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Volume 3: The Great Evil in "The Dragon King of the Divine City" Chapter 336: The Annoying Guy

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    "Go to hell! You should have bought those pictures! You sure didn't ask a lot of people!" Lucy yelled.  "No, dear, I asked, I asked many people, and they all said they didn't take pictures! Otherwise, I would definitely buy those photos!" Victor frowned and said.  Somewhat aggrieved.  "But these things you took are useless, they are all on TV!" Lucy shouted.  "Oh, this one, it's not on TV!" Victor said, pointing to the photo he took earlier.  It's those messy ravines, those two rows of English - give me something to eat, or I'll destroy the city!  "Oh, my God! Victor, I don't think you need to eat dinner tonight!" Lucy patted her head and said helplessly.  "No, no! My dear, what I said this time is true! Don't you think these words were left by the lizard? This is very important! We didn't give it food, so it came out and destroyed our  The city! Although it is magical, I think it is like this!" Victor chirped.  After saying that, he looked at Zhang Chen again and asked: "Zhang, do you also think those two sentences were left by the big lizard? It's hungry, I think so!" Zhang Chen frowned,  No words were spoken.  This matter is indeed a bit strange.  The two sentences on the beach were not fulfilled, and then Godzilla came out!  And it¡¯s right on that beach!  This, could that Godzilla really know how to write?  Like humans, does it have its own thoughts?  This sounds incredible!  "Oh, my God! If that's the case, isn't this photo very important?" Audrey held the photo and exclaimed in surprise.  "Yes, I think so! I'm very smart, I took a photo of it!" Victor said with a smile.  "Oh, my God! Victor, you should give me this photo!" Audrey looked at Victor and said.  That's not polite at all.  "No, no! Audrey, I need it too! I think this should be filmed by the two of us together!" Victor said quickly.  "Also. And me! Don't forget. I, I am also a reporter!" Lucy also shouted quickly.  "Yes, the three of us discovered this secret together! We all have credit!" Victor said quickly.  Zhao Xiaoxiao and Hu Feifei didn't speak, they just looked at Zhang Chen.  But Zhang Chen still frowned.  Is this a pure coincidence?  Or did someone do it on purpose?  Or maybe that Godzilla can actually write.  Really thoughtful?  If it is really the third situation.  That¡¯s a bit too weird!     But.  Today's Godzilla is really smart. After making trouble for a while, he immediately ran away.  It doesn't give you a chance to deal with it!  Could it be that because of the arrival of the three of them, this Godzilla has undergone a new evolution?  Wouldn't it be such a trap?  "Oh, yes, yes, that big lizard may be hungry!" Zhang Chen said after thinking about it.  "I'm right! It must be hungry! I've always thought so!" Victor said with a smile.  Very proud!  "Zhang Sheng, do you also think that big lizard can write?" Looking at Zhang Chen, Hu Feifei asked quickly.  "" "Maybe! Maybe it has evolved!" Zhang Chen said softly after being speechless for a while.  I really believed it, he just said it casually.  Can tuatara write?  This is still too high-end, and some people can¡¯t accept it!  "Victor, I think we should go back to the company now and spread this news! I think the big lizard didn't eat anything and it will appear again!" Audrey looked at Victor and said quickly.  After hearing what Victor said, she really believed that Godzilla could write!  Otherwise, why would it appear on that beach?  Who can explain this?  "Yes, yes, I think it has no malicious intent, it's just hungry!" Victor said, "The big lizard can write. This will be shocking news. I think it will shock the whole world!" ""  Zhang Chen was truly speechless.  Do these people really believe that Godzilla can write?  However, this is really a coincidence!  Even if that guy can't write, for the three Victors, they still hold very important news in their hands, that is, that photo!  They discovered this secret, and for the rest, it doesn't matter!  As long as this photo is broadcast, it will cause a sensation in New York!  Aren¡¯t these headlines what their reporters want?  "Oh, don't forget me! You should tell that damn Kaiman that I am responsible for this! That damn guy is a piece of shit! I hate him!" Lucy said.  His face was full of disgust.  "Yes, yes, dear, you are right! He is indeed a piece of shit! But don't forget, we have three distinguished guests here! We should be more civilized!" Victor said.  Then he smiled and explained to Zhang Chen: "That damn Kaiman"?is our boss!  He is disgusting!  She was very ugly and he refused to promote Audrey to an official reporter.  Oh, damn, he wants Audrey to have dinner with him!  You know, he is old, ugly, and shameless!  By the way, his child is not much younger than Audrey and he is really disgusting!  All three of us hate him, that's what!  " "Hahaha, I think the three of us also hate this Kaiman!  "Smiled, Zhang Chen said. "Yes, he is disgusting. Everyone should hate him!  "Victor said. "Oh, that's enough, Victor!  I think you should go to the company quickly and announce this news!  Remember, it¡¯s my share!  "Lucy said quickly. "Yes, Victor, we have to hurry up!  We have to get something to eat for that lizard, or it'll come out again!  "Audrey also said quickly. "Zhang, I think I have to go!  You just stay here, it's safe here, I don't think that damn lizard will come here!  Victor smiled. Then he put the photo in his pocket and walked outside. Zhang Chen and others also went out. After going out, they could see a black jeep parked at the door. The wheels were very big.  It¡¯s big and looks very sturdy. It¡¯s a new car, but the front glass is broken and the lights seem to be broken. It¡¯s obvious that something happened just now. ¡°Oh, Zhang, this is the car!  Isn¡¯t it cool?  It runs very fast.  It looks really cool!  I just tried it and I loved it!  "Patting the car, Victor smiled. "Indeed, it's so cool!  " Zhang Chen laughed. "Oh, yes, it's cool!  I think so too!  "Victor smiled. He was a little embarrassed. "Oh, Victor, did you break it?  You should fix it and drive it back!  Mr. Zhang gave you 60,000 US dollars, you can¡¯t do this!  "Lucy shouted with a look of surprise. She wished she could rush over and kick Victor. "No, no.  Not me!  I love it.  I'm very protective!  It's all that damn driver with no eyesight. They hit me and I can't hide!  He is so hateful!  "Victor said. After speaking, he quickly smiled and said: "But.  It's really strong.  The car that hit me was totaled, and its skin was only broken!  He's strong and he's cool!  " After saying that, Victor quickly added: "What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Audrey. She was beside me at the time, and it was that damn guy who bumped into me!  I think he was frightened by the big monster, he was so timid!  " "Yes, I can also see that it is very strong!  " Zhang Chen said with a smile. It doesn't matter, as long as the car can still be driven! "No, Victor, I think you should drive the car to get it repaired!  Keep it intact!  Only in this way can you be worthy of the 60,000 US dollars Mr. Zhang gave you!  "Lucy said quickly. "I thought so too, it's just that I just came back in a hurry.  Exactly, now I should take the car to have it repaired!  Victor smiled. Then, he looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Zhang, do you mind if I take your cool and powerful car for a spin?"  " "No, it's okay!  As long as it can be opened!  "Zhang Chen laughed. "No, Mr. Zhang, it should be cooler, you believe me!  Lucy quickly looked at Zhang Chen and said. "Yes, yes!"  "Victor quickly agreed. Zhang Chen looked up at the sky. It should be three or four o'clock in the afternoon. He wanted to go out for a walk, but depending on the situation, it was too late. After hesitating, Zhang Chen said: "Okay.  Bar!  I think it should be a little cooler too!  " "Yes, it would be cool!  I promise, Zhang, you're going to love it!  Victor said quickly, "The sound it makes is better than the sound of a woman's cunt!"  " "Oh, damn!  You are so incompetent!  You should hurry up, hurry up!  cried Lucy. "I think I like it now!"  "Zhang Chen smiled and said. This Victor is really funny, but he likes to get along with such funny people, which is quite interesting! And after Zhao Xiaoxiao and Hu Feifei heard what Victor said, they  I was a little embarrassed. Americans are so bold in their words, but their lifestyle is also very bold. Then, Victor got into the car, and Audrey quickly got into the passenger seat. Victor started the car.  The sound of the engine is very rich, and it sounds very exciting. The motor of this car should be very powerful. It seems that Victor did not fool him, and things are going very well. "Oh, Zhang, listen,  Doesn't it sound nice?  Is it strong?  "Looking at Zhang Chen, Victor shouted. After all, it cost 30,000 US dollars! It's really not a small amount! His friend also said that this engine alone is worth 10,000 US dollars! "Yes, it sounds good!  I love it so much!  It should be able to run very fast!  "Zhang Chen smiled.   "That's for sure! It should run faster than a missile! That's what my friend said, and I believe him!" Victor smiled.  Zhang Chen didn't mind that he broke the lights and glass in front of him, he was very happy.  "Victor, we should hurry up!" Audrey urged.  This matter is very urgent for her!  "My dear, I think we will come back very late tonight, so you don't have to wait for us! You should greet our three distinguished guests!" Victor looked at Lucy and said.  "Damn it, if you do this again, I'll throw your new camera away!" Lucy said harshly.  "Oh, no, you can't do that! It didn't offend you! Well, I think I should go!" Victor said.  After saying that, he looked at Zhang Chen and the others and said: "Zhang, two beautiful Miss Yang, I'm leaving first, we'll see you in the evening! Oh, Zhang, believe me, when you come back, it will definitely be cooler!"  After saying that, the car started moving, and Victor took Audrey away.  "Damn it, he fails more than he succeeds! That's how he is, Mr. Zhang, you don't have to argue with him, I will take care of him!" Lucy looked at Zhang Chen and said apologetically.  "It's okay. It's really okay! I like that car very much, Victor did a great job!" Zhang Chen said with a smile.  I really don¡¯t care much, as long as it is a car with good performance and fast speed, it is enough!  And the car just now, from the sound of the engine, I knew it was very good!  Very exciting and powerful!  "Oh, no, Mr. Zhang, you shouldn't say that. You say that. Damn Victor will be very proud! When he is proud, he will forget who he is!" Lucy said.  Faced with Zhang Chen's generosity, she had nothing to say.  The newly purchased car was damaged before I even started using it.  And they didn¡¯t say a single word of complaint!  "Hehehe" Zhang Chen smiled.  Said: "I like people like Victor. I think we will become good friends, the best kind!" "This is his luck!" Lucy smiled.  Next.  Lucy asked Zhang Chen and the others to go back to the house while she went out to buy some food.  Her duty is to entertain Zhang Chen and the others!  Therefore, you must entertain with the best.  Zhang Chen asked Lucy for the keys to Victor's little broken car, saying that he wanted to drive out for a spin.  Lucy naturally would not refuse and gave the key to Zhang Chen.  Zhang Chen took the two girls with him and drove out.  Victor's little shabby car is indeed quite shabby. It jingles when it moves.  Zhang Chen drove the car towards the beach. He had a very strong memory and had just walked through it, so he could remember it very clearly.  It's only a dozen miles away, so it won't take long.  The monster appeared, but it was just a small fight and did not cause a large number of casualties.  Therefore, the entire Evernight City has not yet fallen into that kind of panic.  To be honest, this is a little different from the plot in the movie Hu Feifei said!  And Hu Feifei herself found it strange that this was completely different from the movie she saw.  As soon as the monster appeared, it wreaked havoc everywhere.  How can it be like now, after doing destruction, you are still hiding!  "Zhang Chen, do you really think those two sentences were left by that Godzilla?" Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Chen and asked softly.  Originally, it was impossible for her to believe that the lizard could write and kill her.  But what happened recently is indeed so weird that you can¡¯t help but believe it!  "I can't say for sure!" Zhang Chen said after hesitating.  He didn't quite believe that Godzilla could write, but at the moment he couldn't figure out what was going on.  Is it a coincidence?  Or is it man-made?  "It does want to eat, but it's not for itself, but for its children! Maybe, that Godzilla has laid eggs somewhere!" Hu Feifei said.  His face was tense.  After thinking about it, he quickly added: "There are so many little Godzillas, they can eat people!" "Well, okay, don't be so nervous! We will find a way to find that Godzilla and those eggs!  Didn't you say that if Audrey's boyfriend can find the location of those eggs, it will be much easier for us to find him! I believe he has already come to New York!" Zhang Chen said.  Try to say it as easily as possible.  Otherwise, Hu Feifei will be even more nervous.  "He is with people from the US military. If we go to the military, we should be able to find him!" Hu Feifei said quickly.  "Here, how do we find people from the military? Will they pay attention to us?" Zhang Chen asked.  Somewhat helpless.  The status of the two women is also quite awesome, but they are just false positions, and others don't look down on them at all!  Qian Guoan is not dead, which is probably better. Now that Qian Guoan is dead, the two of them are indeed of no use!  "This" After thinking for a while, Hu Feifei stopped talking.  "Okay, it's okay, we will find a way! As long as Godzilla can be killed, there will be no problem. We will have a way to deal with that guy, believe me!"Chen said softly.  "Oh!" Hu Feifei nodded obediently.  While talking and thinking of ways, Zhang Chen drove the car to the beach.  Indeed, as Zhang Chen thought, that place had been blocked by the military and they were not allowed to go there at all.  Somewhat helplessly, Zhang Chen and the other three could only take a look from the outside.  As for using the identities of Zhao Xiaoxiao and Hu Feifei, think about it and forget it!  Even if the identities of Zhao Xiaoxiao and Hu Feifei were revealed, they would definitely just ask for permission first and then politely drive them away!  After looking around, like Victor, he didn¡¯t find anything special, so Zhang Chen could only go back with the two women.  This is a very conspicuous place and you cannot stay here for too long.  Not because of that Godzilla, but because of those people who want to cause trouble for them!  That crazy woman has become very sensible and no longer calls, but you don¡¯t need to think about it to know that those people must be searching for the three of them all over the city now!  Therefore, this is a more conspicuous place.  Can't stay too long!  After returning, Zhang Chen and the other two went to the room to watch TV, while Lucy prepared food for the three of them.  As soon as I turned on the TV, I saw the photo taken by Victor.  Then, another middle-aged man appeared and said that this photo was found this morning by their reporter from Brutal on the beach where the monster appeared, and it did not raise the names of Victor and Audrey.  "The Kaiman they are talking about may be this guy!" Hu Feifei said, pointing to Kaiman on the TV.  This person.  She had the faintest impression.  It should be the Kaiman that Victor just mentioned.  "Yeah!" Zhang Chen nodded.  Then, Zhang Chen and the other three stood by the TV.  They went out to find Godzilla by themselves, which was obviously unrealistic, so they could only stay by the TV.  Waiting for others to find it.  They can rush over.  Lucy comes in.  Holding three cups of coffee, he looked at Zhang Chen and the other three, and said with a smile: "Victor and Audrey said they wanted to come back to eat. I think we should wait for them, Mr. Zhang, what do you think?" "Of course we should.  Wait for them! There are so many people, it¡¯s a lively meal!¡± Zhang Chen said with a smile.  "Thank you, you are all good people! I am really happy that you can live in my house!" Lucy smiled.  "You're welcome, you are good people too, and we like to live in good people's homes!" Zhang Chen said with a smile.  "Okay, I have to continue to deal with my pizza. The taste is different today. I believe you will also like it!" Lucy said.  After saying that, he went out.  "Yesterday's pizza was very good, we all liked it! And the cake was very good, the best cake I have ever eaten so far!" Zhang Chen said quickly.  "Thank you!" When it got dark, Victor and Audrey came back.  Seeing the lights outside, Zhang Chen and others all went out to greet them.  There were lights, and the car had obviously been repaired by Victor.  This time, the Jeep does look more aggressive, just like new!  Victor got off the car, looked at Zhang Chen and shouted: "Oh, Zhang, look at it, is it cooler? I said, it will be cooler!" "Yes, it is cooler,  I like it!" Zhang Chen laughed.  "You should like it, all men will like it!" Victor said.  After saying that, he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn Kaiman! He is such a son of a bitch, I swear, he really is!" "What's wrong?" Lucy asked quickly.  After asking, he glanced at Audrey again, only to see Audrey frowning and looking unhappy.  "That damn Kaiman, he is really a piece of shit, really! He promised me and Audrey that we would live broadcast, but he didn't do it! He didn't even mention our names, so damn  That guy took our credit! He deserves to die! I really want to punch him to death!" Victor shouted.  Very angry.  "What? Then you just gave the photo to him like that?" Lucy asked.  "Damn it, we showed it to him and he promised us! I never thought that that damn guy would be so shameless, he broke his promise! That damn guy! He will die a bad death, I believe it!"  Victor shouted.  Zhang Chen frowned slightly and looked at Audrey again.  But Audrey just frowned, looking helpless.  "Oh, Victor, you shouldn't have given him the photo! He is a piece of shit, how could you believe what he said?" Lucy shouted.  "Dear, he is our boss. If we don't show it to him, he can't let us live broadcast! We have no choice but to believe him! That son of a bitch, he broke his promise, and he will not end well.  Yes!" Victor said harshly.  Very helpless.  "Oh, that damn guy, he really stinks more than shit. I hate that guy even more now!" Lucy cursed.  Very angry.  But what Victor said is right.??That guy is their boss. If that guy doesn't agree, Victor and Audrey will have no chance to live broadcast!  The most embarrassing thing is that the guy didn't even mention the names of the three of them. It's really too much!  Zhang Chen and the other three didn't say anything. They seemed to have no control over this matter.  However, seeing the aggrieved look on Audrey's face, Zhang Chen really wanted to help her.  But how to help?  Kill that guy named Kaiman?  This shouldn't be difficult, but is it necessary?  (To be continued)
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