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Text Chapter 71 Changing roles

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    The crew soon entered the eighth day of filming. On this day, they had to shoot a scene in which six girls left their residence and headed to a cave, encountering a dead deer on the way.  In foreign countries, animal carcasses are usually done with props, but in China they are usually done for real. Of course, Cheng Peng and the others did not kill the deer, but just anesthetized it, otherwise it would cause trouble when it was shown abroad.  The special effects makeup artist made some damage to the deer to make it look like it had begun to rot. He also placed some maggots in the rotting parts of the deer's body, making the whole effect look very realistic.  When several girls saw the deer placed on the ground by the makeup artist, they thought the crew had really found a rotting dead deer, so they all involuntarily covered their noses.  The scenes in this scene are relatively simple. A few girls were walking in the forest and saw a deer dead on the roadside. They came to the deer's carcass, started taking pictures, and discussed how the deer died.  Liu Shishi¡¯s character is a medical student with extensive medical knowledge, holding a wooden stick and trying to figure out what¡¯s going on.  This scene implies that the girls are walking on a path of death. It also emphasizes Liu Shishi¡¯s identity and shows that she understands biology. This paved the way for Liu Shishi¡¯s later analysis of the physiological characteristics of the monsters in the cave.  The first few shots were completed very smoothly, only two or three were passed, and soon it was time to get to the scene of Liu Shishi inspecting the corpse.  After the relevant personnel of the crew were in place, Cheng Peng found that Master Liu's brows were slightly furrowed and his face was a little pale. It seemed something was wrong. He did not rush to shout the command and asked: "Master, are you feeling uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable,  Don't hold on, take a rest first! Master Liu smiled at Cheng Peng and said loudly: "It's okay, director, I just didn't get a good rest yesterday, I can persevere!"  " When Cheng Peng saw what she said, he didn't force himself and started to give orders: "Turn on the computer!  " "Hit the board!  "    "start!  " After receiving the command, Master Liu covered her nose with one hand and held a wooden stick in the other hand, and poked the deer's body. At this moment, her face froze, and she fell to the ground on one side, covering herself with both hands.  Fan Binbin screamed "Ouch, ouch" next to Liu Shishi, screamed, struggled to help her up, and shouted: "Shishi, what's wrong with you?"  " Others also gathered around: "Master, what's wrong with you?  " "I seem to be sick. Call 120 and call a doctor!"  " Liu's mother, who was watching on the sidelines, was frightened. She ran over quickly, hugged Master Liu and shouted: "Master, don't scare mom, what's wrong with you?  " Master Liu's face was as pale as paper, and beads of sweat as big as soybeans appeared on his head. He covered his right lower abdomen and said with difficulty: "Mom, my stomach hurts so much, it's so uncomfortable!  " With a "wow" sound, he vomited it out, causing several girls next to him to exclaim. Cheng Peng touched Master Liu's forehead and then his hand. It felt cold. The situation was serious. He was about to hug Master Liu.  He stood up and said: "Zhang Meng, come and drive, go to the hospital immediately!  Then he said to Liu¡¯s mother: ¡°Auntie, come with us!¡±  " The car ran all the way and soon arrived at the city hospital. Cheng Peng took Master Liu out of the car and ran directly to the hospital. "The person who received them was a female doctor in her forties. She used a stethoscope to test Liu Shishi's  After listening to her chest for a few times, he opened her eyelids to look at her eyes, and muttered: "It looks like acute pancreatitis. Send her to the emergency room immediately.  "After saying that, she and the nurse pushed the stretcher cart and pushed Master Liu into the emergency room. Outside the emergency room, Liu's mother was sitting uneasily, looking up from time to time. Master Liu was her darling, but now he has become like this. She  I was really worried. Cheng Peng understood Liu¡¯s mother¡¯s mood, but it was useless to be anxious at this time. He comforted her: ¡°Auntie, don¡¯t worry, if it¡¯s acute pancreatitis, you¡¯ll be fine. You just need to be hospitalized and rest for two or three weeks.  You can be discharged from the hospital.  " Liu's mother asked worriedly: "I think Shishi's face looks very bad. Are there any other problems?  Cheng Peng consoled him: "It shouldn't happen. Shishi, this child usually dances and is in good health. There will definitely be no other problems."  " Liu's mother sighed and said, "It's all my fault. She felt a little uncomfortable the day before yesterday. I asked her to go and have a look, and she said it was fine. If I had let her go to the hospital to have a look, maybe this problem would be gone. Next time  Secondly, if she encounters this situation again, no matter what, she must go to the doctor!  Cheng Peng was a little surprised. Master Liu seemed normal these past two days. She was chatting and laughing with everyone. There was no sign that she was sick at all. This girl looked soft and weak, but she was very strong at heart.  In the emergency roomAfter the treatment, the doctor conducted various examinations on Liu Shishi, and the diagnosis result came out quickly. Acute pancreatitis required two weeks of hospitalization and one week of observation.  The hospitalization procedures were completed quickly. The single ward was clean and tidy and in good condition.  Lying on the hospital bed, Master Liu looked at Cheng Peng, her face a little red. She was hugged by Cheng Peng along the way. This was the first time for her to be held by a boy like this in her growth: "Director, thank you!  Cheng Peng nodded with a smile and said, "I am the person in charge of the crew and I have to be responsible for you. I have nothing to thank you for. But don't be so stupid next time. You must see a doctor when you are sick. Don't hold on."  "Master Liu bit his lip, looking a little aggrieved: "I thought it was just a minor problem and it would be cured with a little persistence, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this." Cheng Peng didn't know what to say. It's true that a minor injury can't be put out of the line of fire.  A very precious spirit, but this kind of spirit sometimes brings serious consequences. If you don't treat a minor illness, it will turn into a serious illness if it is delayed.  Of course, it was hard for him to talk to Liu Shishi now. He smiled and comforted: "Don't think about anything else. Stay in the hospital now and take good care of yourself. Do you understand?" But Liu Shishi started crying: "Director, I just asked the doctor  , my illness will require me to be hospitalized for three weeks, and I will need to rest after I am discharged. The crew's schedule is already very tight, so you can't let me slow down the crew's progress. You can find someone else to play the role!" Cheng Peng was slightly startled, but after hearing this,  After Liu Shishi's illness, he decided to change roles. However, Liu Shishi has been studying acting hard for more than a month and worked very hard. He didn't know how to say this, but he didn't expect Liu Shishi to bring it up himself.  He was a little touched. This was a very well-behaved and very sensible girl. If he could not change the role, he would definitely not change it, but there was no other way. He nodded solemnly and said: "Thank you, Master. But don't be sad.  , just use this time to take good care of your body. When the filming of the next part starts, I will come to you and ask you to be the heroine!" Liu Shishi stared at Cheng Peng, his black eyes shining: "  Really, you didn¡¯t lie to me?¡± Cheng Peng had already planned in his mind what he should do next. That role is very suitable for Liu Shishi. He nodded with a smile: ¡°Of course not, it¡¯s a puppy to lie to people!¡±  He raised the little finger of his right hand, his eyes shining brightly: "Then let's hook up, no cheating!" Cheng Peng hooked Liu Shishi's little finger, pulled it, and said: "We hooked up, and we will definitely ask you to be our daughter-in-law next time."  Protagonist, you can rest peacefully now!" Back to the crew, Cheng Peng gathered the crew members to prepare to adjust the shooting plan.  Cheng Peng briefly introduced Liu Shishi's condition: "Acute pancreatitis requires hospitalization for three weeks. After discharge, you must rest and cannot do heavy physical work. If it is an ordinary literary opera, there will be no problem, but our opera requires climbing in a cave.  Now, she has no choice but to change the actor!" The expressions of the crew members became solemn: "How could this happen?" "This is very troublesome. It will take three or four days to contact the actor and reshoot Liu Shishi's scene.  It will take two or three days. Actors' schedules are very tight. Don't think about auditions or anything like that. Just choose someone quickly and contact the actors directly. " Cheng Peng had already started to solve related problems on the way back: "I'll give it to you!  Yang Mi has called and she will come over tomorrow. She has read the script and is familiar with the plot and the overall style of the movie. She is more suitable than looking for other actors. " Yang Mi is also a member of the crew.  Everyone knew her, and when they heard that she had been chosen to replace Liu Shishi, they all nodded and said: "She is indeed the most suitable candidate!" Cheng Peng raised his head and looked at the crew members and said, "When I came back, I was thinking about a question.  Liu Shishi's illness is not too serious, but he is okay, but what if it is a particularly serious illness, such as high blood pressure or heart disease? We can replace him this time, but what if it happens when the movie is about to wrap up?  If our crew had a doctor, as Master Liu discovered when he was feeling unwell the day before, the situation would not be so bad. From now on, our crew must be equipped with a doctor, and all relevant personnel must be present for even one scene, and we must not cut corners. ¡± Others.  They all nodded, this was indeed a lesson, because they only filmed here for a few days, and then the crew returned to the capital to shoot in the studio. The crew did not have a doctor, so who would have thought that something happened at this time.  Zhang Meng's expression was a little solemn: "Liu Shishi's scene needs to be reshot, and with the time lost from remaking the mask, we may not be able to complete the filming until July. We are planning to go to the film festival in September to sell the film. According to the current situation  It might be more troublesome." Cheng Peng was not too worried about the time issue and said with a smile: "After the mask problem, I?Ask Lian Kai to hire a DIT from abroad. It should come soon. As long as the DIT is in place, it will save a lot of time. You don¡¯t need to worry too much about this!  " Zhang Meng was stunned. He knew DI. "The Two of Us" used DI technology. Why did DIT come out now? He asked: "What is DIT? How is it different from DI?"  "
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