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973 Nine days of rest, guess the swimming lane

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    "Hmm" Adam carefully observed the grain of white sand.  Very fine white particles, like a white salt crystal, only slightly larger than dust.  If he hadn't known that Sophia must be telling the truth, Adam would not have noticed the white sand lying quietly in her hand without looking carefully.  In order to please Sophia, Adam showed a very serious attitude. After various studies, he still raised his head with a confused expression: "What is this?" Sophia spoke concisely and concisely, and her tone was firm: "Xi soil." "Ah?" Adam asked about Eastern mythology  I have no understanding at all, and I can't get the point that can make all Eastern people shocked again and again like epilepsy.  Sophia briefly explained: "This is the first hyperspace substance I have discovered." This explanation was simple enough, Adam understood it immediately, and after two seconds of confused reaction time, he was immediately shocked by the flirtation,  All dirty thoughts such as taking down were thrown away: "This, this, hyperspace matter? You mean, this is-" "From the day the Tiberium laboratory was built, no, from the time I mastered the hyperspace  This is the first time since the beginning of space that I have seen its original material in hyperspace." Sophia held the grain of sand with excitement on her face: "This shows that hyperspace is not empty, and its internal existence can be recognized in three dimensions.  There may be other, larger amounts of matter! We have made some achievements in exploring nature, exploring outer space, exploring life, exploring origins, and exploring mathematics, but until today, I didn¡¯t really have a way.  Systematically study the hyperspace we are in! " Adam's mind went blank. He looked at the grain of white sand and wanted to touch it but didn't dare. In the end, a vague panic flashed across his handsome face, and his voice  He said in a low voice: "So, in hyperspace, it is possible that there is life?" Natives of hyperspace?  Or the "master" of hyperspace?  If there really is a master in hyperspace, and if this master comes one day, what will happen to the glorious Zade Empire that has been built with huge investment, and its ambitions to become even more glorious in the future?  "Well!" Sophia was extremely happy and didn't notice anything wrong with Adam's expression at all: "It's possible. Look, didn't I start researching it immediately? This grain of sand is not simple. I have gained many aspects through it.  Breakthrough progress has been made, including the possibility of studying the existence of identifiable three-dimensional creatures in hyperspace. Let me tell you about it in this notebook" "Buzz, Adam's mind seemed to be electrified.  When Sophia turned around, endless ferocity and violence surged in his heart.     Can't!  Not allowed!  He clenched his fists with a creak, and his nails dug deeply into his flesh.  Adamzad roared silently and hysterically in his heart, no one can take it away, not even the so-called "original owner"!  This miraculous land belongs to me!  !  "This grain of white sand, I named it soil. Of course, you can also call it infinite sand, because I see infinite possibilities in it. After my observation and research, I found that it is not essentially a three-dimensional substance, but  Some kind of higher-level existence. This white sand is just a material expression of its body in a lower dimension, so it has many incredible properties, and it can also be used as a magnifying glass to magnify the accuracy of my observations of spatial dimensions.  The first result of hyperspace exploration is this - Dangdang!" Sophia turned back, holding up her notebook with a proud face, and then a little shy on her face: "Temporarily named it "Sofia's Inferred Limit"  Okay, I haven¡¯t determined it carefully yet, it¡¯s not very rigorous, so let¡¯s just leave it at that, hehe~~¡± This ¡°not done yet¡± is a family inheritance!  Qi Meng, who was behind the scenes, couldn't help but roll his eyes.  But Yang Qi couldn't help but began to carefully sort out the memory of "Sophia's Inferred Limit" because she clearly felt that although it was a scientific theory, it could become an important guide and reference for her on the path of cultivation.  Adam calmed down his emotions. At the same time, he was extremely concerned about this inferred limit, so he asked: "I have briefly read your theory. Although I don't understand all the derivation process, the conclusion you reached and the incredible life  How do you get intensity? How are those life scales of one hundred, four hundred, ten thousand, etc. set? " "This is not a setting. I am not engaged in literary creation. This is  The truth of nature. For example, the speed of light in vacuum is set? Of course not, it is determined by the nature of space in our universe. The speed of light itself is a manifestation of the nature of the universe.  , my presumed limit is also a manifestation of the essence. The position of each scale and the highest limit of existence in this world are not affected by human will. "The embodiment of the essence of space?  To put it in a bit more fantasy terms, it is the manifestation of the great avenue of the world!    Has my aunt already reached this point so early?  In the memory world, Sophia explains her discoveries one by one.  Yang Qi, who observed all this, was deeply shocked. She knew very well that the "Sofia's Determined Limit" that appeared in her memory could become the most sage, accurate and complete training guide in terms of body training with a little translation!  ¡° Ten thousand people come to practice Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, and they may be able to practice at ten thousand different levels.  Body training requires hardship.  Even if Mr. Yang piles up the magic medicine all the way, he will still have to endure hardships.  ¡°Everyone has different bones, constitution, will, endurance, cultivation methods, and even personality, which will result in different cultivation effects.  Why is Yang Qi's version of the Dragon Elephant Skill able to completely destroy the Golden Wheel at the same level, and even the ancient practitioners of ancient Tianzhu?  Not only was the experience medicine she took good enough, but also because of the fussy perfectionism spirit that originated from Teacher Yang, and also from the bug-like internal martial arts created by Uncle Tang.  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Others may think it¡¯s okay, but Yang Qi thinks it¡¯s not.  Her standards are higher and her requirements are stricter, so her foundation is deeper.  The foundation is deep, so even if you practice kung fu to an advanced level, you will not feel many obstacles, and the road ahead will still be smooth.  And this "Presumptive Limit" can tell you theoretically where the limit of each stage is and where the limit of this world is.  In the past, practitioners relied on their feelings and vague perceptions.  It feels like it¡¯s already 100% complete, very complete?  Sorry, if you do a strict calculation using the presumed limit, you actually only have sixty points.  It is not impossible to break through at 60%, but the road to the future will always be narrower than those who break through at 80%, let alone those who achieve 100% all the way.  The biggest significance of this set of "Presumptive Limits" is to tell you clearly that the full score of this set of questions is not sixty.  In your current state, you are far from perfect.  Looking carefully at this book of inferred limits, Yang Qi no longer had any confusion in front of her eyes.  Juanxiu's notes were written on the notebook with seven estimated scales, from a mortal to the extreme of the human world, completely visible.  And if you break through the limit of life limited by the world then you are God, the real God.  A god like the Black Death Emperor.  Looking back at herself, Yang Qi is now on the threshold of the fifth limit.  It's just a hair away from being able to fully step onto the fifth presumption limit.  The mysterious information obtained from the Great Limit Monument of the Earth was rolling at this moment, and Yang Qi had a clear understanding in her heart. The moment when the Five Dragons reached perfection was the moment when they stepped onto the fifth limit.  After breaking through the fifth limit, it is no longer a simple accumulation of dragon power, some miraculous changes will definitely occur.  This is the path to the sixth limit, and it is also the next step in the practice of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.  Yang Qi¡¯s heart was filled with excitement when she saw it. Adam was not a fool either.  Although he did not understand the physical training method, he was shocked by the description of these "limited lives" in the theory.  This road from man to god was laid out in front of him with great clarity, which had a huge impact on him.  "Is this, is this really possible?" Adam couldn't help but stretched out his hand to gently touch the description of the seventh limit: "This is simply a god." "It's possible, of course it's possible. Since the truth exists there, it must be  It can be applied. But we may need some special experimental materials. It is really difficult to study it based on the earth's own materials, but don't worry, if I can find this grain of sand today, I can find other hyperspace.  There are endless treasures in the depths. One day, we will prove the day when human beings reach or even exceed the seventh limit. "Sofia gave an affirmative answer, which made Adam's heart start pounding.  Taking another look at the description of the Seventh Limit, Adam suddenly made up his mind.  All dynasty hegemony is empty, this seventh limit is real.  Sophia always means what she says. If she says it can be done, it will be done.  Therefore, the next step is to greatly strengthen investment in medical science and life science. In my lifetime, I must set foot on the seventh extreme!  Since the throne of God really exists, why can¡¯t I, Adamzad, go there and take a look?  At this moment, Adamzad¡¯s ambition was elevated to a whole new level.  "By the way, talking about this grain of sand, it's incredible." Sophia's interest is not in fantasies about the future. She wants to talk about some more tangible results that have been achieved: "You know why I named it '  "Infinite sand"? Or you can call it infinite sand. ""Infinite increase?" Adam thought about it and suddenly thought: "Infinite?"  The words were nothing, but when they came out of Sophia's mouth, they were so scary.  Because there is no infinite thing in science, evenThe entire universe can be quantified.  But Sophia, who has always been rigorous, said infinite, which means that it is really infinite.  "Well. This grain of sand has some very special characteristics, including that it has no shadow, no matter from any angle. It can emit light by itself, and it can emit white light from all angles without providing any energy. It is always  In the entangled state, the entanglement effect is more special and complex than all currently known quantum entanglements. It can be simply spliced ??without any gaps, and its strength is not low and it can resist a certain amount of space waves.  More importantly, once it is supplied with energy, it can stably split and reproduce into identical daughter bodies. "All the white sands produced by splitting are identical in other characteristics, but there is one difference -  Sophia raised her finger and said with a serious face: "Only the grain of sand in my hand can split and reproduce. Do you know what this means?"  Infinite division, simple joining" Adam thought about those characteristics in his mind and said tentatively: "We have cheap cement? Can we start construction?" Adam was naturally talking nonsense, because he had given up thinking.  But what I didn¡¯t expect was that Sophia nodded!  "You are finally smart for once!" Sophia looked at Adam with great surprise: "This time you have followed my train of thought!" "Ah? Am I following?" Adam was dumbfounded, and then lowered his head humbly: "Nothing, nothing.  , If I take it seriously, my mind is also very fast. " "It seems that you agree, then let's start building the next level of the Tiberium laboratory!" Sophia pointed her index finger into the distance, and her white coat screamed.  It fluttered, as if the captain had ordered an expedition to the sea: "I called you here today to tell you that I named the second level of the laboratory - guessing lane!" Adam immediately looked like he had eaten a sour plum. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off  ?The memory is stretched and construction is carried out at full speed.  Adam feels that as the head of the family, he is actually a contractor, and he has been simply engaged in construction.  When Sophia moved the Science Gate to hyperspace, she said that the Science Gate was the "first level" of the Tiberium Laboratory.  At that time, Adam thought that the so-called first level referred to the first piece of the puzzle, or the first ring or something like that.  As the puzzle pieces of the laboratory continue to increase and the second and third rings are built, this initial first piece will naturally become the first level.  But he didn¡¯t expect that the ¡°levels¡± Sophia mentioned were not divided into that at all. The entire super large metal laboratory together was the first level in the design!  So what exactly is the second level?  "The first level is built in the stable and most superficial hyperspace. Because there are no materials on the earth that can withstand the penetration of space waves, we can only start construction here. In fact, the deeper you go into hyperspace, the benefits are  The more, the greater the effect. So to be precise, the first level is actually a stopgap measure. " "Because I don't have the right materials, I can only travel deeper by myself, and I can't do it for a long time.  Stop. Looking at the infinite ocean of space, I can only look at the ocean and sigh. "But hard work pays off, and I finally found this infinite grain of sand. It is said that water comes to cover, and in mythology, the gods use breath that can increase infinitely.  After the world-destroying flood, this infinite sand has the same effect. The sub-bodies it proliferates can withstand the turbulent space waves, so we can finally march deeper. " "The ocean of hyperspace is terrifying.  , the first step to sailing is to learn to swim, so for the second level of Tiberium, we need to build a platform that is stable enough for us to learn to survive in the hyperspace ocean and to spread endless conjectures.  ¡ªguess the lane.¡±
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