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The Final Volume - Legend of Immortals Chapter 157: Behind the Lagang Temple

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    Facing Baima's question, Lu Shan remained silent. At this time, he realized that he and Baima had been together for five years, but he really didn't know who Baima was?  Where did it come from?  He never thought to ask these questions, he just thought it would be nice to see each other more often.  So Lu Shan couldn't help but ask Baima: "Then who are you? Where are you? Can you tell me? I said that I will find you when I find you.  , we can still meet like this, do you remember this friend Zeren?" Hearing this, I couldn't help but turn my head and look at Lu Shan. He told Baima clearly, "They are just friends, I can never really get close to them.  She understands her compassion. Love is nothing but a luxury." Lu Shan said leisurely while looking at the sky.  "What about you?" I don't know if I got the answer when I asked Lu Shan that time. In fact, in my heart, Baima also has feelings for Lu Shan. They have been seeing each other for at least 5 years. Such a relationship between a boy and a girl  , can you not have any strange feelings?  "I asked and found out that she was from Lagang Temple! The prairie also has its own history. In the past history, Lagang Temple was once the most sacred belief in the hearts of people in our area, reaching a certain unreachable height. It's just that in  Later, I don¡¯t know why? Lagang Temple was closed. Do you understand this kind of closure? It means that it is no longer open to the public in the world, but a group of monks can practice on their own. They can occasionally walk in the world, but they are no longer open to the world.  It¡¯s an open temple,¡± Lu Shan explained to me.  "Why is the temple closed?" I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows and asked.  "Haha, some places have closed their gates and temples for the purpose of true escapism and practice. And in some places, the once glorious inheritance has been drowned, and then they become dirty in private and cannot be seen." Lu Shan said it in an understatement, but I felt him  Repressed anger.  "The temple was closed, how did you find Baima?" I was full of questions about this.  "They closed the temple because the temple was no longer open to the public. In fact, they also need to survive and have disciples. In terms of survival, from the day the temple was closed, there were forces behind them to support them, and the disciples  On the other hand, I don¡¯t mind accepting talented disciples,¡± Lu Shan answered me briefly.  A question suddenly occurred to me and I couldn't help but ask Lu Shan: "When did they close the temple?" Judging from Lu Shan's statement, Lagang Temple had the support of forces behind it at that time, but at that time  Yang Sheng might not have changed yet.  So what is this source?  I suddenly remembered a certain company that Jiang Yi told me when we were fighting the kid. Is there any connection between them?  My ideas have always been wild and unconstrained, but with the support of a strong spiritual sense, these ideas are usually confirmed. This means that with the strong spiritual sense, I have the ability to have a little premonition, right?  "That year, I was 16 years old, that is, 1986." Lu Shan didn't understand why I asked this?  He looked at me with a searching look.  "Well" in 1986, this time point made me unable to remember anything. At that time, Yang Sheng and I had not yet met in the deserted village. I don't know if Yang Sheng had already met at that time or if there was that behind everything.  The so-called shadow of what company?  Yang Sheng also got their support, and then he was able to gather the four major forces so smoothly?  That company reminded me of the burning warehouse, the game involving several forces, and the mysterious figures, such as the person on the plane who could influence my dreams. This company even dared to refine imps, so brazenly that I suddenly had a feeling,  Is Yang Sheng just a person who was pushed to the stage and fully supported?  Will the battle between me and Yang Sheng only hurt that so-called company?  But in fact, my life has a long way to go?  I admit that just one sentence from Lu Shan made me think too much. The battle in front of me has not been dealt with. How can I think about this?  Therefore, I didn¡¯t say anything more to Lu Shan. I just said: ¡°I was just curious about what kind of force would support Lagang Monastery, and then I asked by the way?¡± ¡°Actually, based on my years at Lagang Monastery,  , I don¡¯t even know who is behind them? Think about it, we think we have explored this world a lot, but we actually know very little.¡± Lu Shan answered me.  "Then how did you get to Lagang Temple?" This is what I want to know most at this time, and it is the fog that shrouds Lushan.  "Actually, this is a long story to tell. In short, to put it simply, I got some possessions forcefully, and after selling them, I walked to Lagang Temple by myself. How difficult it was is not enough to explain to outsiders.  "And that time, I stayed outside Lagang Temple for three days, and finally a great monk noticed my talent and took it into the temple."Duan Chengcheng said it very simply, but I also know the hardships behind it. It took a lot of trekking and inquiring to get to Lagang Temple, right?  Lu Shan continued to tell: "The reason why I struggled for three days is because I started practicing practice very late at the age of 16. The great monk who took me in that time, you can't even imagine who he was? He was from Man.  Ba! The young novice who served him was tortured to death, so he was eager to recruit a new one who would be loyal to him. "Is Lagang Temple cruel?"  I could always feel Lu Shan's hatred and couldn't help but ask. Everything about this temple seemed to be very mysterious.  "In the beginning, I didn't notice the cruelty. It was just like a normal ascetic temple. I just had to take care of my master and serve him like a servant. But who would complain about all this? Respecting the master and respecting the Tao is also important.  It¡¯s not just the spirit of Taoism! The cruelty behind Lagang Temple will only reveal the tip of the iceberg when we get to the core.¡± Lu Shan gritted his teeth when he said this.  "Then what did they do?" I couldn't help but ask.  "Oh, that's too much. It's hard to describe in one sentence. In short, bullying ordinary people, defiling girls, and robbing them is already considered child's play, because once evil grows and desire is released, there is no end! And in the end!  The cruel thing is that according to many normal practices, all kinds of human magical instruments will be used to make magical instruments after the death of the eminent monk or the death of the person who is to be used as the instrument. However, Lagang Temple has its own special method.  , firmly believe that the power of living people is greater, and what they make is living weapons." Lu Shan's voice became trembling.  "Living weapon means that a person is made into a magic weapon while he is still alive?" I was a little shocked. It was simply the cruelest thing.  "Yes, some lamas who were kidnapped from outside were knocked off their spiritual bones. They were still alive when their bones were knocked off, and their souls had to be sealed in them before they could be allowed to die. How cruel do you think this is?"  Lu Shan took a big sip of wine, then shakily took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a deep breath and his hand stopped shaking.  "Then you said that Baima and Taobo are the holy sons and saints of Lagang Temple. Do they know all this?" I tried not to think about the cruelty of making living objects. I could only ask this.  After all, Pema is so holy. As a saint of Lagang Temple, how can she tolerate all this?  "Of course Baima doesn't know, but Tao Bai is still so young and has been living with Baima! Naturally, Baima cannot live in a temple with a group of great monks. She was delayed and lived behind the temple.  , there are teachers on the other side of the mountain to teach her various things every day. She is also a representative of kindness when she walks in the world. Many local residents are the recipients of Pema's favor! In Pema's eyes, Lagang Temple is sacred and great!  How could it be such a dirty place?" Lu Shan smiled bitterly.  "As for how I know all this, I have to thank my amazing talent for cultivation. This does not refer to my talent for practicing Taoist inheritance, but my talent for practicing Tantric Buddhism. To be honest, the magic inheritance of Lagang Temple is no longer pure Tantra.  It's their own set, but it's just based on that foundation. My talent is very strong, and I quickly cultivated the Dharma, and it's not a weak Dharma. In short, because of this, I went to the core.  They also tried to assimilate me," Lu Shan said lightly.  "You won't be assimilated, right?" I said firmly, because Lu Shan was right in front of me, and he was definitely a trustworthy person with a good heart.  "Oh, actually at that time, I was young and I didn't necessarily feel that they were assimilating me. Do you know the power of brainwashing? I was actually slowly moving in that direction at that time, but I hadn't done it yet.  I have never done any bad things, just because I met Pema at such a young age, she really left a halo of kindness and holiness in my heart. However, I am serious enough to understand some of the behaviors of those monks who do all evil, even that  At that time, they were careful not to reveal too much to me," Lu Shan explained to me.  Of course I know the power of brainwashing, not to mention that Pema is a saint from Lagang Temple?  Because of this, Lushan will not betray Lagang Temple.  "Then why did it become like this?" This is my biggest question. Where did things turn around?
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