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Text Chapter 43 Special Effects Studio

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    Lian Yan, who was living in Xiangjiang, never expected that someone would ask him to do special effects makeup. Now that he is an actor, he has not done special effects makeup for several years.  Is this the opportunity that finally comes after a long wait?  Lian Kai asked himself, he didn't know the answer, after all, he had experienced too many disappointments.  Although he didn¡¯t dare to have high hopes, there was always an opportunity, and this person¡¯s film had just been shortlisted for the Berlin Film Festival. Maybe he wouldn¡¯t be as ignorant as other directors, so Lian Kai agreed to meet Cheng Peng.  Two days later, Lian Kai walked into Cheng Peng's office. When he saw Cheng Peng, he was slightly startled. He was only twenty-three or four years old, so young?  Lian Kai did not look down upon Cheng Peng because of this, but instead looked forward to it even more. The young man is full of passion, good at learning, and may know more about special effects than other directors.  Cheng Peng was also looking at Lian Kai. He felt that although this person was an actor, he did not have such a strong worldly spirit. His eyes were clear, his expression was melancholy, and he had a sense of indifference and alienation as an artist.  After greetings, Lian Kai asked, "How do you know I can do special effects makeup?" Cheng Peng smiled and said, "Because my movie requires special effects makeup, and the makeup needs to be very realistic. After the mask is attached to the face,  , It needs to be able to move, and it needs to have a real texture. There are no talents in this field in China, so I plan to look for it in Hollywood. I accidentally saw your information on the Internet and found you.¡± Lian Kai heard that the mask should be able to move.  It has a real texture and is eye-catching. This requires high makeup technology, superb skills, and the use of specialized materials: "What kind of mask do you want to make, an animal, or a monster?" Cheng Peng clicked on the storyboard.  , turned the notebook to Lian Kai, and said with a smile: "Let's read the storyboard first. You play Chen Ran's husband. You will understand after you read the storyboard." "Okay!" Lian Kai held the mouse and clicked page by page.  He was flipping through the storyboard. After turning a few pages, he found that the character he was going to play was hit by a car and died within minutes of the opening scene. Is this also called a leading actor?  However, the story is quite exciting, attracting him to continue reading. The pace of the story is very fast. The six female caves first encountered various dangers in the cave, and then monsters appeared.  His breathing stagnated slightly, and his heart, which was once a special effects makeup artist, suddenly became restless. The images of various monsters in his mind kept changing, like quick flashback shots in a movie. If I were to design, what would these monsters be like?  What does it look like?  After a brief absence, Lian Kai continued reading. Six women escaped in the cave. Accidents, conflicts, and deaths continued to occur. Finally, the ending of the story came.  After reading the story, Lian Kai was stunned by the ending, breaking out in a cold sweat and completely speechless.  He didn't know how to describe that feeling, from heaven to hell, extreme despair, cold all over, and feeling like a stone was stuck in his heart, making it very uncomfortable.  The story is so great and it has a deep exploration of human nature. This will definitely be a good movie. It¡¯s so handsome!  Lian Kai¡¯s heart was beating a little hard. He wanted to do this special effects makeup and design the monster in the story.  His idol is H.R. Giger, the designer of the Alien. He once participated in the special effects makeup of "Alien 3" and personally participated in the production of that great monster.  For a long time, he has had a dream hidden in his heart. He hopes that one day he can design a monster that will leave a mark in film history like H.R. Giger. He hopes that the monster he designs will scare the shit out of the audience.  In order to realize this dream, he left Hollywood and returned to Hong Kong. He felt that special effects makeup in Hong Kong was relatively backward and there was enough space for him to show his skills. However, the ideal was full and the reality was skinny. No one in Hong Kong paid attention to this. Those who understood  Anything less and he had no chance.  There are too many directors who don¡¯t understand special effects, and too few are willing to spend money. What kind of director is this young man in front of me?  Lian Kai glanced at Cheng Peng and said: "It's okay to help you with special effects, but you have to understand that special effects are very expensive. The monsters in the movie need to make masks according to the actors' faces. They must use professional foam latex from the United States. This  The latex is soft and elastic, and only when it sticks to the face will it move with the person's expressions. Moreover, it is impossible for me to do the makeup alone. I have to hire someone from abroad, and I have to spend money on air tickets and accommodation. Just doing the makeup  It can¡¯t be done for less than two or three million yuan. Your cave needs modeling, which is more expensive than makeup. How much do you want to invest in this movie? How much do you plan to spend on the special effects?¡± Cheng Peng knew what Lian Kai was worried about and looked at him.  At a glance, Yun Danfeng said quietly: "The budget is 20 million, and the cost of special effects is 10 million." The cost of the original film was only 3.5 million US dollars, which is about 2,800 RMB. It was shot in China with 20 million, so the funds are quite abundant.  Lian Kai was surprised. He thought that the investment of 10 million for this film would be huge. He did not expect that the investment would be as high as 20 million, and he did not expect that Cheng Peng would take back 10 million to produce it.Special effects: "I took this job, 10 million. There are too few directors like you in China who are willing to spend money!" Cheng Peng nodded and said: "On the one hand, the audience likes to watch celebrities, and directors spend their money on  Because of the star, there is no money for special effects; on the other hand, there are too few directors who understand special effects, and everyone does not have this concept. Many directors think that special effects are a matter of post-production, and do not pay attention to the early stage at all. When I finish filming, you can do whatever you want.  , In fact, pre-production special effects are very important to the movie and are the basis for post-production special effects.¡± Now Lian Kai was convinced that Cheng Peng really understood special effects. Cheng Peng said a crucial point. Special effects are divided into pre-production and post-production.  Only by doing a good job with the special effects in the early stages and laying a solid foundation can real effects be achieved in the later stages.  "The Promise" is a particularly typical example. There is a bull-running scene in the movie. The people and the bull-running scene are completely out of touch, and the bull-running scene itself is also completely out of touch. It looks very fake.  If a Hollywood director were to do it, he would have to consider how to design the lens in order to add special effects when designing the lens in the early stage. During the actual shooting, some fake cows and a green screen would be arranged.  Replace it based on the character and then combine it with the character to create a realistic effect.  Lian Kai has been back from Hollywood for a few years, and now he always meets a director who understands special effects and is willing to spend money, which makes him feel like he has met a close friend: "You are so right, special effects are divided into pre-production and post-production."  , only by carefully designing and doing everything well in the early stage can realistic effects be produced in the later stage. The special effects team that made the dinosaur models in "Jurassic Park" had a total of two hundred people, and they worked on it for two years.  He only started filming after a year.¡± But he quickly laughed: ¡°The monsters you draw are too ugly and look too human. Since they are monsters living in caves, they should avoid showing human characteristics. The design of the monsters must match.  Biologically, the bones must be reconstructed, the skin that is glued on must be adapted to the environment, the fingertips and teeth must also be specially designed, and the most important thing is the eyes. If you can see human feelings through the eyes, it will definitely not work. Monsters need  You need someone to design it. " This was not the first time that Cheng Peng was told that his drawing was ugly. He didn't care at all: "This is a storyboard. Just understand the meaning. Monsters must be designed by someone. You have to learn from it.  As for art, I see that you often draw now. If possible, I hope you can design it." Lian Kai was stunned and asked, "How do you know I still draw frequently?" "You have stains on your fingernails.  The paint can't be the nail polish that hasn't been scraped off, right? " Lian Kai looked at his fingers and found that they were indeed stained with paint, and smiled: "You've observed it really carefully. You're right. Painting and  Special effects makeup is my hobby, so leave it to me to design the monsters." At this moment, Cheng Peng finally revealed his true purpose of finding Lian Kai: "I have an idea, because most of the movies I will make in the future will be special effects movies!  , so I want to set up a special effects studio. When Weta was founded ten years ago, there were only four or five people and three or four computers. Now Weta is the best special effects company in the world. What Peter Jackson can do.  , We may not be able to do it. Are you interested in being the head of this studio? " Lian Kai was startled, Vita, is this idea too crazy? He smiled and said, "Vita, you are really serious.  Dare to think! " Cheng Peng does have this confidence. His confidence comes from a company called BaseFX, whose English name is BaseFX.  In 2006, BaseFX was established in Beijing. The boss was an American, but his employees were basically Chinese.  In 2010, BaseFX won the 62nd Emmy Award for Best Visual Effects for its special effects production in "War in the Pacific".  In 2011, BaseFX won the 63rd Emmy Award for Best Visual Effects for "Boardwalk".  At the end of May 2012, BaseFX officially cooperated with Industrial Light and Magic to produce most of the special effects for the movie "Pacific Rim".  BaseFX started by doing special effects for domestic films, and then gradually developed and expanded, and finally went to Hollywood. If BaseFX can succeed, why can't I?  Of course Cheng Peng would not tell Lian Kai this, but analyzed it from a market perspective: "For a special effects studio to develop, the key is whether it can continue to receive projects. Weta developed through Peter Jackson's movies.  My movie needs special effects, and there will be no shortage of special effects jobs; and we have no rivals in China. There are many people doing CG in China, but not makeup and models. The domestic market is huge, and it will get bigger every day.  Cinemas have opened, and the number of screens has increased by as much as 30%. At this rate, in seven or eight years, the number of screens will be close to 10,000, and then the domestic film market will be able to support a blockbuster film "Journey to the West."  "The monsters in "The Legend of the Gods", the immortals in "The Legend of the Gods", and the monsters in "The Book of Mountains and Seas", if they could appear on the screen, how magnificent and magnificent it would be, you wouldn't want to??Achieve it with your own hands?  "Although the dream has gradually disappeared, those scenes and those monsters have appeared in Lian Kai's dreams countless times. He has never forgotten it. He is only 35 years old, and his blood is still hot. His answer is resolute: "I think about it, even in my dreams!"  "
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