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Text Chapter 166 Neo¡¯s Awakening

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    The original meaning of mat is the womb, mother's body, and the place where life is nurtured. At the same time, in mathematical terms, matrices are used to represent various related data such as statistical data.  This definition well explains the mathematical logic basis of the matx code manufacturing world.  In the movie, the mat is not only a virtual program, but also a real place.  Here, the human body is placed in a vessel filled with nutrient solution, and is filled with various plugs to receive sensory stimulation signals from the computer system.  Human beings rely on these signals to live in a completely virtual computer fantasy.  In this way, machines occupy human thinking space and use human bodies as batteries to maintain their own operations.

    In the movie, Matx is a complex simulation system program, which is built by machines with artificial intelligence to simulate the previous world of humans and is used to control humans.  The characters that appear in Mat Japan can be regarded as programs with the characteristics of human consciousness.  There are three types of these programs depending on the carrier they are attached to: one is attached to biological carriers, which are ordinary people living in the matrix; the other is attached to computer chips, which are machines with artificial intelligence; these carriers pass  The hardware is connected to the mat.  The other type is a free program, which has no carrier, such as agents, prophets, architects, Merovingians, train people, etc.

    Mat Japan is a huge network that connects the consciousness of countless people. The system assigns them different roles, just like role-playing games in computer games, except that they do not have the right and consciousness to choose their roles.  Human beings maintain their own survival needs through this networked virtual life, but the intelligent programs in matx.  That is the role of the prophet.  It was found that 1% of people in the system have too strong a sense of autonomy.  It is incompatible with the roles assigned by the system. If they are not controlled, it will lead to system instability, which will lead to system collapse.  Therefore, the architect created the "Savior" by writing the intelligent program of matx, allowing him to have partial autonomy and become the leader of awakened mankind, leading them to build Zion!

    The word "Zion" in the Bible refers to the mountain where King Solomon built the temple.  Located in the holy city of Jerusalem.  In Judaism, "Zion" represents the glory of God and is a sign of the coming of God's redemption.  When the earth is destroyed, mankind will undergo the final judgment in Zion.

    In the movie, "Zion" refers to the homeland inhabited by humans who have been liberated from the robot. It is located deep in the earth and relies on geothermal energy as energy. It has become the last base for mankind to fight against the robot and the city of machines.  The movie uses this name to name the last home of mankind, symbolizing that this is a place where justice is demonstrated and a holy place to fight against machines.  Some fans speculated based on the plot: The world where Zion is located is actually another matrix.  It is another set of programs designed by super intelligence to upgrade itself.  Some people even believe that the world where Zion is located in the "real world" is a larger "matrix" that is closer to the real world and is used to deceive those who are awakened.  Because architects once built a golden age that was completely free of worries, sorrows, and any disease and suffering. In the end, all these humans died without any reason. In the end, the architects concluded that humans must have difficulties and disasters, but at the same time they must also  To have hope, this second layer of virtual world came into being. This so-called new world-the world where Zion is located is an upgraded version used to replace the mother body in the film!

    The matrix is ??a rigorous system based on mathematics. Everything is regular, including the agents and Neo's superpowers, all are included in this system.  The emergence of Neo, the "savior", is related to G?del's proposition in mathematics.  In 1931, the Austrian mathematician G?del published a paper entitled "On the Formal Undecidable Propositions of "Principles of Mathematics" and Related Systems", in which he proposed the view that in any mathematical system, as long as it can include integer arithmetic,  The compatibility of this system would not have been established through the logical principles adopted by the several fundamental schools of thought.  Simply put, in any system, there are always some truths that are outside logic, and these truths are called Goedel's propositions.

    In the matrix, Neo is Goedel's proposition that cannot be mathematically deduced in the strict system of the matrix, and does not conform to the laws of the system.

    When Neo is reborn, he takes on all disturbances in the system, and all rules become transparent in front of him, so he can see things in the system that others cannot.  The prophet asked Neo to return to the source to end the disaster. In mathematical logic, this means turning Godel's proposition into a part of the entire system and treating it as a variable of the system, thereby eliminating the uncertainty of the entire system.  If Neo had chosen to destroy Zion's Gate, the code he carried would be fed back to the system, raising the stability of the system to a new stage.  The premise of this choice is that there is no madman like Smith in the system.  But from a mathematical point of view, such stability is also temporary. It is not a complete revision of the system. The new system will still have its own problems.??Del proposition, thus continuing this reincarnation.  This is why there were five Saviors before Neo.

    According to the mission of the architect when he originally wrote the savior, the mission of the savior is to bring Zion's code back to the source program of matx for reinstallation after Zion has been running for a period of time. At the same time, the machine destroys Zion and completes matx.  System upgrades.  After that, the savior will lead 16 women and 7 men back to the real world according to the initial setting, and then start to rebuild Zion and wait for the next generation of savior.  The difference between Neo and his predecessors is that the Architect wrote the code about love in his consciousness. This was originally a need for the system to be continuously upgraded, and it was also a new experiment to examine human reactions.  But this code about love not only caused Neo to make a choice that went against the programming in the second episode, but also sublimated "love" into compassion for the world in the third episode, which is fraternity, thus finally ending the war and ending  cycle between the Matrix and Zion.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Shen Ruoyu, who has made initial preparations, is not idle either. While using his mental power to analyze the rules of this world and the second-level virtual world behind it, he is expanding his influence in human society in a very high-profile manner.  They even spent money to buy noble or royal titles in many countries.  Although it doesn't make any sense.  But think about it, even in the virtual world, if the mother body or matrix does not want to cause social collapse, it cannot easily attack him without sufficient reasons and evidence, right?

    After all, the virtual world also has its own rules, just like the real world. If it is just a commoner, just arrest it, or even kill it. But if it is a powerful person, you will go there for no reason.  Do you want to try it?  !  If you don't go home and farm, you will be regarded as incompetent.  And even if you forcefully arrest the powerful person, if there is no reason or evidence, it will definitely cause panic among all the powerful people, because today you can arrest others without reason, then one day  Are you going to arrest me without any reason?  Therefore, those rich and powerful people will definitely try their best to obstruct and protest this approach. Even if those virus agents can instantly replace all virtual characters, don't think that all rich people are virtual?  The killing or disappearance of any of these people will definitely cause great social unrest. In addition, if Shen Ruoyu deliberately instigates it, it is not impossible for society to collapse directly or a world war to occur~!

    Therefore, although it is a virtual world, reputation, power and money also play a certain role~!

    Not to mention that Shen Ruoyu is making trouble in the virtual world and building reputation and connections.  At this time, Neo also gained a "new life" after going through some hardships under the promotion of the plot.  Back to real reality, escaping the matrix.  What is different from the plot is the addition of Jenny. After some adaptation and explanation, and under the training of Morpheus, Neo gradually revealed his differences from other awakened people, which made Morpheus even more convinced.  He is the savior, and Jenny's performance is also very good, and her ability to download various skills and files is also very strong. At the same time, her ability to accept new foods is very good, so she soon became the successor after Morpheus, Tritini,  There are also new core characters besides Neo.

    After successfully executing several missions, Neo and Jenny were fully trained. Wearing cool leather trench coats, they walked around the crowded streets and various dark alleys and rooms, looking at the people around them.  It's like watching a group of puppets that only know how to operate according to the program. After understanding the meaning of the existence of the matrix, their seemingly thin bodies can also exert the upper limit of physical strength limited by the matrix, which gives them the power to compete with the police.  As well as the relative capital of computer agents, it is a pity that those agents who are just programs but without fixed carriers are almost immortal. Even if they are eliminated, they can still occupy other people's bodies and resurrect at any time. This will keep them standing.  In an invincible position.

    After several near-death encounters, both Jenny and Neo gradually matured, which made both Morpheus and Tritini feel very pleased. During this period, Jenny, Neo and others also came to see Shen Ruoyu, and even Neo was there.  After awakening, he also asked for a fight with Shen Ruoyu. Needless to say, everyone can imagine the result. Shen Ruoyu almost tortured Neo with just one hand. This result shocked Morpheus.  , I originally thought that Shen Ruoyu was just a relatively special program or a human being with a clear sense of the mother's body, but I didn't expect that Shen Ruoyu's use and development of fighting and his own power turned out to be so powerful. He looked at Shen Ruoyu without opening his eyes.  After knocking Neo to the ground many times, Morpheus doubted the identity of Neo's savior for the first time. He even felt that Shen Ruoyu was the real savior!

    Some unconvinced Neo, Morpheus and others have been practicing in Shen Ruoyu's manor for a week. During this period, Neo and others?Under Shen Ruoyu's teachings, he has made great progress in fighting and close combat, and the traitor also took the opportunity to find an excuse to inform Smith and other agents of the anti-virus program, that is, the mother body, but under Shen Ruoyu's instructions,  The mercenary he was looking for and his prominent identity, but the result was that he couldn't even get in. This made Morpheus sigh that he would have gone to be a nobleman if he had known that his identity was so useful.

    After being exhausted, Smith and several of his companions openly raided Shen Ruoyu's manor at night. After getting rid of all the mercenaries and cutting off all the phone lines nearby, Smith  Bian swaggered into the villa in the manor.  (To be continued)

    PS: Please give me a monthly ticket~~~
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