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Chapter 543 Finale (3)

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    "Zhengzheng" Li Zhong swung his spear with his backhand and stabbed the centipede spirit's two tail tips between the lightning and flints, but it made a sound similar to the collision of swords. Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye could not detect anything, but Li Zhong did not.  It feels clear that Centipede Jing has cultivated a certain part of his body to the point where it is as strong as steel. This is definitely not an adjective, but a racial talent.  The centipede spirit's tail was not only hard, but also very flexible, fast, and incredibly powerful. It was no different from two Burmese knives. Li Zhong was so shocked that he bounced into the air. He had to concentrate on stabilizing his body and had no chance to try it with his true energy.  The quality of the centipede spirit's tail.  Yan Chixia hurriedly rescued Li Zhong: "The world is infinite Qiankun borrows the law" Li Zhong fell to the ground with a thousand catties, twisted his body and snatched the centipede spirit's head. The tail of the centipede spirit was indeed flexible, but this did not mean that  The centipede spirit's claws and fangs are not very powerful. In fact, the centipede spirit's head is more powerful and can spray poison, but Li Zhong had to choose the easy one over the difficult one, because the centipede spirit's vital point does not lie in the back half, and Li Zhong simply cannot  It was impossible to attack the centipede spirit's head from a distance of more than ten feet, so he had no choice.  The centipede spirit closed its mouth and blocked the world with its hard carapace. Yan Chixia couldn't hurt the centipede spirit, but she could shock the centipede spirit into a stupor and become almost a muscle.  The centipede spirit¡¯s flexible tail does not mean that the centipede spirit is as flexible as the centipede spirit¡¯s huge body. The chameleon¡¯s tongue is as fast as lightning, but it is as slow as a snail.  Li Zhong punched the centipede spirit dozens of times during the flight. Each punch was powerful and heavy, with force reaching ten inches. The hot true energy penetrated into the centipede spirit body like a fiery snake.  Zhiqiu Yiye also popped up on the other side. Zhiqiu Yiye had already prepared his spell when he escaped from the ground. As soon as he emerged, he used his special spell to squeeze the centipede spirit's tail with a large piece of soil, creating a great momentum.  Huge and most practical.  The most at ease is Zuo Qianhu, he really can't do anything about the centipede spirit.  Of course, the centipede spirit was not willing to let Zhiqiu Yiye press his tail, twisting his body desperately, trying to break free, but Zhiqiu Yiye was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he would have no problem holding on for a few seconds.  A few seconds were enough. Li Zhong rushed to the place where the centipede spirit's head and body were connected. He thrust out a spear with all his strength. Most of the nearly two-foot-long steel spear was inserted into the centipede spirit's body. At the same time, he frantically thrust out the hot real body.  Qi invades the body of the centipede essence.  Having a large body also has its difficulties. It took the centipede spirit nearly half a second to notice the injury. He twisted his body and screamed, spitting out a cloud of poison.  Yan Chixia took the opportunity to blow up the centipede spirit and high-fived it, then dodged in embarrassment. The poison cloud sprayed out by the centipede spirit was mixed with green liquid. It looked like concentrated venom. Yan Chixia did not dare to take risks.  The severe pain made the centipede spirit go berserk. Zhiqiu Yiye's magic could not hold down the centipede spirit's tail anymore, and it was almost buried in the soil thrown away by the centipede spirit.  Li Zhong was also afraid of being crushed by the centipede spirit's iron-walled body, so he kept dodging. In fact, it was not that Li Zhong didn't have the ability to hang onto the centipede spirit. The key was that he didn't want to take risks. If Li Zhong really tried his best, he could have stabbed the centipede just now.  The sperm's head instead of its neck.  The four people all got out of the way, watching the centipede spirit writhing and wreaking havoc. Yan Chixia even pulled her neck and shouted: "How about it? Can you kill the centipede spirit?" Li Zhong shook the mucus on the spear and answered loudly.  Said: "The centipede spirit will definitely not die" Zhiqiu Yiye popped up from the ground again, stretched out his hand to gesture twice before giving up. The centipede spirit is now rolling all over the ground, whether it is Zhiqiu Yiye's spell or  Yan Chixia's sword control skills were unable to aim at the vital points, and her attacks were in vain. Knowing that Qiu Yiye and Yan Chixia had very little mana left, they could only wait for the centipede spirit to calm down a little before taking action.  The vitality of insects is extremely tenacious. Li Zhong¡¯s spear really couldn¡¯t kill the centipede spirit. It didn¡¯t take long for the centipede spirit to gradually return to normal.  However, the recovered Centipede Spirit did not immediately fight back against Li Zhong and the others. Instead, he raised his head and stared at several people, his huge eyes twinkling.  The centipede spirit is not stupid, and it doesn¡¯t want to take risks when it sees a few people who are capable of resisting. Although eating dignitaries can satisfy the appetite of the mouth, eating ordinary people can also fill their stomachs.  And now that I don¡¯t have the chance to eat, the dignitaries have never had the opportunity to eat. The worst I can do is sleep for a hundred and eighty years to recuperate, and wait until people like Yan Chixia die of old age before leaving the mountain. In terms of lifespan, humans are far inferior to monsters.  .  As for the hatred with Li Chong, we can wait until Li Chong is old and frail.  But you have to eat a full meal before going to bed. Thinking of this, the centipede spirit shrank its huge body and burrowed into the ground again.  "Stop it!" Yan Chixia was stunned for a moment before shouting urgently.  Zhiqiu Yiye did not expect that the centipede spirit would be so cowardly, so he did not have enough time to prepare the spell. In fact, his magic power was also a bit insufficient, and he failed to stop the centipede spirit from burrowing into the ground.  Yan Chixia desperately attacked the rear half of Centipede Spirit¡¯s body, but was unable to respond to Centipede Spirit¡¯s carapace.There is nothing you can do now.  Li Zhong made two moves of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and sighed: "Don't bother, just chase it, I'll see where it can escape." Yan Chixia frowned and asked: "How can we chase it if it escapes to the deep mountains and forests?  "Li Zhong replied helplessly: "Then I can't help it." "This is not because Li Zhong is frustrated. Don't look at the movie where Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye killed Centipede Jing, but if Centipede Jing was not greedy, Yan Chi  Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye really have no way to deal with it.  So Yan Chixia could only helplessly shout: "Then we can't give up, let's chase it first." The centipede spirit is very large, and even if it escapes underground, it can't get rid of Yan Chixia and others unless it climbs into the mountain, so Li  Zhong and others chased easily, and Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye even had the energy to restore their mana.  But after chasing for several miles, only a few people realized something was wrong. The direction in which Centipede Spirit escaped turned out to be not the mountains and forests, but the county town.  None of them were fools. After a moment's thought, they knew what the Centipede Spirit was up to. Their faces suddenly turned pale, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.  They may be able to protect a few people in Fu Tianqiu, but it is absolutely impossible to protect the entire county. There are hundreds of thousands of people in a county, and two bites at any place are enough to fill the centipede's belly.  "Think of a way quicklyit's going to the city to eat people" Zuo Qianhu shouted at the top of his lungs.  Zhiqiu Yiye's expression changed, and he said resolutely: "I'll go underground and stop it." Li Zhong grabbed Zhiqiu Yiye, shook his head and said, "Don't seek death, you can't stop it by yourself." Zhiqiu Yiye was anxious.  He said in a voice: "What should I do? Just watch it eat people" Li Zhong didn't answer and turned to look at Yan Chixia. He really had nothing to do.  Yan Chixia hesitated for a moment and said proudly: "The only solution now is to let the soul out of the body. The soul is not blocked by physical objects. We can fight to the death with the centipede spirit underground."
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