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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Happy in the movie world

Text Chapter 244 The truth is revealed

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    The female general at the hot spring hotel was just an episode in the long life of Shen Ruoyu. After that, Shen Ruoyu visited almost all the famous tourist spots in Japan. He saw cherry blossoms and Lake Kawaguchi at the foot of Mount Fuji, where he met a beautiful and passionate girl Nanako. In Hokkaido  After seeing the sea view, he met sisters from Tokyo, Matsushita Ryoko and his younger sister Matsushita Nanako, in the most famous hot spring street. In Hokkaido, he also visited Lake Akan and the Ainu Cultural Village. For these girls with whom he has a romantic relationship,  Shen Ruoyu did not just draw his gun and leave, but took advantage of the opportunity of contact with each other to help them groom their bodies, which was enough to ensure that they would not age easily, and that they would have no problem living to be a hundred years old in good health.  He also kept the necklace that automatically activated the protective shield, which was enough to prevent them from receiving a fatal blow. As for whether they would cherish it or not, it depends on their fate.  After Shen Ruoyu had enough fun, he came to Tokyo's special second department in charge of alien affairs. What he didn't expect was that this department specializing in alien affairs was openly opened in the Tokyo Police Headquarters, and  A counter was also set up blatantly, with the words "Extraterrestrial Life Management Consulting Counter" written on it. Shen Ruoyu couldn't help but sigh that the wonders of this country were indeed beyond the comprehension of ordinary people!  Inside the counter, a cute little girl with twin tails who looked to be about the age of a high school student was nodding her head drowsily. However, after Shen Ruoyu watched for nearly half an hour, this guy didn't show up yet.  Shen Ruoyu fell down and had no patience to see when she would fall asleep on the table. Shen Ruoyu couldn't help but knock on the table. As a result, the little girl seemed to be frightened.  He stood up suddenly.  Facing the other side of the counter, he nodded and bowed and said: "Ah. Ah, Asami is wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" This made Shen Ruoyu, who was sitting outside the counter, speechless again. Is it okay for such a confused guy?  ?  But looking through the direction where the girl's back was facing him, the short skirt that only reached the top of her thighs actually had a small underwear with Ultraman printed on it.  This made the confused guy named Asami swallow the words he originally wanted to remind him, and instead concentrated on admiring the beautiful scenery. By the way, this is also a major feature of Japan, right?  After a series of saying sorry for a long time but not receiving a thunderstorm of reprimands, even the most confused guy felt that something seemed wrong. He looked carefully at the opposite side and found that there was no scary figure of the commander. He was still confused.  Asami couldn't help but touched her head and muttered in a low voice: "Huh? There's no one there? Could it be that I'm dreaming? Really, I had such a terrible dream, well~ I decided to sleep for a while to make up for it.  Injured soul!" After saying this, almost the moment Shen Ruoyu was about to speak, this guy climbed onto the table and fell asleep again without seeing Shen Ruoyu.  And it seems that no one believes that this guy just fell asleep on the table. He has definitely fallen into a very sweet sleep for a long time!  Shen Ruoyu, who almost had several black lines on his forehead, finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up directly, bent down and hit this guy on the head with a violent shudder.  In the midst of a cry of "snow and snow", this guy finally saw Shen Ruoyu's existence, with two big tears in his eyes. This guy named Mami looked at Shen Ruoyu with some aggrievedness, and after Shen Ruoyu handed over the letter issued by the US government  After his proof, the guy said "I'm sorry" again and again, as if he had woken up from a dream, and quickly applied for various written certificates for Shen Ruoyu, and formally invited Shen Ruoyu to join various local alien clubs.  Weird associations and organizations, well, this can be regarded as a major feature of Japan, right?  After rejecting various invitations, Shen Ruoyu only received a certificate for the Special Criminal Section and the Special Second Section and promised that he could help the local government to deal with some alien-related cases to a limited extent. Shen Ruoyu was officially here.  After settling down, apart from wandering around the food streets, major attractions and temples every day, life should not be too leisurely.  However, as the plot of the movie gradually developed, the battleships of the Aquilon civilization finally threatened the earth. Aliens in various places on the earth fled the earth one after another. I don¡¯t know if it changed because of Shen Ruoyu¡¯s arrival.  In the plot, K and J, who were supposed to find the "Galaxy", failed to find the "Galaxy" that was replaced by Shen Ruoyu within the specified time, so the battleship of the Aquilon civilization directly launched an attack on the earth, but since in this  In order to survive in the world, Shen Ruoyu naturally would not ask anyone to disturb his "vacation". Faced with the terrifying beam that could destroy the earth, Shen Ruoyu directly chose to confront it head-on. After teleporting directly to the front of the beam, the majestic and majestic  Bian's mental power spurted out, forming an enlarged version of Shen Ruoyu's shadow on its periphery, a huge milky white color mixed with traces of dark golden light.A diamond-shaped shield appeared over the earth, directly blocking the beam that could penetrate the entire earth. Then, in a burst of spiritual feelings, a voice that seemed extremely ancient and desolate, but full of vitality, sounded to all the people on earth.  The minds of the invading Aquilonian civilization sounded: "The earth is a miracle of life in the universe. It is now guarded by me. Any civilization that dares to offend here will be punished. Choose, leave or be destroyed. Your destiny depends on it."  You take it from your own hands." This simple but very domineering declaration directly shocked the battleships of the Aquilon civilization. Originally, in their eyes, the earth was just a shelter for all backward planets displaced by interstellar wars, but they did not expect that there were actually existences here.  Such a powerful life, using its own strength to block the bombardment of the battleship's main gun, was simply the biggest miracle in the universe in their opinion. After a short discussion, the Aquilon civilization finally chose to retreat, because they  I don¡¯t want to start a war with the Zerg and provoke such a powerful existence at the same time. At the same time, whether in the eyes of the aliens on the earth or the aliens who choose to retreat, the earth is no longer a weak object in their eyes at this moment.  , directly placing the earth in a position that can at least be on an equal footing with them.  And above the earth.  Some aliens who originally looked down on the Earth had to choose to live on the Earth for one reason or another.  This has also changed some views.  The behavior has been greatly restrained, and some peace-loving aliens who originally only wanted to temporarily avoid it have really chosen to live on the earth permanently at this moment. After all, there is such a planet guarded by strong people.  The safety index is naturally much higher than before. It is completely possible to operate this place as a new home.  When Shen Ruoyu took off to intercept the battleship, he did not choose to hide his figure, no matter what the purpose was.  When his strength has reached his level, there is no need to do anything secretive. Whether it is out of the dignity of a strong man or his confidence in his own strength, he will not choose to hide himself. Instead, through satellite monitoring on the periphery of the earth,  Most powerful countries have also seen the strength shown by Shen Ruoyu. As for Shen Ruoyu's identity, the United States, where he first appeared, and Japan, where he is now, both found out Shen Ruoyu's information immediately.  Due to certain pressure and the probing of spies lurking in various countries, Shen Ruoyu's information also appeared on the desktops of several other governments that had the power to accept alien immigrants, so a special campaign was launched against Shen Ruoyu.  The global government summit was held within a short period of time.  The content of the meeting was naturally how to face the powerful existence of Shen Ruoyu. At the same time, what attitude should be used to contact Shen Ruoyu and other issues were also the main content of the meeting for these leaders to discuss.  At the same time, Shin Ruoyu¡¯s declaration did not block ordinary people.  At the same time, due to the purpose of some people with ulterior motives, the video of Shen Ruoyu launching into space to intercept the alien life warship was also spread to the Internet from the hands of some people with ulterior motives. Although it was only a silent short film of less than three minutes, the coordination was amazing.  It is a unique voice that cannot be forgotten for a long time and still echoes in the minds of most people. Just on the day it happened, the number of reprints of this video reached an uncontrollable level. At the same time, many people in developed countries also started to express their emotions because of this.  Demonstrations were held, demanding that the government disclose the truth of the matter. At the same time, various groups and organizations with a clear purpose such as alien fan clubs and alien fan mutual aid associations also emerged. Various people dressed as aliens were on the street.  There are more and more human beings like this, and at the same time, there are countless people writing various slogans such as "Alien I love you", "Take me away!" "My journey is to the stars and the sea" on the top of each building.  Because the government ignored the demands of the majority of the people when discussing how to deal with Shin Ruoyu in the first place, in just a few days due to the government's inaction, the support ratings of the authorities in many European countries plummeted.  decline (this must have nothing to do with the Chinese government, the world is still singing and dancing in peace!), only then did the governments of some capitalist countries realize the seriousness of the problem.  In order to restore public support, the Japanese government was the first to hold a press conference to announce the fact that aliens are real. The Japanese government, which was originally prepared to accept the panic and various riots of the local people, discovered that the entire country actually  It did not cause large-scale riots. Instead, people spontaneously started various "alien festivals" in many places. At the same time, most of the citizens were full of crazy worship and desire for aliens. This celebration alone made the whole thing seem a bit  The weak economic GDP has actually shown a growth trend in a short period of time. At the same time, due to the particularity of the national conditions, various animations and peripheral products such as people on earth fighting monsters have also been sought after by countless people.  This alone has increased the national GDP by more than 9%, which is already the highest growth in Japan in the past ten years. At the same time, there are some hidden problems in Japan.?Aliens with very similar similarities to various gods and monsters in their legends have also been found by crazy people and worshiped as gods. And there is an eight-headed creature hidden under Mount Fuji that survives on the energy of earth fire and magma.  After hearing Shen Ruoyu's declaration, the serpent-shaped alien life came out to watch the fun, but was discovered by the Japanese. As a result, it was enshrined as the legendary Yamata-no-Orochi and built a huge temple at the foot of Mount Fuji.  Temple, but this snake-like alien was still a timid guy. As a result, he was so scared that he didn't dare to come out for a long time. He didn't feel at ease until he was sure that he wouldn't be hurt.  Seeing that Japan has disclosed the facts, other countries, except China, have not made any move, and several other powerful countries have also had to admit the facts about the existence of aliens, perhaps because of some funny attributes,  The acceptance ability of humans in this world is decisive and very strong. Except for some organizations and individuals with ulterior motives, most humans are relatively accepting of the existence of aliens. At the same time, they are also aware that humans are not alone in this universe.  Very excited and optimistic, only a few people calmly consider the safety of human beings on the earth. After all, compared with most aliens, human beings are still in a relatively weak position both in terms of technology and physical fitness.  At the same time, seeing that nothing can be done, the consortia behind major governments have also keenly discovered this problem. Various security measures and protective light weapons against aliens have emerged as the times require. At the same time, some large shopping malls have also specially set up some  The special counter for aliens provides clothes and various household items with different shapes and functions. Otherwise, it can be said that the most discerning ones are always businessmen!  And what is Shen Ruoyu doing at this time?  Tokyo, Police Headquarters, Special Division 2.  Shen Ruoyu was a little restless at this time, being watched by several cute loli policemen with stars in their eyes. The most obvious one was the confused guy named Mami who was suspected of being a high school student more than a policeman. Shen Ruoyu was  I couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to pull myself up and leave, oh no, when I was about to leave, a fat guy with a mean smile on his face almost turned his face into a blooming chrysanthemum.  He came out, and at the same time he grabbed Shen Ruoyu's hand and shook it back and forth very familiarly, saying all kinds of polite words in his mouth, what a great hero, the savior of mankind, the savior, the destined strong man, his mouth is sweet  The level must be more than four plus numbers. If this is an ignorant young man, he will definitely be deceived into a hot-blooded young man. If his head is hot, he will definitely sign a contract of sale or something like that!  It's a pity that Shen Ruoyu is still an old monster who has lived for nearly ten thousand years. Although his personality has not changed much and is still relatively kind and gentle, he can't fail to see his purpose and directly handed it to him with an expressionless face.  The thick document contract in his hand was torn into pieces of paper, and then a fire came out and burned it completely. The guy with a smile on his face awkwardly wiped the sweat on his forehead and directly put a golden book into it.  The certificate was handed to Shen Ruoyu. With this certificate, Shen Ruoyu can do anything in Japan without being blocked by the police and the army. If there is something inconvenient to come forward, he can even order the help of the local gang. Its style and function  It has been distributed throughout Japan as quickly as possible to ensure that this document can be recognized at any time. In addition to being very gorgeous and printed with the Japanese government's emblem, this document also has a gold stamp of "10,000,000 and no suspicion"  "¤Ï¤Ê¤¤" occupies most of the entire area, and there is a photo of Shen Ruoyu on it. Translated in Chinese, this sentence means "no taboos." As for other things, the Japanese government did not provide them, but the special second department directly  This somewhat confused Asami directly assigned Shen Ruoyu as his secretary and liaison specialist in Japan.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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