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Text Chapter 625 You know me!

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    "First Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, why are you here?" Wang Xu took back the bone knife and asked doubtfully.  ¡ó¡ý¡ó¡ý, There are two people in front of them. One of them is fluttering in white, and he is holding a slender blood knife on his waist. The blood-colored knife has wisps of white dots on it. This is the famous sword "White Blood Knife" of second senior brother Fu Hong.  The other man has a slender figure and extremely weird red and green eyes, but Wang Xu knows that he is the number one swordsman, Senior Brother Wu Yuan!  Senior Brother Wu Yuan's "Sword of Silence" is extremely terrifying. As the name implies, he makes no sound when fighting and kills the enemy invisibly!  And his sword is in his red and green eyes, and he is also the only dual-sword practitioner among the eight swordsmen students.  "We want to take you to meet someone." Senior Brother Wu Yuan said.  "Who are you meeting?" Wang Xu asked.  "You'll know when you go." Second Senior Brother Fu Hong said, "Of course, you can choose not to go, but there is something you can tell at a glance." Second Senior Brother Fu Hong reached into his sleeve and took out a slap.  sized blue fire lotus.  Wang Xu¡¯s body froze in an instant.  Chaos consumes fire!  With this familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, Wang Xu could recognize the brilliant cyan fire lotus slowly turning on Fuhong's palm at a glance. It was a Chaos Devouring Fire!  "You" Wang Xu forced down the shock in his heart and took a deep breath, "Tell me, who is trying to find me." If he had encountered the Devouring from Chaos before he encountered Shu Lu,  Otherwise, Wang Xu would definitely be very happy and go directly to meet him without saying anything.  But it¡¯s a matter of recording.  Let Wang Xu understand that even if he comes from the same hometown, the other party is likely to be an enemy.  And they are a greater threat to him than the people of Ganges!  "After seeing this, you still refuse to follow us?" Senior Brother Wu Yuan said solemnly.  "I won't leave with you until I don't know where I'm going or who I'm going to meet." Wang Xu drew out his bone knife again, his eyes sharp, ready to fight at any time.  Wu Yuan and Fu Hong looked at each other, a sharp light flashed in their eyes, but thinking of the consequences of force, they took a deep look at Wang Xu, turned around, merged into the void, and disappeared.  Wang Xu was the only one left in the void, and his heart became heavy.  The emergence of Chaos Devouring Fire.  It means that there are still Devourers in the Ganges world, and the powerful enemy is not just Ju Lu! ?¡­ ?The second day.  "Senior brother Taisu, you are indeed as powerful as the rumors said. You can damage the palace like this with ordinary practice!" The junior brother from the Fourteenth Palace Residence looked surprised.  This junior brother comes from building palaces and is responsible for repairing damaged palaces.  Wang Xu¡¯s battle yesterday made him famous in the Three Palaces of Truth, and the junior brothers in the Fourteenth Palace got the news immediately.  Therefore, when the junior brother who was repairing the palace saw the palace in ruins and in pieces.  There was no big surprise in my heart, but instead I was filled with admiration.  "I'll leave this matter to you." Wang Xu took out a treasure, and the junior brother's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he quickly agreed: "Where is it! Senior Brother Taisu's business is my business. I will go through fire and water without hesitation!" He took it!  The junior brother was very excited about the treasure, and Wang Xu left the Eternal Palace directly.  There are still four hundred years left before heading to the Pond of Truth.  Wang Xu must seize every minute and second to improve his strength so that he can be more certain of success.  And now the best way to improve Wang Xu's strength.  Just devour!  Using the powerful devouring ability of the Chaos Devouring Fire, he can easily kill even the Sub-Supreme.  Only those particularly perverted monsters like Du Lu could pose a threat to him.  "The first target is the Black Evil Green Demon Island." Wang Xu had already made plans for this devouring trip.  If you wander around and find prey casually, the efficiency will be too slow.  But if you act as a "demon destroyer", you can not only devour powerful and valuable villains, but also complete the "criminal mission" of the Palace of Truth!  The goal of the criminal mission on the Black Green Devil Island is to kill the owner of the island, the Black Green Devil.  This is a powerful existence hidden in the edge of the first level. As long as a cultivator with a little strength passes by the Black Evil Green Demon Island, he will immediately be captured by him. At the least, he will rob all the property, and at the most, he will take his life and refine it.  soul!  The Black Devil and the Green Devil are so powerful that those who once had the Palace of Truth lost their lives.  But precisely because of this, the Black Devil and the Green Devil realized that they were being targeted by the Palace of Truth and behavedAt that time, he kept a low profile, so that many powerful students no longer focused on the Black Devil and the Green Devil.  When Wang Xu was searching for a suitable criminal mission, he happened to find that the black evil green demon had shown signs of making trouble again in the past thousand years, so he immediately accepted the mission. ?¡­ ?The vast, silent ocean is full of eternal spirit.  In the middle of the ocean with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, there is an island that is only a few hundred miles away. Viewed from a distance, it looks like a rock on the water, inconspicuous.  However, it is this inconspicuous reef that scares countless cultivators who pass through this ocean.  Because the owner of the island is none other than the Black Devil and the Green Devil!  "Hahaha" Beautiful string sounds could be heard from time to time in the luxurious and magnificent golden palace, but this beautiful tune lost its original beautiful mood because of a sharp laugh.  Above the palace, four beauties with beautiful looks and good figures were serving a burly man lying sideways on a golden bed.  The burly man was dressed in ferocious animal velvet, revealing his strong blue skin. While admiring the beautiful dancers below, he was enjoying the service of the four maids beside him. There was indescribable comfort in his eyes.  This person is the feared island owner of the Black Devil Green Island!  At this time, the clanking sound of iron chains came from the palace door, and then hundreds of cultivators entered the palace one after another with their hands tied.  The dancers turned a deaf ear and still twisted their softest bodies and performed the most beautiful dances. They seemed not to notice the ragged clothes beside them at all.  The cultivators with disheveled hair and blood dripping from their bodies.  "Your Majesty, these cultivators have been tortured to the point where all the treasures have been looted one by one. Please make your decision now!" His subordinates came forward respectfully and whispered in the ears of the Black Devil and the Green Devil.  The black evil green devil glanced at those cultivators with dull eyes, numb with pain, like walking corpses, waved his hand gently, and said calmly: "Such a weak cultivator, refining is in vain, kill them.  " "Yes!" The subordinate immediately turned around, with murderous intent in his eyes. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Out  A green beam as thick as a thumb shot out!  The green beam of light turned in the air, piercing the chests, eyebrows, and abdomens of each cultivator Almost instantly, hundreds of cultivators had their cores damaged and fell straight to the ground dead.  "Drag it down!" The subordinate waved his hand, and attendants rushed up immediately and quickly disposed of the corpses of hundreds of cultivators. Even the ground was as smooth as new.  Not a trace of blood was left.  The dancers danced tirelessly from beginning to end. The lives of hundreds of cultivators ended in front of them, but they were already numb and didn't care at all.  The magnificent golden palace continues to have fun.  Suddenly.  The hairs on the hairs of the black evil green devil standing on end while enjoying it.  The whole person jumped up from the bed, and his pupils shrank to the extreme!  "Who!" The black evil green devil, who had always swept away his opponents, became extremely nervous at this time.  There was a rare hint of fear in his eyes!  He understood that a great person was coming.  And he was very close to him, so he was definitely not someone he could mess with!  "Master of the Black Devil Island. Don't be nervous." A faint voice came, and the Black Devil Green Devil suddenly turned his head. He was horrified to find a handsome man in a blue robe with the word "Du Lu" tattooed on his chest.  Looking at himself with a smile.  This smile should have been friendly and intimate, but the Black Green Devil was so frightened by this smile that his body was shaking like chaff, and even his soul was trembling!  "Youyou" The Black Green Goblin was scared like this for the first time, as if an ordinary person had seen a lion, no, it was a group of lions!  "I'm going to meet a friend later and I need your Black Evil Green Demon Island to use. Is that okay?" Du Lu said with a warm smile.  "Okay! You can use it, I won't say anything!" The Black Green Goblin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.  "That's very good." Du Lu continued, "This good friend of mine is a rare person from my hometown. It's my first official meeting with him. I should give him a meeting gift. Master Heisha Island, what do you think?  Right? " "Yes! Yes! Tell me what treasure you want, and I will find it for you immediately!" Cold sweat broke out on the Black Devil's forehead.  "There's no need to bother you. After all, it's a gift, so I have to do it myself." As soon as Du Lu finished speaking, the surrounding space suddenly darkened, and a ray of extreme white light flashed away!  The whole body of the Black Devil and Green Devil suddenly stiffened.  The next second, hisExcept for the head, the body was divided into hundreds of pieces!  "Du Lu holds a black-green core in his hand. This is the core of the Black Green Devil. There is not a trace of blood on it!  As soon as the black evil green devil died, all the attendants and dancers fell to the ground and died on the spot.  They are puppets controlled by the soul of the Black Devil and the Green Devil. Without the master of their soul, they can no longer survive.  "Wu Yuan, Fu Hong." Du Lu said softly.  The void behind him trembled. Senior brother Wu Yuan and second senior brother Fu Hong walked out of the void and respectfully said to Du Lu: "Greetings to the master!" "Go, open the formation and welcome the distinguished guests." Du Lu said.  "Yes!"  It only took three years from the time Wang Xu left the Eternal Palace to the Black Evil Green Demon Island.  ¡°That¡¯s the Black Evil Green Demon Island.¡± The closer he got to the Black Evil Green Demon Island, the slower Wang Xu¡¯s speed became.  It is said that the Black Devil and the Green Devil have set up many formations around the island. If one accidentally breaks in, the consequences will be disastrous.  Wang Xu is powerful, so he naturally doesn¡¯t have to worry about the consequences of those formation mechanisms. For him, the Black Evil Green Devil is capable of reaching the sky, and he cannot escape death today.  But in order to deal with the Black Evil Green Devil as soon as possible, Wang Xu naturally had to be more careful, so as not to scare the snake and let the Black Evil Green Devil escape.  "Huh?" However, Wang Xu moved forward for a long time, and his spiritual consciousness kept scanning, but he didn't find even a trace of the formation. "What's going on?" Wang Xu slowly moved forward in confusion.  Suddenly, a black shadow shot toward Wang Xu!  Wang Xu¡¯s nerves tensed up instantly, and he had already swung the bone knife in his hand!  "Huh? Is it a core?" Suddenly realizing that the black shadow was a king's beard with a black-green core, he immediately stopped and caught the core.  "This is the core of the Black Devil and the Green Devil, come in." A voice came.  "Du Lu?!" Wang Xu recognized it immediately upon hearing it, and his vigilance suddenly rose again, "Why are you here!" Du Lu, who was in the golden palace, shook his head and took a step forward.  In front of Wang Xu, the figure of Du Lu appeared from the void.  "Did you kill the Black Devil and the Green Devil?" Wang Xu frowned.  "There is no need to ask more about these things. Let's talk about the things between us, Tasu." Wataka said.  "What's going on between us? Do you want to say that you are also a Devourer? I already know this, you don't need to say more!" Wang Xu's face was gloomy, and he was always ready to fight.  ¡°No, it¡¯s not just this.¡± Du Lu smiled, ¡°We recognized each other a long time ago, yes, we were in Chaos. You should be able to guess who I am.¡± (To be continued.) u?¡­
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