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Total War Part 3 Chapter 8 A New Holiday (3)

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    Now, Aki was in a very happy mood. This was not to say that he finally got along with Hermione. In fact, they did not get along.  But Hermione finally forgave and understood, and even expressed support for what Aki did.  If your dream is to be a scientist, your parents, family, and relatives all support you.  You will also be very happy.  But unfortunately, most of the time, most people will be against it.  Hermione left Ash's house with a blushing face. She didn't dare to face Elsa's teasing eyes.  After sending Hermione away, Aki's miserable time came.  Elsa tortured Aki "severely".  Yaxi directly chose to be honest and lenient this time, because he already understood that for those who care about you, the more you conceal, the more worried you will be.  After organizing the language, Yaxi came one by one.  After learning what Ash had done, Elsa's reaction was different from Hermione's.  She hugged Yaxi tightly in silence, "I regret that I did not reconcile with my sister when she was alive!" "It doesn't matter, as long as you are tolerant and loving to me. I think your sister will forgive you!  "Axi said softly.  In any case, Aki is not an ordinary fourteen-year-old child, and Elsa is not a conservative conservative.  She accepted Aki's actions more easily than Hermione and became a firm supporter.  Everything is developing in a good direction. While Yaxi is perfecting the next plan, he has not relaxed his efforts to improve his strength.  Today, he is at least a qualified seventh grader, which means he is a senior wizard.  From Aki's point of view, he should have no problem defeating Percy, who is also a seventh grader.  Because he learned a lot of weird spells from "The Story of Spells", and his magic is probably more powerful than a seventh-grade student.  Apart from that, Aki even had the leisure to look forward to the Quidditch World Cup.  However, what made Yaxi a little at a loss was that when Zhang Qiu came to see him, he felt that it was difficult for him to face it.  A few days later, accompanied by Elsa and Hermione, Ash went to 12 Grimmauld Place.  It was Sirius Black's home.  12 Grimmauld Place is located in Magic London. The building structure is a Georgian townhouse.  In northwest London, England, a 20-minute walk from King's Cross Station.  Of course, Aki came here not to see Harry, because Harry was taken to the shanty to play with Ron a day ago.  When Aki and the others arrived at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, several people were already waiting in the house.  Sirius Black, Lupin, Snape, and Dumbledore!  Facing the arrival of Yaxi and the others, they showed different expressions.  Black, Lupin, and Dumbledore, of course, smiled gently.  Only Snape had a dead face.  "Ms. Cromwell, nice to see you again!" Although Dumbledore had already guessed that Elsa was not dead, he still expressed surprise.  "It's great, Elsa finally meets again!" Lupine and Black said, obviously they are old friends.  "I don't really want to see you, especially after Lily and my sister died!" Elsa didn't look too good, although she was also very excited to see her friends and comrades for many years!  Everyone¡¯s expressions became heavy, especially Snape¡¯s.  "Okay, okay, ladies and gentlemen. Isn't it a happy thing to meet old friends? I think we need to have a drink first!" Yaxi came out to relieve the embarrassment, walked to the table, and gave everyone a glass of red wine.  .  This \u 186f 6837, the atmosphere finally got a lot better.  Everyone sat down at once and stared at Aki.  "Aki, have you thought about it? Hermione really needs to know what's going to happen next?" Professor Lupine said, "Although I don't deny that she is as smart as you!" "Of course!" Aki said with an undeniable answer.  said in a tone of voice.  Lupine looked at Dumbledore again, but Dumbledore made no objection.  "Humph, Mr. Roy, a child who is only fourteen years old!" Snape sneered, "I hope you won't tell us a fairy tale today!" "Oh!" Aki was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.  , "A good proposal! Then let's start with a fairy tale!" "I'm looking forward to it!" Dumbledore also smiled.  Lupine and Black shrugged and said nothing. Elsa and Hermione gave Ash a look of support.  Snape could only snort again.  "I'm going to tell a story about three brothers. The story is thatTwo wizard brothers were traveling and when passing by a river where people often drowned, they used magic to create a bridge across the river, which attracted the angry God of Death. However, the cunning God of Death pretended to congratulate the three brothers and praised their magic power.  Gao Qiang, and claimed to give each person a gift" After Yaxi's story was finished, except for Dumbledore who fell silent, the rest of the people had a strange expression. "What does this mean?  "Snape sneered, "A ridiculous children's bedtime story" "This is a true story!  "Dumbledore suddenly spoke, and he slowly took out his wand! "Oh, Merlin is here!  Hermione said in surprise, "Professor, you mean, this is the elder wand!"  "    "What!  " Everyone was surprised. "Yes, the elder wand is also called the wand of death and the wand of destiny.  It has extremely powerful power, and the way to pass it on is to defeat the previous holder.  I defeated the dark wizard Gary Grindelwald and got the elder wand from him!  "Dumbledore said softly. "Then, the Invisibility Cloak that Harry inherited from James is also one of the Deathly Hallows in the story!  "Lupin said, "In other words, James is the descendant of the three Pifrey brothers!  " "But, Aki!  "Blake said, "Do we need to find all the Deathly Hallows?  I mean, defeating Voldemort has nothing to do with it necessarily!  "    "Yes!  "Yashi said, he sighed, "But this is what we must get in order to defeat Voldemort with peace of mind.  At least get that rebirth stone!  "Everyone is confused again, except for Dumbledore, who obviously knows a lot. "Okay, let's talk about this doubt next!  "Axi cheered up, "If we want to defeat Voldemort, we need to understand him.  And with my unremitting efforts, I finally discovered Voldemort's secret!  " "I don't know if you have heard of Horcruxes!  "Axi looked at them. "Horcrux?  "
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