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910 Memory of the Void [Part 2] (8)

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    Memories are going on, and they pass by insignificantly. Only the ripples of emotions can leave color in the black and white world.  Some time after traveling around the world, Adam suddenly stopped coming.  He disappeared without a face, without a greeting, and without a trace of news.  The young girl Mu Qiong returned to her ordinary school life and resumed her simple life of two o'clock and one line every day.  No one bothered her, no one wasted her time, everything seemed fine.  It¡¯s just that she is still keeping the bouquet of flowers.  One day, the vicious roommate suddenly laughed crazily, with a blackened expression on his face: "I said why he didn't come here anymore, and sure enough, it was like that! You slow idiot, you are still intoxicated here.  ? You pathetic monkey, you're dumped! He doesn't want you anymore!" At this moment, the girl Mu Qiong's hand suddenly trembled, and her roommate in the memory world suddenly became a little colorless.  This black and white character finally has color, but it is not a bright and bright tone, but a faint blood red.  At this moment, the girl learned to be "angry".  However, the girl Mu Qiong did not refute, and did not even waste a second to glare at her.  She just packed up her books and walked back to campus.  She came to the small river where she usually stayed, but for the first time she did not start studying and reading immediately.  She sat there quietly, looking at the gurgling water, and spent a full ten minutes thinking without moving.  This time was enough for her to think about a difficult problem that stumped all Cambridge geniuses. But at this moment, after a very long and careful thinking for her, she suddenly made an action that she would never do normally - she  He picked up a small stone and suddenly carved words on a small tree.  Su Muhua, who was like a spirit behind her, couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment, because that was the two sisters' favorite thing to do when they were children.  Stroke by stroke, the girl Mu Qiong carved Chinese characters.  ¡¾Contradiction¡¿ After looking at it for a moment, the girl Mu Qiong carved another word.  [Choice] The stone in her hand solidified on the last stroke of the word [She], and the girl Mu Qiong suddenly sighed.  She seemed to finally understand, but she didn't seem to understand anything at all.  But no matter what she was thinking, a vivid emotion suddenly appeared on that thin figure.  At this moment, the girl learned to "lose".  Thinking about it rationally, this is good.  No one will waste her time anymore. She can restart her studies that have been delayed for a long time and catch up on the progress she has lost due to meaningless play.  It's perfect, nothing wrong with it at all.  But no matter what the rational judgment is, the girl Mu Qiong can no longer be too forgetful, nor can she be completely clear and indifferent.  Reflected in her life, she suddenly had an emotion called "impatient" attached to her study progress.  Her forward momentum suddenly took on an aggressive and sharp edge. Even if she didn't trigger it, it would be enough to bring huge pressure to the people around her day and night.  Who spends all day with her?  Naturally, they are her trash roommate and her mentor.  There is no doubt that the person under the greatest pressure is old man Kensington.  "Okay, okay! I surrender, don't look at me like that, I admit that I can't teach you anymore!" Orlando kept wiping his sweat with a towel. The student in front of him has been putting him under a lot of pressure recently.  Can¡¯t teach?  Not only can¡¯t I teach him, I almost no longer have the qualifications to lift shoes!  Recently, I always feel that this girl often looks at me with a caring look, making me even have to be careful about what I say.  No, if I continue like this, I can't stop my hair from falling out, and my hairline will be completely destroyed. No matter what, I can't let the last bit of my majesty as a teacher fall away!  Orlando suddenly thought of a solution: "But after all, what teachers can teach is limited. Science is always a profession that speaks with facts, rather than just talking." The girl Mu Qiong did not say anything, but raised her eyebrows.  There was a hint of impatience between his eyebrows, a hint of futility in "start your performance", and a hint of undetectable disdain.  Seeing this expression, Ling Qimeng immediately felt that it looked familiar.  Those distinctive characters are like imprints deeply embedded in the soul. Even if they are covered up for a while, they will eventually spread over time.  "I have a place for an experimental assistant here. Come with me to do the experiment." Orlando tried his best to act calmly, just like an outsider trying to show off invisibly, and forced himself to look like a master: "If nothing happens,  If you do, you should be able to win another Nobel Prize.¡± ¡°[No surprise], [Win another], and [Nobel Prize], these words are strung together, and Orlando feels that he can be said to be the biggest and most famous person in the scientific community.  The loud banging is already the pinnacle in the history of personal pretense.  Who would have thought that the young girl Mu Qiong would not accept this trick at all, and did not think that Nobel Prize was a big deal at all.  She suddenly turned around, her clothesThere is a hint of domineering in the fluttering air.  "Take two days to pack up, and then set off." Orlando kept rubbing his face, his face covered with internal injuries. He didn't know if he had succeeded or failed in pretending.  Call it a success, this precious apprentice didn't take it seriously at all.  But if it fails, being able to arouse her interest is a success in itself.  After thinking about it for a while, he became a little excited, because he suddenly discovered that if he took this girl to do the project, I would definitely win the Nobel Prize this time!  When writing a paper, I still have to show off my dignity as a teacher and write my name as the first author, hehehehe By the way, I'll finish it in two days!  Orlando came to his senses from his reverie, and suddenly jumped up in a panic, running out like a wild dog chasing a rabbit.  When this girl said two days, it was definitely two days. I have a lot of gadgets, and two days may not be enough!  As for that little girl, she has nothing to deal with at all.  Based on what I know about her as a teacher, I am afraid she only has one personal item, which is the vase of flowers.  That evening.  This vase of flowers, this vase of flowers that have been carefully cared for, this vase of flowers that has not withered through the entire winter and blooms with vibrant colors in the second spring, was roughly lifted up from its original position by a pair of hands.  The owner of these hands roared crazily, roaring like a collapse.  "You freak!!" The roommate yelled like crazy, the expression on her face was painfully distorted: "I curse you, I curse you forever!! For that subject, for participating in that experimental project,  I have worked hard for four whole years! This is my only chance to get close to the Nobel Prize. This is the only way for me to become famous in the scientific world, and you, you bitch, bitch, bitch!  "Damn it, you took away my opportunity just by going to Orlando's office!" The girl Mu Qiong stood helplessly at the door of the dormitory. She didn't understand why this passerby suddenly went crazy, like flying.  The phoenix flying across the sky did not understand why the crow on the treetop would croak at him because of a piece of carrion.  "It's this expression again, this damn expression again! Why are you pretending to be so superior! Do you think of yourself as a god? Don't you bother to understand us humble mortals? I want to try, you stone without thoughts or feelings.  , is it really possible to be indifferent to everything!" Raising his hands high, the water in the bottle splashed everywhere.  The girl Mu Qiong suddenly panicked and couldn't help but step forward.  Unfortunately, although she had read so many books, none of them told her how to protect her beloved flowers at this time.  "I want to see if you, an inhuman monster like you, can feel the pain of having something cherished destroyed!!" He exerted force on his arms, and the lines of his muscles bulged ferociously.  Amidst the crazy roar, the vase accelerated again and again, and finally hit the ground hard. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The bottle is broken.  The green leaves and bright red petals were scattered on the ground, and then they were stepped on and trampled hard.  The roommate's face showed vicious pleasure: "Come on, keep your aloof indifference!" The girl Mu Qiong was stunned. She stared blankly at the flowers on the floor, her whole body seemed to be immobilized.  Like a curse.  It was as if a huge boulder had fallen from the sky, sending waves of waves out of the dead lake in my heart.  The girl Mu Qiong was lost in thought. Thousands of thoughts suddenly came to her mind, as if some solid mental barrier had been broken. The girl suddenly understood something at this moment.  These unspeakable things are so complicated that they finally turned into a subconscious sentence and murmured from the mouth: "When you lose it, it will be more painful than losing the collection of classics" I seem to understand this feeling.  "Oh, isn't that what that man said? It seems that even a freak like you will be attracted to such an outstanding man." The roommate actually remembered what Adam said very clearly, like a star-chasing fan.  My sister remembers every word and action of her idol.  The corners of her mouth twitched, revealing a twisted smile: "But give up on a guy like you. He will be a king, and you will be nothing more than a witch who confuses people with your words. You will only be tied up by him.  Saw the wood from the bottom to the head! "Oh, the girl Mu Qiong turned around and left without saying a word.  Being weak, she did not fight.  The roommate laughed nervously and screamed at the girl: "Wail, suffer, regret, you will never be able to touch him, you only deserve to be burned to death¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª!!!" That night.  ¡°Dong-dong-dong,¡± there was a slow knock on the door.  Orlando, who was so busy that he was sweating, didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but the knocking on the door was relentless and always at a constant speed. This special rhythm made him suddenly notice something.  In a flash of excitement, Orlando ran to open the door with a huff.  Outside the door, dusk is falling,The starlight above illuminated a thin and frail figure.  "Sophia? Why are you here?" "Borrowing books." "Borrowing books? What kind of books are you here to borrow in the middle of the night?" "The library is closed." The girl Mu Qiong had traces of loneliness on her face.  : "I want to borrow a history book. A history book about witch hunting."
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