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Text Chapter 49 Shooting the MV (Part 2)

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    In fact, Cheng Peng had no intention of competing with the lighting engineer, but the lighting installed by the lighting engineer was wrong, and he didn't believe what Cheng Peng said, so Cheng Peng could only do it by himself.  But the lighting engineer was hit hard and quit the crew. Cheng Peng was a little stunned. Isn't this mentality too fragile?  However, the crew could not stop work. Cheng Peng, who was angry with the lighting engineer, could only take responsibility and become the lighting engineer himself. It was typical of him to dig a hole and bury himself.  The next set of shots is the scene where Liu Shishi is hit by a car. This kind of shot is very common in movies and television. There are many different shooting methods, some of which are dangerous.  Of course, Cheng Peng and the others couldn't use dangerous shooting methods. If they dared to do so, Liu's mother, who had been watching eagerly from the side, would have to chop them all with a kitchen knife.  Cheng Peng and the others adopted the safest shooting method, using green screens to shoot separately and then combine them.  This shooting method is very simple. A green screen is placed on the opposite side of the street, and Liu Shishi runs from the street to the green screen.  When she ran to the middle of the street, she raised one foot and made an action similar to a back jump.  After this shot is taken, take another shot of a car speeding down the street.  During post-production, I cut out the green screen and Liu Shishi together and put them into the shot of the car speeding by. Then I removed the green screen and made some modifications. The shot of Liu Shishi being hit by the car was completed.  Liu Shishi knew nothing about film technology. She couldn't figure out how this shot could turn into a shot of being hit by a car. She came to ask Cheng Peng what was going on. Cheng Peng could only pull out the green screen video of "The Two of Us" and apologize to him.  explain.  Seeing the green screen video, Master Liu recognized Tong Lixi: "That's the girl who was with you in the mall last time. She is so beautiful. What is she doing now? Why didn't you ask her to shoot the MV?" Cheng Pengxiao  Said: "The exam for the Chinese drama on the 13th started. There are only a few days left. She is preparing for the exam with all her strength and has no time." "So that's it, but you like her very much!" "Don't talk nonsense, I'll tell her  They are good friends!" "I can tell, because your eyes are different when you talk about her, your eyes are smiling." Cheng Peng was suddenly stunned.  When the shooting started, Liu Shishi controlled his stride and ran towards the green screen on the opposite side of the street.  When she ran to the middle of the street, she stood on one foot, turned sideways and made a backwards gesture toward the camera.  But Zhang Meng shook his head: "Master, this action of yours is too much like dancing, do it again!" This action is actually relatively simple, but Mr. Liu's movements are always too elegant, with a ballet flavor, and it doesn't look like being hit by a car at all.  , repeatedly NG.  By the time this scene was finished, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. It was too late to change scenes and shoot other scenes. The director immediately announced that it was time to call it a day.  Because work ended early, when Cheng Peng returned home, Tong Lixi was not busy in the kitchen as usual, but sat in the living room in a daze.  Cheng Peng felt that something was wrong with her mood. She had been in this state for the past two days, as if she had something on her mind. He thought it might be pre-exam syndrome and comforted her: "Yaya, don't worry, you will definitely pass the exam!"  Tong Lixi glanced at him, nodded with a smile and said, "I'm fine. How's the filming of the MV going?" Cheng Peng said nonchalantly, "That's it. Anyway, I just need to be a good actor. Everything else is Zhang Meng's. It's rare to do this."  Easy, it can be finished in about four or five days." Tong Lixi said "Oh", and after a short pause, she looked up and asked, "What does the heroine of the MV look like? She must be very beautiful, right?"  It was very calm, as if he was asking casually, but Cheng Peng still felt a certain emotion inside: "Have you seen it? Do you remember the first time we went to the new century to observe life? I said that we can tell a person's career through observation.  , If you don¡¯t believe it, then I say a girl is a ballet dancer, just ask her. " Tong Lixi can¡¯t remember exactly what the girl looks like, but she remembers that the girl is very beautiful and has a good temperament.  .  She wanted to ask Cheng Peng how he found the girl, but in the end all he said was: "Oh!" Cheng Peng's eyes flashed and he said seriously: "If I don't take the exam, I will definitely let you act.  She is the best candidate for the heroine in my heart!" Tong Lixi's little emotion suddenly disappeared, and the smile returned to his face: "Are you hungry? I'm going to make dinner!" According to the plot of the MV, the next step is indoors.  In the scene, Cheng Peng was captured on camera by his roommate, but the crew did not film them one by one in the normal order. Instead, they moved the scene where Liu Shishi and Cheng Peng met in the photo to the front.  This would allow her scene to end earlier without wasting her time.  "Xiaopeng, teacher, teacher"??This scene requires interaction, you guys go through the motions!  " " Got it, director!  " Mr. Liu stood at the designated position with a red face, his heart beating so hard that he couldn't even look at Cheng Peng. " When walking in the show, you won't hug tightly like in the real shot. You just make an action to let each other understand the whole process and what is going on.  What should be done, and what was the reaction between them? Cheng Peng just made a hug, and then stretched his face forward slightly, without even making a move. Even so, Liu Shishi's breathing was obvious.  Her chest was rising and falling with her somewhat disordered breathing. She clenched her fists, standing straight like a martyr on the execution ground, waiting for the enemy's butcher's knife to come. In fact, Cheng Peng didn't even take a shot.  When it comes to kissing scenes, he has always been a sidekick. He was either a passerby or was killed within a few seconds of his appearance. It was so easy for him to play a rapist and he ended up in prison as soon as he appeared. There was no chance of enjoying this kind of benefit. But he didn¡¯t have this kind of benefit at all.  Keep in mind, it¡¯s just a kissing scene, that¡¯s all for sex scenes. However, Liu Shishi¡¯s reaction made him feel a little funny, so he joked: ¡°Classmate Shishi, do you know who you remind me of like this?  " "Who?  " "Liu Hulan, seeing your appearance, I'm worried that when you open your mouth, you will say, "Move forward for New China!"  " "That's Dong Cunrui's line, okay!  " "Understand the spirit, understand the spirit.  There's no need for you to be so nervous. It's just acting, and you won't be able to have a real kiss.  Speaking of kiss scenes, have you ever watched "Gone with the Wind"?  "    "Seen.  " "Then do you remember the kiss scene in it?  "    "Remember.  " "That kissing scene is very classic. Vivien Leigh and Gable are known as classic on-screen couples, but in fact they didn't have a good relationship when they were filming this movie. They accused each other of being arrogant and rude.  Before filming the kiss scene, Vivien Leigh deliberately ate garlic and smoked. In return, Gable stopped brushing her teeth and drank alcohol. You have to believe what it tasted like when the two of them kissed together, but the two of them still made expressions.  Incomparable look.  When the director shouted stop, the two immediately separated from the camera, ran to the side and retched.  " Master Liu covered her mouth and smiled. It was hard to imagine that the classic kiss scene was completed in such a state. However, after laughing, her eyes showed a sly light: "It's a pity that I didn't bring garlic, otherwise  I'll eat some too!  " "Hey, I have good intentions to help you relieve your tension, how can you repay kindness with hatred?  So vicious!  " "You're just kidding, I'm not that bad!  " "Okay, now let's do it again.  "    "kindness!  ¡± The official shooting is coming soon: ¡°The seventh scene, the fourth shot, the first shooting!  "    "start!  " As the command sounded, Cheng Peng entered the state instantly, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were red, and he stared at Master Liu with tearful eyes. Master Liu was stunned. She had never seen such eyes before, full of various emotions.  , this look actually made her feel a little pain in her heart. Not only Liu Shishi, but also Zhang Meng behind the monitor was shocked. This look was so amazing! Chen Shaoping, who was holding the camera, cursed in his heart. Damn, this bastard is still human.  Is it okay to be a great director, but still so good at acting? Master Liu looked at Cheng Peng blankly, even forgetting one of her lines, and then she felt him rushing towards her and hugging her. She reacted,  Quickly hugging Cheng Peng. Cheng Peng held her face in his hands and looked at each other. Countless emotions were flowing in their eyes, as if time had frozen. Master Liu felt the emotions conveyed in her eyes, and she suddenly understood.  She understood this man who traveled through space and time and thoroughly understood her role. She laughed from the bottom of her heart. At this point, Liu Shishi truly experienced the character's heart. Cheng Peng's fingers pressed against her!  He put his head over her lips and put his mouth on them. The girl's fragrance quietly drifted in from his nostrils, but it failed to make any ripples in his heart. He devoted himself to kissing his fingers vigorously.  She could also feel Cheng Peng's hot breath blowing onto her face, which was warm and mixed with the fresh breath of chewing gum. Normally, her face would have been as red as a tomato, but at this moment, there was only warmth and sweetness in her heart.  Because she is not Liu Shishi, she is the girl in the photo, and she is kissing her lover. "Stop!" Zhang Meng shouted, with a hint of excitement in his expression. This performance was a bit different from what he expected.  Similarly, Master Liu didn't say any lines and she was stunned, but this had a better effect, because when the heroine saw the hero crying?Looking at herself hazily, it was a normal reaction to be stunned, and then she came back to her senses and hugged her. The whole process was very natural and did not feel like acting at all!  "This shot has passed, prepare for the next shot!" Liu Shishi was a little excited. She entered the heart of the character, felt what he felt, and thought what he thought. It was as if he had experienced another life. This was an unprecedented and wonderful feeling; but she  I feel a little regretful that I finally got into that state. If I continue to act, I will definitely perform better, but it's all over!  Seeing that her daughter had a strange look on her face, Mother Liu asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, Master? Cheng Peng won't really kiss you, right?" Master Liu shook his head gently and said, "No, Mom. I don't know how.  "Maybe you don't understand, but I think I understand what real acting feels like!" Liu's mother really didn't understand: "What?" Liu Shishi smiled: "Mom, I want to be an actor, a real actor!"  After completing Liu Shishi's role, the filming of Cheng Peng's and roommate's scenes quickly started.  The roommate is played by a young man named Huang Bo from the dubbing department of the Film Academy. He is a bit ugly, but he can support Cheng Peng's glorious image.  Although Huang Bo doesn't look very good, his acting skills are quite good, and he can pass a scene three or four times; while Cheng Peng is even better, and he can usually pass it in two or three times.  Three days later, the last shot was completed, and the MV shooting ended.  Zhang Meng stood on the chair, opened his arms and announced loudly: "My debut novel is completed!"
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