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953 The memory of the void [Part 4] (1)

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    From the very beginning, it took repeated attempts to barely activate the shared memories. Then I succeeded once when I visited Cambridge in London. Then when I arrived in Dubai, I just listened to descriptions without being there. The difficulty of recalling Sumu Qiong's memories kept getting lower and lower.  To this day, the memory connection between the two sisters of the Su family has been very stable.  Stephen Ivenson's narrative is just a key, opening a time and space tunnel leading to thirty years ago.  In the blink of an eye, the three of them began to experience a brand new memory from the void.  The closer the two poles of the magnet are, the more obvious, stronger and more stable the mutual attraction will be.  As the memories of the void were unsealed piece by piece, the three of them also felt that they were constantly connecting with a spirit from the depths of the void.  Just like the two sides of the magnetic pole will attract each other, not only are they looking for each other, but the inexplicable spirit has also become active from a pool of stagnant water, and is also actively connecting with this side.  The memories transmitted from the void are becoming more and more stable, the spiritual link is becoming stronger and stronger, and the transmission rate is getting higher and higher.  The surrounding material world disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the three of them returned to the summer of 1980.  A bullet shot into Adam's heart inspired all Sophia's anger.  A vow to help Adam be re-crowned as king frees Sophia's full power.  How did the Zade family fall into Adam¡¯s control step by step?  How much bloodshed and how much dark drama is there?  None of these are recalled carefully, as if the owner of the memory neither cares nor wants to recall those dispensable black records.  Only countless fragments of memory flashed by, revealing that chaotic period of time.  The entire process was planned by Adam Zaid.  "Leave the dirty work of designing a revenge plan to me." Adam stared at Sophia with a very serious expression: "I don't want your eyes to be contaminated with any impurities." "Argument rejected." It seems like just a person.  Sophia, who is a girl without any talent, is not simply silly and sweet at her core.  Her heart was far stronger than Zadeh imagined: "If the enemy invades, then we will take revenge. Justice is here, so why talk about filth?" The girl took out a large stack of books out of thin air, patted the book cover, and said with great confidence: "  In order to formulate a perfect plan, I have read and studied a lot of war theory and military art books, which will definitely help you." Opposite his sight in memory, something seemed to move deep in Adamzad's eyes.  But in the end, Zad rejected Sophia's idea of ??helping out.  He said that he would make a plan with his own hands to destroy the enemy, and he would take back everything that belonged to him.  Adam Zade, who had been assassinated, was obviously very angry, so angry that he couldn't even maintain his usual bright smile.  No matter what expression he made, it seemed to Sophia that there was an evil spirit hovering under that face.  He often shuts himself into an independent space and completely seals himself off. No one can see him and no one knows what he is doing in there.  Of course Sophia can know that there is no place on earth that she cannot observe.  But she respected Adam's privacy and never used her abilities to pry.  The time to close oneself may be long or short. The short one is only for a moment, and the long one is a whole night.  And every time Adam walked out the door, he would come up with a detailed and complete plan. ??????????????????????????????? There were very few areas in the plan that required Sofia¡¯s hands-on work, and Adam was almost all busy.  But later, Adam had to start using Sophia's abilities.  How terrible is an angry Sofia?  It can be said that even Yang Qi couldn't help but stand on end when she saw it.  It was truly an almost irresistible, god-like force.  A photo was taken on the table. Adam looked at the girl sincerely: "Sophia, this person holds key information. I must catch him before I can find the mastermind behind the scenes." "Where is he?" "Here."  "Adam pointed at the map, which was a map of Paris, France: "According to the intelligence, he will appear near this nightclub. Can you help me enter the club to arrest him? Let's go to Paris first.  If you're closer, your burden will be lighter." The girl didn't answer. She stared into the void and waved her hand after a moment: "Okay, they're here." She pointed to the cold storage beside her where the experimental materials were stored. "It's been put away.  "In the cold storage." "What-the-fuck!" A bewildered American curse came from the cold storage next to him, and the man obviously didn't understand why things were changing in the blink of an eye.  His cock, which had been aroused by the enthusiastic French girl just now, changed in the blink of an eye, and his whole body was almost frozen to the bone in the oppressive cold air.  Taking a deep breath, Adam stared at the girl in front of him, and once again??This kind of power is shocking.  How much effort would it normally take to catch this person?  What a thoughtful plan?  But now, all it takes is a wave of the girl's hand, and the target has been caught in front of him from the other side of the world.  "Is this kind of action a big burden for you? I still need your help." Adam hesitated.  "No need to say anything." Sofia was like a Spartan warrior. She didn't ask how many enemies there were, only where they were: "Tell me the location." "Okay." Stacks of photos were placed in front of Sofia.  People are widely distributed in various locations around the world.  Some people's positions are clear, and they can be arrested only with a wave of the girl's hand.  The positions of some people were a little blurry, but it only took the girl a little effort to screen them through hyperspace, and then waved their hands.  The cold storage was overcrowded and bustling in the blink of an eye.  No matter how high their status, status, protection, or safe place these people are, as long as Sophia waves her hand, they will all be sent to the cold storage until they are so cold that they tap dance.  Through the glass window of the cold storage, Adam looked at the big shots that he had been unable to do anything about, shivering in the cold storage one after another, and his expression became fanatical and complicated.  Who can not be shocked by such power?  Even the Queen of Eternal Night and even the Destiny of God next to her could not help but hold their breath.  Not to mention that the White Night phenomenon has not yet appeared in 1980, even now that the Chosen team is booming and growing, this tactic is almost unsolvable.  This operation in 1980 used nothing more than a ridiculous cold storage and dealt with a group of ordinary earthlings.  So what if numerous traps are laid out in advance and surrounded by an army?  Even if the chosen one is suddenly teleported, can he handle such an ambush?  And as long as we are on earth, no matter how much we try to hide, we can¡¯t escape, no matter how much we try to escape, we can¡¯t escape no matter how hard we struggle.  Breaking out of one trap can send you into a second trap.  Such power makes one's heart tremble just thinking about it.  Not to mention, compared to sending a complete person, it is actually easier, more worry-free, and more relaxing to only send part of the parts - that is, the legendary space cutting.  Yang Qi couldn't help but think, if she faced such a power, what could she do?  After thinking about it, the only thing I can count on now is probably my super-fast reaction speed and the golden silhouette in my right hand that can withstand the turbulence of the void.  With my current strength, it¡¯s unclear whether I can resist it.  But in 1980, on the earth where there was no Chosen One and the Black Death Emperor had not yet been born, in a word, this ability was completely invincible.  This power fell into the hands of the San Wu girl Su Muqiong. If it had been someone with a little ambition, the world would have been completely different today.  However, although Sophia has no ambition to dominate the world, Adam Zade is a careerist through and through.  He is not a fool who gets carried away after some adventures and thinks he can dominate the world on his own. On the contrary, he is a true tyrant.  Adamzadeh, who has escaped death many times and even died once, has a stability and ruthlessness that is difficult for young people to possess.  He has Sophia as an incredible assistant, and he has the ability and skill to control power.  When it's time for a pig to make a sudden advance, he can give it a try, and when it's time to take steps, he can be as steady as an old dog.  It can be said that even without the help of Sophia's divine power, with Adam Zade's ability, as long as he does not die, the Zade family will be his sooner or later.  However, when Sophia decided to start helping him with all her strength, the process was greatly accelerated.  The journey to hegemony that originally took about twenty to thirty years was compressed into a matter of seconds.  The gunshot in the summer of 1980 had already doomed the end of the old Zade era.  From the fragmented memories of 1980, from summer to winter, Yang Qi knew that Adamzad had taken control of the Zad family step by step.  There were large blanks during this period, but as a hero, Yang Qi was able to infer more things that the old aunt had ignored.  Since the big capture in the ice warehouse, Adamzad has asked Sophia less often.  At least he rarely uses the power of hyperspace to directly deal with anyone, and more often uses his own methods.  Kidnapping, assassination, frame-up, sowing discord, collusion.  As long as you use hyperspace to push in key places, these strategies can be used seamlessly.  It can be said that Adam Zade is really a born overlord.  During this period of time, Adam's status in the family rose rapidly.  But he did not change houses or cars as frequently as before, nor did he become crowded again.  He still lived alone with Sophia in that Wisconsin warehouse, still isolated from everything in that old storage room and thought deeply.    In Sophia¡¯s memory, the scenes of the past six months are obscure and dull.  It's not interesting, but it has to be like this.  In addition to taking rare actions, Sophia was still reading, studying, and doing research as usual. The rhythm of her life did not seem to be disrupted, but there was also no smile on her face.  Looking at Adam who seemed to be worried every day, Sophia wanted to do something, but she didn't know how to do it.  Until half a year later, winter turns to spring and everything revives.
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