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Part One, Part Two: The Changing World, the Wave is Coming 881 The Memory of the Void (Part 2)

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    It was a period of time that many people kept silent about, and it was a name that could be harmonized as long as it was put into writing.  Yang Qi clearly remembers that when Teacher Yang was in elementary school, she accidentally used the term "big-character poster" in her composition class one day, and then she was called into the office by the Chinese teacher and gave her a serious lecture.  The Chinese teacher said that "big-character poster" was a vocabulary of "that era" and should not be used now.  ??Look, just a few common words can already make people keep tabs on them.  And all the silence and secrecy were all because it was a civil strife involving political factors.  , ten years of cultural revolution and ten years of catastrophe, also known as ten years of turmoil.  It was a chaotic era, a fanatical era, an era in which as long as the banner of "collective" was raised and the name "revolution" was used, one could do whatever one wanted, be lawless, and completely override individual freedom and personal will.  .  That is the most penetrating mockery of "collectivism". The so-called collective has kidnapped the law, kidnapped morality, kidnapped humanity, kidnapped interests, and kidnapped the entire society.  If the entire group is crazy, then the so-called "inevitable and absolute superiority" of collectivism will become a big joke.  The ten-year Cultural Revolution is a big joke, but this joke is not funny.  Talent, science, culture, and tradition, the entire New China has suffered countless losses.  How many knowledgeable people were trapped in cowsheds, how many valuable ancient books were burned, how many cultural relics were smashed and destroyed, and how many scientific achievements were dismissed as rubbish.  The family, the country, the world, we won¡¯t mention the big things here, let¡¯s just start with the smallest family.  There are simply countless family tragedies caused during the Cultural Revolution.  The most chilling thing about it is not that you suffer whatever you suffer, but a large-scale behavior called "drawing the line".  Draw a clear line between husband and wife, draw a clear line between brothers, draw a clear line between childhood sweethearts, draw a clear line between mentors and disciples - not only must we draw a clear line, but we must also "exterminate relatives for the sake of justice"!  During criticism and struggle, those "elements" who are put on a high platform to be "judged" will be beaten.  In order to show that the boundaries are indeed clearly drawn, those who draw the boundaries are often the first to stand up and accuse, and the first to pick up stones and throw them at them.  The closer we were, the more crazy and frantic we became when we were charged with crimes.  The closer we were in the past, the harder, harder and more deadly we are now.  A line between indifference, madness, ignorance, and blood was drawn in the history of New China.  From 1966, ten years passed in one breath.  And this thick stroke of flying white space is dragged for a long time, dripping and splashing, and there is still a lingering sound even today.  In this world of expanding and changing memories, my grandfather and my grandmother were asked to draw a clear line.  The reason is very simple, grandma¡¯s ¡°composition¡± is not good.  She is classified as a "landlord".  In fact, her land is no more than others, her food and drink are no better than others, and her life is just as hard and simple.  Counting up to eight generations of her ancestors, there had never been a single landlord. They were just outright poor and lower-middle peasants - but that didn't matter in that era, everything was decided by the collective.  As soon as the red flag of revolution was waved, demons and monsters appeared one after another.  The thick-browed and big-eyed revolutionary guards calculated with their fingers that all those who could be criticized and struggled have been criticized, but the revolutionary work cannot be stopped and the revolutionary flame cannot be extinguished. The higher authorities have set a target: we must fight at any time!  So the guards put up a tent with their hands and opened their eyes and took a look, hey, it's you!  "Who asked you to marry from a distant place? There is no way to confirm your identity.  Even if you say you are you, you are not. How can you go back to your hometown to issue a certificate? Any defense is a useless desperate struggle.  Your style of painting is different, you are just a landlord, you are a heinous sinner, you deserve to die!  "The bad element's confession was signed by me, and my fingerprints were pressed firmly on it!"  The family¡¯s assets have been confiscated from me!  This chair was moved to the production team, that table was taken to the branch secretary, and I took the kettle away myself.  As I said, it is better to chase down the poor bandits with the remaining brave men, and not to pretend to be an academic overlord. The revolution must be thorough, and nothing can be left behind!  The food here has been confiscated for me!  The books over there were burned by me!  Mother, you don¡¯t know if you don¡¯t search, but you still grow flowers?  This is great capitalism, everything was smashed, smashed, and burned!     cry?  Do you still dare to cry?  Why are you crying?  ah?  Is it because of the materials that were destroyed and confiscated?  It seems that you are unrepentant and really need to be reformed.  Come on, please take this landlady out and tie her up first. Don¡¯t try to untie her until you¡¯ve copied the quotation a hundred times!  ¡°Hey, there are two more girl dolls here?  This female doll, in terms of composition, is also a landlord - ah, you dare to kick me?  !  These two ignorant little things dare to kick me?  !  Why?You dare to rebel, you little bastards, see how I deal with you!  ¡ª¡ªSu Muhua¡¯s memory of this period of time is confusing yet clear.  Just like denying it like a nightmare, ignoring it, and forgetting it.  But it's like an unforgettable scar, engraved there so hot that there's no way to ignore it.  "There are many "little revolutionary generals" who are really crazy about revolutionary ideals, but most of them are cunning and lawless hooligans who are afraid of chaos in the world.  When the production team is working, they are not seen to contribute any merit or strength. When the world is in chaos, they immediately jump out in high spirits to stir up trouble.  There is no shortage of people like this at any time.  Yang Qi was furious. She watched helplessly as those "revolutionary generals" kicked in the door like bandits, yelling, and imposed a sudden and unreasonable disaster on the mother and daughter.  In the world of memory, she is useless even if she has great skills.  Time is like a tape, it has recorded everything.  The only thing Yang Qi could do was watch, listen, and witness - all the suffering that this family had suffered that she didn't know about.  No, maybe there is one more thing she can do, which is to memorize the faces of every cunning ruffian.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT OFFICE  Do you think that as time goes by, the evil you have done will not be held accountable?  It's not that easy!  Yang Qi gritted her teeth so hard that fire could burst out of her eyes.  How dare you tie up my grandma and beat my mother?  As soon as I exited the world of memories, I immediately sent someone to find these bastards and grandsons.  To the ends of the earth, no one alive can escape!  Don¡¯t you like to tie people up?  I will tie up your feet one by one and drag you backwards for ten laps on the racecourse. If you lose one meter, my surname is not Yang!  Don¡¯t you like copying books?  I will hang you up and dunk you in ice water, and make you copy the Four Books and Five Classics five hundred times. If you copy a word that is not correct, I will have to repeat it all over again.  Better than evil?  Can you amateur bitches compare to me?  !  Yang Qi is angry here, but the grandpa in her memory has returned to her hometown.  Yang Qi's hot temper was inherited from her mother, and her mother's hot temper was inherited from her grandfather.  He was away from home all year round when he was in the army and only came back every three to five. Every time he came home was a great joy, but this time he came back and he shocked the whole village.  Yang Qi had no choice but to look for the consequences afterwards.  But at that time, my grandfather was a fierce man who took revenge on the spot and fought with all his strength on the spot.  As soon as they heard that grandpa was coming home, the young revolutionary generals blocked him at the entrance of the village, shouting at him to draw a clear line between himself and the landlord.  Grandpa didn't understand why at first, but after he figured it out, he turned his back on the spot.  He pushed everyone away and ran home to see that his wife and daughter were in a miserable state, with blue noses, swollen eyes and bruises all over their bodies.  Yang Qi watched helplessly as her grandfather's face suddenly turned red, like a bundle of exploding bags.  Grandpa turned around and walked out, but grandma rushed to hold him.  Grandma had a submissive character, which was typical of rural women at that time.  But my grandfather had no intention of leaving, so he pulled away my grandmother¡¯s hand, and then cheered up and went to the production team.  He turned over and entered the production team's warehouse, carrying a hammer on his shoulder and a kitchen knife on his waist, and then went to the compound aggressively.  With countless villagers watching, my grandfather kicked open the door of the courtyard with a loud kick. Without saying a word, he rushed in with his eyes red and the hammer in his hand.  I think my mother and aunt didn't witness what happened next, so they couldn't see what happened in the compound in the world of memory.  But panicked shouts, angry scoldings, and screams of "Killing! Killing! Soldiers killing!" resounded throughout the mountain village.  Someone rolled out of the courtyard with blood on his head, and someone rushed in with the guy screaming.  Someone ran over crazily and wanted to seize the mother and daughter as hostages, but there were still kind-hearted people among the villagers. The villagers who couldn't bear to look at it glared and scolded the ruffians and pushed them back.  The last scene is when grandpa drags the guy who led the family to find trouble out of the compound.  Like dragging a chicken or duck to be slaughtered, his grandfather grabbed his hair and tore his scalp, and dragged him all the way from the courtyard to the village head.  The leader was struggling and howling on the ground, but he was no match for his grandfather.  ¡°Bang, grandpa stepped on him on the grinding table, just like kicking a death row prisoner onto the guillotine.  ¡°Shua, grandpa raised the kitchen knife high, and there was blood dripping on the blade, dripping on the leader¡¯s cheek, making him yell and panic.  In this humble expression of constantly begging for mercy and swearing, there is no trace of aloof and awe-inspiring justice.  "Wynn!!" Grandma screamed.  "Crack, the knife struck down."  "Ah¡ª¡ª!" the leader screamed In the end, the leader did not die, grandma?The murderous knife missed the target after all, struck the stone slab, and chopped off one of his ears.
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