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Volume Three: The Great Evil in "The Dragon King of the Divine City" Chapter 368: The Weird Woman

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    Zhang Chen's idea was rejected just like that.  In fact, Zhang Chen¡¯s idea is not feasible, but the risk is too high!  Moreover, Alice and Xueli were worried that Zhang Chen would be deceived by that mala soup.  After all, no one can refuse the offer made by that mala soup, especially men!  In this city, apart from him, Zhang Chen has the final say!  Zhang Chen can choose any woman in this city as long as he likes it!  Hongcheng cannot open it under such conditions!  This is one point, and another point is that it is impossible to believe Zhang Chen in that mala soup!  People like them won't trust anyone!  He must have known that the Red Alliance sent people to kill him, and the mala soup must have been fully prepared, and he would not be so stupid as to let them kill him!  Therefore, what they have to do now is to be patient and wait slowly!  Since the two women disagreed, Zhang Chen had nothing to say.  Wait!  Then wait slowly!  What Alice and Sherry said must be right. This Malatang must have known that they were going to kill him, so he shrank back and had no news at all!  There is a traitor in the Red Alliance, and it's a high-level traitor, that's for sure!  However, this also shows that this time it should be the meaning above, he wants to use his special ability to get rid of Malatang!  above?  So far, all Zhang Chen knows is Fan Lunxi!  These people above are too obscene and never show up!  In my free time, besides playing games, watching movies, and watching TV, I just play "games" with the two girls.  Such a day is not too bad, at least there are two beautiful girls accompanying me!  However, Zhang Chen still wanted to reach level 50 and return to his own world.  Listen to Han Taixi.  Every minute and every second we spend in this world, other worlds are functioning similarly!  They are here, they are here, and if they go back thirty years later, they will be old, and all the people on the earth will be old too!  This world is different from other worlds, they all work together.  Specifically, no one can figure out what is going on.  That¡¯s what happened anyway!     so.  Zhang Chen really wants to go back. He can't stay in this world for ten or twenty years. Quan Zhixian and the others must be going crazy if he disappears!  If you let your parents know.  What to do?  "According to reports, at three o'clock last night, the mayor of our city, Malatang, died at home! The specific cause of death is unknown and is still under investigation!" Early in the morning, Zhang Chen had just turned on the TV.  Then I saw this news.  I didn¡¯t pay much attention to it, so I changed the channel and there was this news again.  What are you saying that the mayor of our city, Malatang, died at home?  Malatang?  This name sounds very familiar!  Then, Zhang Chen was shocked, and Alice and Xueli also lost sleep at the same time and quickly sat up from the ground.  "According to reliable news, around three to four o'clock last night, the mayor of our city, Malatang, died at home! The specific cause of death is not yet known and is still under investigation! Our station will also report the latest news according to the situation!  " On the TV, a beautiful woman in a professional skirt said unhurriedly and expressionlessly.  Then, the picture on the TV jumped to the front of a building. The place was in chaos, full of people and police cars everywhere!  "Mala Tang? Dead?" Zhang Chen said with a surprised look on his face.  Alice and Xueli also looked at each other, frowned at the same time, looked at the TV, and said: "Change the channel, change the channel!" Zhang Chen quickly changed the channel, and the report was still about Malatang's death.  information.  Then another station was changed, and all the stations, without exception, reported the news that Malatang was dead!  "Dead? He's not really dead, is he? This is great!" Zhang Chen said happily.  This is a good thing!  This guy named "Mala Tang" died at home, which really saved them the trouble!  God is so good to him!  Alas, but I didn¡¯t kill that guy with my own hands, so the experience is gone!  Alice and Xueli looked at Zhang Chen, somewhat speechless.  TV says Malatang is dead, do you believe it?  You can't really be that stupid, can you?  They are all the same kind of people, is it because they don¡¯t have added intelligence?  Then the basic intelligence is not so low, right?  "By the way, how many levels does that mala soup have?" Zhang Chen asked with a smile after thinking about it.  It is indeed a pity not to have the experience of mala soup.  But it doesn¡¯t matter, just kill a few more hunters and the experience will come back!  Compared to that mala soup, those hunters are easier to deal with!  "At least level 70 or above! This is the lowest estimate. It is very likely that it has reached level 90, or even higher!" Looking at Zhang Chen, Xue Li said helplessly.  Low IQ, so anxious!  "At least level 70? Probably level 90?" Zhang Chen took a breath.  How much experience does it take to reach level 70?  Well, there must be many, many!  Then if you kill this "Mala Tang" and divide it equally between the three of them, you will have to level up several levels!  Isn¡¯t it a pity that this experience is gone?  "You don't really think that Malatang is dead, do you?" Looking at Zhang Chen, Xue Li asked.  ListenXue Li asked this. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and asked: "What do you mean? Didn't the TV report that he was dead? Isn't he still dead?" "What do you think?" Xue Li rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen.  He said angrily.  Is Zhang Chen too stupid?  The leader of the Black Priest Group died at home for no apparent reason. Is there any mistake?  How is this possible?  That Malatang must have known that someone was going to kill him, or was he a person with special abilities who died at home?  Are the precautions at his home so weak?  However, it doesn¡¯t matter if Zhang Chen is stupid, but if he is too smart, it will definitely not be a good thing!  "Are you saying that this TV show is a lie?" Zhang Chen asked, frowning.  It won¡¯t be like this!  Is it just to let him rejoice in vain?  "I don't know if it's a lie, but I don't think it's easy to die with that mala soup! Let alone die at home. If you think about it carefully, you will understand!" He rolled his eyes at Zhang Chen again.  Xue Li said angrily.  Zhang Chen thought for a while and asked again: "So, are you trying to trick us?" At this time, Zhang Chen finally understood the meaning of Xue Li's words.  However, it is indeed possible.  Create the illusion that you are dead and lure them into being fooled!  But, is this necessary?  They are not stupid either, how could they be fooled?  Is mala soup dead?  Can they also buy a hanging whip and put it on to celebrate?  Or lie to them that they are dead and let them leave early?  The leader of a black priest group is no lower than level 70. Is he so afraid of them?  No matter which point it is, it seems a little unreasonable!  "Maybe it's not to seduce us, maybe there are other reasons!" Alice said.  She and Zhang Chen thought the same thing. If Malatang really wanted to seduce them, there wouldn't be such a big noise.  The news of his death came to them.  There is no temptation at all!  It is said that I am afraid of them.  If you want them to leave, that's pretty much it!  However, if he had not died, the news would definitely be exposed again soon.  The higher ups will definitely send them here again.  So if that mala soup really wants to do this to them.  That's completely unnecessary!  Malatang is not that stupid, this matter is not directed at them!  "Is it possible that he is really dead? Look at the TV, there are so many people. So many police cars!" After thinking about it, Zhang Chen said.  No matter what, he still hopes that Malatang is dead, so as to save them trouble!  "It's not very likely! Xue Li is right, it's almost impossible to kill Malatang at home!" Looking at Zhang Chen, Alice said.  "Oh!" Zhang Chen nodded.  After thinking for a while, he continued: "If they are having internal strife, wouldn't it be more likely that the person who killed Malatang is one of their own?" Alice and Xue Li looked at each other, and then looked at each other at the same time.  Without Zhang Chen, this possibility was forgotten by them!  If it was really someone from the Black Priest Group who did it, it would be possible for Malatang to die at home!  It seems that Zhang Chen is not very stupid and thinks a lot!  "It's possible! Okay, hurry up and wash up, let's go out and take a look! However, be careful, someone is probably paying attention to us!" Alice nodded.  "Oh, oh!" Zhang Chen and Xue Li nodded.  Then, the three of them stopped wasting time, quickly washed up, got dressed, and hurried out.  Today, it¡¯s very deserted outside, with almost no one in sight.  All shops, without exception, are closed!  There was not a single pedestrian or car on the road.  Looking up, you can occasionally see aircraft flying overhead.  This weird scene makes the "Mala Tang" seem really dead!  Zhang Chen and the other three went to the subway station and took the subway.  There is a subway, but you still rarely see people. What you see occasionally are just figures in a hurry.  After getting on the subway, Zhang Chen and the other three went straight to the building shown on TV.  When you get out of the subway station, you still can¡¯t see anyone, but as you walk forward, you can see people everywhere, all dressed in black suits or police uniforms, and there are a lot of cars!  No ordinary person, dressed like Zhang Chen, would seem out of place here!  The ones who appeared were dressed differently, and they were also reporters holding cameras and dressed in professional attire.  Because they were dressed differently, Zhang Chen and the others did not dare to get close and could only watch from a distance.  After looking for a while, they couldn't see anything. Zhang Chen and the others left, planning to find three decent clothes to get in.  Otherwise, if the three of them were dressed like this, they would definitely be suspected!  However, after walking around, all the shopping malls were closed!  Moreover, it is obvious that these people did not go to mourn Malatang, but they all stayed at home and did not dare to go out at all!  This made Alice and Shirley begin to believe that Malatang was really dead!  Could it be that Zhang Chen was right and he died in his own hands?  It can't be such a coincidence!  If they don't come to kill him, he won't die. If they come, he will die!  We went around again, and without exception, all the shopping malls were closed.It seems impossible to find three decent clothes!  After thinking about it, Alice would definitely go back first.  They are always wandering around here and can easily arouse suspicion.  What if that Malatang really died and was not killed by them but was blamed on them? It would be a bit of a trap!  go back!  Go back and watch the news!  Although the news may not be true, at times like this, there is really no need to take risks!  Passing by the old man¡¯s supermarket, Zhang Chen and the others were surprised to find that the old man¡¯s supermarket was open!  Other people's shops are open, but his supermarket is closed; other people's shops are closed, but his supermarket is open!  This old man is really different!  After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Chen and the others decided to go over and have a look.  When I entered the supermarket, there was no one in the supermarket and no one at the counter.  This is strange. If the old man is not there, then who opens the door of this supermarket?  The things in the supermarket look neat and tidy, it doesn¡¯t look like a thief has been invited!  Anyway, it was okay, Zhang Chen and the other three walked around in the supermarket.  Maybe the old man went to the toilet and came back after a while!  ¡°Click¡ª¡ª¡± Suddenly, a door inside the supermarket opened.  Zhang Chen and the other three looked over at the same time, and what they saw was not an old man, but a tall, beautiful woman wearing tight jeans.  The woman appears to be in her twenties or thirties, with wavy black hair, fair skin, and a beautiful face.  But it does have an oriental face.  Meet Zhang Chen and the others.  The woman smiled and said very familiarly: "Here he comes!" Come?  Zhang Chen and the others were puzzled.  At the same time, he turned around and looked behind him. There was no one behind him.  Then he looked at the other person again, with a puzzled look on his face.  then.  At the same time, he looked at the woman opposite.  This woman.  They don¡¯t know him!  Then who is coming?  "Hehehe. No need to look, I'm just talking to you!" the woman said with a smile.  "Oh! We, we are here to buy things!" He nodded.  Zhang Chen said.  It sounds like it's true.  This woman is very beautiful, with an Asian face, but he really doesn¡¯t recognize her!  "Then you can take a look and take whatever you like!" the woman said with a smile.  Zhang Chen and the other two nodded, feeling something was wrong.  The old man disappeared, but a woman appeared, and she took the initiative to talk to them!  In this city, it is really difficult for others to take the initiative to talk to you!  Even if you stretch your mouth, others may not pay attention to you!  Could it be that because the Malatang died, the people here became "lively" again?  Uh, such a change is too fast!  Zhang Chen and the other two pretended to look at each other, glancing at the woman from time to time.  And the woman just looked at them with a smile and did nothing!  Xueli reached out and touched Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen understood and moved closer to the woman intentionally or unintentionally.  Then, he picked up a can of baby milk powder and asked: "This" I wanted to ask how much this was, but when I saw that it was baby milk powder in my hand, I quickly put it down.  A little embarrassed, I looked for it, picked up another can of milk powder for middle-aged people, and asked, "How much does this cost?" "Hehehe, you don't have to be so nervous!" the woman laughed.  "No, no! I am, I am" Zhang Chen didn't know what to say for a moment, and he felt even more embarrassed.  It wasn't that he was nervous, he just wanted to ask this woman, where was the old man?  Why is she here again?  But it seems that such a question cannot be asked directly, and for a while, I can't think of a good excuse to ask.  "Do you want to ask me where the old man went?" Looking at Zhang Chen, the woman asked with a smile.  "Ah? Do you know this?" Zhang Chen was stunned and asked quickly.  "Hahaha, of course I know. He is the one who asked me to wait for you here. No, I am waiting for you!" the woman said with a smile.  Hearing what the woman said, Alice and Xueli also looked over quickly.  Zhang Chen frowned and asked quickly: "Wait for me? Are you waiting for me? Then you, are you with us?" "Yes, I am just like you! The difference is that I am not from the Red Alliance!  "The woman laughed.  "Oh, oh!" Zhang Chen nodded.  "Do you still need to buy something?" the woman asked with a smile.  "No, no!" Zhang Chen said.  Somewhat embarrassing.  However, this was normal, and he didn't know that this woman was waiting for him specifically.  Is it possible to ask someone when you meet them, "Are you waiting for me?" Alice and Xueli were also a little embarrassed. They put down their things and walked behind Zhang Chen.  "Why don't you come in and have a cup of tea, and we can chat slowly?" Looking at Zhang Chen and the other three, the woman said with a smile.  "Oh, thank you, thank you!" Zhang Chen thanked him quickly.  Since they are all acquaintances, there is nothing to be pretentious about!  However, that old man?How do you know they will come here?  And let this woman wait for them?  It seems that that old man is anything but ordinary!  "You're welcome! I will have to hang out with you in the future, I hope you can take care of me!" the woman said with a smile.  "Ah? No, Miss, you are joking!" Zhang Chen was stunned and said quickly.  ¡°Hehehe, I¡¯m not joking, you¡¯ll know when the time comes!¡± the woman said with a smile.  After saying that, he sighed slightly, feeling a little helpless.  Zhang Chen didn¡¯t understand and wanted to ask, but saw that the woman was already walking towards the door inside the supermarket.  Zhang Chen hurriedly followed. Alice and Xueli looked at each other and hurriedly followed.  This is a very ordinary room with very ordinary furnishings, but it has everything, a sofa, a TV, and a table. This should be a living room.  The woman invited Zhang Chen and the three of them to sit down. Her attitude towards Alice and Xueli was obviously much better than that old man!  "Have these two beauties ever drank tea from China?" the woman looked at Alice and Xueli and asked with a smile.  "China? Have you drank it? Thank you!" Alice said quickly.  After saying that, he looked at Zhang Chen again.  In fact, she has never drunk Chinese tea at all, but drinking tea will not kill anyone!  "If you two beauties don't like it, I can make you two cups of coffee!" the woman said with a genuine smile.  He was very friendly. He smiled all the time from the moment he met Zhang Chen and the other three.  "Oh, no, no! No need! Thank you, just tea!" Alice said quickly.  Then, the woman left, seemingly entering the kitchen.  After a while, he came out, carrying a teapot and four teacups.  She seemed to have prepared all this a long time ago, just waiting for Zhang Chen and the others to come in!  The woman sat down and poured a cup of tea for Zhang Chen and herself.  Zhang Chen picked up the tea cup, smelled it politely, but then put it down.  Although this woman is very beautiful and friendly, and she knows the old man and knows that the old man knows her, she still has to be careful. Who knows if this woman has poisoned the tea?  What's more, she seemed to have prepared all this in advance, as if she knew they were coming.  This always feels a little weird!  Seeing that Zhang Chen only smelled it but didn't drink it, the woman smiled and understood.  She picked up the teacup and took a sip.  "I am Zhang Chen! I come from the Earth, the Kingdom of China! You see, the young lady knows about the Kingdom of China and is proficient in tea ceremony. Are you also from the Kingdom of China?" Looking at the woman, Zhang Chen asked softly.  "Hehehe, yes! But it doesn't matter if you are proficient in tea ceremony! I can only make a casual brew, that old man likes to drink it!" the woman said with a smile.  After saying that, he quickly added: "Oh, by the way, my name is Zhang Manman! We are very destined, both have the surname Zhang!" "Huh? Oh, oh!" Zhang Chen nodded.  "Alice! I'm also from Earth, but I'm from France! Nice to meet you! China's beauty!" Alice said with a genuine smile.  As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.  "Nice to meet you! We are all from the earth, this is fate!" Zhang Manman said.  Then he reached out and shook Alice's hand.  "Xueli! I'm not from the earth, I'm from Blue Star! But I'm really happy to meet you, the beauty of China!" Xueli said with a genuine smile.  As he said that, he also stretched out his hand.  "Nice to meet you! Blue Star Beauty!" Zhang Manman smiled.  Then he reached out and shook Xue Li's hand.  After everyone met politely, Zhang Chen and the three of them all looked at Zhang Manman.  Coming from the earth, Zhang Chen and Alice had an inexplicable liking for Zhang Manman.  "Well, Miss Zhang, you seem to know that we will come here?" Looking at Zhang Manman, Zhang Chen asked softly.  "Oh! That's what the old man said." Zhang Manman said.  "Here, who is Miss Zhang, that old gentleman?" Zhang Chen asked again after being stunned for a moment.  Old man?  Isn¡¯t it bad to call Zhang Manman that way?  After all, he is also a very special old man!  ¡°Just call me old man, don¡¯t call me old gentleman, he doesn¡¯t like it!¡± Zhang Manman said with a smile.  "Ah? Oh! Then, that old man, who is Miss Zhang?" Zhang Chen asked again after being stunned for a moment.  What a weird old man, he actually likes to be called old man!  However, the old man is indeed weird. If he is not weird, he cannot be interested in men!  "It's not anyone! He saved me, so I followed him and took care of him!" Zhang Manman said softly.  Speaking of this, her expression was obviously a little unnatural, a little melancholy, and a little helpless.  "Oh, so that's it!" Zhang Chen said, nodding.  After saying that, he glanced at Alice and Xue Li, and just in time, the two women also looked at him.  After thinking about it, Zhang Chen continued to ask: "Then, that old man, how did the old man know that we are here? Oh, by the way, what do you call that old man, his surname?" In front of Zhang ManmanIn front of him, Zhang Chen felt very awkward when he kept calling him "old man, old man".  After all, the old man also helped him. You have to learn to respect him!  Even if he hasn't helped them, he can still be considered an elder after living for more than 370 years!  Well, it seems that he is not an ordinary elder!  (To be continued)
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