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    The world of The Matrix.


    At this time, a huge space battleship that looks like a cigar is floating quietly inside the earth, and opposite it is a very huge mechanical city. In front of the mechanical city, there are nearly a hundred ships that are as big as aircraft carriers.  Ordinary electromagnetic levitation spaceships in the planet are preparing to face the ship with sharp light energy emitters and black gun muzzles. Countless octopus robots are busy carrying various ammunition and weapons near the mechanical city and electromagnetic spacecraft.  Work on welding new turrets.

    Shen Ruoyu, who had temporarily awakened from the matrix of the mother body, looked through the transparent porthole at the formidable mechanical squids and the electromagnetic spacecraft that were very backward in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel like bullying a child. Speaking of which, with the ability of the mother body, it basically  It already has the ability to navigate within the solar system, and its weapons are relatively advanced, but most of them are only live ammunition weapons, such as missiles, electronic squids, electromagnetic railguns, and other live ammunition weapons, and occasionally some lasers.  Weapons also have limited lethality, and the number of launches and energy consumption are problematic. It can be said that after losing human creativity, even if the matrix already possesses intelligence and has computing power that humans cannot match, it is only an intelligence after all.  It¡¯s just life, and most of the time, we are too rational and believe in various formulas. We have no human spirit of doubt and adventurous spirit. You must know that sometimes some great discoveries are discovered through various mistakes and failures!  Therefore, even if designers have tens of thousands of times the computing power of human scientists, they are still not as good as the tens or millions of human scientists that we originally had. It can be said that it has not made leaps and bounds in technology for a long time.  It can only be further perfected and improved on the basis of previous human sciences.

    Ignoring the various communication requests sent by the intelligent AI designer, Shen Ruoyu directly ordered the spacecraft to fire at all defense measures, but not to harm the human cultivation tanks in the city, especially those like towering trees!

    Seeing Shen Ruoyu's space battleship open fire, countless defensive weapons and cannons under the designer also let out their roars at this moment. For a moment, it can be said that the entire earth was shaken, and the sky was filled with  It was fired as a cannonball.  The octopus robots were balled up into a ball, and various missiles and artillery shells were also fired at it. If it was just an ordinary spaceship, it would probably be smashed into pieces.

    What a pity~!

    Although the battleship Shen Ruoyu is riding on is not a well-made, powerful, and huge flagship, nor is it an adamantium biochemical battleship that is under construction, but regardless of the thickness of the armor, the materials, and the flexibility, it is not in the hands of the designer.  The most important thing that can be compared with the electromagnetic levitation spacecraft is that Shen Ruoyu's battleship has a protective cover with an independent functional system.  This gap can be seen from the fact that Shen Ruoyu's battleship appeared unscathed again after a burst of explosions that filled the sky. Although this time consumed a lot of energy from the protective shield, it almost took the blink of an eye to stand alone.  The benefits of energy supply were highlighted. The strength of the originally damaged protective shield almost recovered at a straight rate, but it was obvious that the designer did not want to give up just like this.  Various artillery bombardments and cannon fodder octopus robots were still attacking overwhelmingly. The shock wave they erupted even blew out a big hole in the thick clouds in the sky. The long-lost sunshine shone directly from the dark clouds in the sky, forming a bright streak.  The beam of light shines on Shen Ruoyu's battleship!

    "Human sea tactics? Coverage strike?" Shen Ruoyu smiled coldly, and then directly issued the order to release mechas, fighter planes and Transformers through the shipboard computer. In an instant, Shen Ruoyu's battleship seemed to release from many places on the battleship.  There were bursts of black smoke.  Countless small fighters and mechas rushed out. Although these were just individual melee weapons, not to mention mechas and fighter planes, even the pilots were wearing armor with protective covers, and  The use of energy and battery life are not waste that can only be used for a few minutes. Not to mention that these mechas and fighters have the energy to fight for a long time. Even if most of the energy is consumed, Shen Ruoyu has already mastered wireless transmission of energy.  Energy transmission can also be completed during combat.  For a time, countless fighter planes and robot squids surrounding Shen Ruoyu's battleship immediately became a ball, and countless air bursts and explosions resounded throughout the sky.

    After the seemingly evenly matched two sides fought for a while, they would find that Shen Ruoyu's fighter planes and mechas had basically no losses, and almost all of the ones that were destroyed belonged to the designer's side.

    As for why you say almost?  That's because some aircraft and aircraft were hit by stray bullets again before their protective shields could recover after being fired by shells or laser attacks from the mechanical octopus, causing some damage. However, none of them were completely destroyed.Because the alloy material it is made of is so good, and various emergency measures and protections are also in place, even if there is a fault, you can directly switch to full manual mode.  There is no problem in saving your life!

    Looking at the flickering fire outside the porthole, Shen Ruoyu was very satisfied. This was before all the secondary and main guns were activated before the battleship's main guns were activated.  I'm afraid that the vast and magnificent mechanical city in front of me has long been turned into a pile of ruins.

    The battle lasted for nearly three hours, or the designer continued the attack for three hours. From the beginning to the end, Shen Ruoyu was only in a defensive posture. Except for the various air defense firepower points in the Mechanical City, he did not order the destruction of any buildings around Shen Ruoyu's battleship.  The ground was beaten downwards and a large crater was formed, and countless mechanical debris almost covered the entire battlefield.

    After the designer finally couldn't send any combat power, Shen Ruoyu's battleship easily destroyed all the defense facilities in the mechanical city, and then did not attack but sent a message. The content of the message was as follows: "Everything will be handed over to the computer agent as instructed."  If you don't want to do it, it will be destroyed!"

    After sending the message, the battleship returned to the original underground pit. It was not that Shen Ruoyu was afraid of not being able to deal with the designer, but that it would self-destruct without hope, so Shen Ruoyu was not in a hurry to deal with the designer, but just showed  It's just to use his powerful force to prevent him from being harassed in the virtual world!

    Looking at the ring on his hand, Shen Ruoyu called Pangu No. 1 and asked if the computer man Smith's program was useful to Pangu. After receiving a negative answer.  Shen Ruoyu gave the ring to the Academy of Sciences with some boredom, and asked it to study the composition and source code of Smith, and then returned to the virtual world again. He wanted to see how the designer of the Intelligent Brain would solve his problem!

    As for talking about direct dialogue with designers?  Shen Ruoyu didn't have the time to talk nonsense with an intelligent program that was destined to be devoured. What he was doing now was just to stabilize and attack the designer. After all, there were hundreds of millions of clones in the mechanical city.  Well, only by slowly paralyzing the designer can he have a chance to save those people safely.  Otherwise, Shen Ruoyu would not believe that as the most advanced intelligent AI that has wiped out the entire human race, the designer would not have arranged any escape route or means of mutual destruction for himself!

    As for how to control the designer at once without involving all the remaining humans?  Shen Ruoyu already had a plan in mind, but it would take a lot of time to implement it. Although Shen Ruoyu didn't care about the life and death of the humans in this world, he still planned to give it a try based on the principle of saving if he could!

    After taking a beating.  Naturally, it was time to feed the sweet dates. After Shen Ruoyu taught the intelligent AI designer a lesson, the first thing he did was to directly remove the awakened housekeeper and Jenny's cultivation cabin from the energy-raising device like a big tree like picking fruits.  He picked it off. As the two people Shen Ruoyu cared about most, he didn't want to be threatened by the designer because of this. As for the others?  If there is really no other way, you have to give up.

    After doing this secretly, Shen Ruoyu handed the two people over to specialized people to be responsible for repairing their bodies and a series of strengthening issues.  And he himself entered the virtual world again, because the housekeeper had been picked up by him from this virtual world, so he had to do some things by himself. After calling several of the most famous lawyers at the time,  Shen Ruoyu hired him to help him establish a high-tech company called Zixiao, whose research and business scope included aerospace, metallurgy, and machinery manufacturing.  Nanotechnology, computer industry and almost all high-tech scientific projects.

    With a large amount of money to pave the way and the designer's deliberate concession, Shen Ruoyu's Zixiao Group was quickly established. In the following period, Shen Ruoyu would come up with various products that were higher than this era from time to time.  Technology was put into the market. Although he knew that these technological achievements would eventually become designers' capital against him, he didn't care at all.  He still brings out some scientific and technological knowledge from time to time and puts it into the market. Especially his investment in the computer industry and various environmentally friendly energy and environmental transformation technologies has made his company become the most famous in the world.  One of the companies.

    During this time, people also found some very strange documents from some ancient ruins or documents, but they seemed to be true.  Sensitive words such as world destruction and intelligent AI were mentioned many times. For some purposes, the designer did not directly release the news that the real world had been destroyed. Instead, many clues were gradually formed into clues that eventually pointed to Morpheus.  Waiting for the awakened people, and regarding the negotiations with the awakened people, the designer contacted the awakened people represented by the Zion Association through the prophet, and placed them on the second level.The collective information was informed to the Zion Council!

    There was no way. Although the designer didn't want to do this, he didn't dare not listen to Shen Ruoyu's warning to him. Fortunately, Shen Ruoyu didn't end his relationship with humans and allowed him to make up lies to deceive humans, and he could still do it.  He appears in front of mankind as a protector or guide of mankind, and based on his understanding of mankind and the cruel environment of the real world outside, he estimates that a large number of people will resolutely choose to live in the mother's body.  It will not let him lose the energy supply, not to mention that he has benefited a lot from the various cross-era science and technologies recently released by Shen Ruoyu. Subconsciously, he feels that the existence of these human beings is the reason why he can survive Shen Ruoyu's blow.  The reason for existence, so for the designer, these humans will be his biggest bargaining chip to protect and threaten Shen Ruoyu.

    With the passage of time, small changes are quietly taking place in the virtual world every day, and the existence of the computer and the matrix has gradually become a secret that is not a secret. However, what Shen Ruoyu did not expect was that after the designer  After no longer causing trouble for him, the council elders in the world of Zion found him for some shady purposes, and asked him to hand over the matter for the sake of human safety, the stability of Zion, and the consciousness of being a human being.  He developed various high-tech technologies and unconditionally asked him to keep the secret that Zion was not the real world, and informed the matrix that it could only arrange those who voluntarily awakened to the second layer of the matrix, which is where Zion is. As for the real  As for the earth, he doesn't need to worry about it. Zion will arrange people to solve this problem!

    The number one person that Shen Ruoyu hates the most in his life is the so-called politicians. These people can turn black into white, dead into alive, and right into wrong with just one mouth and all kinds of righteousness.  And he especially likes to say that he is righteous and then easily send others to die. As the saying goes, politicians¡¯ mouths and bitches¡¯ legs are the most unbelievable existence in the world!

    Listening to the remarks of those old guys who were dressed very seriously and with very serious expressions, Shen Ruoyu's eyes were full of all kinds of incredulity?  He looked at the young people behind these old guys who were all the best in the world, and then looked at the captains of the electromagnetic spacecraft sitting aside with wry smiles, especially his old acquaintance Morpheus. Didn't he  Have you told these old guys about your abilities?  Am I someone who dare not provoke an intelligent AI designer who can¡¯t even be found in Zion?  Where did these people get the courage and leverage to come here and talk to themselves?  Is it because he is also human?  So they feel that they must put the overall situation first?  Sacrificing the ego?

    I¡¯m going~~~!  !  !  !

    A bunch of idiots!  !  !  !

    PS: Please give me a monthly ticket
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