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Text Chapter 418 Lotus

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    The characteristic of the five-color divine light is that the person's magic power must be ten times stronger than the user's to break free. When Kong Xuan used the five-color divine light to brush Zhunti, he was restrained instead - he became the Five Treasures of Confucianism.  It also inherited the characteristic of the five-color divine light falling on everything. After being brushed into a creature, the opponent's mana will be ten times greater to be free.  The Confucius of today is no longer the same Kong Xuan as before. Besides a saint, who else can have ten times more magic power than a half-step saint like him?  Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, even if the three gods are combined and have a large number of chaos spiritual treasures, it will not work. Kong Xuan collected the five Confucian magic weapons to suppress luck, pointed his hand, and a huge blue stone appeared in the void.  It appeared that this was not an ordinary stone, but the spiritual treasure that Kong Xuan found in the chaos. After restraining it with magic power, three rays of brilliance burst out of it. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva were in the brilliance.  After showing his body shape, he fell to pieces one by one, and it took him a while to recover.  "Why are these three people released again?" Lin Meng was secretly confused, but Kong Xuan said to these three people: "Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, this time you three gods can see my methods? Our country of China  , it is not a place for you and others to peep. " Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva looked angry and ashamed at the same time. The three of them all used their trump cards to evolve the six paths of reincarnation, conjure up the world of incarnation, and jump into the sky.  The Tandava Dance was easily broken by Kong Xuan, and was finally suppressed by the five-color divine light. Three divine kings were defeated by one of them. How could they not be ashamed and angry?  "Wait a minute." Seeing that the three of them were about to break through the void and teleport away, Kong Xuan flew out three rays of light, stayed in the void and smiled: "Are the three god kings going to leave now? If the teachings of your Brahmin god line are in a duel,  If you fail, the winner can take anything from the loser. Since I let the three of you go, why don¡¯t you leave something behind?¡± Brahma said angrily, ¡°What do you want?¡±  "Three lotuses, please keep them." "What?" Shiva was immediately furious, with a look of anger on his face.  It seemed that he was about to step forward to fight Kong Xuan, but was stopped by Vishnu.  The three of them now understand that Kong Xuan alone is no match for them, and with Lin Meng, Zhen Yuanzi, and Demon Master Kunpeng, it is not impossible for them to be killed if they continue to fight.  Brahma said: "In this case, we will say goodbye. I will learn about Master Kong's methods in the future." The lotus of the beginning, the lotus of the beginning, and the lotus of the end are the three most precious lotus flowers in chaos.  Remaining in the void, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have disappeared.  "You are so cunning. If the three of you try your best, even if you can kill three of them, you will still be severely damaged. Now you can get three chaos treasures without any effort." Kunpeng Demon Master sneered.  "These three lotus flowers are much better than the magic weapon made of your five-color divine light. Congratulations, you have obtained three treasures that are almost as big as my Hetu and Luoshu." "Since these three gods dare to invade China, naturally  I need to leave something before I leave. "Kong Xuan said calmly: "I have the five-color divine light, which was transformed into a sword, a pen, a seal, a scripture, and a book under the Confucianism trade. Why do I need other treasures?" He turned his head.  , looked at Lin Meng.  With a finger, three lotus flowers suspended in the void flew in front of him: "How about I use these three treasures to exchange for a treasure with you?" "Oh? You also want the Disk of Reincarnation and Destiny.  "What do I want with those two things?" Kong Xuan said: "My Confucian lineage does not believe in fate, does not care about reincarnation, does not talk about heaven, and only relies on oneself to conquer heaven. These three lotus flowers, hope.  "I want to exchange you for another treasure on your body." "I want to exchange you for a third-grade lotus platform. Are you willing?" "Exchange the three lotus flowers of Taibei, Taishi, and Shimo for just a third-grade lotus platform?"  I wonder if I heard it wrong. The third-grade lotus platform is only a part of the twelve-color chaotic lotus. The chaotic colorful lotus is naturally stronger than a single lotus, but the incomplete third-grade lotus platform is just a top-grade chaotic spiritual treasure.  Kong Xuan said again: "The third-grade lotus platform in your hands will not be able to exert its maximum power. You will not suffer any loss in exchange for the three lotuses." "Of course I am willing." Lin Meng stretched out his hand, and the third-grade lotus platform appeared in front of him.  He touched the center of his palm and said, "Can you tell me, what is the use of this third-grade lotus platform?" "Of course, go to the Xitianling Mountain and give it to Amitabha." "Oh? Amitabha, please take it back from me.  Third Grade Lotus Platform?" Lin Meng asked in surprise, "You are not a Buddhist, why do you want to stand up for Buddhism?" "It's not any Buddha, please ask me." Kong Xuan said: "The power in heaven is far beyond that of heaven.If Buddhism can be brought to the side of China, the unity of Heavenly Court and Spiritual Mountain will be enough to protect China from worries. This third-grade lotus platform is the key to Buddhism. The decline of Buddhism's luck is also related to the original twelve-grade lotus platform being eaten by third-grade ones. I will use it.  Third-grade lotus platform, let's take a gamble on whether we can win over Buddhism as a helping hand.  " "You turned Taoism into Confucianism, causing the Taoist sect to become almost extinct in China, and China's destiny to decline. It can be said to be the culprit of today's situation. Why are you hypocritically running for China now?  "Kunpeng couldn't help but ask. "There is nothing wrong with Confucianism. What is wrong is the human heart. And I have a clear conscience.  " Kong Xuan took the third-grade lotus platform, and his figure flashed and disappeared. In the void, only three lotus flowers were left, and a deep voice full of awe-inspiring righteousness. "Unexpectedly alas" Zhen Yuanzi turned around  , said to Lin Meng: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Meng, you have obtained three more chaos treasures, even the poor Taoist is a little envious.  "    "hehe.  " Lin Meng understood that Zhen Yuanzi was just teasing casually, and was not peeping at the three lotuses. He put the lotus away and said: "We compete with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in the void of the universe. The human continent, the Shanhaiguan Pass, and the battlefield are unknown.  Well, Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi are all top powerhouses. Let's go there quickly to avoid any accidents.  "The three of them broke through the void and teleported all the way. After reaching the star field close to the human continent, they turned into light. When they landed on Shanhaiguan, they found that the battle was still going on. Tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals and eight million ghosts and gods were killed together.  , the blood flowed like a river. It almost flooded this pass. Naturally, there are top beings to deal with. Yang Jian, Sun Xingzhe, and Nezha, the three strong fighters, were naturally not as strong as the other two when fighting against Izanagi and his wife.  The great founding gods, but two have nine-turn golden bodies, one is a lotus incarnation, and has extremely strong defense. The Izanagi couple have lost the Chaos Spirit Treasure, and the three girls, Ling Meng, Bai Ling, and Nina, can still resist for the time being.  , it is against Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. The strength of the three women has improved a lot compared to the last time they fought against the three gods of Amaterasu. They also have Chaos Spirit Treasures in their hands, and they are on par with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.  Three escaping lights from Motoko, Lin Meng and Kunpeng Demon Master landed here. Izanagi, Amaterasu and others were immediately shocked. These three gods were not fools. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva did not come back.  But when these three people came back, they naturally understood that the three great Brahman gods must have failed in the battle in the starry sky. ¡°How is it possible!  " Amaterasu simply couldn't understand the realm reached by Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. How could Lin Meng and the three of them be their opponents? "Everyone retreat, return to Gaotianyuan!  " Izanagi yelled and was about to leave immediately, but how could the gods in heaven let them leave? Especially Lin Meng, Zhen Yuanzi who returned here, and a man who was arrogant, irritable, and vengeful.  Kunpeng Demon Master ¡°Want to escape?  Let me all in!  " The true form of Kunpeng appeared in the sky, and he opened his mouth to inhale. Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi together with the millions of ghosts and gods left in the battle with the heavenly soldiers and generals, were immediately  After being inhaled into Kunpeng's belly, the world became pure in the blink of an eye Kunpeng's true form can almost swallow small stars without any problem, but these ghosts and gods, together with the two founding gods,  Along with Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, they must enter and eliminate them. ¡°Go back to Heaven first, and then deal with these hairy gods in Takamagahara when you have time!  " Throwing Hetu and Luoshu into Kunpeng's true body, the demon master said coldly: "I used the Hunyuan Heluo Formation to temporarily trap these hairy gods in Kunpeng's belly.  , there is no way to escape, let¡¯s go to heaven!  " After the destruction of the ancient Heavenly Court, Demon Master Kunpeng has been cultivating in Beiming Wangyang, which is hidden at the end of the Milky Way in the Heavenly Realm. It is impossible that there is no emotion between him and the Heavenly Court. Besides, if the Heavenly Court is destroyed, then the battle between the human world and Gao Tianyuan will  Even if they won, it would be meaningless. Everyone was worried about the situation in heaven, so they turned into escaping light and flew into the sky. After a while, they passed through a barrier and arrived at the Nantian Gate. They saw corpses everywhere, and the corpses of heavenly soldiers and generals were everywhere.  , but there is no angel corpse. Lin Meng understands that angels are transformed from the essence of divinity, life fruit, wisdom fruit and the river water in the Garden of Eden. They are born from angel eggs. When they die, they are directly transformed into holy light and dissipated.  -But looking at the scene in front of me, Heaven is probably retreating. ¡°It¡¯s common to see Emperor Yuming, Immortal Zhenyuan, and Demon Master Kunpeng.  " The four heavenly kings guarding the Nantianmen were leading some heavenly soldiers to clean up the battlefield. They had already cleaned up the ruins of the Nantianmen. When they saw Lin Meng and others appearing, they quickly bowed down, and the heavenly soldiers also bowed down together. "Get up.  ¡±   Heaven has a hierarchical order, and the rules are strict. After receiving Lin Meng's permission, these gods stood up. Kunpeng asked impatiently: "Please tell the truth about the battle soon!" "Yes!" Growing Heavenly King  Lin Meng gradually understood the battle process in Heaven. When they fought in the lower realm and Gao Tianyuan, Heaven indeed sent an army to attack. Metatron, the Saint of Heaven, had the highest combat power and led the four major forces.  Seraphim, twelve creation angels, and an army of five million angels came in force.  Naturally, Heaven immediately activated the Zhoutian Starry Formation, trapping the angel army inside. This time, the angels did not lead the Tree of Life Array, but instead laid out an endless light formation, evolving infinite holy light to compete with the Zhoutian Starry Formation.  Confrontation.  A lot of gods, heavenly soldiers and generals, and angels died. Fortunately, the dead gods in heaven can be reborn on the list of gods, so the losses are not big.  The two formations fought against each other for a while, and the Heavenly Army suddenly began to retreat. At that time, it should be the moment when Lin Meng and the others returned to Shanhaiguan. When the angels retreated, Fuxi and Metatron fought for a while, and now the Nantianmen  The ruins above were shattered by the aftermath of that fight.  "Obviously, Heaven didn't expect that this battle would really completely wipe out Heaven. It just meant that Heaven wouldn't be able to send people to assist Shanhaiguan.  Originally, under the calculation of heaven, there were three Brahman kings: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.  Gao Tianyuan would definitely win that battle, and then he could march straight in and destroy China. However, he didn't expect that Kong Xuan, the Confucian leader who was said to have been wandering in the universe to educate the indigenous people.  will appear suddenly.  Since the goal was not achieved, Heaven naturally withdrew its troops - this battle did not cause much loss to Heaven. The dead angels could still be reborn in the Garden of Eden. Only Takamagahara suffered losses, and millions of gods were equivalent to being wiped out in one fell swoop.  All fell into the belly of Kunpeng Demon Master. What awaited them was either Kunpeng's soul-refining demon method or the judgment of the heaven Returning to the Lingxiao Palace, Lin Meng and others met Haotian, who was obviously very worried.  Happy.  If this battle fails, China will be in dire straits. Now it has finally won.  "Kong Xuan what he said is indeed correct. Confucianism is innocent in teachings, but the real evil is the human heart." Haotian sighed, and then said: "Kong Xuan exchanged the third-grade lotus platform with you and went to Lingshan? That's fine.  If he can persuade the Western leaders to help Heaven, even if there is only Amitabha, Nuwa and Tongtian, there will be three saints just like Heaven. If all the three saints in the West unite with us, and the five saints will face the three saints,  We will never fail!" Immortal Zhenyuan said: "This time Heaven has even sent a quasi-saint-level existence like Metatron. It can be seen that when the saint takes action, it will not be far away This time, if the disaster is  As expected, it will soon reach its maximum level, and by then, the human world, the Kingdom of God, and even this universe will probably be involved." Listening to the conversations of these people, Lin Meng had memories of Satan in his previous life.  In this life, his status and vision are also extraordinary, and he can understand what these people are talking about, so he can only sigh slightly.  Now, even if he has developed many magical skills, even if he has a lot of chaos spiritual treasures and even treasures, he can't even deal with any one of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, how can he fight against Metatron?  And the Jehovah, the endless light, and Jesus who are hidden behind like three mountains?  It¡¯s not that the Chaos Treasure is bad. To mortals, it¡¯s like a powerful weapon.  The current Leiwating, Huangquan Tu, and Taichu Lotus.  The Lotus of the Beginning and the Lotus of the End are both treasures of chaos, but there are many treasures but not enough. For example, the use of the Book of Darkness, because the understanding of the laws of darkness has not yet reached the highest level, the power of the Book of Darkness,  It is definitely far inferior to the ground script used by Zhen Yuanzi.  The path Lin Meng followed was not the path of darkness. The Book of Darkness would definitely not be able to exert its greatest power. The path he followed was not the path of the God of Fire. Revadin was also unable to exert its greatest power again in Surut's hands.  The style of the time.  Once the Way of Creation is completed, it will include twenty avenues such as darkness and fire - twenty stone slabs corresponding to the Creation Crystal. However, if you complete the Way of Creation, you will probably become a saint by then at least.  The level of existences such as Kong Xuan and Metatron, and whether they can use the Book of Darkness and Revadin are not that important.  "Realm, what I need to improve most now is my realm!" Lin Meng then thought of the Disk of Reincarnation and the Disk of Destiny. These two are out-and-out real treasures, things that even saints have to fight for, but  In his hands, until now, he has not developed any real power - he only created a main god plane in it, plundering gods and immortals' understanding of the laws, plundering scientific and technological knowledge, plus the ability to consume energy, and clone supermen. ??The Disk of Reincarnation and the Disk of Destiny are combined into the main god space. Think about it, when countless reincarnators went to various fantasy worlds to become stronger with the power of a single reincarnation space. How could this treasure only be possessed?  Functionality currently demonstrated?  It¡¯s a pity that Lin Meng doesn¡¯t have high authority now, let alone fully master all the abilities of the Lord God Space.  "The Disk of Reincarnation, the Disk of Destinythe two closest magic weapons to the chaos spiritual treasures are probably the Six Paths Wheel and the Mirror of Destiny. Unfortunately, the Mirror of Reincarnation has disappeared, and the Six Paths Wheel is in the hands of Brahma again." Lin  Meng thought for a while, and saw that he was deep in thought, Haotian said: "Emperor Yuming, do you have any ideas?" "Haha, it's nothing By the way, inside the Kunpeng true body of the demon master, there are also Izanagi,  Even if Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and millions of Takamagahara gods, Hetu, and Rakushu evolve into large formations, they will not be able to trap them for too long, so they must be dealt with as soon as possible. " "Don't worry, in the future.  The deeds of those gods cannot break my illusion for a while" As soon as Demon Master Kunpeng finished saying this, his expression suddenly changed.  Haotian laughed at the side and said: "Izanagi and Izanami are the founding gods, and they still have some Taoism. Your Hunyuan Heluo Formation is incomplete - you'd better go to the Star Dou Palace quickly, I'll let you  Star Officers, hold the Star Flags and Magical Weapons, and activate the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation, allowing you to use the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighters to suppress them. "This Kunpeng Demon Master is an ancient Heavenly Emperor, a quasi-leader-level existence, and a leader of Heavenly Heaven.  Top existence.  It's not much. Of course Haotian wants to take this opportunity to win over Kunpeng.  "If I don't extract the souls of these hairy gods and sacrifice them into demon flags, I won't be able to show my ability!" For the gods of the Land of the Rising Sun, who invaded China.  Kunpeng naturally didn't have any good impressions, and this time in front of Lin Meng and others, he felt that he had lost face, and was even more furious. The ancient demon clan was originally ruthless, and they would extract souls from people.  It's as simple as eating and drinking water.  Seeing Kunpeng Demon Master, led by Haotian, angrily headed to the Star Dou Palace, Lin Meng couldn't help but sigh secretly for the millions of gods in Gao Tianyuan. Falling into the hands of Kunpeng would probably be more unlucky than dying directly.  .  "Lin Meng, I heard that you used the third-grade lotus platform in exchange for the Lotus of the Beginning, the Lotus of the Beginning, and the Lotus of the End that Kong Xuan took from Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The lotus of the end?" The one who spoke was the white-haired Qing Emperor.  The man rarely spoke and was extremely mysterious. When he saw him speaking, Lin Meng quickly smiled and said, "It is true. Is it possible that the Qing Emperor is also interested in these three lotuses?" "Let's take a look." Given Fu Xi's status.  Of course, it was impossible to rob someone else's magic weapon. Lin Meng was not afraid that he would not return it, so he took out three lotus flowers and handed them to Fuxi.  "Sure enough, these are I once saw these three lotus flowers when I was in chaos" Fuxi sighed faintly, as if he was nostalgic, but then his eyes became clear again, and he pointed with his hand, the Lotus of Taichu, the Lotus of Taishi  The lotus becomes a double lotus: "In fact, Taishi, Taishi was originally a parallel lotus. It is a treasure of chaos. The initial lotus is opposite to the final lotus." "Two lotuses, one contains the power of the beginning.  , one piece contains the power of the end. I heard that you are taking the path of creation, but it is so. The two lotus flowers of the beginning and the end are very useful to you. As for how to use them you can refine them into golden elixir or essence.  "The power of the beginning, the power of the end" Lin Meng understands that there are many different top powers in this world, such as the power of reincarnation, which can trigger reincarnation, the power of destiny, which can change fate, and the power of the beginning.  , is the power that appeared when the world was first opened, and the power of the end is the power that occurs when the world is destroyed.  Precisely speaking, Lin Meng does not have the golden elixir or the primordial spirit, but he has the Creation Crystal Diamond and the Chaos Spirit Body, which is equivalent to the golden elixir and the primordial spirit.  "My chaotic spirit body contains chaotic source energy. If I add the initial power and the final power, which can be transformed into all energy and all material things, what will it become?" Lin Meng couldn't help but think in his heart.  A surge of anticipation.  After taking back two lotuses: the initial lotus and the final lotus, Lin Meng said: "Lord Qing Emperor, I heard that the gossip is in the hands of Taishang Taozu? (Revised tomorrow) Lin Meng was secretly confused, but Kong Xuan was right  The three people said: "Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, you three gods, can you see my methods this time?  Our country, China, is not a place for you and others to peek into.  ¡± Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva¡¯s faces were both angry and ashamed. All three of them used their trump cards to evolve the six paths of reincarnation, conjure up the world of incarnations, and dance the Tandava dance, but they were all fooled.  Xuan was broken in an understatement, and was finally exposed to the five-color divine light.With so much pressure, three god kings were defeated by one of them, how could they not be ashamed and angry?  "Wait a minute." Seeing that the three of them were about to break through the void and teleport away, Kong Xuan flew out three rays of light, stayed in the void and smiled: "Are the three god kings going to leave now? If the teachings of your Brahmin god line are in a duel,  If you fail, the winner can take anything from the loser. Since I let the three of you go, why don¡¯t you leave something behind?¡± Brahma said angrily, ¡°What do you want?¡±  "Three lotuses, please keep them." "What?" Shiva was immediately furious, with a look of anger on his face, and seemed to be about to fight Kong Xuan, but was stopped by Vishnu.  The three of them now understood that Kong Xuan alone would not be his opponent. Plus Lin Meng, Zhen Yuanzi, and Kunpeng Demon Master, it was not impossible for them to be killed if they continued to fight. Brahma said: "In this case,  I'll take my leave. I'll learn more about Master Kong's methods in the future. "The Lotus of the Beginning, the Lotus of the Beginning, and the Lotus of the End, the three most precious lotuses in chaos, remain in the void.  Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have disappeared.  "You are so cunning. If the three of you try your best, even if you can kill three of them, you will still be severely damaged. Now you can get three chaos treasures without any effort." Kunpeng Demon Master sneered.  "These three lotus flowers are much better than the magic weapon made of your five-color divine light. Congratulations, you have obtained three treasures that are almost as big as my Hetu and Luoshu." "Since these three gods dare to invade China, naturally  I need to leave something before I leave. "Kong Xuan said calmly: "I have the five-color divine light. Under the Confucianism trade, I evolved the knife, the pen, the seal, the scripture, and the book. How can I need other treasures?" He turned his head.  , looked at Lin Meng, pointed with his hand, and three lotus flowers suspended in the void flew in front of him: "How about I use these three treasures to exchange for a treasure with you?" "Oh? You want to, too?  "What do I want from those two things?" Kong Xuandao said: "My Confucian lineage does not believe in reincarnation, does not ask about ghosts and gods, and does not talk about heaven. We only rely on ourselves to conquer heaven."  "I want to exchange these three lotuses with you for another treasure on your body." "I want to exchange with you a third-grade lotus platform. Are you willing?" "I use the three lotuses of Taibei, Taishi, and Momo in exchange for only a third-grade lotus platform."  ?¡± Lin Meng was a little confused if he heard it wrong. The third-grade lotus platform is just a part of the twelve-color lotus of chaos.  That chaotic colorful lotus is naturally stronger than a single lotus, but the incomplete third-grade lotus platform is just a top-grade chaotic spiritual treasure.  Kong Xuan said again: "The third-grade lotus platform is in your hands. It cannot exert its maximum power at all. You will not suffer any loss in exchange for the three lotus." "Of course I am willing." Lin Meng stretched out his hand, and the third-grade lotus platform appeared in  He touched the center of his palm and said, "Can you tell me, what is the use of this third-grade lotus platform?" "Of course, go to the Xitianling Mountain and give it to Amitabha." "Oh? Amitabha, please take it back from me.  "Third Grade Lotus Platform?" Lin Meng asked in surprise, "You are not a Buddhist, why do you want to stand up for Buddhism?" "It's not any Buddha, please ask me." Kong Xuan said: "The power in heaven is far greater than that of heaven.  Buddhism has been brought to the side of China, and the combination of heaven and spirit mountain is enough to protect China from worries. This third-grade lotus platform is the key to Buddhism. The decline of Buddhism's luck is also related to the original twelve-grade lotus platform, which was eaten by the third one. I use the third-grade lotus platform to go  Let's take a gamble on whether we can win over Buddhism as a helping hand. " "You turned Taoism into Confucianism, which caused the Taoism to become almost extinct in China, and China's destiny has also declined. It can be said that you are the culprit of today's situation. Why are you pretending to be for China now?  Running?" Kunpeng couldn't help but ask.  "There is nothing wrong with Confucianism, it is the human heart that is wrong, and I have a clear conscience." Kong Xuan took the third-grade lotus platform, and his figure flashed and disappeared. In the void, only three lotus flowers were left, and a ball full of awe-inspiring righteousness.  Rich sound.  "Unexpectedlysigh" Zhen Yuanzi turned around and said to Lin Meng: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Meng, for getting three more chaos treasures. Even the poor Taoist is a little envious." "Haha." Lin Meng understood that Zhen Yuanzi  Motoko was just teasing casually, not peeping at the three lotuses. He put the lotus away and said: "We compete with Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in the void of the universe. I don't know what the battlefield will be like at the pass of Shanhaiguan on the human continent. Izanagi  , Izanami, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi are all top powerhouses, let¡¯s go quickly to avoid any accidents.¡± The three of them broke through the void, teleporting all the way, and arrived close to the human world.The star field on the mainland then turned into escaping light. When it landed on Shanhaiguan Pass, it was found that the battle was still going on. Tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals and eight million ghosts and gods were killed together. The blood flowed into a river, almost flooding the pass.  .  There are naturally top-level beings to deal with. Yang Jian, Sun Xingzhe, and Nezha, three strong combatants, faced off against Izanagi and his wife. The strength of the three of them was naturally not as good as the other two founding gods, but the two of them had nine-turn golden bodies.  One is the incarnation of a lotus with extremely strong defense. Izanagi and his wife have lost the Chaos Spirit Treasure again, so the three of them can resist it for the time being.  The three girls Lingmeng, Bai Ling, and Nina were fighting against Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. The strength of the three girls had improved a lot compared to the last time they fought against the three gods of Amaterasu. They also had the Chaos Spiritual Treasure in their hands, so Yu Amaterasu  , Tsukuyomi and Tsukuyomi are evenly matched.  The three escaping lights of Zhen Yuanzi, Lin Meng, and Kunpeng Demon Master landed here, and Izanagi, Amaterasu and others were immediately shocked.  These three gods are not fools. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva did not come back, but they came back. These three people naturally understood that there was a battle in the universe and stars.  It must have been the failure of the three great Brahman kings.  "How is that possible!" Amaterasu simply couldn't understand. With the realms Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva had reached, how could Lin Meng and the others be their opponents?  "Everyone retreat, return to Takamagahara!" Izanagi shouted and left immediately.  But how could the gods in heaven let them leave?  Especially Lin Meng, Zhen Yuanzi who returned here, and Kunpeng Demon Master, who is arrogant, irritable, and vindictive.  "Want to escape? Let me all in!" The true form of Kunpeng appeared in the sky and opened his mouth to take a breath.  Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi along with the millions of remaining ghosts and gods who had fought against the heavenly soldiers and generals, were immediately sucked into Kunpeng's belly. In the blink of an eye, the world was pure  ¡­ Kunpeng¡¯s true form can swallow almost all small stars, and it has no problem swallowing millions of ghosts and gods, as long as these ghosts and gods are together with the two founding gods.  Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi must also enter and be destroyed.  "Go back to heaven first, wait until you have time, and then deal with these hairy gods in Gao Tianyuan!" Throwing Hetu and Luoshu out and falling into Kunpeng's true body, the demon master said coldly: "I use Hunyuan Heluo  The formation temporarily trapped these hairy gods in Kunpeng's belly. They will not be able to escape in a short period of time. Let's go to the heaven quickly! " After the Kunpeng Demon Master was destroyed in the ancient heaven.  The Beiming Wangyang cultivator who has been hiding at the end of the Milky Way in the heavens, it is impossible that he and the heavens have no feelings. Besides, if the heavens are destroyed, then the battle between the human world and Gao Tianyuan will happen.  There is no point even if you win.  Everyone was worried about the situation in heaven, so they turned into escaping light and flew into the sky. After a while, they passed through a barrier and arrived at the Nantian Gate. They saw corpses everywhere. There were corpses of heavenly soldiers and generals everywhere, but there were no corpses of angels.  Lin Meng understood that angels are transformed from divinity, the essence of the Fruit of Life, the Fruit of Wisdom and the water in the River of Eden. They are born from the eggs of angels. When they die, they directly transform into the Holy Light and dissipate - but look at the scene in front of them.  , Heaven is probably retreating.  "Emperor Yuming, Immortal Zhenyuan, and Demon Master Kunpeng are common." The four heavenly kings guarding the Nantianmen were leading some heavenly soldiers to clean up the battlefield. They had already cleaned up the ruins of the Nantianmen. When they saw Lin Meng and others appearing, they quickly bowed down.  Those heavenly soldiers also bowed down together.  "Get up." There is a hierarchical order in heaven, and the rules are strict. After receiving Lin Meng's permission, these gods got up. Kunpeng asked impatiently: "Please tell the truth about the battle!" "Yes!"  Under the words of the King of Growth, Lin Meng gradually understood the battle process in Heaven. When they fought in the lower realm and Gao Tianyuan, Heaven indeed sent a large army to attack. Metatron, the Saint of Heaven, had the highest combat power.  Leading the four Seraphs, twelve Creation Angels, and an army of five million angels, they came in large numbers.  Naturally, Heaven immediately activated the Zhoutian Starry Formation, trapping the angel army inside. This time, the angels did not lead the Tree of Life Array, but instead laid out an endless light formation, evolving infinite holy light to compete with the Zhoutian Starry Formation.  Confrontation.  A lot of gods, heavenly soldiers and generals, and angels died. Fortunately, the dead gods in heaven can be reborn on the list of gods, so the losses are not big.  The two formations fought against each other for a while, and the Heavenly Army suddenly began to retreat. At that time, it should be the moment when Lin Meng and the others returned to Shanhaiguan. When the angels retreated, Fuxi and Metatron fought for a while, and now the Nantianmen  The ruins above were shattered by the aftermath of that fight.  "Obviously, Heaven didn't expect that this battle would really completely wipe out Heaven. It just meant that Heaven wouldn't be able to send people to assist Shanhaiguan.  Originally, under heaven¡¯s calculation, there wereWith the three Brahmin kings: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Gao Tianyuan would definitely win in that battle, and then he could march straight in and destroy China. However, he did not expect that Kong Xuan, the Confucian leader who is said to have been wandering in the universe and educating the indigenous people,  , will appear suddenly.  Since the goal was not achieved, Heaven naturally withdrew its troops - this battle did not cause much loss to Heaven. The dead angels could still be reborn in the Garden of Eden. Only Takamagahara suffered losses. Millions of gods were all destroyed in one pot.  After entering the belly of Demon Master Kunpeng, what awaits them is either Kunpeng's soul refining demon method or the judgment of heaven Returning to Lingxiao Palace, Lin Meng and others met Haotian.  Haotian is obviously very happy. If this battle fails, China will be in dire straits. Now it finally won.  "Kong Xuan what he said is indeed correct. Confucianism is innocent. The real evil is the human heart." Haotian sighed, and then said: "Kong Xuan exchanged the third-grade lotus platform with you and went to Lingshan? That's fine,  If he can persuade the Western leaders to help Heaven, even if there is only Amitabha, Nuwa and Tongtian will be the same as Heaven. If all the three saints in the West unite with us, and the five saints will face the three saints,  We will never fail!" Immortal Zhenyuan said: "This time Heaven has even sent a quasi-saint-level existence like Metatron. It can be seen that when the saint takes action, it will not be far away This time, if the disaster is  As expected, it will soon reach its maximum level, and by then, the human world, the Kingdom of God, and even this universe will probably be involved." Listening to the conversations of these people, Lin Meng had memories of Satan in his previous life.  In this life, his status and vision are also extraordinary, and he can understand what these people are talking about, so he can only sigh slightly.  Now, even though he has developed many magical skills, even he owns a lot of Chaos Spiritual Treasures and even Supreme Treasures.  If you can't even deal with any one of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, how can you fight Metatron?  And the Jehovah, the endless light, and Jesus who are hidden behind like three mountains?  It¡¯s not that the Chaos Treasure is bad. To mortals, it¡¯s like a powerful weapon.  The current Leiwating, Huangquan Tu, and Taichu Lotus.  The lotus of the beginning and the lotus of the end.  They are all treasures of chaos, but there are too many treasures but not the best. For example, the use of the Book of Darkness, because the understanding of the laws of darkness has not yet reached the highest level, the power of the Book of Darkness is definitely far inferior to Zhen Yuanzi's use.  of land books.  The path Lin Meng followed was not the path of darkness. The Book of Darkness would definitely not be able to exert its greatest power. The path he followed was not the path of the God of Fire. Revadin was also unable to exert its greatest power again in Surut's hands.  The style of the time.  Once the Way of Creation is completed, it will include twenty avenues such as darkness and fire - twenty stone slabs corresponding to the Creation Crystal. However, if you complete the Way of Creation, you will probably become a saint by then at least.  The level of existences such as Kong Xuan and Metatron, and whether they can use the Book of Darkness and Revadin are not that important.  "Realm, what I need to improve most now is my realm!" Lin Meng then thought of the Disk of Reincarnation and the Disk of Destiny. These two are out-and-out real treasures, things that even saints have to fight for, but  In his hands, until now, he has not developed any real power - he only created a main god plane in it, plundering gods and immortals' understanding of the laws, plundering scientific and technological knowledge, plus the ability to consume energy, and clone supermen.  The Disk of Reincarnation and the Disk of Destiny are combined into the main god space. Think about it, when countless reincarnators went to various fantasy worlds to become stronger with the power of a single reincarnation space. How could this treasure only be possessed?  Functionality currently demonstrated?  It¡¯s a pity that Lin Meng doesn¡¯t have high authority now, let alone fully master all the abilities of the Lord God Space.  "The Disk of Reincarnation, the Disk of Destinythe two closest magic weapons to the chaos spiritual treasures are probably the Six Paths Wheel and the Mirror of Destiny. Unfortunately, the Mirror of Reincarnation has disappeared, and the Six Paths Wheel is in the hands of Brahma again." Lin  Meng thought for a while, and saw that he was deep in thought, Haotian said: "Emperor Yuming, do you have any ideas?" "Haha, it's nothing By the way, inside the Kunpeng true body of the demon master, there are also Izanagi,  Even if Izanami, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and millions of Takamagahara gods, Hetu, and Rakushu evolve into large formations, they will not be able to trap them for too long, so they must be dealt with as soon as possible. " "Don't worry, in the future.  The Taoism of those gods cannot break my illusion for a while" As soon as Demon Master Kunpeng finished saying this, his expression suddenly changed. Haotian smiled at the side and said: "Izanagi, Izanami  The God of Creation still has some Taoism, and your Hunyuan Heluo Formation is incomplete - you'd better go to the Star Dou Palace, I'll let the star officials, holding the star flags and magic weapons, start the Zhoutian Star DouFormation, let you borrow the power of Zhou Tianxingdou to suppress them.  " This Demon Master Kunpeng is an ancient Heavenly Emperor, a quasi-leader-level existence. There are not many top existences in Heaven. Of course Haotian wants to take this opportunity to win over Kunpeng. "Don't take away the souls of these hairy gods.  Even if I sacrifice my soul and refine it into a demon flag, it won¡¯t show my ability!  " Kunpeng naturally has no good impression of the gods who invaded China like the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. In addition, this time in front of Lin Meng and others, he felt that he had lost face and was even more furious. The ancient demon clan was originally cruel and ruthless.  For killing people and extracting souls, it was as simple as eating and drinking. Seeing Demon Master Kunpeng, led by Haotian, he angrily headed to the Star Dou Palace. Lin Meng couldn't help but sigh secretly for the millions of gods in Gao Tianyuan.  "Lin Meng, I heard that you used the third-grade lotus platform in exchange for the Taichu Lotus and Taishi Lotus that Kong Xuan took from Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.  , the final lotus?  " The one who spoke was the white-haired Qing Emperor. This man rarely spoke and was extremely mysterious. Seeing him speak, Lin Meng quickly smiled and said, "It is true. Is it possible that the Qing Emperor is also interested in these three lotuses?  " "Bring it here and take a look.  " With Fuxi's status, it is of course impossible for him to rob other people's magic weapons. Lin Meng was not afraid that he would not return it, so he took out three lotus flowers and handed them to Fuxi. "Sure enough, these are When I was in Chaos, I once  I have seen these three lotuses" Fuxi sighed quietly, as if he was nostalgic, but then his eyes became clear again. He pointed his hand, and the Taichu Lotus and Taishi Lotus turned into a double lotus: "  In fact, Taibei, Taishi was originally a parallel lotus, a treasure of chaos, the initial lotus, opposite to the final lotus.  " "Two lotuses, one contains the power of the beginning, and the other contains the power of the end. I heard that you are walking on the path of creation, but this is actually the case. The two lotuses of the beginning and the end are very useful to you. As for how  Use You can refine it into a golden elixir or a soul.  " "The power of the beginning, the power of the end" Lin Meng understands that there are many different top powers in this world, such as the power of reincarnation, which can trigger reincarnation, the power of destiny, which can change destiny, and the power of the beginning, which is the world  The power that appeared when it was first opened, the power of the end, was the power that was generated when the world was destroyed. To be precise, Lin Meng didn't have it, but he had the Creation Crystal and the Chaos Spirit Body.  It is equivalent to the golden elixir and the soul. "My chaotic spirit body contains chaotic source energy. If I add the initial power and the final power, what will it become if it can be transformed into all energy and all matter?"  " Lin Meng couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart. After taking back the two lotuses: the initial lotus and the final lotus, Lin Meng said: "Lord Qing Emperor, I heard that the Eight Diagrams is in the hands of Taishang Daozu, isn't it?
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