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The Final Volume - Legend of Immortals Chapter 17 Small Actions

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    In fact, this is really a baffling journey because the departure time is at night every day. As for the day, these people will randomly choose any wilderness, then sleep in the wilderness, eat and sleep, and start again at night.  ¡°I said it was every day, but I was actually exaggerating. It only took two days in total.  But a lot of problems can be seen in two days, at least I don¡¯t think they have any intention of changing.  During these two days, Master and I did not have much communication. After all, under the gaze of 7 or 8 pairs of eyes, it was unrealistic for us to have in-depth communication.  It was quite easy to move, and the wound where the nail was driven was carefully cared for. At least in this hot weather, there was no inflammation of the wound. However, the occasional pain is unavoidable, but I am used to pain.  , and become numb.  The days passed like this. I feel that I have never had such a day in my life. I mean the days without thinking at all. It was time to eat and sleep. When it was time to hit the road, it was natural to hit the road.  I don¡¯t know how I got into this state?  If I have to ask the reason, it should be because Master is by my side. I want to let myself be completely dependent on him for once. It feels pretty good!  My intuition told me that I should do this, even though I thought this intuition was weird.  Naturally, the speed of driving at night is not as fast as during the day. Because of the visibility problem at night, the speed of the car cannot be compared with that of the day. Moreover, the roads they choose are all remote sections, and some sections are almost abandoned without any vehicles.  I don¡¯t know what this means?  With Yang Sheng¡¯s power, does he still need to be so cowardly?  After all, as long as cultivators abide by certain rules, most countries are not willing to get involved or interfere with them.  However, since I don¡¯t want to think too much, I don¡¯t want to think deeply about why?  The days of camping in the wilderness were not bad, because although these people behaved strangely, they did not hesitate at all in enjoying themselves. The tents were also very comfortable and the food was very good. I lived quite comfortably.  No matter how slow the speed was, in two days, the car also drove to the border of Kawachi, where it was even more inaccessible. It was still sleeping in the countryside and the day of the third day would soon pass.  I had some caviar for dinner. I admire them for still remembering "luxury" at this time. However, I wasn't used to eating that thing. I swallowed it whole, just to fill my stomach, because I just relied on my intuition and felt that today  There is something wrong with my master. Others can't feel it, but I can feel that my master is preparing something.  When he habitually thinks, he always likes to pinch his fingers. This action has happened many times today.  After dinner, these people began to take turns sleeping, and also urged Master and I to go to bed. According to their habits, we must not set off until after 11 o'clock in the evening. We are always exhausted during the day. Let us go to bed, and these people who are watching over us will be fine.  I wanted to be lazy, take a nap or something, so I was extremely aggressive in urging. Naturally, they didn¡¯t care whether Master and I could fall asleep.  The wilderness of Kawachi is full of snakes, insects, rats and ants. Besides, in such weather, these guys are more active. Snakes, rats and ants are fine, but mosquitoes are the biggest obstacle to sleeping in the wilderness.  , anything that repels mosquitoes doesn¡¯t work, which makes me miss the bamboo tube that the snake repeller gave me that year.  The powder inside really has miraculous effects. After so many years, there is still some powder inside. Unfortunately, Master and I left in a hurry and this thing was not on my body.  I was so annoyed by the mosquitoes that I couldn¡¯t sleep at all. But those people who were wrapped tightly seemed to have transcended the category of ordinary people and didn¡¯t care about it at all. In short, I didn¡¯t see any special reaction from them.  "Damn, some guys are so smelly that even mosquitoes are annoying." I cursed in a low voice, but I felt even more irritated inside. Even the wounds ached a little, so I simply got up and sat in the tent.  "Why did you come out? Go back to sleep." I heard someone talking outside the tent.  It should be one of the people guarding us, and then I heard the master's voice: "You want to be lazy, and you can force people to sleep? There are so many mosquitoes in this mountain, I can't sleep, I want to come out and smoke a bag of dry cigarettes." This  Master has been very "honest" for the past two days, telling me to eat and sleep. This is the first time this has happened today.  When I heard this, I couldn't sleep even more. I also had a vague premonition in my heart, so I left the tent. As soon as I came out, I heard one of the people say: "Why did you come out too?" "I can't sleep, I have a cigarette.  ." While talking, I walked to the master's side.  With such a commotion, that Liu Shengwang started from hisWalking out of the oversized tent, the two guys guarding us immediately stopped talking and looked at King Liu Sheng.  Then Liu Shengwang 'enjoyed' caviar tonight, and seemed to be in a good mood. He just looked at me and Master coldly, and said lightly: "Then I will go to bed honestly after smoking.  Everyone is working hard on the road, so don¡¯t make trouble for each other.¡± ¡°Hey,¡± the master laughed without expressing his opinion. He casually found a piece of dry land and sat down, and began to take out the tobacco pouch on the dry tobacco pole.  I took out the dry tobacco leaves, rolled them up carefully, and started filling the dry tobacco.  I squatted next to Master, took out a cigarette and lit it. I don¡¯t know why, but I always felt a little nervous.  King Liu Sheng didn't care much. In his eyes, the two of us were sealed guys. We didn't have any 'dangerous objects' on us. In his eyes, we couldn't make a difference. However, he didn't move. On the contrary,  He took two steps forward and was within five meters of Master and me, looking at us.  Then he pretended to be casual and said: "You want to follow the Holy Ancestor. This is also an opportunity to show your loyalty along the way. Don't do things that shouldn't happen and ruin each other's mood. Do you understand? Otherwise, you may not even be able to survive.  The chance is gone." As he spoke, King Liu Sheng began to look at his hands again, his neatly manicured nails, and his long and strong fingers, as if these hands gave him infinite confidence and confidence in his own strength.  The master didn't say anything, and didn't even look at him. He just filled his dry cigarettes carefully. After filling them, he knocked the pot with satisfaction, and then said: "As for that? Smoking a bag of cigarettes is ridiculous.  , I was in a hurry when I left, so save this bag of cigarettes, I can¡¯t smoke them twice. By the time I get there, the cigarettes may be gone.¡± It seemed like he was talking to himself, but also seemed to be responding to Liu Shengwang¡¯s words.  .  But King Liu Sheng obviously didn¡¯t have much interest in Yan Buyan, and ignored my master¡¯s words. He just stood less than five meters away from us, looking at us indifferently, and kept fiddling with his hands.  The master took out the fire and lit his dry cigarette. He closed his eyes and took a puff as if he was intoxicated. The smoke rose again. But at that moment, I held the cigarette in my mouth. I was stunned for a second, and then immediately lowered my head to smoke.  Of course I didn't dare to show too much strangeness, and I was even lucky that Liu Shengwang was so focused on admiring my hands that he didn't notice my sudden look of surprise. Even though it was just a fleeting moment, it would be bad if something bad happened.  .  Why am I like this?  Just because of the smell of dry tobacco!  The rising smell is indeed that of dry tobacco, but it contains an indescribable peculiar smell mixed in. I don¡¯t know what the purpose of this peculiar smell is, at least it doesn¡¯t seem to have any  reaction.  I'm thinking, if I hadn't stayed with Master since I was a child, and had become accustomed to, and even attached to, the smell of the dry tobacco that Master smoked, I would never have studied the dry tobacco leaves, and I wouldn't have been able to smell the wrong smell of the dry tobacco leaves.  .  This is not even the kind of tobacco leaves that Master usually smokes. It is just an ordinary dry tobacco leaf. It just has that smell. Ordinary tobacco leaves don't have it, right?  My sluggish brain, which had been 'resting' for almost three days, began to work rapidly from this moment on. I always felt that the mystery of everything lay in this dry cigarette. I still held the cigarette in my mouth and smoked it one by one to stabilize my emotions. In fact,  Beads of sweat were already pouring out of my palms, which was due to my nervousness.  Fortunately, the hot weather also provided some cover for me, so that the sweat on my face was not too difficult to explain.  Everything was still calm, until someone over there suddenly shouted: "Oh my God, this guy is really brave!" King Liu Sheng looked back and saw that it was one of his men coming from the tent.  He jumped out, holding a twisting, colorful venomous snake in his hand. He pulled it casually, and the venomous snake broke into two halves, and then he threw it away.  He cursed uncontrollably, but King Liu Sheng turned his head away indifferently.  The master continued to smoke the dry cigarette, smoking very slowly, and I was sighing, is that guy really a human?  The poisonous snake seemed to be close to two meters away, and it was not thin at all, so it was torn off?  Everything seemed quiet.
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