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Total War Part 3 Chapter 8 A New Holiday (1)

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    Early the next morning, the entire magical world was shocked by the news.  The famous escaped prisoner of Azkaban, "Sirius Black!" turned out to be a victim!  The truth of twelve years ago finally came to light.  Peter Pettigrew, who died that year, reappears in front of the world.  Several professors at Hogwarts waiting for Dumbledore, as well as several photos and a confession written by Peter Pettigrew himself, leave no doubt that Sirius Black is the victim.  "The Daily Prophet published this news early in the morning, and the Ministry of Magic was caught off guard.  I can only swallow the fact that I wronged an innocent man for twelve years.  The Minister of Magic apologized to the public for this.  However, what really makes Ahihari and the others happy is that Sirius Black finally erased his title of fugitive.  He can appear openly and openly in front of the world.  The entire Hogwarts class had a huge discussion about this matter.  Draco was quite unhappy about this. When they met in the corridor, he viciously said that Harry finally had a bastard relative.  The fact that Black was Harry's godfather was of course spread by Ron's big mouth.  Hi Xin, Dumbledore helped with the aftermath of many things that night, and at least some of Ashe's role in them was kept strictly confidential.  Snape was quite dissatisfied with this, because in the handling of the attack on the teacher, Dumbledore explained that in critical situations, there are extenuating circumstances!  Snape could only stare at Aki fiercely.  In fact, it was Lupine and Black who really disgusted him.  It¡¯s like a conflict between children.  This is how Aki views the relationship between Snape Lupine and others.  The thing that really gave Aki a headache was, of course, how to explain to Hermione what happened that night.  After countless efforts by Aki, Hermione finally agreed that after letting go, Aki would fully reveal everything to her.  Moreover, he only revealed it to her.  Aki found that as time went by, he cared more and more about Hermione's feelings, just like he cared about Elsa's feelings.  "Hermione, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class needs a new teacher for the new year!" Aki whispered to Hermione while having dinner.  "You mean Professor Lupine is leaving?" Hermione's voice was filled with reluctance and surprise.  "Yes, this was what we planned when we originally planned things. We have a more important mission. And the students already know that he is a werewolf!" Yaxi said frankly.  "Humph!" Holding back the doubts in her heart, Hermione snorted and buried herself in her meal.  "You always lose your temper with me!" Yaxi muttered aggrievedly, "You always say that I hide things from you, and you do the same. The time turner never told me!" "What did you say?" Although Yaxi's voice  It was relatively small, but Hermione still heard it, "You know! You seem to know everything!" "I'm telling you, you also have something to hide from me!" Aki emphasized.  "I" Hermione hesitated for a moment, but soon looked fierce again, "So what? You will always know everything anyway!" "Hehe, dear, thank you for the compliment!" Aki  He leaned forward with a smile and said stickyly.  "Stay away from me!" Hermione blushed.  Lupine was not alone in leaving. In addition to Black, Dumbledore, Ash, Hermione, Zhang Qiu, the Patil sisters, Harry, Ron and other Gryffindor students also went to see him off.  He did.  Harry was the first to get over the sadness of parting and become happy because Blake told him that maybe they could live together.  And Harry couldn't wait and agreed completely\u61 1000 0f.  There was nothing Harry was looking forward to more than moving out from Uncle Vernon's house.  As for whether Black has the ability to adopt Harry, that is not a problem.  You know, Blake also has a property, No. 12 Grimmauld Place.  At least I don't have to worry about where to live.  As the end of the semester arrives, students are reviewing intensely while discussing the Blake incident.  On the last day of the semester, the exam results finally came out.  Harry, Hermione and others passed all their courses, except Aki, who failed in Potions!  "Obviously, that Snape is taking revenge on you!" Ron, who had already come out of the infirmary, said angrily.  "Professor Snape can't do this!" Hermione was also very angry.  "Aki, I think the person who should fail is me!" Harry looked a little guilty.  Snape is a narrow-minded person, Axi cursed in his heart.  He didn't tell Hermione or the others that during Snape's Potions exam, he seemed??There is going.  Because an old fox tempted him with a lot of delicious food, Aki and he chatted all day long.  Xin Hao, with the help of the principal's privileges, Axi can still successfully advance to the fourth grade!  Ron¡¯s Percy is in N.  E.  W.  T.  S achieved the highest score in the ultimate wizard level exam.  Fred and George worked hard to pass O.  W.  L.  S Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination.  ??Meanwhile, Gryffindor House - won the House Cup in its third year.  This also means that the end-of-term banquet will be held in a sea of ??scarlet and gold, and the Gryffindor table will be the noisiest of the celebrations.  The little lions celebrated all night, and it was already very late when they rested.  So early the next morning, when Aki and the others headed for the Hogwarts Express, they were in a hurry.  On the train, Hermione told everyone that starting next year, she would resume her normal elective courses.  Aki expressed his congratulations.  You must know that this year, under the influence of the time turner and "aunt", Aki was often used by Hermione to perform women's magic.  Ron excitedly told Harry and Aki that there would be a Quidditch World Cup this holiday\u3 89c 002 They made an appointment to watch it together, but Aki refused because he needed to do other things.  There may not be a chance to move forward together by then.  Ron expressed regret for this. Since Aki insisted on keeping his affairs secret, he could only make an agreement with Harry.  However, Harry was a little absent-minded. He received a letter from Black not long ago.  The letter stated that Black had settled the matter regarding Uncle Vernon's family.  In other words, when the train arrives at the station, it will be Black who comes to pick Harry up, not Uncle Vernon's fat, disgusted face.  After a long journey, King¡¯s Cross Station has finally arrived.  When Harry happily hugged Blake, who came to pick him up at the station, Ash also hugged Elsa and gave Elsa a gentle kiss on the cheek.  After saying goodbye to Hermione and Cho, Ash and Elsa drove home.
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