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Golden Age 16 Episodes

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    "We will ask professionals to design and construct the work, rather than DIY it ourselves." Qiao Yiyu explained.  "As long as it can be technically guaranteed, there shouldn't be much of a problem By the way, why do you want to build a hibernation point yourself? A large hibernation area must be much more complete in terms of hardware facilities and supporting services. After all, in the future  It's constantly changing. You never know what you need when you wake up, or what the world has prepared for you. " "Maybe there will be surprises," Qiao Yiyu smiled, "Maybe.  It's frightening. Compared to such uncertainty, I would rather wake up in an environment I am familiar with As for what the world has prepared for me, I can slowly adapt to it by turning on the computer. " The lawyer shook his head gently.  He shook his head and did not continue on this topic. In his opinion, although Qiao Yiyu was young, his ideas were surprisingly conservative and stubborn. Considering that the other party was a hibernator, this made sense.  Regarding the specific terms of the contract, the lawyer estimated that it would take a week. Qiao Yiyu doubled the price and the time was shortened to five days. When Han Le stood up to leave, the lawyer mentioned again: "Miss Qiao, no  You know what I said about the agent" Qiao Yiyu shook her head: "No, I don't want it to be because of bad things every time I wake up." After going out, Han Le and Qiao Yi didn't come yet.  Yu coincidentally planned to take the stairs once. The height of more than ten floors was not too short, but it was not too long either.  While walking all the way downstairs, Han Lecai asked curiously: "The agent he mentioned means there is someone outside who can wake us up at any time." "Yes," Qiao Yiyu said, "There are many rich people now.  People are starting to hire their own agents, but" Qiao Yiyu sneered: "Because for the rich, the cost of hibernation is almost negligible, so they will be woken up as soon as there is any trouble.  In fact, I think that kind of people are the most pitiable. They originally hibernated to live a good life in the possible future, but in the end, they piled up all the bad things that they may not experience in several lifetimes The stock price fell to the limit, the policy changed, or there was something wrong.  Excellent investment opportunity As long as there is a little big event, they will be awakened and rack their brains to deal with it If you follow that frequency, you may be awakened dozens of times during your first hibernation.  " Han Le also probably understood: "That's really painful." Maybe after doing this a few times, people are going crazy - every time they wake up, it's a bad thing. This life is so frustrating, it's like Ultraman.  Such an existence - it's rare to be on earth for three minutes and all you see are monsters.  "The fundamental reason is that many people are too afraid," Qiao Yiyu said. "At the beginning of the 21st century, the gap between the rich and the poor was not as huge as it is now. At that time, everyone had money or no money, and they all watched the same movies.  We use the same network and listen to the same music But now the difference is too far, and the most important thing is that the channel from poor to rich has become so narrow that it almost does not exist. If you look at the Internet now, the myth of entrepreneurship has become more and more popular in recent years.  They come less and less. " Han Le has really never cared about this topic. He is a little surprised, and of course he is also a little skeptical: "No, I saw on the Internet that almost everyone has their own website The cost of starting a business in this era.  It should be very low." Han Le still remembers the Taobao store in his era. Anyone with a little money could start a small business, and there were many who were successful.  "Opening an online store is no longer considered starting a business in this era. Almost everyone does it," Qiao Yiyu said. "Most of the online stores in this era sell literary and artistic products. Sing a song and take photos.  A movie or something There are people who get rich, but the biggest difference from the past is that in the past, when people had money and had nowhere to spend it, they would want to do something to start a business and make more money. Nowadays, when people have money, they want to hibernate.  , As a result, creating hibernation areas has become the most popular economic industry in the world. "It's still hibernation Han Le has nothing to say this time, this has become an unavoidable dead end.  Han Le and the others stayed in a local hotel. In order to show respect for the customers, there were special vehicles to pick up and drop off the hotel, all using manual driving. In this era, this service is undoubtedly classic and luxurious.  Probably because he hadn't exercised for a long time, Han Le was out of breath when he walked out of the building. The driver saw the two of them, took the initiative to drive over, and came out to open the door for the two of them in a symbolic way - although this was not necessary, because in this era  Car doors are all automatic sensors.  Han Le had just gotten into the car when he suddenly found that the car swayed and then slumped obviously. At this time, Qiao Yiyu said outside: "Han Le, come out." After coming out, Han Le found that the driver had an angry face.  I was taking pictures of the car's tires with my cell phone. The tires that were still fine when I arrived were now flattened into a ball. It was obvious that the shaking just now meant that the tires were deflated.  On the edge of each tire, there are several slenderThe small transparent metal tube looks like a steel needle, but it is hollow in the middle.  "It's these bastards again!" Han Le hadn't noticed when he arrived, but the driver turned out to be Chinese, and when he opened his mouth, he said a long-lost national curse!  After he finished cursing, he took out his mobile phone to call the police, and at the same time, he did not forget to take photos of the physical evidence.  "Who is it?" Qiao Yiyu asked.  "A bunch of brats who have a life but no one to teach them." The driver obviously couldn't hold back his anger, but he still apologized to the two of them. "This is already the fifth time this month. The hotel has changed 20 tires just for them."  "There are so many, all we need are solid tires!" "The police arrived in just a few minutes, and unexpectedly brought over four or five of the perpetrators. They all looked to be teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old, and there were two of them.  The man also held a short, gun-like simple launcher in his hand.  The policeman took this thing over and skillfully opened the "magazine clip". There were many ready-to-fire ammunition inside, which were all small metal tubes that were exactly the same as those on the tires.  These people seemed to be habitual offenders. When they were brought over by the police, they looked indifferent. Two of the older ones scanned Qiao Yiyu up and down with their eyes and whistled frivolously.  One of the three policemen who brought them over was a policewoman, and she seemed to be a superior. She ordered them: "I apologize to this lady and gentleman, sincerely." Several naughty children ignored her.  The policewoman took out a bunch of things from her hand and waved them in front of them - Han Le remembered that the thing was the electric ring specially used to restrain prisoners when he woke up in the hospital after the operation.  "If you still have no regrets, I have the right to wear these bracelets for you now. Believe me, wearing these bracelets is much more uncomfortable than going to jail!" The policewoman's threat was effective, and the children reluctantly restrained themselves.  With his own expression, he whispered: "I'm sorry, we are just playing games" There is still a long way to go from being sincere.  Qiao Yiyu originally wanted to forget it, but the driver couldn't hold it in any longer: "Will you make up any other excuses to play games? When playing games, you just keep pointing at my car and these four tires.  ? Do you want to take a look at your previous masterpieces" The driver waved his mobile phone and maximized the photos one by one for everyone to see.  The female police officer also knew that what the driver said was true, and she could not guarantee whether these children would have another chance. The electric ring was a threat, but if it really happened to a few minors,  She is also stressed.  She could only keep a straight face, open the law enforcement surveillance camera video in front of several people, and solemnly request them: "I want you to make a promise that nothing like this will happen again." Several children promised, but Qiao Yi  Judging from their expressions, it's hard to tell what the effect will be.  "Why did you shoot the tires of this car?" Qiao Yiyu asked them. During the questioning, she noticed the obvious changes in the faces of several people, and guessed, "Is it because of us?" Several children lowered their heads and looked at each other.  They said nothing, occasionally looking at each other, as if they were encouraging each other.  The police officers and the driver were silent, but even Han Le could tell that they must know the reason, but they were unwilling to tell them.  "Is it because we are hibernators?" As soon as the word hibernator was spoken, Qiao Yiyu saw several children raising their heads at the same time - she guessed correctly.  The matter ended like this. The police quickly found an ordinary self-driving taxi for them and escorted them back in a police car - it wasn't that far anyway.  When the car started, Han Le turned around and saw the dejected children with proud smiles on their faces, holding up the launchers - simple electromagnetic guns - pointing at the broken down luxury car.  The car was posed to shoot.  "It's just a prank." Han Le wanted to convince himself so, but he found it difficult to do so. Judging from the behavior of the driver and the police just now, such behavior must be regular. If these children are interested in hibernating now,  If they show such obvious rejection, what happens when they grow up?  This is just like the education I received when I was a child. Even after half a century, when I talk about Japanese people, I still subconsciously think of something.  The key is that those things that affect them have slowly sunk into the dust of history, but those that affect them will be like a mountain, piling up higher and higher.  When they arrived at the hotel and the police left, the driver carefully reminded them: "In the future, it is better to stay in a more ordinary place, so that it will not attract attention and cause less trouble." After the driver also left, Han Le and Qiao Yiyu looked at each other.  , Han Le suddenly sighed: "Now when it comes to hibernation, I'm really scared. I feel like something will happen sooner or later if this continues." Qiao Yiyu, on the other hand,Not so pessimistic: "Crow Zui, you just have too much imagination. I have seen this kind of thing a lot before, and it has been much more serious than this. It is not fine now. In a few years, they will  I realized my naivety.¡±
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