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    Directors at film festivals are often besieged by reporters. At the Berlin Film Festival, Minghella, the director of the opening film "Cold Mountain," was bombarded by many American reporters.  Journalists accused him, an Englishman, of plagiarizing American work and that the film did not really deal with the essence of the Civil War.  Minghella countered: "Why can't American things be filmed by the British? Otherwise, cultural exchanges will lose their meaning." Similarly, after the opening ceremony of the Venice Film Festival, Spielberg's "The Terminal"  It was also criticized by many Italian journalists.  Generally speaking, big directors and popular movies are often criticized. Cheng Peng did not expect that a new director like himself would receive such courtesy, which made him a little flattered.  He replied with a smile: "The structure of "Forrest Gump" and "To Live" are also the same. "To Live" came out a few months ago. Do you think "Forrest Gump" is imitating "To Live"?  , Robert Zemeckis is imitating Zhang Yimou?" The Chinese reporters in the audience were dumbfounded when they heard this. This is too ridiculous. How are "Forrest Gump" and "Alive" the same?  It would be a shame if this foreigner asked you to tell me what is the same between the two movies!  The fat reporter said disapprovingly: "I'm sorry, I haven't seen the "Alive" you mentioned, so I can't make a judgment!" Cheng Peng was a little regretful. He wanted to see when he analyzed the structure of "Alive" and "Forrest Gump"  The face of the fat reporter was consistent, but there was no way that "Alive" was very famous in China, and very few foreign audiences had seen it. He pondered for a moment and said: "In other words, "Saving Private Ryan" and "Saving Private Ryan"  Have you seen "Ocean's 11"? The genre and structure of the two movies are very similar. Do you think "Ocean's 11" is a parody of "Saving Private Ryan"? "The fat reporter's face showed a look of ridicule.  Smile: ""Saving Private Ryan" is a war movie, and "Ocean's 11" is an action movie. You said that the two movies are similar in type and structure. God, are you still clear-headed?" Cheng Peng said calmly: "  Action movies, war movies, this kind of distinction between movies is very amateurish. Professionals will not distinguish movies like this. "Saving Private Ryan" and "Ocean's 11" are indeed very similar. I call these types of movies prize movies.  There are three basic elements in the story of a movie: there is a team, there is a prize, and there is a road full of hardships. The team, "Saving Private Ryan" is a group of soldiers, and "Ocean's 11" is a group of thieves; the prize, "Ocean's 11" is a group of thieves.  "Saving Private Ryan" is about finding Ryan and you can go home, "Ocean's 11" is about the money in the safe; the hard road "Saving Private Ryan" has many Germans on the road to find Ryan, and "Ocean's 11" is about the money in the safe;  "The road to the safe is covered with security guards. Do you think the two movies are very similar?" The fat reporter was stunned when he heard this. It seems that the two movies are really similar.  At this time, another reporter stood up: "Sir, you are talking about the elements of the movie. It is not surprising that there are similar elements in the movie, but this is not the structure. Your statement that the two movies have the same structure is untenable.  "Stop!" "No, I can say with absolute certainty that the structure of the two movies is almost the same. "Saving Private Ryan" and "Ocean's 11" both adopt a three-act structure.  In the first scene of "Ocean's 11", Tom Hanks and others receive the task of finding Ryan. In the first scene of "Ocean's 11", a team of treasure thieves are set up to prepare to steal the treasure; in the second scene of "Saving Private Ryan", they are looking for Ryan.  The second act of "Saving Private Ryan" is the process of stealing the treasure, the third act of "Saving Private Ryan" is the battle with the Germans, and "Ocean's 11" is how to steal the treasury. If you look at it in detail, it is all three acts.  points, these three acts can be divided into fifteen nodes, opening scene, theme presentation, foreshadowing, promotion, argument, etc. If you are willing, I can analyze it for you in detail. I can guarantee that after I finish the analysis, you  You will find that the structures of the two movies are exactly the same!¡± The reporters present naturally didn¡¯t believe it. The three-act structure is normal, just like any movie has an opening, introduction, development, ending, and ending, but you can¡¯t do it because of these five  In the first session, they said that the structure of the movie would be the same. They took turns asking questions, hoping to teach this ignorant young man a lesson, so the press conference turned into a debate.  Cheng Peng never refuses anyone and seizes fifteen nodes of the movie to analyze one by one.  After some debate, the arguments put forward by the reporters were completely refuted by Cheng Peng. They were surprised to find that the structures of these two seemingly unrelated movies were actually the same.  In fact, Cheng Peng used Blake Snyder's node theory for analysis. Blake Snyder is a well-known screenwriter in Hollywood. He published a book about screenwriting "Save the Cat" in 2006. After this book was released,  It triggered a huge response and was reprinted 14 times in the United States. It is known as a screenwriter's manual.  In this book Blake-Snyder mentionsAn important concept has been introduced. Any movie should have fifteen nodes, or plot points. The screenwriter should follow these fifteen nodes when creating.  It may not be feasible to use this method to analyze the films of European literary masters, but it is absolutely accurate to analyze commercial films, especially Hollywood commercial films.  The last reporter was also persuaded by Cheng Peng and sighed: "Okay, I admit that the structures of "Saving Private Ryan" and "Ocean's 11" are almost exactly the same, but I don't think it is imitation." ""  "Dark Invasion" adopts the same structure, with three acts and fifteen nodes. This structure is used by everyone in both Eastern and Western movies. So why do you say "Dark Invasion" is a poor imitation?  Is that discrimination?¡± The reporter waved his hands repeatedly and said: ¡°No, no, sir, I didn¡¯t say that ¡°Dark Invasion¡± is a parody. I like this movie very much, and I think your analysis of the film¡¯s structure is very valuable.  Groundbreaking, very good, I have never seen this kind of analysis method of film structure!¡± This also represents the voice of the reporters again. The analysis method adopted by Cheng Peng is very logical, groundbreaking, and the most exciting.  What was shocking was that when they incorporated familiar movies into it, they found that it all made sense. At this moment, they were completely convinced by Cheng Peng's theory and convinced of this young director.  The next day, major media around the world reported on Cheng Peng¡¯s fifteen-node theory, and reviews of ¡°Dark Invasion¡± also came out one after another.  "The plot of the movie is not too surprising, but the unexpected ending can make us think deeply about how far an individual can go without a partner. Persistence without a bottom line of personality was once equivalent to animal instinct  The ending of the movie is pessimistic. When the monster roars at the end, it means that whether Chen Ran can leave the cave or not, she has already.  There is no way to return to civilized society." - "Variety Show" "The most terrifying thing is not the monster in the cave, but the slow annihilation of human nature. It seems that there is no way out, the endless fear and struggle.  Darkness and light, friendship and betrayal, everything is specious." - "Empire" "The storyline is a bit deliberate and quite clich¨¦, but the director's grasp of the rhythm saves this movie as a horror movie.  "For a movie, this movie is quite scary, and it is a good choice to watch for leisure and entertainment." - "Cinema Manual" Basically, the film critics and reporters present basically gave "Dark Invasion" good reviews, and only a few praised it.  Some media believe that this movie is not very new and its presentation techniques are somewhat deliberate.  By noon, the official program of the Venice Film Festival was released, and ten film critics gave it an average score of 3 points.  Venice's venue score is different from Cannes and Berlin. Venice uses a 5-point scale, and a score of 3 is considered an above-average score.  For a horror film, this score is already rare.  And the event journal used the largest space to publish a review of "Dark Invasion" with a very eye-catching title "The Six Deadly Sins of "Dark Invasion"".  "The film has six main characters. Each one has a prominent personality. Each person represents an obstacle to collective or individual progress in human life. Because of the human flaws displayed by each person, everyone cannot unite, and ultimately  Being devoured by humanoid monsters is actually their own human flaw. The movie deliberately uses humanoid monsters instead of other monsters to reflect this. Although Zhu Zhu and others are suspicious,  Her husband had an affair, concealed the truth about the cave, and accidentally injured Li Weiran, but her feelings for everyone were sincere. She fought the monster for the safety of her friends, and clearly found the sign to the exit. In order not to abandon Chen Ran  He still took the risk to come back to find her, but Chen Ran's suspicion not only killed Zhu Zhu, but he also lost the possibility of escaping from the cave. Zhu Zhu's crime was concealment, from the affair with Chen Ran's husband to hiding it from everyone.  Zhu Zhu¡¯s exploration into a cave that had never been explored and his subsequent concealment of Li Weiran¡¯s accidental injury highlighted the human nature of lying and concealment. Zhu Zhu¡¯s concealment led to the desperation of the whole group and ultimately led to Li Weiran¡¯s death.  It's a rumor. Li Weiran is Chen Ran's best friend. The two of them are closer than others. Regardless of whether Li Weiran told Chen Ran about Zhu Zhu out of hatred or concern for Chen Ran, her remarks are still  All caused distrust between Chen Ran and Zhu Zhu, so that they ended up killing each other, not only killing Zhu Zhu, but also killing her best friend Chen Ran. Zhao Xue's crime was selfish, in order to let others go.  Zhu Zhu lured the monster away and remained silent.?, after reuniting with Zhu Zhu, he hoped to leave Chen Ran and escape for his life. When the monster came, he desperately wanted to climb the wall to escape, which eventually killed himself.  Zhao Fei¡¯s crime was cowardice. Zhao Fei would only cry and hide away, accepting the protection of her sister. When her sister died, she broke out in desperation and seriously injured a monster, but it was too late and she died in the mouth of the monster.  Su Su¡¯s crime was rash advancement, because Su Su¡¯s rash advance resulted in a fractured thigh, which hindered the team¡¯s escape from the predicament, and was the first to suffer a fatal blow. People who are rash in life are often the first to suffer consequences.  By the end of the movie, people can have a lot of thoughts.  This repeated practice of giving the audience hope, but extinguishing the fire of hope is very painful to people's hearts.  You will keep asking yourself, if they could be more united, if they could be braver, if they could trust each other more, would the ending be rewritten?  ""Dark Invasion" was already very much anticipated by the audience. There were even horror movie fans queuing up to buy tickets with sleeping bags. Now the media has received rave reviews. The number of people queuing up to buy tickets has doubled. For this reason, the theater and  After consultation, the film festival organizing committee added two additional shows. Even so, it could not meet everyone's requirements. There were too many people who wanted to see the movie and many people who had not bought tickets stood at the door of the cinema.  They held up signs to ask for votes, and some beautiful girls even wrote "One ticket for a kiss" on the sign.
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