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Volume 3: Earth's Changes and "The Matrix" Chapter 132: Enemies of All Heavens!  (finale)

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    Seeing Buu trying to escape, Sun Gohan sneered. He gathered all the energy in his body and leaned his hands together. Ripples vibrated in the void. The lingering golden energy turned into wisps of flames and finally condensed in one place. When those wisps of flames  After putting them together in one place and compressing them to form a ball, his hands suddenly pushed Destruction Qigong!  When the ten thousand feet of golden flames broke through everything in front of him, like a ferocious and terrifying dragon tearing apart the void universe with a breath of destruction, Buu, who had just formed and fled quickly, looked back in horror and looked at the blurred track burned by the high temperature.  A pair of eyes widened, the pupils dilated, and the golden firelight eclipsed the bright stars In an instant, the golden flames shot at Buu's arms that were subconsciously resisting in front of him, and the golden flames burned his arms.  , palms, chest, upper body, that evil face was full of fear, the last thing his eyes stayed on was a look of despair, and his mouth opened wide, as if he wanted to exclaim or howl.  The flames were raging into the sky, and Buu's whole body was burning with golden flames. The flames were the huge power produced by the materialization of Son Gohan's power. It seemed to be a restraint move to destroy this guy's immortality!  In the void, due to the distortion of high temperature, a large hole is unforgettable.  Buu struggled, but was finally swallowed up, burned to ashes, scattered to every corner of the universe, and ceased to exist!  It's a pity that Buu actually has a true original form, which is Buu's most powerful form.  Unfortunately, with this blow, the truly strongest Buu may not appear again.  When Buu became a thing of the past, Son Gohan stared at the ash that finally turned into ashes under the fire. Although Buu was dead, they would meet in a new way in the future.  Now that Buu has been eliminated by him, it seems that the days of chaos are finally over, and the entire universe has returned to its original peaceful time.  "Well done!" Kaiohshin watched the last moment of Buu turning into ashes in the distant Kaioshin Realm, and almost jumped up with excitement.  The old Kaioshin stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This boy really saved the universe. He defeated Buu. It seems that I was not wrong about the person."  The whole earth is panicking, but as a reporter  When the TV crew responsible for reporting on the Buu incident discovered that Buu, who had been wreaking havoc on the city, had disappeared, everyone prayed that this monster would never appear!  Damaged streets, broken tiles, collapsed buildings one by one, and sunken ground. The streets and alleys of the earth are immersed in a silent atmosphere, without the hustle and bustle of the past.  Babidi never dreamed that the demon created by his father would leave him alone.  He walked fearfully on the street, secretly scolding Buu in his mind, where did that guy go?  It took so long.  When he thought that there were guys with terrible fighting abilities on Earth, Babidi was afraid that he would be targeted by this type of Earthlings.  Maybe the more scared he is, the more he will catch up. When he bumped into a blonde-haired girl, he didn't take this earthly woman seriously at all. She was probably a waste with a combat power of no more than 10!  Babidi did not pay attention to the blond girl, but the blond girl looked at him with a somewhat unkind look, but what appeared in her mind was the TV.  That person next to Fat Buu!  "Stupid Earthlings!" Babidi cursed in annoyance when he saw the blonde woman blocking his way.  The blonde woman frowned, and there was a murderous look on her cold face. She was no one else.  It was Android No. 18.  Before Babidi could react, No. 18 had disappeared from the spot and appeared behind him in an instant, so fast that there was no time gap left.  "Boom!" He punched Babidi away.  No. 18 moved his feet and quickly chased the figure he shot backwards, then created an energy attack.  A large ball of energy exploded instantly, killing Babidi directly!  The fierce and ruthless No. 18 killed Babidi without the slightest sense of guilt because this guy was an invader of the earth. Although she hated being nosy, this guy was really an eyesore!  ¡­ After Sun Wukong v2 put Sun Wukong and the others down, the weak ones woke up one after another.  After waking up, Sun Wukong asked about everything that happened after they lost consciousness.  And Sun Wuhan v2 split into two in front of everyone, and then became two Sun Wuhan.  In front of everyone's surprised eyes, the two Sun Gohans talked to each other patiently and patiently told in detail what happened after Buu sucked everyone, including his true origin and what happened at the last moment.  Rescue them!  Heard two things?Sun Wuhan's words made everyone sigh and sigh. They didn't expect that everyone's power would be misappropriated by that kind of guy.  "When will you leave?" Klin said with a smile.  A certain Sun Wuhan smiled and said: "It's very fast. I didn't expect that after the fusion was released, the world's rejection of us dropped a little, so we were able to stay a little longer." Another Sun Wuhan also nodded.  "Gohan, you did a good job." Sun Wukong patted the two Sun Wuhans on the shoulders, and the father and son looked at each other and smiled.  Although this is not the Sun Wufan of his own time and space, Sun Wukong still regards the two of them as his sons.  Although Sun Wukong did not see with his own eyes how terrifying Buu became after merging their powers, but judging from the previous battles, he could still imagine the terrifying power.  There was a smile on Piccolo's indifferent face. Even though the Sun Wuhan in front of him was not from this time and space, he was still taught by him from another time and space. In fact, it was not much different.  Unexpectedly, that young and ignorant kid had already caught up with his father in terms of strength.  "Is that guy Gohan supposed to be okay?" Krillin said worriedly.  What we are talking about here is Sun Wufan in this time and space, everyone can understand it.  A certain Son Gohan smiled and said with great certainty: "After all, it's another me. Defeating Buu should be a sure thing!"  Son Gohan was able to defeat Majin Buu.  Everyone nodded. Now Son Gohan has stood at the top of the universe. Although Vegeta has an ugly expression of indifference, he has to admit that the former's strength has surpassed him by several levels, reaching only one level.  To the point where I can look up.  It is undoubtedly a difficult road to follow in his footsteps.  At this moment, the clouds above the earth broke, and a golden figure flew as fast as a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, it traced a faint trajectory and flew towards the location of everyone!  "It's Gohan!" Sun Wukong smiled.  "Sure enough, we won!" Clin laughed happily and waved his fist cheerfully.  Everyone looked at Sun Wuhan excitedly. Sun Wuhan glanced at everyone with warmth in his eyes "Dad, uncles. Trunks, I'm back!" Sun Wuhan was surrounded by everyone.  For a moment, he smiled brightly.  The two future Sun Wuhan looked at each other, both smiled, and then disappeared into this time and space unknowingly.  ¡­ ¡­ Some time has passed unknowingly since Buu wreaked havoc on the earth and brought unprecedented fear to the people on earth.  During this period of time, the earth was rebuilt, and many large cities that had been destroyed into ruins became busy. Everywhere you could see hardworking people building their own homes.  This year.  Buu almost destroyed the entire earth, and people were frightened, but suddenly they found that the demon was missing.  A week or so later Satan stood up and spoke as the great hero.  Said that Buu was destroyed by him.  The whole world cheered and suddenly became excited. Everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, was shouting one name.  That is Satan!  Saved the earth, saved the universe, and Satan destroyed the terrifying demon.  Became a well-deserved hero!  Because Satan likes to be in the limelight, in order to reassure everyone, it is natural to inform everyone about Buu's elimination. Satan is naturally everyone's choice, so this is the situation.  Satan is of course riding high, and taking advantage of this momentum, he continues to appear on major television programs, bragging about how powerful he is.  Satan, who has saved the world many times, has reached the highest point in his life and has become a part of the human epic.  But the real heroes still live semi-secluded lives.  ¡­ ¡­ Liu Jiecao looked at all this and knew that the plot was almost over.  Although many years later, at a certain world martial arts conference, many martial arts masters will meet Buu's reincarnation, Uub.  But he was a good kid, so it was just a happy scene.  All dangers in this world have ended. "Dragon Ball GT" and the various theatrical versions of "Dragon Ball" will no longer appear in this world.  With the evolution of the world, this world has completely broken away from its original destiny and is about to become a world that evolves completely automatically.  Liu Jiecao felt all this and unknowingly reached a new level again.  With such strength, he will no longer be easily afraid even in the world of Yiren.    Several other people have watched various battles and participated in some battles. Now each of them has improved by at least one level, and each of them has become Liu Jiecao's best helper.  Under the leadership of Liu Jiecao, they all communicated with the two parallel worlds of the Seven Dragons World, completely transformed the two projections into clones, and completely integrated them.  This move made everyone's strength rise again. Not only did everyone's cultivation levels that had just broken through become stable, but they also each reached a new critical point, and it was possible to break through to a higher realm at any time.  Because after Guan Tianjian merged the two projection clones, he completely understood the secret of the clones, and then separated the clones one by one, and then when the clones reached a certain level of cultivation, they were taken back, which was another relaxed and happy cultivation level.  .  Because of this way of training, Guan Tianjian began to quickly catch up with Liu Jiecao and the other three. Although he was still one level behind the trio, he was much better than before.  , formed a perfect individual, so that he finally succeeded in researching some secrets, and then combined everything in himself, so that he could keep up with Liu Jiecao, who was becoming more and more terrifying.  The same is true for Daniel. Through the training of fighting with him, he has been able to keep up with Liu Jiecao's breakthrough speed.  Gu Yueling and Bai Ya'er, they are indeed geniuses, they actually broke out at the same time. Now they are not much different from Guan Tianjian in cultivation, and one level lower than Liu Jiecao, the first group.  Because Liu Jiecao finally advanced the plot.  Then all the various worlds are integrated into the parallel world of Dragon Ball.  Therefore, with the help of this power, his small world was completely separated from the big world of Yiren.  Naturally, the origin of Yiren's world brought disaster to Liu Jiecao, and all the troubles broke out at once.  It was as if in an instant, these people had become the public enemies of the Yiren world.  However, after possessing such strength, when everyone returns to the world of Winged People, and then allows the bodies of several people to reach the same state.  In the war that broke out later, they naturally achieved brilliant results, killing all kinds of guys who made trouble for them and regretted it.  Black Wing World decisively came to recruit people, but the real bodies of several people followed.  However, because Liu Jiecao deceived the origin of the Yiren world, their clones still stayed safely in the Yiren world, continuing their respective cultivations with Guan Tianjian, Gu Yueling, and Bai Ya'er.  In this way, many years have passed.  Because the fantasy world became a real world.  Arriving at the small world area.  With the help of the ability of the fantasy world, Liu Jiecao also created the world for some experiments. The result was naturally that he created a large number of worlds one after another and invested them in his infinite plan.  This way.  The small world of the earth and the world of warriors, these two worlds are constantly affected by Liu Jiecao, and masters appear one by one.  I don¡¯t know if I have accumulated enough, but the small world of the earth has actually been promoted to the world of the middle earth.  The middle world of warriors has also been promoted to the great world of warriors.  As a newly promoted Middle World, the problem is not too big.  However, as a newly promoted big world.  The world of warriors is in a lot of trouble, and many ambitious worlds have begun to invade.  Liu Jiecao took advantage of this opportunity and gained a large amount of resources through these battles, quietly promoting his fantasy world to a medium world.  Due to the war, the origin of the world of warriors had to rely on Liu Jiecao's help. Unknowingly, Liu Jiecao's influence here became more and more important, which directly affected the general trend of the world.  Although Liu Jiecao did not invade the origin of the world among warriors, large areas have been fantasized by Liu Jiecao. Perhaps one day this big world will completely become a part of the fantasy world and become the basis for advancement in the fantasy world.  resource.  And the world in the earth has actually been successfully annexed by Liu Jiecao long ago, otherwise it would not be so easy for the small fantasy world to be promoted to the fantasy world.  In fact, when the small fantasy world was promoted to the middle world, it was when Liu Jiecao was promoted to become a god. He was still the first guy among everyone to become a god.  Since Liu Jiecao finally no longer had to worry about anything, his family members all received a lot of care and easily ascended into his fantasy world, and each one of them finally had the talent to become a heavenly being.  Liu Jiecao has invested a lot of resources into his various plot characters, as well as the characters that he was optimistic about but did not develop in the past. Now they have finally become Liu Jiecao's greatest help, helping him achieve conquest and invasion.  , the great ambition to breed everything.  Because one day when I have free time,Jie Cao thought of an old apprentice he had taken in in the past - Xie Kujing.  When I went to observe again at this time, I discovered that the old guy had been hiding in an alien secret place on the other side of the earth.  It seemed that there was a great opportunity there, which made Xie Kujing so serious at that time that he completely betrayed Liu Jiecao.  But in Liu Jiecao's view today, Xie Kujing's so-called great opportunity is simply not worth mentioning.  Since Xie Kujing lives in seclusion in a secret place, he is not aware of the changes in the outside world.  At this time, he had finally achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, but found that he had not ascended and was stunned for a while.  Well, since the small world of the earth has been promoted to the medium world, the difficulty of ascension is naturally higher. Xie Kujing's achievements are simply not worth mentioning.  When Liu Jiecao saw the old man's result, he had no intention of settling accounts with this guy who had been forgotten for a long time.  Thinking of the long-forgotten guys, the professor and the tomboy who made Liu Jiecao so miserable at first, are now not very good either.  At first, Liu Jiecao stole the professor's things, causing the professor to suffer a tragedy.  As for the female man, because she delayed the best opportunity to practice and was implicated by her teacher, the professor, she is still unknown in the world of warriors.  Although the world has been promoted, these people still do not get the benefits of the world's promotion.  Yes, the world has been promoted, but it does not mean that everyone will become a heavenly being.  It will take a long time for everyone in a newly promoted world to grow into heavenly beings. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Liu Jiecao, who has reached the present state, has no intention of retaliating against such scum, and can just let them fend for themselves.  After Liu Jiecao resolved all his concerns, his infinite plan and world invasion plan began to be used in new worlds.  The new target, the first one to be chosen was the Black Wing World One day, Liu Jiecao received a signal from the missing Kuwahara Kazuma, and as a result, another middle world entered his target range  Each world is constantly developed and used by him, becoming a boost for the growth of his fantasy world.  Finally one day, his fantasy world was promoted to the big world.  But looking back, I realize that I have become the public enemy of all heaven.  (The book is finished. Don¡¯t forget that there will be a completion satisfaction survey after finishing the book. Please help me then) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novel will be better and updated faster!
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