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Text Chapter 68 Group Rehearsal

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    The work of the entire crew is proceeding in an orderly manner. The filming license for the film has been obtained, several manufacturers that need to be implanted have also been negotiated, and the model of the cave has also begun to be built in the studio of Beijing Film Studio.  Because it is a cave and the lighting is relatively dim, the requirements for the model are not particularly high, and the construction work went very smoothly.  At the same time, the crew also specially invited the coach from the boarding club to conduct rock climbing training for the six actors of the crew for half a month.  Practice rock climbing, rappelling, and simulate various technical operations when encountering multiple sections of rock climbing in a mountaineering environment.  Time is quickly entering May, and the official start of filming is getting closer and closer. Cheng Peng called the actors together to prepare for a rehearsal.  Every director has his own rehearsal method. Some directors choose a small number of scenes to rehearse, and the first real performance is on the shooting scene. This can keep the actors fresh; while some directors rehearse before shooting.  Rehearsing every scene and every emotion carefully so that the actor's performance can achieve a satisfactory effect, but this may be a kind of torture for the actor.  Kubrick would rehearse dozens of times before filming. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were tortured so much during the filming of "Eyes Wide Shut" that they later collapsed in their own biographies.  Bitter water describes Kubrick as a devil.  Cheng Peng hopes that through an overall rehearsal, everyone can further understand the characters and establish the image of the characters in their hearts, so that the performance will become relatively simple.  Cheng Peng moved two chairs and placed them in the center of the rehearsal space. Then he clapped his hands to all the actors and said, "Everyone, sit in a circle with the chairs as the center." Rehearsal is not about checking lines, not simulating the scene.  Is the performance performed in an environment?  How do you sit around and rehearse?  The six leading actresses had never seen this kind of rehearsal before, so they sat down with curiosity on their faces, wanting to see what happened.  Cheng Peng's eyes swept over the faces of the six female protagonists, and he smiled and said: "I have analyzed the characters for you, but I don't know if you have fully understood the characters' personalities, experiences and behavioral motivations, and whether you have studied them in depth.  Role. Let's play a small game, which can also be said to be a quiz, to test your mastery of the role. From now on, you will be the role you play. My current role is a psychiatrist. Who do I call?  , please sit on the chair opposite me." At this point, Li Peng sat down on the chair, patted the chair opposite, and called: "Chen Ran, please come up." Zhang Ziyi was stunned for a moment, stood up, and came.  Sit down on the chair opposite Cheng Peng.  "Ms. Chen, let's talk about your daughter Shasha. What kind of child is she?" Zhang Ziyi suddenly smiled, with a maternal glow on her face, and said: "She is a very cute child, very sensible.  , sometimes when I quarrel with her father, she will come to comfort us. She is also very popular in school, and everyone likes her very much. "Cheng Peng's questions were designed in advance, and the content of the questions was outside the script.  The process is an improvisational performance. The purpose of this is to prompt and guide the actors' performance through questions and answers, and guide them to shape the characters.  Zhang Ziyi did a very good job. She said these words completely from Chen Ran's perspective, and she was emotionally invested. The whole performance was very natural.  Cheng Peng continued to ask: "Then do you still remember the scene on the day of the funeral? What did you think when you saw her?" "Of course I remember, I will never forget it. You don't know, she  She was just lying there, quietly, and looked like she was asleep. I held her and called her Shasha, Shasha! " Zhang Ziyi began to describe the situation at that time, and her eyes turned red as she spoke.  In the end, she couldn't control her emotions, held her face in her hands, and cried bitterly.  Cheng Peng looked at Zhang Ziyi who couldn't help crying, and sighed in his heart. This woman's acting ability is very explosive, and Mou girls seem to have this characteristic.  When an actor reaches a certain level, explosive power is particularly important.  The criterion for judging a good actor is whether you can act freely and have strong inner explosiveness.  After only asking two questions, Cheng Peng felt there was no need to ask any more: "Okay, you can go down now!" "Okay, director!" Zhang Ziyi smiled at Cheng Peng, glanced at Xu Jinglei, and left the stage.  Cheng Peng looked up at the other actresses in the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Jinglei. He found that her face seemed a little ugly, so he said: "Zhu Zhu, please come up!" Xu Jinlei stood up, Zhang Ziyi  Her performance made her feel pressured, especially Zhang Ziyi's triumphant look at the end made her a little unhappy. She was a famous talented woman, and she didn't want to lose to Zhang Ziyi, so she walked up to Cheng Peng with a serious face.Next: "Hello, doctor, I'm Zhu Zhu!" "Did you go to Chen Ran's husband's funeral?" "No, I really want to go, but I don't dare to go. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself.  I would hug his body and cry loudly. You don¡¯t understand my feelings for him. Really, Chen Ran is my good friend. I don¡¯t want to hurt her, so I can only hide and cry alone!¡±¡­  ¡­ After everyone asked, Cheng Peng was ready to choose one of the scripts for rehearsal. He pulled out the chairs, set up an area, and said: "Now we will have a formal rehearsal. Zi Yi, Lao Xu, you two come over."  !" After they came over, Cheng Peng opened the script, handed it to them, and said, "Let's prepare for this scene and then act it out!" Cheng Peng asked them to play the role of everyone preparing to go on a cave adventure.  The scene where Chen Ran and Zhu Zhu meet is a very simple rivalry scene.  Both of them have quite a lot of acting experience. This kind of play is not difficult for them. They started to perform after a little preparation.  As soon as Zhang Ziyi made a move to get out of the car, Xu Jinlei shouted in surprise: "Xiao Ran!" "Zhu Zhu!" Zhang Ziyi smiled and walked towards her, "You are still so beautiful!" Xu Jinlei smiled  She walked towards her, opened her arms and said: "Let me hug you!" After the hug, she held Zhang Ziyi's face and comforted her: "Everything will be fine!" Then she pointed to the house behind her: "Zhao Xue and the others  I can¡¯t wait to see you, come on in!¡± After the performance, Cheng Peng applauded them both and said with a smile: ¡°It¡¯s a good performance, but we will change the performance next time. No one is allowed to say a single line. Pass  Convey these feelings with your own movements and eyes, practice without dialogue!" Zhang Ziyi was stunned and asked: "Director, why do you do this?" Cheng Peng explained: "This film targets overseas markets and speaks to overseas audiences.  You may not be able to understand it, but you can definitely understand what the movements and eyes convey. Everyone can understand Chaplin's movies because he expresses them through movements. Although our movie is not a silent film,  But I hope to use less dialogue or even no dialogue so that everyone can understand it, so I hope everyone will try their best to use movements and eyes to express the characters during the performance. " He conducted this rehearsal to guide everyone to understand the role.  , another purpose is to convey my creative intention to everyone.  Zhang Ziyi and Xu Jinlei re-acted the scene. This time they did not speak any dialogue and performed it directly. In this way, many problems became apparent.  Cheng Peng began to correct the problems in the performance: "Zi Yi's expression and eyes are in place, but your movements are a little arrogant, and your movements are a little bit tighter. At this time, Chen Ran is in sadness, and his heart is relatively fragile, so he can't be too  "Zhang Yang." "I understand." "Old Xu, your character Zhu Zhu has a bit of a boyish personality, and her actions should be more exaggerated. Besides, you have complicated feelings about Chen Ran. She is your good friend, but you are also a close friend.  Her husband has an affair, so you should have the joy of seeing her in your eyes, and at the same time, you should control it." "I understand!" At this point, Li Peng paused and looked elsewhere.  Several people glanced at their faces: "The same goes for you. Please remember one thing. When performing, you must pay attention to using body language and the characters' eyes to convey the characters' emotions. This is related to the success or failure of our movie."  "Okay, director!" "Very good, you two do it again, and then we will rehearse a scene in a cave!"
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