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Total War Part 3 Chapter 6 Prisoner of Azkaban (4)

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    Lupine had already fallen into his own memories, and Aki walked to the door and looked at it, looking bored.  "In those days, my transformation process was very scary. It was very painful to be a person who could transform into a wolf. I was separated from humans, so I could only scratch and bite myself. The villagers heard me  Dumbledore fueled this rumor, believing it to be the sound of a savage elf. Even now, although the house has been silent for many years, the villagers still dare not approach it" "But.  Except for the days when I turned into a wolf, I was happy, happier than all the time I spent before, because for the first time I had friends, lots of friends, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and of course, Harry,  And your father - James Potter "Soon, my three best friends had noticed that I was missing every month. I made up various stories about my mother being sick.  I have to go home and take care of her I was afraid that when they found out about me, they would abandon me. But of course, like you, Hermione, they found out the truth" "But they didn't abandon me.  I, on the contrary, did everything they could to find ways to make my transformation not only not unbearable, but the best time of my life." "My father.  Same?" Harry asked in surprise.  "Yes, it is true," Lupine said. "They spent most of the past three years trying to find a solution. Your father and Black are the smartest students in the school, and it's a good thing that they are, because  The transformation from human to animal can be completely beyond control - which is why Peter needs all the help James and Blake can give him. Finally, in Year Five, they succeed!  "But how can they help you?" Hermione asked confused.  "As humans, they can't stay with me, but after becoming beasts, they can be with me," Lupine said. "A person who turns into a wolf is only harmful to humans. Every month, they will help  James's invisibility cloak sneaked out of the castle. They would transform Peter, the youngest, could slide under the willow tree and open the mechanism, and then they would crawl out of the tunnel to meet me.  Under their influence, I became less dangerous. My body was still in wolf shape, but my mind was gradually losing its wolfish nature." "We are almost there, we are almost there, Blake shows excitingly.  In front of us, we can transform. Soon we will leave the Shrieking House and wander around the school and the village in the dark. Black and James transform into animals so large that they can displace humans and wolves.  Under control, I doubt if there are students in Hogwarts who know the legends about Hogwarts better than we do. "They turned into animals?"  "Harry asked, but Hermione interrupted him. "But it's still dangerous!  Running around with a wolf in the dark, what if you bite someone else?  " "There is an idea that still bothers me," Lupine said seriously. "There were many female teachers living there, and we later made fun of them.  At that time, we were still young and not very sensible-" "Sometimes, I also felt guilty for betraying Dumbledore's trust He was the one who allowed me to enter Hogwart when other headmasters were afraid to admit me.  of tz.  It did not occur to him at the time that I would violate the rules he had set for my safety and the safety of others.  He would never know that I was the cause of three classmates' illegal animagus transformations.  Every time, I always try my best to rid myself of the guilt in my heart.  We made plans for the next adventure, and I never changed" Lupine's face became stiff, and his voice was filled with disgust for himself. "I have been fighting with myself for the whole year.  I was wondering if I should tell the principal about Blake's transformation from human to animal.  But I didn't, why?  Because I'm a coward.  That would mean betraying his trust myself, admitting that I had led them to be with me and Dumbledore's trust meant everything to me.  He was the one who got me into Hogwarts at an early age, who gave me a job at a time when my adult life was in disarray, and at that time, because I was a werewolf, I couldn't find a job that paid me a salary.  So, I convinced myself that Black's entry into Hogwarts was due to the evil witchcraft he learned from Voldemort, and that his transformation from human to animal had nothing to do with it.  Anyway, everything Snape said about me was right.  "Snape," Black asked sharply, momentarily looking away from Scabbers and towards Lupin, "what does Snape have to do with this?"  " "Professor Snape is at school,"?We are in this together.  He had strongly opposed my taking up the Black Witchcraft post.  He spent that year telling Dumbledore that I couldn't be trusted.  He had his reasons, you know Blake once played a prank on him that nearly killed him, and I was part of it.  " Blake made a mocking sound, "He deserves it," he said mockingly, "Grinning his teeth everywhere, trying to find out who we are, and bent on driving us out of school.  "Snape is very interested in where I go every month," Lupine told Harry, Ron and Hermione. "You know, we are in the same year, and we dislike each other very much."  He especially hated James.  I think it was out of jealousy, because of James' talent at Quidditch" "Anyway, he saw Madam Pomfrey and me walking across the clearing one night, and I took her with me.  Transform into the Whomping Willow.  Blake thought it would be quite wonderful to tell her that she could follow me in by just hitting the knot on the trunk of the tree with a long stick.  Of course, Blake did so.  If he had walked close enough to the house he would have encountered a full-blown werewolf.  But your father saw what Black had done, and in the nick of time, he caught up with Snape and pulled him back.  But Snape saw me, at the end of the tunnel.  Even though he was strictly forbidden by Dumbledore to reveal it, he knew my secret from that time on.  " "That's why Snape doesn't like you," Harry said slowly. "He thinks you're just here because of a joke?  "    "good.  "A cold voice came from behind Lupine. Snape was taking off his invisibility cloak, and his wand was pointed directly at Lupine.
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