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957 Memory of the Void [Part 4] (5)

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    "Put the documents down and let me take a look. You can go first." Adam was Adam after all. He wiped his hands calmly and waved Morsi away.  After Morsi left in a hurry, Adam picked up the document. Instead of being happy, his face began to become uncertain.  When he was overjoyed, Adam behaved like this, and Parker couldn't help but wonder: "Team leader, what are you worried about?" "I'm worried about two things." Adam raised a finger: "First, with Sophia, Tai  The Berea Laboratory is indeed an endless treasure trove, but I found that this Manchester group could not keep up with Sophia's pace. The last result she gave us took a whole group of more than 200 people to study for a month-only.  It takes so long to understand the conclusions she came up with! " "Furthermore, I know her well. The technical information she gave is written according to her own logic. Her starting point is never to haggle over money, so she formed the organization.  The Manchester team is responsible for the finance. The mission of this team is to separate, splice, and dig out the mineral veins. Thirty projects are not the limit. There will definitely be treasures if you dig deeper, but it will take longer.  Months later, without any decent equipment, she once again produced results. Although the team was not on track, it was obvious that we could no longer keep up with her speed. "  Parker Peterson immediately had a problem in his mind: "I understand, we are too slow to realize the results. This is easy to handle. I will further increase the intensity of recruiting more technical personnel, and set up a separate team responsible for production, operation, and profitability.  Sales department. " "Well, it doesn't matter if we can't monetize it for a while. The accumulation of technology can increase our foundation to cope with all challenges from competitors. It's up to you to recruit people. We do big things and make a lot of money.  , don¡¯t worry about the cost, the total number of people planned to be recruited is temporarily set at Two thousand people, we should be able to keep up." "Okay," Peterson asked, "Then the second thing you are worried about.  "The second thing is competition. What worries me is not that there are competitors, because as long as there is only one Sophia in the world, we have no rivals in terms of research and development capabilities."  Those competitors. Even if they are superficially competitive, I still need them to survive." Adam took out another tube of toothpaste: "For example, this processor, this monster-level product, cannot be taken out at once.  This tube of toothpaste cannot be squeezed out at once. The world should not be exposed to such exaggerated technology in this era. "I understand." Peterson is very aware: "We must degrade the technology one step at a time."  The upgrades in place can be cut into ten or hundreds of upgrades, and various models and series can also be artificially divided, such as 3 series, 5 series, 7 series, 9 series, etc., and a few cuts can be made without losing the opportunity.  "You can earn money from one skill for thirty years at a time." "That's good, but thirty years is too fast. It takes fifty years to earn money." Adam nodded, looking thoughtful: "But what name should I come up with."  , to control the pace of technology comparison" "I have an idea." Peterson is indeed Adam's good assistant and a scholar. He immediately offered a vicious plan: "There used to be a man named Gordon Moore from Fairchild Semiconductor.  Engineer, wrote an article describing the doubling time of integrated circuits.  We put this person on a stand, heated up his remarks, and asked him to shoulder the blame.  " "Very good, I've heard of him too, that's all.  The name that comes out of speculation is calledMoore's Law.  From now on, everything about the pace of semiconductor development will be pushed to him.  By the way, he also founded a company calledit seems to be called Intel, and acquired it as well to borrow chickens to lay eggs.  Remember, the semiconductor industry is one of the cores of the future of the world. I want to see this company fly my flag within three months, and there is absolutely no room for failure.  If someone blocks the acquisition" Adam looked gloomy: "You know what to do.  "    "yes!  "Parker Peterson obviously knew a lot about the underworld, and he immediately left with understanding. A stone fell to the ground in his heart. Everything was prosperous. Adam could finally squeeze out toothpaste happily in front of the mirror: "3 series, 5 series, 7 series?  This is a great idea.  Well, by the way, I also want to acquire some manufacturing industries to enhance manufacturing capabilities.  Speaking of industrial level, a German automobile manufacturer?  Can be considered.  By the way, it would be a pity not to make good use of such powerful processing power. It can also be used to shoot movies and animations to enhance the topicality.  The name is the Cybertron series.  " Swish, swish, Adam started brushing his teeth, planning the future happily: "I want to make this Cybertron series into three major parts.  In the first piece, highly intelligent machines replace humans and launch nuclear war to destroy human civilization.  In the second block, highly intelligent machines enslave humans, build virtual networks to enslave the human spirit and seize human creativity.  The third piece is that highly intelligent machines will completely evolve into independent lives.??Building the mechanical planet Cybertron - this is a good idea. The more I think about it, the more successful it becomes. I will invest in it later!  Government, private sector, concepts, products, animations, toys, I want to start a pan-consumption era where technology and entertainment are linked!  ¡± Adam started to work hard with his own ambitions. Every day he was either discussing key issues with senior Pentagon officials or recruiting people to set up a company. Although Adam, who received an elite education, did not have a diploma, he knew how to run a business. Give  With a little capital, he can run it smoothly. If you give him a chance, he can manage a large enterprise of more than 2,000 people in an orderly manner. In the current situation in the United States, the unemployment rate is so high.  It¡¯s so easy for people to do work. With unity, tension, and seriousness, Adam quickly established his own corporate culture. The entire company operates efficiently, and even the clerks in the office can make the process of reporting, contact, and negotiation simple and simple.  , the language and writing should be consistent and concise. The entire Tiberium Peripheral Sales Company is as tight as a military camp, and commuting from 9 to 5 is a no-brainer. But the whole company exudes a kind of aura from top to bottom.  There is a feeling of prosperity, vigorous development, and success. Every employee can feel that every bit of work they do can promote the development of the company and increase their own wallets. Therefore, even if they work a lot of overtime, there are few complaints from the company's employees.  The most critical project, the cooperation with the Pentagon, was finally finalized in mid-May of that year. This was Adamzad¡¯s first cooperation with the US military, and it was a very successful cooperation.  Network laying projects continued to be implemented, technical test results were reported frequently, and money from the military came in waves. Throughout 1981, the Zade family continued to loan money, expand, build, and launch projects.  , recruiting people, and rapidly expanding its size. Like a super monster, it gradually stretched out. In September, the Tiberium laboratory located at the old warehouse site in Wisconsin was finally completed.  To be precise, the interior decoration was still in progress, but the construction of the main building and the laying of pipes were all completed. On this day, Sophia and Adam rarely walked side by side, and both of them have been busy since they started setting up the laboratory.  , rarely have time to walk together. A few months have passed, and even though his majesty is getting stronger, in Sophia's eyes, Adam is still the same Adam. But in Adam's eyes, Sophia is no longer the Sanwu girl Sophia.  During these days, Sophia personally recruited a dozen key scientists, most of whom were young geniuses in mathematics, logic, semiconductors, and materials science. With the addition of more than 120 assistants, the laboratory was no longer complete.  No more empty shells. Walking in the corridors of the laboratory, busy assistants pass by from time to time. Don¡¯t underestimate these assistants. Each of them has a unique skill. Many of them are talented in mechanical engineering and industrial design.  The kind of babies who can design space capsules for NASA, but Adam could clearly see that when these babies looked at Sophia, their eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and admiration.  The girl seemed completely unaware of the adoration and reverence.  Adam couldn't help but smile slightly. Sofia seemed to be the same Sofia. Her mind was always missing something. He said with emotion: "The fourth group has recruited two thousand people. The third and second groups also have their own leaders. The laboratory  The countdown to its complete completion has begun, and it is finally almost completed. " Adam looked around and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.  This is really a laboratory with huge investment.  Fortunately, no matter how much you invest, you can get back hundreds and thousands of times.  Therefore, looking at the huge building complex in front of him, Adam couldn't help but feel proud.  He built such a large, magnificent and beautiful laboratory through his own efforts, which can be regarded as the only one on earth.  But Sophia obviously didn¡¯t think so.  "Completed? What are you talking about? This is just the beginning." The girl said matter-of-factly: "Our project progress is less than one thousandth." Adam immediately trembled all over, and then laughed dryly: "S-Sofia  , If you are talking about the Moon Project, the engineering difficulty is still too" "I'm not talking about the Moon Tide Project, it's just the beginning of the laboratory itself." Sophia took out a piece of paper again.  The drawing was slapped on the table that appeared out of thin air: "Look, this is the design I just drew. The Tiberium laboratory will be built according to this." Adam immediately squinted and looked over, although nothing else  He didn't understand it, but the first parameter at the beginning made him stare immediately.  "Eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty-five meters? Eighteen kilometers? Is it so long! Thiseh?! No, no, wait a moment, this data will beAsk a question!  It¡¯s actually ¡®height¡¯?  Am I blind? Eighteen thousand meters high?  " "There is no problem with the data, and you are not blind.  Sophia nodded calmly: "It's just that high."  " Adam kept poking at the number with his fingers like a convulsion, and his face was full of beauty: "Eighteen thousand meters high?  The two Everests are nothing more than that!  Even if you start building from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, you can still reach the stratosphere!  " "This is¡ª¡ª" Sophia raised a finger and said with a serious look on her face: "Tiberium laboratory.  "
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