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    With the successful development of exoskeleton power armor, the war situation on Earth has generally improved, but the situation is still very serious. Each time, you need to pay nearly ten times more casualties than the opponent to win a difficult victory.  And a small victory will be widely publicized by mankind. At this moment of survival of the race, mankind needs a hero of its own to give spiritual comfort to those who have lost their homes and relatives!  So among the inconspicuous frontline beachhead troops, after being bored for so long, Shen Ruoyu didn't mind playing a hero-like role in this big drama. At the same time, among many frontline troops, some mid-level  Officers, frontline soldiers and even a powerful five-star general were quietly replaced by Shen Ruoyu's own people, paving the way for Shen Ruoyu, who was about to become a hero in the future.  In the subsequent battles, before every battle, he would kneel on one knee in front of everyone and pray loudly, and the god of prayer was naturally Shen Ruoyu himself. He prayed that he could return safely, kill more enemies and protect himself.  Not to be harmed. Although this approach was ridiculed by a lot at first, and even spurned by some Christians and Catholics who had never heard of the name of Shen Ruoyu, it did not attract much attention. After all, they were about to enter the battlefield.  Now, it is not strange to perform appropriate prayers and various religious rituals that one thinks are feasible. There are many more strange behaviors than Shen Ruoyu, such as tattoos.  Face tattoo.  Bring a big pair of goggles.  There are war marks on the face, buttocks are bare and no clothesit can be said to be all kinds of weird things.  In the first battle, all his teammates Qi Hu were killed, and the remaining one was disabled, but he himself was unscathed, and relying on the recorder on the exoskeleton power armor, he also killed more than a dozen foreigners at once.  As a star life form, he accumulated military exploits and directly became the leader of his combat group, rising directly from private to sergeant.  It can be said that he was promoted to the third level. After that, he led his team to forcefully demand that they must pray in the name of Shen Ruoyu Zixiao before every battle. At first, he encountered extremely strong opposition, but under the evil spirit of Shen Ruoyu,  Under the fist, everyone still surrendered obediently. After all, in the army, the strong always need to be respected and satisfied.  After this is the moment when the miracle happens!  , no matter how desperate the situation was, they never lost anyone in battle. Every time they were injured or even died, they could feel an extremely warm feeling surrounding them, and they also heard an extremely gentle and calling voice.  Feel the voice of sanctity and trust whispering softly in their ears.  Although I couldn't hear what was said, I clearly knew that this must be an extremely great existence!  Once or twice may be said to be luck.  But if this happens more than once, then luck will become a miracle. The necessary rules and words will be carefully explained to those warriors, and all the warriors who pray for the first time seem to have heard them.  An extremely ancient, desolate and extremely sacred voice sounded in their ears. Although they could not hear what it said, it was enough to shock all the praying warriors.  What happened next was shocking. Many devout men were protected by Shen Ruoyu, who was always paying attention in the recent battles. Many times, when those soldiers thought they were destined to die, they were inexplicably killed.  Even the few who survived seemed to have their bodies controlled. They relied on the weapons around them to kill every alien life form surrounding him in a daze. Later, those who were lucky enough to see these possessed ones  People who are familiar with the situation of soldiers fighting and killing said that everyone thought that at that moment he was definitely possessed by a superman or an angel, with his cross-border fraudulent reactions and extremely precise shooting and his fearlessness.  The look on his face was definitely not that of the comrade they were familiar with.  After the battles, almost all the soldiers who prayed to Shen Ruoyu survived. Even the four-wheel drive ones were also those who were not religious at the beginning and were forced to pray. Naturally, there is no need to say what happened after that.  Since Shen Ruoyu's Shangguan and top leaders were almost all replaced by Shen Ruoyu's men, naturally, all these happenings and battle conditions were captured by the prepared war reporters and photographers, so in three  Months later, a documentary called "War and Faith" was quietly posted online, and then most countries began to continuously broadcast the film, even the more xenophobic Asian countries.  The solemnity and solemnity of Shen Ruoyu when he led his men to pray before the battle, as well as the desolate battlefield and the hope and determination of the soldiers whose faces were covered with ashes of gunfire were all captured in close-up shots one by one, and what happened after that  The cruelty and ruthlessness of risking one's life and the battlefield are clearly captured in the filming. Even Shen Ruoyu has to admire these men who risk their lives.?The photographer can still produce such an effect in that situation.  Especially when Shen Ruoyu shouted his own god's name and charged towards the enemy like a fearless suicide in order to protect his comrades, and charged wildly towards the alien life form, countless viewers were moved, and when Shen Ruoyu seemed to be like a divine help.  When killing alien life forms that are difficult to kill even dozens of warriors, even the audience began to suspect that Shen Ruoyu had received help from the gods, if the scenes and battles had not been confirmed by people.  Many people still think this is a newly filmed movie.  But in front of the powerful navy of the government.  All the voices of doubt were drowned, leaving only praise and affirmation. At the same time, when many people saw themselves falling into dangerous or even fatal situations, those eyes that seemed to give up their lives for their faith and the subsequent narrow escape made people feel  It was shocking and thoughtful, and the issue of faith was once again put in front of everyone. A wave of faith began to slowly brew and ferment, just waiting for the final maturity and explosion.  Under the leadership of Shen Ruoyu, each pre-war prayer became more and more formal and the scale and number of people increased.  Except for a small number of people who have long had faith, almost all soldiers and reserve personnel will join in the pre-war prayers. With Shen Ruoyu's existence, even those aliens targeting the war zone where Shen Ruoyu is located  He tried to reset time several times, but was resolved time and time again by Shen Ruoyu. Although he is still only a captain (later promoted several levels due to his military exploits), in the entire war zone, no matter from the soldier to the highest level,  In fact, all the commanders looked to Shen Ruoyu as their leader, because while other war zones were being beaten and retreating, Shen Ruoyu's war zone was stuck to the front line like a nail.  No matter how windy or rainy those alien lifeforms were, they could not shake the big rock of Shen Ruoyu.  Hmm~~~Maybe it¡¯s more appropriate to say it¡¯s a mountain!  And when the reporters and radio hosts who came to the war zone where Shen Ruoyu was for interviews and recordings, what they heard most every time they conducted interviews was Shen Ruoyu¡¯s god¡¯s name: God of Zixiao!  Even in the center of the base, a statue made of large and small bullet casings that was built voluntarily by the soldiers and directed by Shen Ruoyu himself is undergoing final repairs. Even so, many soldiers will be seen kneeling devoutly one by one.  He put his left elbow across his knees and lowered his head, praying extremely devoutly. Many of the soldiers interviewed mentioned that they had heard the voice of the gods many times, and when they were in critical moments, they repeatedly  Saved by the gods, one or two people can say this as a joke, but almost everyone has to take it seriously when they say it, but everything they have now is a gift from the gods.  However, he did not reserve any meaning. At the same time, he was very proud of the fact that he had gained the trust of the gods and became the agent. He also declared that he would lead more warriors to join the faith and rely on the blessings of the gods to win this war.  !  Although Shen Ruoyu revealed a lot of the current actual situation and crisis between the lines, because of the relationship between people above, what Shen Ruoyu said was completely broadcast to everyone. Like many things, Shen Ruoyu's statement received three opinions, one  Indifference, one sneered, and the other believed that at this moment of survival of the race, a warrior with faith in his heart would definitely live longer and be more effective than one without faith, so these three voices were supportive.  Except for the indifferent people, the other two held their own opinions, and the argument was heated for a while. However, due to the war situation, the government believed that it didn't matter what they believed in, as long as they could win the war, even if they believed in something different  What's the point of knowing if gods are real or not?  Therefore, under this consideration and with the help of well-intentioned people, public opinion in the government gradually tilted towards supporting the faith.  At this time, Shen Ruoyu, under the orders from above, began to lead his legion to carry out support tasks on various battlefields. All materials, weapons and various vehicles were supplied with priority. Therefore, under Shen Ruoyu's suggestion, his legion number  It was changed to the Knights Templar, and all the exoskeleton mechas were made white. At the same time, a mobile camp consisting of more than a dozen modified heavy trucks was built, the most conspicuous of which was the warrior.  They used various large and small bullet shells to make statues of gods. Although the statues at this time are still a bit crude, because of the light of faith given by Shen Ruoyu, every soldier who sees the statues will feel a sense of warmth and tranquility. At the same time,  Some injuries around the statue will be healed more quickly, so this statue can be said to be one of the most important supplies for the entire legion. Even if more than a dozen heavy trucks were wasted because of this, no one complained!  (To be continued) PS: My stomach hurts~~~ It¡¯s probably because I didn¡¯t eat well.  Please give me a monthly ticket for treatment!
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