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Text Chapter 230 The Beginning of the War of Gods 2

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    For the entire continent, Shen Ruoyu's display of power is undoubtedly terrifying. Although the rules of this world limit Shen Ruoyu's violent soldiers, and the technology of this world is also horribly backward or there is no such thing as technology at all, but in Shen Ruoyu's war system  There is also biochemical technology, a method of violent warfare that does not require the use of external objects. Under his hands, there are many choices, whether it is the development of biochemical viruses or the Zerg war machines. With his integration and support, several  Different types of Zerg technology have developed to a limit. They have developed from pure physical biological fighting methods to energy and biochemical technology. On top of this, there are comprehensive Zerg-like technologies created with the blessing of magic and cultivation runes and formations.  Civilization, any Zerg mother queen is considered to be the top civilization in their original universe.  Moreover, on this continent, these high-level gods are not in harmony with each other. Although they still get along with each other in harmony, under the strength of the Light God Religion, several other gods have already had opinions.  The strength of the God of Light and the rules between the gods did not make a big move. This time, the God of War, the God of Darkness and the Goddess of Life saw that the Holy See of the God of Light had provoked such a powerful thorn in Shen Ruoyu. They did not fight with the God of Light.  They joined forces, but took the approach of watching from the sidelines. Obviously, they wanted to keep the oriole behind. This also gave Shen Ruoyu opportunities to defeat each other, so he randomly selected a queen mother and provided sufficient  After the energy was released, a series of human-like war weapons produced using human genes in this world were newly released. Each of them was shaped like a tall warrior wearing thick armor.  There are countless mysterious patterns on the thick armor.  It was a blessing text formed using magic and cultivation runes.  Not only can it enhance its defense capabilities, but it can also absorb various substances in the air for charging, greatly enhancing its combat endurance. This kind of war weapon that combines human genes in this world was named the Black Warrior series by Shen Ruoyu.  As long as there is the energy and material support of the Zerg, a Zerg mother queen can produce nearly ten thousand black warriors every day, and on top of this there are also the Terror Knight series and the Black Wizard series. As the name suggests, it is naturally a cavalry series.  One is mainly focused on long-range strikes, and on top of this there are the Dragon Knight series and Space Knight series prepared for sky wars and space wars. These two types of attacks are currently only carried out due to their large size and relatively large consumption of materials.  A small amount of it was produced and used as the trump card in the Mother Queen's army.  Although it seemed to Shen Ruoyu that he just chose a queen at random, in fact, in his world, when he knew that Shen Ruoyu needed these queens from different worlds and the queens produced by Shen Ruoyu himself to fight, these queens did a lot for them.  There was a big fight for this quota. Although it was impossible to engage in a large-scale war, the competition for the highest combat power between each other went on for a round, and the winner finally got the quota that responded to Shen Ruoyu's request.  As the winner this time, it is the very gentle Queen Tyran in "Andrew's Game".  As the only mother queen who has been washed by Shen Ruoyu's faith and completed a higher level of evolution, her loyalty to Shen Ruoyu naturally does not need to be considered, and because he has been washed by Shen Ruoyu's faith,  After she was appointed as the general manager of all biochemical technologies of the Zerg under Shen Ruoyu except for his Golden Dragon flagship, her evolution speed has been very rapid. No matter what new genes or biological samples are, she can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses in an extreme time.  She can completely digest and fuse the gene fragments, and she can also use the runes and formations of magic civilization and cultivation civilization very quickly. This is also the main reason why she can stand out among many Zerg queens. Shen Ruoyu's Tyron once again met  She was very happy, and after many evolutions, she firmly chose the human form when choosing her appearance. She was also a mature woman full of maternal glory, especially when she looked at Shen Ruoyu, the look in her eyes was  Tenderness and love can almost melt Shen Ruoyu, but although she has now become a human form, she still retains the most basic ability of rapid reproduction as the mother queen of the Zerg, and she has also evolved it into a kind of magic similar to  In other words, it is an alternative realm of divine magic. All the Zerg genetic codes are stored in its body. Almost a drop of blood can create hundreds of millions of various war weapons, and she also hides all the incubation processes in her body.  Within the body, on the surface, she could only see her raising her finger. Countless biological weapons that had been cultivated but were still in the spore stage would fly out of her body, and then rely on the energy contained in the cells to grow rapidly.  This process is so fast that it is like she can summon soldiers out of thin air. However, because Shen Ruoyu requires that these soldiers must be in human form, she can only produce about 10,000 soldiers every day. However, as time goes by  Over time, when these series of soldiers have been fully tested in actual combat and finalized, she can resume her original training speed and can produce them almost every few hours.?Hundreds of millions of mature soldiers!  Before the gods took the lead in breaking the rules, Shen Ruoyu did not want to take the initiative to break the rules. In that battle with the demigods, Shen Ruoyu did not use power beyond the rules of this world. It was just because he had a deeper understanding of power and was more proficient.  That's why he could easily defeat the demigod, and then even so, his whereabouts must have been discovered by those so-called gods, but it seemed that he had not broken the rules and the real body did not appear, but Shen Ruoyu also knew that according to those  Judging from the nature of the gods, if he fights the younger one now, the older one will definitely appear sooner or later. The battle between gods is definitely inevitable, so so far he has summoned the Queen Mother from other worlds and brought it to this world.  The world continuously trains soldiers for him, and uses this short period of peace to hoard a large number of legionnaires to use as containment or consumables in the upcoming divine war. After all, he still doesn¡¯t know how many gods those gods have.  As for the specific strength of servants and warriors, we can only prepare for the worst first.  But at this moment, the civilians on the entire continent are still living their lives quietly. Only some spokesmen of the gods or a few strong men know what kind of stormy waves are surging under the seemingly peaceful environment of the continent.  Out of compassion for ordinary people.  Shen Ruoyu established a large teleportation circle within the area under his control.  All the people he gathered were teleported to the floating island he discovered in this world. After about ten years of construction, it has become a truly large-scale base with singing birds and fragrant flowers and complete facilities. Not only is it there  There is endless food and safe shelter, and various measures for external defense are also very complete. Those civilians will stay there until the end of this divine war. As for whether they will return to the ground again in the future or become followers of Shen Ruoyu  Staying there depends on whether the people's beliefs are pious.  Under the leadership of Shen Ruoyu¡¯s spokesperson, Charles Wendelman.  Shen Ruoyu, who was completely embarrassed, directly asked him to lead the Black Warrior Legion to sweep the entire continent. The key targets were the important strongholds of the Holy See of Light, and because he knew that when the Holy Land of the Holy See of Light was destroyed, the Pope and a few  The demigod did not die directly. Although he was seriously injured, he was still far away from death. Although he did not know where he fled to recuperate his injuries and did not show up again, Shen Ruoyu also knew that as long as the Pope did not die, then the entire  The Holy See will not collapse so quickly, but for the safety of Charles Wendelman.  He had no choice but to send out all two immortal adamantine warriors around him to protect Charles Wendelman, while he himself spent every day with Tyron to perfect the battle plan.  Let¡¯s talk about feelings and each other¡¯s whispers by the way.  The people guarding Shen Ruoyu turned into a few high-quality tyrants who were finished with biochemical viruses. These tyrants were different from the ugly appearance and abilities in the movie. On the basis of constantly improving virus technology,  Various biochemical viruses that were originally terrifying and uncontrollable have become completely controllable, and due to their excellent infection speed and low cost, in Shen Ruoyu's world, an army is completely composed of intelligent biochemical virus variants.  The Legion can be said to be very powerful. Take these tyrants for example. They are not just guys with huge power, shallow telekinesis, and ugly appearance in the movies. They can be killed even by the earth's backward rocket launchers and missiles.  Counterfeit products, although each of them still maintains a tall height of nearly three years, they do not appear bulky at all. The proportions of their bodies appear to be extremely perfect and strong, and there are not so many strange things on their bodies.  The strange things and disgusting skin look similar, but they also look extremely square and resolute. They look like a three-nothing military uncle. Their physical strength and recovery ability are second only to the metal-structured immortal adamantium warriors, and  The key thing is that they all have very normal intelligence and are not some walking zombies. In this way, various high-tech equipment and weapons can naturally be used at will, and since they have no sense of pain and fatigue, their combat endurance is even more exaggerated.  Very well, as long as their bodies have not collapsed, their combat capabilities will not be weakened at all. Although the terrifying infectious ability was removed at Shen Ruoyu's request, they can be said to be very terrifying and trustworthy as a combat legion.  , the most critical thing is that the evolvers of these viruses can evolve slowly over time or under various emergencies. It can be said that the potential is very powerful. At the same time, the cost of making a tyrant is also very low, as long as an ordinary  Clone warriors and a biochemical virus potion can generate a tyrant or other biochemical virus warriors in a very short period of time. Many ordinary clone warriors will carry such a potion. After suffering fatal injuries, they can choose to inject it.  This kind of medicine will quickly recover from most injuries and fatal causes during the mutation process, forming a strong combat effectiveness again in a very short period of time.    Although the mutated clone warriors need to leave their original troops to join the family of the Biochemical Virus Legion, they are still fighting under Shen Ruoyu anyway. They just changed to another legion. Some clone warriors even sometimes take the initiative to inject  This kind of medicine can obtain more powerful combat effectiveness, which is allowed in Shen Ruoyu's clone army, and these biochemical virus warriors will not be discriminated against in Shen Ruoyu's world, and their lives are very comfortable, but the recipes will have to be different from now on.  Just a change!  Sure enough, as Shen Ruoyu expected, after the troops of the Holy See of Light were retreating steadily in regular battles, various assassinations appeared one after another around Charles Wendelman. However, under the protection of the Legion soldiers and the sleepless work of the Adamantine Warriors,  Under Xie's surveillance, even after losing two demigods in a row, a clone of the God of Light with powerful divine power came to the world, and Shen Ruoyu, who had already felt the powerful energy fluctuations, naturally teleported over immediately.  The first battle to face the gods since arriving in this world is coming!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Please vote for me~~
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