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Volume 4: Light in the Dark Chapter 28: The Awkward Wilhelmina

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    At the bottom of the Xingli Hall, the quaint stone brick passage originally made by the "Pavilion of Marrow" Gobida himself has become quite modern under the transformation of the mad professor "Quest" Dantario. Mechanical equipment can be seen everywhere.  The utensils and metal ducts make it impossible to imagine that these buildings were made in the Middle Ages.  At this time, Wilemina, who had been using the freedom method to hide her traces and aura, was running quickly in this passage.  "We've been this far down here, and we haven't seen any similar detention facilities yet." Wilemina said, looking at the cold metal buildings around her and the strange lights that flashed from time to time.  "Keep going." Tiamat had no idea and could only say this.  "Indeed, Mistis should have hidden the two of them deep in the Xingli Palace during the war. If he wanted to imprison her" Willemina analyzed.  It's a pity that the two of them were thinking in the wrong direction. They had no idea that Shana and Yoshida would be treated badly when they arrived at the Xingli Palace. Apart from the ability of the Fire Mist Warrior being sealed, they were basically allowed to walk out occasionally.  , causing the two of them to become farther and farther away from Shana.  Wilhelmina ran forward for about a minute, and this long metal passage finally came to the end, and a smooth metal door blocked in front of her.  She walked softly to the front, and when she sensed that there was no apostle on the other side of the door, she put her hand on the metal door with peace of mind. The cold touch came from the palm of her hand, and she slowly pushed the door open.  An eerie dark light overflowed from behind the door. It was an empty area, with only the ground in the center emitting a faint blue light.  Wilhelmina walked slowly, and when her leather boots collided with the metal ground, there was a clear sound, which echoed continuously in this empty area.  When she got closer, Wilhelmina could clearly see what was emitting light in the center.  "Is this a 'Glass Altar'?" Willemina looked down at the "Glass Altar" that was neatly embedded in the ground, and said in surprise: "But why is it here?" "I can't understand." This is of course,  After Yuji used "silver" to trap Wilhelmina and Marjorie in Misaki City, he took the "Glass Jar" away from there. Wilhelmina was busy with Marjorie at the time.  They didn't go to confirm the original location of the "Glass Altar". Naturally, they didn't know that the "Glass Altar" that had helped them many times in Misaki City had been taken away by Yuji.  Wilhelmina stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to test the authenticity of the "Glass Altar". If it was true, it would be perfect for looking for Shana and Yoshida.  But before her hand reached out very far, a lively and crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind her.  "Ah, if I were you, I wouldn't touch things in other people's bases, especially things that seem to be quite important." Wilhelmina turned around suddenly and found that someone had appeared behind her.  Two figures, one tall and one short, stared at the freedom surrounding them as if nothing existed.  However, she was slightly relieved after recognizing the person, but she still did not let down her vigilance.  "If you touch that, your whereabouts will be exposed, 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands'." Nancy Lian said, twirling her fingers in the air casually, and then added: "Well, even if your whereabouts are exposed now, no one will  Never mind." "Long time no see, 'Spiral Organ,'" Wilhelmina said with a serious expression.  Yes, it was Lennanci and her exclusive maid Fia who quietly approached Wilhelmina and saw through her freestyle.  Originally, she was wandering around in Xingli Palace. Due to the great activity of Original Sin, there was no way to go on the ground of Xingli Palace, so she took Feiya and walked around casually inside. She happened to notice a weak fluctuation of free law below.  , if it were other apostles, they might just think it was caused by something in the Xingli Palace, but Nancy Yilian's sensitivity to the power of existence and the law of freedom found something was wrong.  So her curiosity as a girl was fully aroused, she followed this wave and came here, and found Wilhelmina who was about to touch the "Glass Altar".  "Don't look so serious. Although I'm in a 'masquerade' position for the time being, I don't intend to start a war with you, let alone" Nancy Lian paused at this point and did not continue. Instead, she said:  "Let's not talk about this for now, Wilemina, are you here to see Shana-chan?" "Do you know the current situation of the 'killer with flaming hair and burning eyes'?" Wilemina asked urgently.  "Of course, Shana-chan should have escaped with Yoshida now. She is probably fighting the 'Camel Drum Rebellion' who are responsible for searching where you invaded from." Nancy Lian truthfully informed Wei of Shana's current situation.  Alai?Na.  "That is to say, the 'killer with flaming hair and scorching eyes' has indeed escaped on his own." Wilemina's expression was a little complicated when she said this. It was obviously a feeling of relief, but there was something in her eyes.  A trace of unwillingness made Nancy Lian a little confused.  "Consequentialism." As Tiamat, who knows her contractors best, of course knows the complex meaning of her contractors' words, she spoke.  "Our intrusion did play a certain role, but she could have achieved the same results even if she was alone." Willemina continued.  Now Nancy Lian finally heard it, and a smirk suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.  To put it simply, the brave Wilhelmina, together with the mage Rebekah and the warrior Kamsin, enthusiastically came to rescue the princess Shana-chan who was trapped in the Demon King's palace. However, in the end, she discovered that the script was not that at all. The Demon King did not  Knowing where she was running, the princess relied on her own strength to directly knock down the demon ABCD who was queuing up in the Demon King's Palace to give experience to the brave, and escaped smoothly. She immediately felt that all her hard work and enthusiasm were in vain, and the whole  People are not good.  "In other words, the 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands' are having trouble with the 'Flame-Haired and Burning-Eyed Killer' without your help?" Lian Nanxi's thoughts only flowed in her heart, but Fiyako next to her was different.  Feiya, who has always been a sinister person, perfectly explained what it means to seek death or not die. She joked: "I heard that 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands' is a very serious Fire Mist Warrior. I didn't expect that there would be one."  Such a cute side." "Shut up." Tiamat said rudely, with a rare hint of anger in her cold and calm words.  Feiya looked at the inorganic ceiling with a leisurely expression, acting like I didn't say anything, as if what just happened had nothing to do with her.  "Adjust your emotions." Tiamat looked helplessly at her contractor who was depressed and comforted her.  After all, Wilemina was a qualified Fire Mist Warrior. She was depressed for only a short while. After Tiamat finished speaking, she readjusted her mood and said, "Yes, I shouldn't be depressed now, but wait for the battle."  The time is right, and watching the battle waiting for her. "Ha~ That's the best way to think about it." Lian Nanxi chuckled, turned and walked out, and said as she walked, "I will take you to find her."  Shana-chan, it shouldn¡¯t take long to deal with a fish devil like the ¡®Camel Drum¡¯,¡± ¡°Thank you for your help,¡± Wilemina said sincerely, following behind Nancy Lian.  .  "Ah, yes, there is one more thing." Nancy Lian paused and turned her head. Although she was smiling, her eyes were unusually solemn: "Don't face the original sin, at least not now, then  It's not a monster you can imagine. Before the right time comes, even if you use all your Fire Mist Warriors, you won't be able to harm that monster at all." "I understand," Wilhelmina said to Liannan.  Xi's remarks were quite confusing, but she still nodded, accepting Lian Nanxi's suggestion.  Seeing this, Nancy Lian said nothing and continued to walk forward, slowly blending into the dim passage.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Shana is engaged in the first battle after regaining the power of the Fire Mist Warrior at the place where Wilhelmina and Nancy Lian are aiming.  The clumsy fighting type Phosphorus had no ability to resist in front of Shana, and she just used simple physical skills to eliminate them one by one without landing.  "Oh As expected of the contractor of the God of Punishment and the object of the alliance leader's love." Uwa admired Shana as he saw her being easily solved. However, he obviously mistook Shana's identity. After all, that's what Yuuji and Yuan Sin said to the outside world at the beginning.  .  "That's it? No, it should be more than that." Shana didn't seem to hear Uwa's words, staring at the Zhidianzhana in her hand, as if she was talking about Uwa and herself.  Wuwa naturally thought that Shana was talking about him, and the power of his existence suddenly burst out and said: "Then I will be more serious." After saying that, Wuwa's figure became tall again and disappeared suddenly between Shana and Shana.  In front of Yoshida's eyes, at the same time, countless Uva were scattered throughout this space.  "Natsu, Shana-chan." Yoshida was startled by Uva's sudden hand and couldn't help but look at Shana.  However, Shana didn't pay attention to all this at all, she just stared at Zhidianzhana in her hand.  This is no different from before, and what else there should be more powerful power.  The flames became more and more surging, and the golden light particles that were originally mixed in the flames with irregular rhythm began to concentrate as if they were being guided. The color of the flames that had lost the impurities slowly became pure, and power continuously poured out from the heart.  But it's like there is an invisible barrier inside the body, locking?This power.  Uwa didn¡¯t give Shana time to think, and started to pounce on her one after another.  ¡ª¡ª  Yesterday I spent the whole day with the elderly without touching the computer. I was also dragged by my family to spend time with the elderly this afternoon, so I updated the US and European time. At least I put Fengyu back in the evening ¨r(¨s¨Œ¨t)¨qso updated  Sent
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