxurious conference room with thousands of square feet, in addition to important-level scientists and engineers, the participants were present.  There are also important political and military leaders from various countries. It is extremely exciting to see that after half a month of hard work, the project plan costing US$750 billion has achieved final gratifying results.  With anti-matter weapons, human beings no longer have to face MUTO with endless troubles and even the possibility of death. The panic-stricken souls are now soothed, and everyone's excitement is understandable.  But he was sitting on the other sideFang Ye, Feng Li and others, representing Andres Technology Company, which provides technology, were originally the focus of everyone's attention, but at this time, the huge conference room had already turned into a sea of ??cheers, and the attention had shifted a lot.  , but many people did not notice that the faces of Fang Ye and others did not have the same happy expression at this time, but instead had a trace of deep worry.  "It won't be easy in the future." Feng Li, who was sitting next to him, was wearing a straight hand-made suit, which showed off his mature manly air at the age of thirty.  "Yeah." Fang Ye simply replied. It seemed that everything was normal, but Feng Li, who knew his old friend's character well, knew that Fang Ye must be constantly worried in his heart.  Already aware of the mystery of their boss Chen Yang, Fang Ye and Feng Li were not too surprised that he came up with such advanced technology. Compared with the life science project, although the production of antimatter technical materials involved  There are many aspects of it, but it is not shocking to the two of them.  Although the two did not explicitly express their opposition to the transfer of antimatter manufacturing technology to the three major powers, they also raised concerns.  You know, regarding antimatter, although the scientific community already has evidence to prove that it does exist, how to create it is very problematic.  It is estimated that producing just one gram of antimatter would bankrupt the U.S. government.  At this time, Andres, a biotechnology company in the eyes of the world, has come up with technical information related to large-scale production of antimatter, which is extremely unreasonable.  This will inevitably attract strong attention and suspicion from all countries, and it will really push Andres to the front of the spotlight.  Fang Ye has participated in dozens of meetings in the past half month, and he has become more and more aware of the impact of this move. No matter where he goes, there is overt or covert attention from various countries. It is estimated that he can be questioned.  Ten tables full.  Tired of dealing with the overt and covert attacks, even he, who has been taking anti-aging drugs and has always been energetic, can't stand it.  How should we deal with the suspicion of various countries in the future?  Fang Ye had a huge headache. Fortunately, the person in charge of Andres was not him, but Chen Yang. Since his boss agreed to this plan, it was probably the result of careful consideration. He could only bear the consequences.  .  ¡­ ¡­ The cheers in the conference room of the United Nations Headquarters in New York were also conveyed to Chen Yang in real time. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of the office with his hands behind his back, looking down at this magnificent city, without speaking, and stared in silence for a long time.  "There is a slight discrepancy in time, but everything seems to be going well so far." The sound of vibrations in the bones of his right hand echoed in Chen Yang's ears.  "Well, in this way, our goal has been achieved." The antimatter manufacturing technology provided by Chen Yang is naturally real, but it has not fully provided all the technical information According to the calculation of the mathematical model, this is  As a result, the number of human anti-matter weapons manufactured and produced will maintain a balance with the number of MUTOs.  Even if muto cannot continue to advance, humans cannot use antimatter without restriction to eliminate all muto.  If such a balanced state is maintained, it is true that Andres has exposed many problems, but I believe that neither the United States nor China has the energy to investigate and deal with Andres.  Taking advantage of this favorable situation, Chen Yang can successfully complete many plans.  ¡°However¡­¡± The discovery that heterogeneous creatures are not naturally occurring creatures, but cloned products, has always left a shadow in Chen Yang¡¯s heart.  What kind of world will there be on the other side of the light film of the Antarctic underground ruins?  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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