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Text Chapter 112 Plagiarism incident

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    Plagiarism incidents occur one after another in Hollywood, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Matrix", "The Last Samurai", etc. Almost all of these successful films have encountered "plagiarism" prosecutions.  James Cameron has a bunch of people suing him for plagiarism in almost every movie. This is true for "Titanic" and "Avatar", especially for "Avatar". The Americans sued him, the Chinese sued him, and the Canadians sued him.  He, the Europeans sued him.  Cameron said helplessly: "What makes me sad is that every time a movie is a commercial success, there will be many people who come out and want to steal the fruits of victory. I have seen too many of this."  People are like this." Cheng Peng knew that this matter would definitely get bigger and bigger, and it would probably not end without a lawsuit. But at this time, the best thing to do was to hold firm and wait and see how the situation develops.  In fact, what Cheng Peng is worried about is not the United States. After all, his reputation is very small and the media will not continue to pay attention. What he is really worried about is domestic public opinion. I am afraid that this matter will be hyped up and all kinds of dirty water will be poured on him.  .  The first ones to come to the door were the American media. When Cheng Peng came out of the hotel, a large group of reporters surrounded him.  "Cheng, what do you think of the accusations against Blake Snyder?" Cheng Peng replied: "I don't know Mr. Blake Snyder, and I have never met him. If you don't believe it, you can check the immigration registration. I am  I came to the United States for the first time after the Venice Film Festival. At that time, I had already announced the structure of fifteen nodes. I had never been to the United States before. How could I copy it? " "But how can you write a Hollywood story?  What about the structure of the movie? " "This structure is not unique to Hollywood. Many excellent movies have this structure. It's just that there are more movies with this structure in Hollywood. " There is actually no evidence for Blake Snyder's accusation.  .  Just speculation.  However, the American media almost ignored these doubts and almost all sided with Blake Snyder, suspecting that Cheng Peng was a plagiarist.  This is completely normal. Xenophobia and territorial protection exist in every country, and the United States is no exception.  At the Berlin Film Festival, American journalists unanimously criticized Anthony Minghella's film "Cold Mountain", saying that he, a British man, had plagiarized an American work. That's what happened.  ¡°If this is true for Minghella, a British director who has won an Oscar, he will naturally be even less polite to Cheng Peng, a Chinese director.  "I have seen the email Blake Snyder sent to Owen Wells. He elaborated on his theory about the fifteen nodes in the email. This email was dated April 28, 2004.  , and Cheng Peng proposed that the time node was September 7, 2004, so there is a possibility of plagiarism. Similarly, Cheng Peng¡¯s view that he had not been to the United States before the Venice Film Festival is completely untenable. If he had not been to the United States, he would not have known Blake.  -Snyder can also plagiarize. Now is the Internet age, and there are many cases of plagiarism through email. "The large media just questioned it and just said that Cheng Peng was involved in plagiarism."  But the tabloid directly labeled Cheng Peng as a plagiarist.  "It's so strange that a young man who has never been to Hollywood understands the structure of Hollywood movies so well; it's something that so many well-known screenwriters in Hollywood have failed to discover. It's really strange that a Chinese who knows only a little about Hollywood has discovered it.  It¡¯s bizarre. I can¡¯t think of any other reason other than plagiarism!¡± ¡°I¡¯m not surprised at all. It¡¯s so obvious. Cheng Peng is a shameful plagiarist!¡± The American media ignored Cheng Peng¡¯s arguments.  It's normal for Blake Snyder to be one-sided, after all, they are a family.  What makes people speechless is that most domestic media did not mention a word about Cheng Peng's rebuttal. They almost all sided with Blake Snyder and criticized Cheng Peng.  Blake Snyder was only a third-rate screenwriter in Hollywood. Two of his screenplays were turned into movies, and they were terrible at the box office. However, in the eyes of the media, Blake Snyder became a top screenwriter in Hollywood. This happened because he plagiarized top screenwriters in Hollywood.  Sounds more reliable and critical.  As the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.  When director Xie Jin was at the top, criticism against him was rampant; when Zhang Yimou took up the banner of Chinese cinema, he always criticized every movie he made.  If Cheng Peng's matter were left to others, or if he didn't win the Ballon d'Or, it might be a different story.  ¡°But Cheng Peng, with the title of genius, won an award in Berlin, the domestic box office exceeded 100 million, and now he has won the Golden Globe Award. He rose too fast and stood at the top in one fell swoop.  There were too many people who were envious, jealous, and hateful, and countless eyes were staring at him. Many people wanted to see Cheng Peng fall, and the harder he fell, the better.  "Cheng Peng is hailed as a genius by many people, and even called the hope of Chinese movies by some, but now what he has brought us is disappointment. Of course it is just disappointmentThat's it, there is no despair. After all, theories can be plagiarized, but you can't win so many awards by plagiarizing.  Cheng Peng is talented, so I don't think anyone should be too harsh on him. After all, he is only 24 years old and has a long way to go.  I hope he realizes his mistake soon and starts making movies in a down-to-earth manner.  " On the surface, the article seems to be speaking for Cheng Peng, and it also advises everyone not to be too harsh on Cheng Peng, but in fact it has determined that Cheng Peng is a plagiarist and the most vicious. " Last October, the front page of the New York Times  The article discusses the phenomenon of academic plagiarism in China.  Plagiarism has not only corrupted the academic atmosphere, but also damaged the country's image. When it comes to China's manufacturing industry, the first thing that many Western media think of is plagiarism. I am afraid it is not just out of prejudice.  And Cheng Peng's plagiarism incident has now caused an uproar throughout the United States, and the whole world knows about it, which has greatly tarnished the country's image!  "This is a criticism of Cheng Peng from the perspective of national image. "Many young people regard Cheng Peng as their idol, and his words and deeds have a great influence on those young people who admire him.  I saw on Cheng Peng's forum that many people were on Cheng Peng's side. Some even said, "So what if it's plagiarism? I just like his movies and I will always support him!"  These supporters have completely lost their judgment of right and wrong and are very blind. These teenagers are really worrying.  "This is a criticism from an educational perspective. "There are too many doubts about Cheng Peng.  A bit actor suddenly becomes a great director.  It's incredible.  Now the mystery may be solved, he is a plagiarist.  Since a theory can be plagiarized, then of course the movie can also be plagiarized.  Cheng Peng is really good at copying, he copied it out of Asia and around the world!  "This is completely illogical questioning. Of course, it is not all judgment. Some media who have maintained a good relationship with Cheng Peng still stood up and spoke out: "Why did an American screenwriter jump out and say that Cheng Peng plagiarized, and everyone assumed that Cheng Peng had plagiarized?  Plagiarism?  There are many such things in the United States.  Some people sued Wachowski that their "The Matrix" was plagiarized, some sued Cameron that "Titanic" was plagiarized, and some sued Verbinski for plagiarizing "Pirates of the Caribbean."  Everyone thinks that these people who jump out are hype. Why does everyone think that Cheng Peng is a plagiarist when it comes to him?  Cheng Peng had never been to the United States before publishing his fifteen-node views, and he didn¡¯t know Blake Snyder. How could he plagiarize?  Why is everyone turning a blind eye to so many doubts?  Just because Blake Snyder is American and Cheng Peng is Chinese?  This is completely due to an inferiority complex!  ¡± But in the overwhelming criticism, such voices have no effect, and all they win is more abuse. People who write these articles on the Internet are all scolded bloody, and are considered to have accepted Cheng Peng.  Money. He is a guy who doesn¡¯t care about personality for money. Although the Internet is not as one-sided in criticizing Cheng Peng, the criticism of Cheng Peng still prevails. Even in Cheng Peng¡¯s forum, it is full of abuse and abuse.  Criticism, the owner of the forum can¡¯t even delete it. ¡°I¡¯m sorry, Cheng Peng, why don¡¯t you die? You¡¯ve already gone to the United States for shame!  " "I am very disappointed. I will never watch any of Cheng Peng's movies from now on. I didn't expect that my favorite director turned out to be a plagiarist. I am so disappointed!  " "Now the whole world knows that Cheng Peng plagiarized, and this time he is really finished!  ¡± Everyone¡¯s performance reminded Cheng Peng of the plagiarism incident of "Three Auspicious Treasures". "Three Auspicious Treasures" actually came out earlier than the movie "Butterfly", but many people believed that "Three Auspicious Treasures" was plagiarized. Even the composer of "Butterfly" finally  Standing up and saying that the two songs are different, many people are still aggrieved. Cheng Peng completely cannot understand the thinking of these people. Now that the matter has not been finalized, why are so many people criticizing it, as if they saw that Cheng Peng plagiarized it?  , although he really plagiarized. Tong Lixi was the first person to call Cheng Peng. Only then did she understand why Cheng Peng didn't come back in a hurry: "Xiao Peng, those people are just jealous, they just don't want others to compare.  Take care of yourself!  Cheng Peng didn't take Blake Snyder's accusation seriously and comforted him with a smile: "I'm fine, everything will be fine!" "Xiaopeng, I want to come over and stay with you!" "You can stay in peace and quiet.  "Look, I have a lot of things to deal with these days, and I might not be able to care about you even if you come here. Don't worry, everything will be fine!" "Xiaopeng, no matter what happens, I will support you!"  Zhang Meng and Chen Shaoping both called Cheng Peng. They scolded Blake Snyder as shit on the phone and expressed their support for Cheng Peng no matter what.  Actors such as Xu Jinlei and Fan Binbin who have worked with Cheng Peng also called Cheng Peng to express their support for him. Huang Xiaoming also called to say hello.    What surprised Cheng Peng the most was that he actually received a call from Han Shanping. Cheng Peng smiled and joked with him: "Mr. Han, I am now wearing the hat of a plagiarist and am almost becoming a national sinner. You  You dare to call me? "Han Shanping smiled and said: "I am a director, I can see your level, others can copy it, this director's level cannot be copied, I believe you!  Peng laughed. Han Shanping was terrible at making movies, but he had a good eye for people. Ning Hao and Xu Jinlei became directors in his hands: "Thank you, I will prove my innocence!" At night  , Zhao Linlin called over: "The media we contacted was too quiet. This won't work. We have to issue a statement, otherwise this matter will get bigger and bigger!" Cheng Peng stopped Zhao Linlin and said, "Statement first.  There is no need to issue a statement at this time. No one will listen to our explanation! " "Now the public opinion is very unfavorable to us. If we don't issue a statement, I'm afraid all the monsters will jump out!" "They will still do it after issuing a statement!  They will jump out. Before this matter is completely resolved, those ghosts and snake gods will definitely dance happily!" "But we can't just wait, right?" "Now we can only wait. In fact, the more people who jump out, the better!  , this time we just want to establish our authority and let those guys know that we are not easy to mess with, so that they will never dare to cause trouble easily again!" (To be continued)
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