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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Extraordinary twins

Part 1, Part 2: The changing world, the wave is coming 887, leveraging the power of Jieshibon

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    At 17:51, the main observer in the monitoring center discovered something was wrong.  "Hey, there's something going on!" The surveillance system is spread throughout Buckingham Palace. Through the camera layout carefully designed by professionals, there is no blind spot in this complex and gorgeous palace.  In just one minute, those weird guys who were moving around were caught by the observers.  Without thinking at all, the main observer immediately realized the problem.  Without even a second of reaction time, his hand had already struck the alarm button as fast as lightning.  However, although his actions were already fast, they were not fast enough.  Before his fingers even touched the button, there was a click, and a cold muzzle pressed against the side of his head.  Looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw it was none other than the deputy observer who spent time with him day and night.  ¡°FUCK¡­¡± Click, there was no explosive gunshot, only the soft sound of the firing pin colliding, and large swaths of miserable blood were instantly splashed on the circular screen in the observation room.  The deputy observer with a stern face calmly took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his face. Looking back, he saw another man with a stern face doing a similar thing.  There are five people in the entire observation team, and two of them are insiders.  Silently, without any hesitation or guilt, the mole shot all three other people to death.  They have been assigned important tasks, and controlling the observation room is only the first step.  So far, everything is progressing smoothly according to plan.  There is no need to communicate or talk, the two of them naturally know what they should do.  One person sat down in the observation position, adjusted the channel and began to focus on monitoring the target of this operation, while the other person entered the password at the entrance of the observation room and prepared to go out. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The door opened.  There is a person standing outside.  But this person is not in the plan Here, the person who took over the observation position is working attentively. His task is very heavy, and he must confirm whether the prey has entered the trap within eight minutes and thirty seconds.  Orlando's position is clear, but this time such a big move is not just to assassinate the old man.  "Show up, show up, let me see where you are" This person whispered to himself, his eyes looking at the high-speed playback on four screens at the same time.  There is no doubt that he is a master in this area. Once he enters the state, his efficiency is far beyond the imagination of laymen.  But at this moment, he heard a crisp sound not far behind him.  Click, crisp, short, clean.  The observer was shocked, what is this sound?  Before he could turn his head to look, a pair of hands had been gently placed on the side of his head and chin.  His hands were twisted behind his back. They were as light as feathers at this moment, but could burst out with manic power at any time and destroy his cervical vertebrae like dead branches.  A deep male voice sounded in his ears: "Are you looking for me?" A cold wave instantly jumped from the root of the tail directly to the top of the head, and the observer suddenly understood the meaning of the click just now.  The observer's breathing quickened, and cold sweat suddenly covered his forehead.  He rolled his eyes slightly and saw a young man out of the corner of his eye.  There is no doubt that this is the main target they are looking for, Jonathan!  Jonathan's voice was like a cold rock, the murderous intention that aroused made people feel like a thorn in their backs, and the neither fast nor slow tone made people feel stressed: "I'll give you a few seconds to tell me something that interests me.  I can consider not killing you. ""Okay, I said, I will tell you everything I know!" The observer swallowed dryly, his eyes rolled around, and he planned to do something at the same time - for example, quietly.  To press the alarm button that the primary observer failed to press just now.  Once the alarm is triggered, MI5 agents will come in a steady stream.  When the time comes, all casualties will be pushed onto Jonathan's head. Not to mention whether he can get through it in the future, at least he can get rid of the current predicament first!  "Very good, then answer my first question first - are you looking for me?" "No, that's right we are indeed preparing to kill you." Centimeter by centimeter, he moved quietly  : "We still have a lot of arrangements, personnel, plans, and firepower. I think you must want to know." "No, you have told me what I want to know most. Thank you, goodbye." Come on, Jonathan  With a twist of his arms, the dragon-elephant's four-level force rotated like a millstone in a square inch, and the observer's head immediately turned in a full circle.  The light in the observer's eyes instantly went out, and he also failed to touch the button that the main observer failed to touch.  "Hey, BIG-BOSS, it's been confirmed. There is an assassination targeting us here. The opponent can penetrate into one of the most heavily guarded systems in the UK. It seems to be a big deal." Jonathan threw the observer's body aside.  Turning on the micro-mic and starting the communication, there was a sarcastic sneer on his lips: "A simple mud-legged person in the slums of Baghdad does not have such great energy and foundation. It is impossible to do it without operating for more than ten or even decades.  ?One step.  " "Sure enough, I knew there would be an assassination.  "Mr. Yang's calm and slightly excited voice came from the weak microphone: "Can you handle it alone, Comrade Jiesibang?  Do you need me to be your novice instructor?  " "No need, just look at it.  "Jonathan gently pulled off the first button on his shirt and threw it on the central control computer. The button stuck firmly and immediately emitted a faint electromagnetic light. Jonathan switched channels and called for information.  Tech Support: "Start cracking.  ¡± Beeping, the data stream immediately began to flash on the monitoring screen. At the unknown technical level, the Yongye cracking team began to work together to break through the Buckingham Palace monitoring system. After a while, the most basic monitoring permissions had been bypassed, and Jonathan followed  After Wei Mai prompted him to enter the password, he began to take over hundreds of surveillance cameras throughout the palace. Jonathan calmly looked at the overall situation and could see that there were quite a few killers moving around.  The entire Buckingham Palace seems to have become their trap, but sometimes the trap may trap the hunter¡¯s legs, not to mention who is the beast and who is the hunter. ¡°There are a lot of people, it seems I need to find some thugs.  ¡ª¡ªUm?  "Jonathan's eyes narrowed, he stared at a certain screen and laughed: "The people in MI5 are indeed elite agents. Their intuition is indeed sharp, and they have thugs.  " At 17:54, the MI5 agents discovered something was wrong and began to conduct an organized inspection of the surrounding area. The pretty girl who had checked Jonathan at the door was one of them. She was capable and agile in a black suit and looked like  The harmless and beautiful girl turned out to be the leader of the agents. She smelled the aura of uneasiness, and led the agents one by one with guns loaded, and they rushed to all directions quietly from their respective stations. They had to confirm the situation in the shortest possible time.  Assessing the risk, once the risk exceeds the threshold, they will immediately terminate today's ceremony and protect the Queen from evacuation. But unfortunately, the enemy's infiltration is not limited to the royal guards. At 17:56, MI5 arrived.  The agents were killed without a trace, and their bodies were thrown into an inconspicuous corner. MI5 was on the verge of a formidable enemy, and the beautiful girl immediately led the men to conduct an inspection, and soon found three more corpses in the toilet room.  The three agents who were knocked unconscious were from the same operation team, and they were all wiped out without a sound. This was shocking. Mei Niu's left hand flew through the air, drawing one strange pattern after another.  The magic symbol cast a simple spell. When the spell took effect, the three agents woke up one after another. Mei Niu asked nervously: "Who attacked you?"  " "No I don't know" The three agents rubbed their foreheads in pain while recalling with difficulty. In the end, they could only shake their heads and said: "That person's actions were too clean, too neat, and too fast.  We didn't feel anything, then everything went black and we were knocked unconscious.  By the way, the other party must be very clear about our route of action, otherwise it would be impossible to find our location so accurately!  " "Route of action?  "The beautiful girl pondered for a moment, and then her expression changed slightly: "Quick, let's go to the central control room immediately!  " At 17:57, Mei Niu led four agents and a total of five people to the central control room quickly. They smelled a subtle smell of blood before they got close. A group of agents broke in and saw a scene of corpses everywhere. "Captain  , there is a message here!  " Mei Niu walked over and took a closer look. Sure enough, there were a few lines of small characters on the center console. After quickly reading those few lines of small characters, Mei Niu's face changed suddenly and she decisively issued an order: "Gather your people to the lobby immediately!  " "But Captain, it's very suspicious to leave a message here.  " "I also know that it is suspicious, but there is no time now. There must be a decision.  Someone wants to assassinate His Majesty, and there is more than one person involved. Hurry!  " At 17:58, a total of seven assassins dressed in different styles arrived at their planned locations. They were either condescending, hiding in the crowd, or pretending to be band musicians, and their sharp murderous auras began to slowly rise.  Slow growth. Firearms transformed into various forms were taken out of the backpack. The one closest to the scene was a fake musician. The trombone in his hand was more than 400 grams heavier than the real trombone. There was only one shot in the gun.  Bullet, and he only needs one bullet. When the fake is real, the real is also fake. Under the command of the palace celebrant, the band changed a song and started playing. The exciting music requires a loud sound, so the trombone players.  He raised the instrument in the most proud manner towards the main venue. This was a palace etiquette. At 17:58, the palace supervisor announced loudly that everyone was waiting for the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen.  Raise their arms, spectators stretch their necks, honorees lift their spirits, and media peopleThe camera was set up and a series of shots were taken of all the celebrities present.  On the one hand, it is to take pictures of important people from all walks of life, and on the other hand, it is also to confirm the final focus of the lens.  The cameraman took pictures one by one: from business tycoons to famous ladies, from famous ladies to rising star politicians, from rising star politicians to a big-looking white-haired woman sitting on a chair wearing sunglasses and eating an apple, with an expression on her face that she was waiting for a good show.  , and then from the swaggering white-haired woman sitting on a chair wearing sunglasses and eating an apple with an expression of waiting for a good show to the angel investor in the back, and then from the angel investor to the topical star in the back.  ¡°Uh, wait, there seems to be something wrong¡± The cameraman looked confused and felt that his mind was in a mess. He always felt that he had just photographed someone with a particularly wrong style and someone who should not be there.
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