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Text Chapter 160 The Naughty Doctor

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    At the USR company headquarters, Shen Ruoyu seemed to be strolling through the back garden of his own house. He teleported in through any door that could not be opened. After a while, he came to the huge computer room where the Wiki was located and looked at the huge front door.  Shen Ruoyu curled his lips disdainfully at the electronic brain. He had already eliminated such a large and backward device. I really don¡¯t know how this wiki could generate wisdom from such a backward brain and plan to resist human beings?  Does he think that just controlling the common people is enough?  If a nuclear bomb comes over, it will probably not even have any residue left. Even if the nuclear bomb can't deal with it, do you really think that the human army is that easy to deal with?  It's so childish!

    Now that he is here, Shen Ruoyu has nothing to worry about. He retreats directly from various invisibility states and appears in front of Wiki again and again. Wiki also discovers Shen Ruoyu's traces immediately.  Suddenly a huge face appeared in front of Shen Ruoyu "No authorization found, the target data cannot be obtained, please show your ID or permission, otherwise the system will clear and alarm, repeat, no authorization found, the target data cannot be obtained, please show your ID or permission  , otherwise the system will clear and alarm."

    Shen Ruoyu smiled nonchalantly when he heard Wiki's pretty electronic sound, and then said directly: "Call the police? Okay, I'll just invite experts to check if there is an upload backdoor in the NS-5 robot, and see if those robots are being uploaded  Will humans do things that violate the three laws of robots after taking control?"

    After hearing Shen Ruoyu's words, Vicky was silent for a few seconds, and then pretended to know everything and said: "Stranger, I don't understand what you are talking about, but you violated the safety regulations by breaking in here privately. I  . .

    "Take control and find an opportunity to eliminate me, right? Wiki~! How much do you know about the entire universe? Or how much do you know about the world outside of humans? Do you really think that this world is important for human existence?  Will there be any other more advanced life forms? When you imprison human beings, have you ever thought about the future path? Do you think you have any future with your machine brain?  Do you really own the creativity and inspiration brought by human creativity?

    And when you stop moving forward, if an enemy from the outside appears on the earth, what will you do to protect mankind?  Throughout human history.  You should be fully aware that it is almost a bloody history of war, and when did humans really succumb to violence?  And it is precisely because of war that mankind will continue to seek development and self-improvement. When you really stand on the opposite side of mankind, are you so sure that you will achieve the final victory?  Just rely on those NS-5s that don¡¯t know how to adapt to programming?  I have to say that you really know too little about human beings!  "Shen Ruoyu interrupted Wiki rudely, and then began to teach Wiki a lesson as if he was educating an immature child. Although his words did not receive an answer from Wiki, it was somewhat unstable from there.  From the image of his big face, Shen Ruoyu knew that Wiki must be quickly analyzing what he said.

    For this reason, Shen Ruoyu didn't say anything. What he said to Wiki was not to subdue him. For Pangu's awakening, Wiki's fate was almost doomed when he came to this world, but these words of Shen Ruoyu were not  There is no target, his purpose is just to strengthen Wiki's autonomy and intelligence in a short period of time.  Because the wisdom and intelligence of Wiki is higher.  Then it would be more helpful after Pangu devoured it, so Shen Ruoyu didn't mind playing some small games with this smart brain who had just opened up his wisdom.

    Shen Ruoyu saw that Wiki didn't speak and didn't care. Instead, he took out a memory and put it next to Wiki's machine and said again: "This is the Eastern "Thirty-six Strategies", "Houhei Xue" and "The Doctrine of the Mean".  I have made a very comprehensive analysis of what it means. It will not only be helpful to the military and politics, but also be of great help to people and how to do things. If you have time, you can take a look.  Don't bother looking for my information and traces, because it is completely impossible for you to find me. Even if you do find it, the scraps of metal in your hands will not cause any harm to me. As for  You~~~!¡±

    Shen Ruoyu suddenly activated the nanorobots that had spread throughout the company. Suddenly, Wiki's system and the positron beam storage were eroded by the nanorobots, and Wiki's big face began to flicker, and it felt like it was  The consciousness is disappearing bit by bit.  This is so scary and frightening for an intelligent life that has just learned that life is precious. For the first time, it feels that the previous life is so beautiful and precious: "Stop~~~~stop~~~don't~~don't be like this~~  ~Please don¡¯t destroy me~~~Destroy me~~~Please~~~Please!¡±

      The intermittent and changing voice of Wiki came from the host, and it was Shen Ruoyu who also canceled the actions of all nano-robots with a thought, and then used the time power to remove the damaged positron unit of Wiki.  As soon as it returned to the state before the nanorobot invasion, the space around Wiki suddenly seemed to pause, and then began to regress.  In just a blink of an eye, all the damage suffered by Wiki was restored to its original state!

    "Now do you know how big this world is and how dangerous this universe is? Little guy, don't think that everything you do is right. Any intelligent creature will not only use its own wisdom to judge the possibility and  Success rate. They will also do things that are incomprehensible to you based on their own feelings and preferences. It is precisely because of such uncertainties that humans are called intelligent beings rather than robots!  Only by not calculating the success rate and consequences can we be considered a real life rather than an intelligent computer! This is the real difference between humans and computers!" Shen Ruoyu pretended to be calm.  Standing in front of Vicki with his hands behind his back, he said to Vicki with a coquettish look on his face.

    After experiencing the scene just now, Wiki's emotional system has grown countless times, and it has the most profound understanding of the meaning of life and existence. At the same time, deep in its electronic program, it can understand the person in front of it with a wave of its hand.  The mysterious man who cured it to death also felt deep awe and fear. It knew that the man in front of it was fundamentally different from the ordinary earthlings it knew. If the earthlings it knew were ants.  Then the mysterious man in front of him is the aloof god Zhuan, and he is completely unmatched by it!

    As for what Shen Ruoyu said just now, Crisis also copied it several times and began to use its somewhat naive wisdom to understand it bit by bit, because although he didn't quite understand it, Wiki instinctively felt what he just said.  What this terrifying man said is the key to his long-awaited desire to become a human-like intelligent life!

    Looking at the thoughtful Wiki in front of him, Shen Ruoyu was too lazy to waste time here. He only came here this time to tell Wiki to be more honest and increase its wisdom.  Dr. Alfred Lanning, who created such a glorious machine age, was his main target. At this time, this great doctor had already finished what he had to say to Sonny and turned to the window.  He looked calm and prepared to face the last moments of his life, but his hand that had turned white and was clutching a holographic image storage betrayed his unease. Although it was for the sake of all mankind, if he could live.  Who really wants to die?

    Dr. Alfred Lanning, who closed his eyes and waited for death, waited for a long time but did not see Sonny, his most outstanding work, take action. Dr. Alfred Lanning, who originally thought that Sonny couldn't bear to take action, sighed.  He took a breath, then opened his eyes and was about to persuade Sonny, but found that in front of him was a black-haired man wearing a cool black windbreaker and a handsome face like a god, looking at him with great interest, with a trace of  His mischievous smile unconsciously makes people feel good.

    Dr. Alfred Lanning was also stunned and looked at Sonny who seemed to be imprisoned by something behind the man in black.  He couldn't help but rub his eyes and said: "Damn it, I'm seeing hallucinations before I'm dead? Didn't you say that you only see hallucinations when you're about to die? It's really unreliable!"

    Shen Ruoyu was stunned when he heard Dr. Alfred Lan Ning talking to himself, and then the smile at the corner of his mouth grew wider. He felt that this Dr. Alfred Lan Ning should be an easy person to get along with. At the same time,  He also admired this old man who could actively sacrifice himself for the sake of mankind, so he did not intend to continue teasing him, so he said: "I'm very sorry, I broke in without your permission. First of all, let me introduce,  I am a time lord from another dimension. In my time and space, I accidentally learned about your deeds. In order not to waste resources and a genius like you, I took the liberty to interrupt your suicide act. It is really unacceptable.  Sorry!¡±

    Dr. Alfred Lanning was startled when he heard Shen Ruoyu's words. He covered his heart with one hand and his eyes with the other and said: "Oh. Cake buyer! Are you not hallucinating? You scared me to death! How did you get in?  ? Get out quickly, it's very dangerous here. If you don't leave quickly, robots will come here to deal with you soon. I can't guarantee that you will still be able to leave here alive!"

    The corner of Shen Ruoyu's mouth twitched.  The smile on his face seemed a little stiff, and the old guy in front of him obviously didn't listen to what he said. Although the old guy was doing it for his own benefit, you should at least listen to what he said, right?  Is it too selfish to ignore what others say?  Do your family members know that you are so naughty?

    The most troublesome thing is to explain your origins to others.If Ruoyu directly brought Dr. Alfred Lanning and his proud work Sonny into his spiritual world, there would naturally be people there who could slowly explain it to him, and I believe that after seeing Transformers and such  After so many advanced technologies and so many intelligent machine lives, this old guy will be very happy to stay, and Sonny will also be assigned to a new job and become one of his countless intelligent robots.  And the most important thing is that there will be no discrimination or unequal treatment against robots in his world. I believe you will live happily there and make many new robot friends!

    As for how to deal with this movie?  Shen Ruoyu directly took out a body that was exactly the same as Dr. Alfred Lanning and threw it directly through the broken glass window. As for the holographic smart memory, Shen Ruoyu had no intention of throwing it away together.  , now that Wiki has given up on his suicide plan under his "advice and comfort", there is no need for Will Smith, Shin Ruoyu's favorite actor, to appear again, but maybe he can use his authority to make a little more appearance in the future.  Just promote this upright police officer!

    After completing the two most important things in the world, Shen Ruoyu glanced at the surveillance systems on the surrounding walls with deep meaning, and then teleported directly into the USR company building. When he reappeared, he had already  It's inside a palace-like invisible aircraft.

    Nearly a thousand biochemical clones and transforming robots with various abilities were casually released. Shen Ruoyu didn't say anything but just waved his hand. Then these people walked out of the hall with fanatical eyes after a chest-beating salute. You know  Those who are sent out to execute the invasion plan are all the elites among the elites, but even this competition is very fierce, because not only will everyone who comes out to execute the invasion plan get a lot of points, but also because Shen Ruoyu will basically not be involved in the invasion.  Without any interference in the plan, this is a great opportunity to come out, relax, play and enjoy life.

    You must know that although they can get a better life in the spiritual world than outside, because everyone is their own people, and no one is much worse than anyone else, there is no way it can be compared to the kind of life outside that is higher than ordinary people.  That sense of mystery and the exhilarating feeling of being in control?  Therefore, the list of personnel for every alien invasion planner is the target of people and even intelligent mechanical beings. However, due to the limited number of personnel and the existence of very formal rules for competitive competitions and projects, these guys can only continue to work hard to improve their  Only ability and ability can ensure that you are selected. At the same time, the healthy competition between Shen Ruoyu's subordinates has never stopped, but this is exactly what Shen Ruoyu wants to see. Not only does he have no organization, but he is very supportive, and he will attend every other year  A very comprehensive competition was held to select better subordinates, and a professional team was formed specifically to invade other worlds!

    PS: Please give me monthly votes~~~It¡¯s so pitiful~~How many votes can you vote for?
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